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Nein zum Leinenruck, Hundetraining, hunde, welpen, leinenruck, gesundheitsgefahren für hunde,
Nein zum Leinenruck, Hundetraining, hunde, welpen, leinenruck, gesundheitsgefahren für hunde,
Nein zum Leinenruck, Hundetraining, hunde, welpen, leinenruck, gesundheitsgefahren für hunde,

!?! What physical damage can arise

by continuous influence of a leash jerk !?!

Damage to the spine:

• Whiplash trauma, especially for very thin, narrow collars!

• Lumbar disc herniation, especially for very thin (means narrow) collars!

• Chronic deformed Spondylatrophies, which is arthritic deformation of the lateral vertebral joints.

• Cartilage defects such, most common cause of spondylosis.

Damage to the larynx:

• Chronic laryngeal edema
• laryngeal hemorrhages
• cartilage can tear / refract
• neurological damage, especially with large breeds!


Damage to the thyroid gland:
Damage to the tissue of the thyroid gland caused by concussions. (I might still have some other symptoms of health, but these are not conventional medical school recognized and I was advised on legal grounds not to mention them! I'm sorry!)


Damage to the trachea:
Through pulling on the neck there could be caused internal cracking, the scar formations are causing narrowing in the trachea and that leads to problems during respiration and chronic inflammations of the trachea / respiratory tract in general.


Damage to the lungs:

Large risks of a pulmonary edema (= Water in the lungs), especially in puppies and chain dogs,

the risks are very big!!!

In attempting to breathe in deeply, what is not possible because by the constriction of the leash on the neck,

it comes to a underpressure of the alveoli (pulmonary vesicles =); through that the membrane of the alveoli is permeable and water can penetrate (= pulmonary edema).


Elevated blood pressure:

Due to the constriction of the blood circulation to the brain, by pinching off the blood circulation to the brain, will be reported by the brain "More supply of blood", because it is undersupplied! That is why the body increases the blood pressure to ensure the blood supply to the brain. An elevated blood pressure is the most common cause. (Even here I might still have some other symptoms of health, but these are not conventional medical school recognized and I was advised on legal grounds not to mention them! I'm sorry!)


Increased intraocular pressure:

By pulling the leash on the dog's neck the intraocular pressure increases too,

which leads to:

• Headache (even dogs can have headaches!!).

• seeing nebulised

• The eyesight will be greatly impaired in the long term!!

• Nausea up to vomiting actual!!

• Pain of the trigeminal nerve (= Nerve that descends from the temple in the upper & lower jaw extends)


In addition - The aggression can increase:

It is important to know how dogs learn how dogs learn, because dogs never assign a pain suffered their own behavior, but always with what they have at the moment of the experienced pain seen / heard / smelled.

Since he does not assign the suffered pain on his own behavior, but rather the situation in which he finds himself, a dog learns very quickly to react aggressively on leash.

For example: 

A dog approaches another dog

and is rudely torn away from its owner on a leash

= the dog is convinced that the other dog has inflicted the pain on his neck

and will try at the next encounter to prevent this pain;

by trying to bark the other conspecific away

or rather to run around an individual circle around him.

Unfortunately, many dog owners think that their dogs are very aggressive

- while their dogs want just avoid that hurt them is done -

and now they scold even with their dogs

… perfect is the leash aggression

because now the poor dog feels completely alone in such situations

and is also attempting to clarify it all alone!

Very tragic ...!

Dogs who are wearing from puppy age in a well-customized harness and never had to endure a leash jerk

are as seniors less frequently conspicuous with a leash aggression than dogs who have their entire life

worn a collar and/or were brought up by a leash jerk!


Altered body language:

Due to the sudden raising of the neck and of the front body the body language is altered

(= Triggered by the action of the dog owner = leash jerk!).

Thereby the dog affects to a different conspecific ready to attack and the misunderstanding is "perfect"! Muscle tensions and hardened muscles in the musculature (Acidosis) provide an incorrect body language and this is making other conspecifics insecure, confused and disconcerted at encounters.


Deleting the own body language:

If a dog is kept off from his normal body language by a leash jerk, his calming signals, or wrongly as corrected, the dog deletes the attempt to de-escalate the situation and tries to find a new way.

He generalizes the only path that brought him the desired success, and the dog deletes every other attempt, because it has brought him nothing!!

For example: 

The postman comes every day and brings the mail. He has to come onto the property,

in order to throw the mail into the postbox.

The dog shows by his first appeasement signal (Calming signal: he walks away)

that he wants to have no contact with this stranger.

The postman comes back the next day!

Now the dog gets up and turns his head placatingly to the side (also a calming signal),

but even that is useless for him, the postman comes then the next day again the property.

Next, the dog tries to change his tactics in Barking,
even this measure remains unsuccessful ...

the postman appears again the next day on "his" property!

The next day the dog runs,

as the postman wants to enter the property,

growling, barking and baring to the garden gate,

stopped in front of the garden gate

and bares and barks at the postman .. he postman rings and complains to the dog owner about the "bad" behavior of his dog, the owner attached the mailbox outside at the fence, the postman never enters the property in the future again, the dog has learned which way really brings him to the destination, namely by growl, bare and bark out…  

he will react immediately in this manner with strangers in future!!

Nein zum Leinenruck, Hundetraining, hunde, welpen, leinenruck, gesundheitsgefahren für hunde,
Nein zum Leinenruck, Hundetraining, hunde, welpen, leinenruck, gesundheitsgefahren für hunde,
Nein zum Leinenruck, Hundetraining, hunde, welpen, leinenruck, gesundheitsgefahren für hunde,

"Punishment never leads to a reinforcement

of a desired behavior,
but only ever to a short-term attenuation

or suppression of an undesirable behavior."


Quote: Heineken, Edgar & Habermann, Thomas (1994),

„Lernpsychologie für den beruflichen Alltag“

(„Learning psychology for everyday professional life”)

Heidelberg: Sauer-Verlag /

Quote-Translation: Suse Freiberg aka Doggy Petitins)

Nein zum Leinenruck, Hundetraining, hunde, welpen, leinenruck, gesundheitsgefahren für hunde,

Source: Suse Freiberg aka Doggy Petitions

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