Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!
2351. Spain: Asesinan a sus cinco perros por querer prohibir la caza en sus terrenos de Granada: queremos que se haga justicia! /
Sie ermordeten ihre fünf Hunde, weil sie die Jagd auf ihrem Land in Granada verboten hat: Wir wollen Gerechtigkeit sehen! /
They murder her five dogs, because she banned hunting on her land in Granada: We want justice done!
2352. Demand justice for Grant County abused animals - We want to stand together for the rights of the animals involved in the video and picture to have it taken higher than the county for charges to be brought forth.
2353. Spain: Encontremos a los culpables de la muerte de Chocolate /
Finden Sie die Schuldigen, die verantwortlich für den Tod von Chocolate sind - Festnahme und strafrechtliche Verfolgung diese Idioten, die einen 3 Monate alten Welpen, namens Schokolade, häuteten und ihn einen qualvollen Tod auf den Straßen sterben ließen! ...Ruhe in Frieden, Chocolate/
Find the culprits responsible of the death of Chocolate - Find and Prosecute these pos that skinned a 3 month old Puppy named Chocolate and left him on the Streets to die an agonizing death!
...RIP Chocolate :-/
2354. Close down its second group on Facebook!! "Game Fit Working Dogs"
2355. Save my life
2356. Dog Found Abandoned and Starving in Her Own Feces Deserves Justice
...RIP Tanny :-(
2357. Mexico: Cruel Asesino De Perros /
Grausamer Mörder Von Hunden - Verfolgen Sie Rolando Negrete, ein Bewohner von Nueva Rosita Cáhuila für den Mord dieses Hundes! /
Cruel Murderer Of Dogs - Prosecute Rolando Negrete, a resident of Nueva Rosita Cáhuila for the Murder of this Dog!
2358. Mexico: Justicia Para Tobi /
Gerechtigkeit für Tabi - Gerechtigkeit für den Hund, der von einem Nachbarn durch ein Tor gezogen wurde und ihm in den Anal-Bereich stach, wobei er ihm fast die Rute abriss! /
Justice for the dog, which was drawn by a neighbor through a gate and stabbed him in the anal area, where he nearly tore off his tail!
2359. Mexico: Envenenan y mueren 80 perros en Fraccionamiento Valle San Miguel, Huejotzingo, Puebla,Méx./
Bestrafen Sie die Frau, genannt Guadalupe - Sie Vergiftet und tötete 80 Hunde in Fraccionamiento Valle San Miguel, Huejotzingo, Puebla, Mex., weil sie die Hunde nicht hübsch fand /
Punish the woman, named Guadalupe - She poisoned and killed 80 dogs in Fraccionamiento Valle San Miguel, Huejotzingo, Puebla, Mex., Because she found the dogs not pretty enough
2360. Punish Criminal Who Cut Off Dog’s Nose and Ears - A Rottweiler named Baron was found in Southwest Detroit with his ears, tail and nose cut off. Luckily, according to the Humane Society, Baron is doing remarkably well considering his trauma and condition. more: Dog found with ears, nose cut off; Reward offered for arrest
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2361. Punish Criminal Who Cut Off Dog’s Nose
...please sign once more for Baron
Shevchenko Mercury Marktverwaltung: Stoppen Sie Ködern und Ermorden der streunenden Hunde in Zaporozhye! /
Shevchenko Mercury Market Administration: Stop baiting and murdering the stray dogs in Zaporozhye!
2363. Justice for Dog Found With Nose and Ears Cut Off – Justice for Baron!!!
2364. France: Peine maximale avec prison ferme pour le propriétaire du chien jeté du 6ème étage suite à une dispute conjugale à Toulon /
Höchststrafe mit Gefängnis für den Besitzer des Hundes in Toulon , der ihn, nach einer häuslichen Auseinandersetzung, aus dem 6. Stock warf
...Ruhe in Friedn, kleine Seele :-( /
Maximum penalty with prison for the owner of the dog in Toulon, who threw him from the 6th floor after a domestic dispute
...RIP öittle soul :-(
2365. Justice for Dog Allegedly Run Over, Skinned, and Decapitated - A dog was reportedly run over by an EMS worker, who then allegedly skinned and decapitated the dog’s dead body. Photos of the mutilated dog were allegedly sent to his family shortly after they reported him missing
...Justice for Goliath!!!!!
