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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Nur ein Feigling
würde einen Hund zu schlagen.
!! Sag etwas !!
!! Tu etwas !!
!! Mach ein Foto !!
!! Nimm ein Video auf !!
!! Melde es !!
!! Dieser Hund braucht deine Hilfe !!
?? Wie viele Menschen werden dies teilen ??
601. Justice for Dog with Broken Back Allegedly Denied Medical Care - A dog was allegedly not given urgently needed medication by animal shelter employees and several other animals may have been abused. Activists need to take action to better ensure all other shelter animals are treated humanely.
602. This clearly was chemicals! But they want to blame it on the sun.
604. Punish Man for Drowning Dog With Bowling Ball
605. Don't buy a dog!!
606. Charge Animal Abuser for Poisoning Dogs - A California man still faces no animal cruelty charges after fatally poisoning a neighbor’s dog more than three months ago. Ray Haines left a mixture of dog food and toxic drain cleaner eight feet from the neighbor’s yard where he knew dogs were present. Please sign this petition and urge the District Attorney to file animal cruelty charges against Haines.
607. Lifetime ban against keeping animals of any kind
- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -
608. Puppy Gruesomely Decapitated in Front of Woman and Kids Deserves Justice
609. Que sean Castigados los Asesinos y Maltratadores de Animales /
Auf dass es Bestrafungen für Mörder und Tierquäler geben wird /
That there will be punishment for the Murderers and animal abusers
610. Justice for Woman and Dogs Allegedly Decapitated by Mentally Ill Man
611. Начать уголовное преследование лиц за самоуправное умерщвление животных /
Starten Sie eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung der der Mitglieder der Bürgerwehr wegen der Tötungen von streunenden Tieren!! /
Launch a criminal proceedings against of all vigilantes members because of the killing of stray animals !!
612. To help stop the needles acts of animal cruelty
…Remember Caitlyn :-( !!!
613. Trouvons l'auteur de l'empoisonnement cruel de Pépita et Jaguar /
Finden Sie den Täter, der verantwortlich für die grausame Vergiftung von Pepita und Jaguar ist. /
Find the perpetrator, who is responsible for the cruel poisoning of Pepita and Jaguar.
614. SAVE BUBBLES THE DOG: In Risk of Wrongful Euthanasia at Anderson Animal Shelter in South Elgin, Illinois - at risk of being Euthanized under aggression claims, though there is no proof that she has shown aggression. Though she is said to have spent much of her life in cages, Bubbles was promised she could be saved by a shelter willing to work with her!!! … Please rescue Bubbles :–( she just need to learn how to act right... she is afraid of the world because nobody has showed her the big wide world and all things what could happen :-( WHAT COULD YOU LEARN IN A CAGE / KENNEL???!!!! Fulfill the promise and through dog training she will be a great dog you want to adopt !!!!!
615. Owner found not guilty. We demand justice for Max, the German Shepherd who was tortured to death
616. Matanza de perros en basurero municipal. Justicia YA! /
Tötungen von Hunden in der Stadt Dump. Gerechtigkeit jetzt!/
Killing of dogs in the city dump. Justice NOW!
617. I am calling on the Castlemaine Police to ensure this animal abuser is immediately charged and convicted for his awful crime
…RIP Rahja :-(
618. Encuentren a los enfermos que lastimaron a este perro /
Finden Sie den Kranken, er diesen Hund verletzt hat /
Find the sick human who hurt this dog
619. Justice for Boxer Mama Dog and 2 year old Child in Plant City, Florida - A Mama boxer dog has been unfairly euthanized in
Plant City, Florida after the dog mauled a 2 year boy. The boy is in stable condition. The boy was left unattended with a female dog with young puppies. The Mother of the boy was inside the house and the police had to bang on the door to get her attention. The Mother of the child should be prosecuted for child and animal neglect. This tragedy would not have happened if the owner had acted responsibly in the care of her child and dog. The dog should not have been put to death for protecting her puppies. The status of the puppies is unknown :-(
620. Continuam os maus-tratos aos animais de Cerrito, no RS. /
Beenden Sie die Misshandlungen und das Leiden dieser Tiere auf dieser Farm /
End the mistreatment and suffering of these animals on this ranch
- Neu / New 23.10.2015 -
621. Demand Justice for Severely Abused Pitbulls
622. Aberkennung der Silbermedaille von Lenker Claudio De Ferrari wegen Tierquälerei! Weltweites Verbot für weitere Schlittenhunden-Rennen, und ein Disziplinarverfahren wegen Tierquälerei!! /
Withdrawing the silver medal of handlebar Claudio De Ferrari for animal cruelty! Global ban for other sled dogs race, and disciplinary proceedings for animal cruelty !!
