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Afrika / Africa / Afrika


Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

Petitionen für Hunde aus Afrika /

Petitions for dogs from Africa /

Petisies vir honde van Afrika

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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -


doggy petitions, petition, petisie, africa, afrika, hunde, dogs, hond, petición, pétition, petizione,
doggy petitions, petition, petisie, africa, afrika, hunde, dogs, hond, petición, pétition, petizione,


Sagt NEIN zu Experimenten an Tieren in Mauritius

!!! Lasst unsere Tiere micht leiden !!!

- Neu / New 28.1.2017 -


51. From Swiss: Stop Au Massacre De Chiens Errants Au Maroc /

Stoppen Sie die Massaker an streunenden Hunden In Marokko und starten Sie ein humanes „Einfang-Kastration-Wieder Freilassungs-Programm“ /

Stop the Massacre Of Stray Dogs In Morocco and start a human Capture-Sterilization-Release-Program


52. Africa: Evala Dog Eating Festival: Stop Dog Meat Abuse


53. South Africa Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the dog meat trade!


54. Central African Republic NOC: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!


55. Ethiopia Olympic Committee: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!


56. Eritrea Olympic Committee: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!


- Neu / New 1.3.2017 -


57. Algeria Olympic Committee: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!


58. Angola Olympic Committee : Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!


59. Change the Rights of Animals under the Law in South Africa!

Mauritius Animal Rescue – “Rescue me!”

(Tier-Rettung in Mauritius – „Rette mich!“)

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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