2366. Argentina: Justicia por Rubio. Aprueben Ordenanza de Pirotecnia Cero en San Carlos Norte/
Wir fordern Gerechtigkeit für Rubio, der Hund, der an einem Feuerwerkskörper, der seinen Mund sprengte, starb! Wir brauchen einen Zero Pyrotechnic Gesetz in San Carlos Norte, um zu verhindern, dass dies wieder passiert! /
We Demand Justice for Rubio, the Dog that died from a Firecracker blowing up its mouth, we need a Zero Pyrotechnic Ordnance in San Carlos Norte to Prevent this from happening again!
2367. Argentina: Demand justice for Luz, the sweet gentle puppy who was skinned alive by cruel maniacs
2368. Turkey: Köpekleri vahşice dövüştüren ve illegal satış gerçekleştiren Onur Gür gerekli cezayı alsın /
Onur Gür, der Hunde brutal schlägt und illegale Verkäufe tätigt, muss die notwendige Strafe bekommen !! /
Onur Gür, who brutally beats dogs and makes illegal sales, must get the necessary punishment !!
2369. Justice For Keiser Shot To Death By Neighbor
...RIP Keiser :-(
2370. Chile: Justicia por Boxerito, un perrito rescatado que fue asesinado! /
Verfolgen Sie den Idioten, der auf einen Welpen, namens Boxerito, in seinem eigenen eingezäunt Hof schoss und ihn tötete! /
Prosecute the POS that Shot and Killed a puppy named Boxerito in his own fenced in yard!
2371. Demand that Lasse Hallström donate 1% of revenue from "a Dogs Purpose" to P.A.W.S.
2372. France: Une peine exemplaire pour l'homme ayant laissé mourir son Border Collie dans sa voiture en plein soleil!!! /
Eine beispielhafte Strafe für den Mann, der seinen Border Collie in seinem Auto in der heißen Sonne sterben lies /
An exemplary punishment for the man who left his Border Collie die in his car in the hot sun!!!
2373. Demand justice for this abused dog Named Blu!
2374. Turkey: Hayvanlara eziyetin bedeli ağır olsun! /
Der Preis für Tierquälerei soll endlich ernsthaft umgesetzt werden! Verfolgen und Bestrafen Sie diese Typen, die einem Welpen mit einem Messer die Ohren abschnitten! /
The price for animal cruelty is to be finally implemented seriously! punish those guys who cut of the ears of this puppy with a knife!
2375. El Salvador: Justicia para Mambo /
Gerechtigkeit für Mambo - Finden und bestrafen Sie den Idiot, der einem Welpen, namens Mambo, mit einer Machete angriff und ihn schließlich tötete! /
Justice for Mambo - Find and punish the idiot who attacked a puppy named Mambo with a machete and finally killed him!
Seite / Page
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
2376. Punish People Who Filmed Themselves Kicking a Dog in the Head
2378. France: Peine exemplaire pour l'homme qui a défenestré son chien, rue Sérurier à Laon dans la nuit du 7 au 8 mai 2016 /
Eine beispielhafte Strafe für den Mann, der seinen Hund, in der Nacht von 7 bis 8. Mai 2016, aus dem Fenster des zweiten Stockwerks warf; Straße Sérurier in Laon /
An exemplary punishment for the man who threw his dog out of the second floor window on the night of 7 to 8 May
2016; Street Sérurier in Laon
2379. End Animal abuse now! #JusticeforCharlotte
2380. Argentina: Justicia por este perro le fracturaron la cabeza con un fierro! /
Gerechtigkeit für diesen Hund - Verfolgen Sie die Täter, die einem Hund mit einer Stange aus Metall auf dem Kopf schlugen, bis der
Schädel aufbrach. /
Justice for this dog - Find the perpetrators who hit a dog with a metal rod on his head until the skull broke open
2381. Puppy Skinned, Shot and Left for Dead on Road Deserves Justice
2382. Spain: SALVAR A GARULO /
Rettet Garulo - Gebt Garulo eine Chance zu leben! Rehabilitation durch Hundetraining, Neubewertung seines Wesens und dann vermittelt ihn in ein liebevolles Zuhause! /
Rescue Garulo - Give Garulo a chance to live! Rehabilitation by dog training, re-evaluation of his being and then adopt him to a loving home!