623. Просим Вас расследовать дело гибели собаки-инвалида (без лапы) Бостона и в случае виновности привлечь к
уголовной ответственности, по ст. 245 УК РФ Степанову Л.П. 1964 г.р. ,проживающую по адресу г. Орск , п.Крыловка ул. Набережная д. 15. /
Wir bitten Sie, den Tod des behinderten Hundes „Boston“ (ohne Beine) zu untersuchen, der im Begriff war nach Kanada adoptiert zu werden, und den Täter (Stepanov LP Geboren 1964, wohnhaft in Orsk, p.Krylovka Street, Quay d. 15.), gemäß strafrechtlicher Verantwortlichkeit nach Art. 245 des Strafgesetzbuches zu bestrafen! /
We ask you to investigate the death of the disabled dog "Boston" (without legs), who was going to be adopted by Canada and to punish the perpetrator (Stepanov LP Born 1964, resident in Orsk, p.Krylovka Street, Quay d. 15), according to criminal liability under Art. 245 of the Penal Code !
624. Neglected Animals Deserve Justice - Mother Terri Turner and daughter Frannie Charlene Fisher had already been warned several times that they needed to provide better treatment for their animals. However, it was later reported they did nothing to help the animals’ situation and that they even had been neglecting teenagers in their care who were also found to be living in savage conditions.
625. Justice For Paco The Dog Beaten To Death - Soldotna AK NO Plea Deal for Samuel Lee Stroer
…RIP Paco :-(
626. Samsun’da savunmasız bir hayvana işkence yapan caniler cezasını çeksin /
Die Schläger aus Samsun, die ein wehrlosen Hund quälten, sollten bestraft werden /
The rackets from Samsun that tormented a defenseless dog should be punished
627. Save our Horsforth Park Dog from Euthanasia!!!
628. Pour Pancake et les autres animaux victimes d'erreurs vétérinaires /
Pancake (Französische Bulldoggen Welpe / 5 Monate alt) und andere Tier sind Opfer von veterinärmedizinischen Fehlern – Gerechtigkeit für Pancake und dass diese Tierärzte verstehen, dass ihr Beruf eine Berufung ist, kein Geschäft! /
Pancake (French Bulldog Puppy / 5 months old) and other animal are victims of veterinary errors - Justice for Pancake and that these veterinarians will understand that their profession is a vocation, not a business!
629. Punish Couple Accused of Beating Sons and Neglecting Pets - A New York couple that was charged with beating their two sons, with one son dying from the injuries, has also allegedly been found to have neglected animals living in their home. Bruce and Deborah Leonard’s home reportedly had numerous neglected animals in their garbage-filled home, including four dogs, three birds and several cats in and around their home. Animal rescuers said feces and urine were everywhere in the home.
630. Stop Shooting Dogs #JusticeForDutchess
631. Demand justice for the deaf and blind senior dog who was brutally mudered by a Collingwood OPP
632. Justice for Merrick. Family Dog run over by Police and then shot.
633. Animals (and their owners) have rights too!
635. Pitbull “Hector” saved from Michael Vicks dog fighting ring has died, please read the farewell note - This is the goodby to Hector the pitbull who was one of Michael Vicks dog fighting victims. Please read this goodbye letter from Hectors brother Handsome Dan. Please share it with the people who help fight for animal rights
…RIP Hector :-( sun will shine for you at the rainbowbridge!!!
636. Justice for Angel! A very busy Illegal Drug Dealer moved in next to me and immediately starting threatening me and my animals. They yelled at me, threatened me, tried to run me off the road, sexually harassed me, caused the death of four of my dogs, caused me to get rid of all my goats because they were going to kill them, tried to kill my horse and seriously injured her
- Neu / New 30.10.2015 -
637. Justice for LUCY! Shooting a friendly family dog wearing pink collar, 6 times is beyond Excessive AND Criminal!
…RIP Lucy :-(
638. Retiren el perro que arrastró con su coche al denunciado por presunto delito de maltrato. /
Entziehung des Hund !! Sie wurden wegen angeblichen Missbrauch denunziert, weil Sie Ihren Hund hinter Ihrem Auto hinten an Ihrem Auto angebunden und ihn hinterher gezogen haben!! Strafverfolgung für Tiermissbrauch nach Artikel 337 des Strafgesetzbuches! /
Withdraw the dog!! You are denounced for alleged abuse because of dragging your dog behind your car!! Prosecution for Animal Abuse under Article 337 of the penal code!
