Petitionen für Service & Therapie Hunde /
Petitions for Service & Therapy Dogs

Quelle / Source: Pinterest
Für einige sind dies "nur" Hunde,
aber für ihre behinderten Menschen
sind sie Service-Hunde Helden!!
1. Help Stop Fake Service Dogs: Support Real Service Dogs for Real Disabled Handlers
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2. Urge Ohio to Implement Laws Against Keeping Working or Pet Dogs Outside in Cold Weather!!
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3. Justice for Burberry! Destroyed By A Police Officer After His Colleague Petted The Dog!
4. Condemn Diner Owner of “Big I’s Diner”, Russell Ireland, for Refusing to Serve War Veteran Because of his Service Dog - Apologize for forcing a disabled war veteran to leave the diner because of his service dog…
5. Do Not Euthanize Support Dog and return her to disabled Vietnam veteran!!!!
6. Demand Apology from Store that Forced Veteran to Leave Because of His Service Dog
7. Demand Justice for Service Dog Kicked by Airline Worker
8. Demand Justice for the Killer of a 14-Year-Old's Therapy Dog
9. Give proper retirement to military service dogs, don't put them to sleep!
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10. R. Andrew Murray, Prosecutor of Mecklenburg County, Charlotte N.C.: Justice for Rakin, a beloved service dog
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11. Apologize to and Compensate Woman Refused Concert with her Service Dog
12. To put a warning about the website on their website, that Service Dog Registry is not a recognized "registration", and compel "Service Dog Registration of America to post
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13. Walgreen's - Compensate Disabled Vet with Service Dog Told to Leave Store!
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14. Support Service Dogs, and Help Wounded Warriors Battle PTSD
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15. Businesses in NC Need to be Educated on Laws Regarding Service Dogs & Veterans
16. Commend Program that Trains Dogs to Aid Diabetics
17. Demand appropriate certification for Emotional Support Animals (ESA)
18. Save Dutch the Service Dog - Dutch was accused of being a "vicious" dog and is now in danger of euthanization by court order.
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19. Help get permission for Conrad to own a therapy dog in Bellamont Gardens
20. Applaud Service Dog Training Research
21. Change the Army’s Restrictive Policy on Service Dogs.
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22. Provide Service Dog Benefits for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
23. Pets Instead of Pills: Support Service Dogs for Veterans - Sign in support of therapy animals for our wounded warriors.
24. Protect Assistance Dogs - UK Only!!!
25. Allow disabled people to use Direct Payments for their assistance dogs. - UK Only!!!
26. Demand Consumers Verify Service Dog Ownership before Purchasing Service Dog Vests
27. Starbucks, NY - Please Train Your Staff on Serving Patrons With Service Dogs /
Starbucks, NY - Bitte schulen sie Ihre Mitarbeiter auf das Servieren an Gäste mit Service-Hunden
28. Support PTSD/TBI Service Dogs for veterans!
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29. Demand a Home Inspection For Palin's Service Dog!
30. Justice for Bruiser - Stiffer penalties for anyone who injures or kills a Service Dog.
31. Required animal training for all law enforcement
32. Provide service dogs to Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
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34. Support Rescued Pit Bulls Aiding in Veteran Recovery - Congratulate Pits for Patriots on their tremendous efforts to repair the lives of pit bulls and veterans.
- Neu / New 1.8.2015 -
35. Miss Sophie gehört zu Domi #bringsophieback /
Miss Sophie belongs to Domi #bringsophieback
36. Save Therapy dog from kill shelter in Springfield, MO
- Neu / New 6.8.2015 -
37. Allow my therapy dog to live on campus with me next year
38. Save Walter McAlister, the Service Dog
39. Therapy Dogs for NYU Law
- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -
40. Dylan und Tascha - Gegen die Zwangsbeschlagnahmung von Tascha ! /
Dylan and Tasha - against the forced confiscation of Tasha! Dylan is a mentally handicapped child who is in a vegetative state. Tasha (Stafford Terrier 6 years) is his faithful service dog and it has been proven through his doctors that Dylan´s heartbeat significantly improved when Tasha is next to him. Now Tasha is to be expelled of Brandenburg, Germany, or she will be coercion confiscated.
41. Keep Our Service Dogs at LVE
42. Pledge To Stop Service Dog Fraud - Protect the Rights if people who legitimately need Service Dogs
43. Service Dog Work Should Be Broadly Defined
44. Reunite retired military dogs with the veterans that love them.
45. Military Service Dogs Need Your Help
46. Help bring military service dogs home to retire - Now they are categorized as civilians in military shelters and non-profits must get them adopted & bear the costs
47. Make Air Travel Safer For People With Autism And Service Dogs.
48. Honor our four-legged war heroes
49. Georgia: Prevent Police Dogs from Dying in the Back of Cop Cars
- Neu / New 20.8.2015 -
50: Last Mountain Rescue Dog VIDEO

Bulldoggen für Soldaten
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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