Petitionen für Hunde aus Großbritannien (England) /
Petitions for dogs from UK (England, Great Britain)
- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -
101. Improve the Animal Welfare Act. Correct justice for suffering and cruelty.
102. Longer sentencing for animal cruelty!
103. Stop over-vaccinating our pets
104. Reintroduction of Dog Licensing
105. Increase the length of Quade Roy Adams' sentence
106.Please impose a custodial sentence on Steven Woodhouse of Long Buckby for stealing, then killing by drowning a defenseless dog and concealing her body
- Neu / New 14.10.2015 -
107. Stop Waitrose unethically selling pet foods, putting 1,000's of people & pet shops out of business.
108. To give Hayley Cowan (the dog murderer) a longer sentence.
109. STOP THE NEEDLESS DEATH OF HUNDREDS OF DOGS EACH WEEK - Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England, along with other dog charities over the last 10 years have rescued thousands of dogs from Southern Ireland. The European Commission has introduced pet passports for all dogs traveling from Ireland to England. This now means it costs approximately £500 to help save a dogs life.
110. The Animal Lodge's petition to extend.
111. Stop Compulsory Dog Microchipping.
112. I demand the British Government regulate vet's and their greed which are making hard strapped people here have to
give up their animals.
113. Help stop test lab puppy farm opening in UK
115. Justice for the Staffie tortured and hanged in Mottingham, UK
- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -
116. UK wants to STOP THE STATE FUNDED MASS POISONING of the stray and unwanted dogs of Chisinau, Moldova
118. Tell pet food retailers to stop importing caged rabbit meat for UK pet food!
119. All Vets should display their prices
120. Stop Neutering Dogs at Six Weeks of Age - Vets have come out and stated that this practice negatively affects dogs future health and wellbeing.
121. Introduce an Animal Offender Register
122. All vets to scan new patients for microchip
123. Psychological Assistance Dogs for people in the UK
124. Create an Animal Abuse Register for animal offenders
125. Please introduce a new law on dog and cat breeding so we can put an end to the unnecessary suffering of animals.
- Neu / New 24.10.2015 -
126. Legalize Pit Bulls In The UK!!
127. Boycott Sports Direct for their use of Real Fur!
128. Ban the sale of fireworks to the public
- Neu / New 31.10.2015 -
129. Save Lyra, my Mastiff
130. Ban the sale of Fireworks for personal use
131. Unqualified dog behaviorists ...I am also a Dog Trainer and dog behaviorists We have the same problem here in Germany :-( But since 1.8.2015 we now have a bit protection for the dogs because you now need to proof your knowledge to receive a Trading Licences!! BUT :-/ who will check regularly in the future??!!
132. Get Bella Home NOW! People are trying to push the council to get this beautiful dog put down. There was an incident and the police was called, but the police officer that was called, said that Bella was COMPLETELY HARMLESS …but now the council is saying otherwise… #getbellahome
133. Tell the UK Government to Prioritize Policing of Dog Fighting!
134. Chopper is a Safe Dog Petition - Please Sign and save our dog. We miss him so much! A dog is more than just a pet, he is a family member and you can’t give up on family!
135. Demand that ALL European Union Countries comply with a basic animal welfare protection act, enshrined in law!! There are many countries who have joined the EU who do not have or do not comply with, basic animal welfare laws. Countries such as Romania, Hungary, Greece and many former "Eastern Block" countries do not have adequate laws to protect animals or provide adequate food, water or shelter for lost and abandoned animals; dogs, cats and donkeys being the ones that suffer the most. In Romania, Hungary and Greece, to name but a few examples, dogs are kept in "kill" shelters where they are injected with antifreeze in the heart or have their throats slit. Puppies are either stamped on or put in a freezer and frozen to death, as this is considered "more humane"
- Neu / New 8.11.2015 -
136. Help save Bonnie - seized under Breed Specific Legislation
137. Demand fireworks to be made illegal without a license!
138. Stop Unregulated Firework Displays: Petitioning Sales of fireworks to the public and to ban pop up shops trading fireworks
- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -
139. Amputee Dog Bailey Needs To Go Home
140. INVESTIGATE the UK registered charity #1154524 known as ‘No To Dog Meat’ (NTDM aka WPDCMT)
141. Scrap the puppy trade - Calling on the UK Government to act urgently and introduce the ‘Puppy Dealers Act’ in England to stop the unscrupulous trade in puppies. Puppy trafficking is big business with dealers getting rich and leaving a trail of dead puppies and heartbroken families in their wake.
142. Rescind Approval of Second Dog Breeding Facility - Just days after the UK government has cancelled the vote for relaxing the foxing ban, officials have announced plans to open a second massive breeding facility that sells puppies for animal testing
143. Stop Killing Stray Dogs (UK)
144. Stop Greyhound Racing in Birmingham
145. Allow dogs on index to live in leeds city council property
- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -
146. Contact the European Union to rescind the Dog Passports from Ireland to England as He is the English Minister for DEFRA
147. Appeal Case that Freed Alleged Dog Fighters - Six people in Devon, United Kingdom were set free without charges after their court case concluded that their accused crimes were not directly stated in the current laws relating to dog fighting. The six people in question, Nathan Baker, Craig Ford, Benjamin Luscombe, Craige McCormick, Alex Salt, and Kerry Wrightson had, together, 33 charges pressed against them. Nathan Baker had eight charges on his own, some including unnecessary suffering to an animal, killing a deer, and buying and training dogs for fighting.
148. Praise Improved Standards for Greyhound Racing - Authorities in New South Wales and Victoria Australia have imposed stronger animal welfare regulations as the result of rising criticism over reports that thousands of racing dogs are being euthanized every year. The terrible fate of most racing dogs has been common knowledge for decades and Australia has finally taken steps to do something to end it, and for that, Greyhound Racing NSW deserves our gratitude!!
149. Protect the Puppies- Ban Puppy Farms Now - New South Wales Government
- Neu / New 26.11.2015 -
150. Bring in Dog Licences to Prevent Neglect and Abuse

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Gerettete Hunde
werden dir dein Herz herausreißen,
darauf herum stampfen
und es an einem Ort begraben,
wo du nie denken würdest,
dass du es wiederfindest ...
Dann kommt ein anderer Hund,
der es ausgräbt undes dir zurück gibt!

Sei unsere Stimme
Sei die Veränderung
Quelle/ Source: Facebook
England (Großbritannien) /
Great Britain (UK) 3