639. JUSTICE FOR THE 17 DOGS BURNED ALIVE IN ARSON BY DIANE DAVIS IN PAHRUMP NEVADA - URGENT, PLEASE SIGN NOW, Diane J. Davis was charged with 17 counts of Animal Torture and 1 Count of Arson by the Nye County, Nevada, District Attorney. It is alleged she locked her dogs in cages and then set her house on fire. All 17 dogs perished. Witness testified they saw her placing a white substance on her pets food just prior to the fire.
640. Encuentren al envenenador de perros YA! /
Finden sie die Giftmischer von diesen Hunden JETZT! /
Find the poisoners of these dogs NOW!
641. Justicia para Fénix, otro caso de maltrato animal! /
Gerechtigkeit für Fénix, ein weiterer Fall von Tierquälerei! /
Justice for Fénix, another case of animal abuse!
642. and Suspend the Collingwood Officer who brutally killed an innocent dog
… Justice for Merrick!!!
643. Привлечь к уголовной ответственности изверга, который изморил голодом и холодом собаку до смерти! /
Bestrafung des Monsters, der einen Hund zu Tode hunger und erfrieren ließ /
Punishment for the monster who starved and freezes a dog to death
644. Demand Justice for Starved Dog - “Brewster,” as he is called by his rescuers weighed only 25 pounds when he was brought into the New York City Animal Care Center. Veterinarians say the dog, a boxer, should have weighed 60 pounds. The animal was less than half its desirable weight, and the man who brought him in claiming he found him in a field appears to be the animal’s owner. Officials allege the only reason the owner, Anthony Esteves, brought Brewster in was so the dog wouldn’t die in his bedroom :-(
645. A cachorrinha Sara não pode ser devolvida à casa do agressor! /
Geben Sie den Welpe Sara nicht zu ihrem ehemaligen Besitzer zurück, der sie misshandelt hat /
Don’t return puppy Sara to her former owner who abused her!
…Justice for Duchess
647. Требуем расследовать этот факт и наказать виновных! /
Wir fordern, diese Tatsache zu untersuchen und die Schuldigen zu bestrafen: Am Auto wurde Hund angebunden und über die Straße gezogen, so dass Blutstropfen zurück blieben. Der arme Hund konnte weder jammern oder heulen. Man sah, dass alle Leute weiter gingen, die Studenten wandte sich um und stoppten, manche Menschen schrien und wusste nicht, was los und zu tun ist. Ich konnte mit dem Auto kaum aufholen, stoppte es und begann zu fragen, was sie da tun; die Frau antwortete, dass es ihr Hund war, und sie mit ihm tun, was sie wollen! Ich rief die Polizei; diese "Meister" schoben den bedauernswerten Hund in das Auto und fuhren rasch davon. Ermitteln Sie gegen den Fahrer des Autokennzeichen für Honda 006 XX 93 RUS !!! /
We demand to investigate this fact and punish the guilty: To the car was tethered dog and she was dragged on the road, leaving a drop of blood. The poor dog could not either whine or howl. It is seen all the men passed by, the students turned around and stopped, some people shouted and did not know what it is and what to do. I barely caught up with the car stopped it and began to ask what they are doing the woman replied that it was their dog and they do what they want to do to it! I called the police; these "masters" pushed the unfortunate dog in the car and quickly left. Investigate the driver of a car license plate For Honda 006 XX 93 RUS!!!
648. Demand Justice for 100 Abused and Neglected Animals - Caroline Irby, a Coffee County, Tenn., woman was recently charged with extreme animal neglect after authorities had to rescue 90 dogs and puppies and seven cats from her home where the creatures were reportedly found living in deplorable conditions.
649. Pink Kilt Causes No Kill Shelter Segment to be banned On TV Station
650. Qu'il soit totalement interdit de tirer sur un animal domestique quel qu'il soit!! Et quelles que soient les circonstances!! /
Dafür, dass es komplett verboten wird ein Haustier zu erschießen!! Egal was ist und unter welchen Umständen auch immer!!!
For that it is totally prohibited to shoot a pet !! No matter what is and under what circumstances whatsoever !!

Quelle / Source:
Ein Hund,
komplett mit Teer bedeckt
und zum streben zurück gelassen,
wurde gerade noch rechtzeitig gerettet
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!