2383. Justice for Puppies Left to Die in the Cold - Nineteen puppies are being cared for at a shelter after being found outside in a urine-soaked cardboard box.
2384. Dog Allegedly Left With No Leg After Dozens of Beatings Deserves Justice
2385. Stop Painkiller Abusers From Abusing Their Dogs - People all over the world are purposely harming their dogs to get their hands on Tramadol, a painkiller that has gained popularity as an illegal recreational drug.
2386. Justice for Dog Injured in Fight and Left to Die
2387. Justice for Senior Dog Kidnapped and Brutally Kicked – Justice for Opal, a 16-year old Italian greyhound
2388. Justice for Four Dogs Seized from Alleged Dog Fighting Ring
2389. Justice for Terrified Dog Transported in Open Trailer on Highway
2390. Indonesia: Media Sosial Bukan Tempat Memamerkan Aksi Animal Abuse, Tangkap Pelaku Pemenggal Doggy! /
Soziale Netzwerk ist nicht der Ort, um Taten der Tierquälerei zu zeigen! Finden und bestrafen Sie diejenigen, die den weißen Hund enthauptet! /
Social media is not the place to show acts of animal cruelty! Find and punish those who decapitated the white dog!
2391. Dog Allegedly Lured Over Fence and Cruelly Killed Deserves Justice
2392. France: Justice pour Chrystal abattue chez elle ...reposer en paix Chrystal :-( /
Gerechtigkeit für Crystal, erschossen im eigenem Garten
...Ruhe in Frieden Chrystal :-( /
Justice for Chrystal shot to death in her garden
...RIP Chrystal :-(
2393. Maximum sentencing for Bradley Hubbard the Pensacola dog molester - Bradley Jean Hubbard, a 23 year old, abused his family dog "Baby Girl" sexually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. A family member reported the disturbing situation after telling authorities she had witnessed the suspect take the dog into his room, and told police the assaults had been happening FOR YEARS, and had gone on more than 100 times!! more: Florida man arrested on bestiality charges
Sign and share widely here please:
2394. Justice for Dog Found Starving and Left to Die
2395. Justice for Cue the Australian Shepherd - We Demand a Full Investigation of Dog Handler and Breeder Laura Liebenow, into the Neglect and Death of a Aussie named Cue
... RIP Cue :-(
2396. Justice for Dogs Allegedly Left to Starve to Death in Mobile Home - Amber Davis (Charlestown, Indiana) the dogs’ reported owner, has been charged with five counts of animal cruelty. She could face up to five years in jail. The dogs were transported to a shelter for treatment. Demand the maximum penalty!!!
2397. Argentina: Que la Policía actúe rápidamente para encontrar a los asesinos de 15 perros y gatos! /
Lasst die Polizei schnell handeln, um die Mörder von 15 Hunden und Katzen zu finden!/
Let the police act quickly to find the killers of 15 dogs and cats!
2398. Turkey: Köpekleri döven Cemil Demirbaşı cezalandırılsın!
Punish Cemil Demirbaşı for beating dogs! /
Bestraft Cemil Demirbaşı dafür, das er Hunde verprügelt
2399. My service dog was stolen from me while I was in the hospital ...BRING MAJOR BACK HOME!!!!
2400. India: Justice for Pregnant Dog Beaten for "Trespassing"

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Einen Hund zu haben, ist ein Privileg,
kein Recht!
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Dog Waits On Curb For Over A Month After His Family Moves Away