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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,

 Quelle/ Source: Google+


Deine Menschlichkeit starb in dem Moment,

in dem Du mich ausgesetzt hast...

851. Abused Orangeburg 3 German shepherds could be returned to owner: Be their voices - To help these dogs, advocates are asked to respectfully submit letters to Judge Willie Robinson requesting the dogs never be returned to Harry Leviner and that they receive the treatment and care they deserve:You can contact Judge Robinson's office here to let them know how you feel (please search below for the address )

...Remember this Petition: Owner filmed pounding pet dog with metal pipe, deserves punishment! Do you agree?

Please send a Protest Letter to Judge Willie Robinson:


852. FREE MARLEY!!! He was roughly 6-7 weeks old when I rescued him off the streets of  Kabul, Afghanistan. He is now the victim of a VERY overzealous Bay County, Florida Animal Control Agency


853. La abandonaron destrozada adentro de un costal y murió en el peor estado. ¡Encuentren al asesino! /

In einem Sack gepackt und ausgesetzt, verstarb er unter schlimmsten Zuständen. Finden Sie den Mörder! /

Packed in a bag and abandoned, he died under the worst conditions. Find the murderer!


854. Charge Rescue Group Where Dead and Neglected Animals Were Allegedly Found - Police reportedly found over ten dogs and a cat dead in crates, as well 22 live animals at a so-called animal rescue center claiming to shelter animals before they could be euthanized.


855. Cárcel al asesino que acribilló a un pitbull de un tiro en la cabeza /

Gefängnis für den Mörder, der ein Pitbull mit einem Schuss in den Kopf tötete! /

Jail to the Murderer who killed a Pit Bull with a Shot in the Head!


856. Speed bumps in orchard park kelso - This year there has been numerous accidents for animals being struck or killed out right. My dog being one of which had been struck.


857. Encuentren a los que obligaron a un perrito a beber alcohol FIRMA Y COMPARTE ESTA PETICIÓN AHORA! /

Finden Sie diejenigen, die einen Welpen zwangen Alkohol zu trinken! /

Find and Prosecute Perpetrators that Forced a Puppy to Drink Alcohol!


858. Saving Wiggles - Due to unfair restrictions from Inland Valley Humane Society, I was unable to adopt Wiggles, a 8 month Chihuahua, and must fear he faces certain death. Please petition for me and my family to be able to take him to a forever home!


859. Justice for Kitty {An innocent dog who was shot and lost her life too soon. Help get justice for our Kitty dog}  …RIP Kitty :-(



… In July of 2015 OSPCA, without notice or justification, swept in on a little farm outside of North Bay Ontario and seized 2 dogs, both rescues and family pets belonging to Randy and Rebecca Ashworth – so please: Take a stand for Randy & Rebecca Ashworth, who are licensed as a rescue for over 20 years without any problems; along with rescuing local dogs, they started a well respected international rescue for dogs from other countries called “The Laika Fund for Street Dogs” :-(


861. Boys Accused of Setting Dog on Fire Must be Prosecuted – Justice for Chunky, the Chihuahua!!!!!


862. Lasciando un cucciolo ferito di fronte a una telecamera di sicurezza, la polizia deve trovare lui! /

Ein kranker Welpe wurde vor einer Überwachungskamera ausgesetzt, die Polizei MUSS ihn finden können! 

…Gerechtigkeit für "Quino"!!! :-( /

An sick puppy has been abandoned in front of a surveillance camera, the police MUST find him !

... Justice for "Quino" !!! :-(


863. Justice for Khushi, the dog who paid the price for Rheo's justice


864. Investiguen el abandono de un perro con cinta eléctrica en su hocico y patas /

Untersuchen Sie den Fall des ausgesetzten Hundes, dessen Schnauze mit Tape-Band umklebt war und dessen Beine mit Elektrokabel gefesselt wurden! /

Investigate the Abandonment of a Dog Found with Its Muzzle Taped Shut and Electrical Tape around its Legs!


865. A Monsieur le Préfet de la ville de Meknès: Justice pour Rosa!! /

An den Präfekten der Stadt Meknes: Gerechtigkeit für Rosa - Rosa, eine schwangere Hündin, wurde von einem widerlichen Menschen vergewaltigt und von ihrem Vergewaltiger gnadenlos vom Dach eines Gebäudes geworfen  

…Ruhe in Frieden, Rosa :-(  /

To the Prefect of the city of Meknes: Justice Rosa - Rosa, a pregnant female dog, was raped by a human and mercilessly thrown from the roof of a building by her rapist 

…RIP Rosa :-(


866. Lock up the owner of a farm that had 55 dogs in terrible health conditions - The Seprona dismantled an illegal breeding farm of purebred dogs that was hell itself for these animals. Fifty-five abused dogs lying there in very delicate health conditions, and exploited. Many had their tails amputated and cut off their vocal cords to avoid suspicion with the barking, and some had deformity in his legs because they stepped over the bars of the cages, even to breeding females they practiced cesarean sections, and all without veterinary care, living with their own excrement and without seeing the sun.


867. Don't ban my dog from military housing just because of her breed and she may be taken away from me, because of an absurd and misguided ban on “aggressive” dog breeds on all military bases. What’s crazy is that bulldogs aren’t even on my base’s list of banned breeds, but the housing office says her jaws “look very pitbull.   

…are they way crazy?? So many police/ military dogs are Pitbulls, German Shepards and so on :-/


868. Prohíban la tortura y asesinato animal en la celebración del “Jalapato” /

Verbietet die Folterungen und Ermordungen von Tieren bei den Feiern zu "Jalapato" /

Prohibit the torture and murder of animals in the celebrations at "Jalapato"


869. Tania fue usada como “sparring” para perros de pelea en Murcia /

Tania wurde als "Trainings Köder" für Hundekämpfe in Murcia verwendet /

Tania was used as "training bait" for dog fighting in Murcia


870. Matan cinco galgos por ser “inservibles”, pidamos justicia! /

Sie töteten fünf Windhunde, weil sie "nutzlos" waren, Forderung nach Gerechtigkeit! /

They killed five greyhounds because they are "useless" were, a call for justice!


871. Encierren a los dueños de una perrera clandestina que maltrato animales durante años /

Gefängnis für die Besitzer eines geheimen Hundezwingers, die die Tiere über Jahre hinweg missbrauchten und quälten /

Prison for the owners of clandestine kennel who abused animals for years


872. Ban all acts of animal cruelty, especially to dogs!


873. JUSTICE FOR MAX ** BLUE CROSS KILLED A PERFECTLY HEALTHY DOG WITH A KNOWLEDGEABLE HOME AWAITING HIM ** REVEAL THE SCANDAL ** ONLY approx 43p of your £1 goes toward anything to do with the animals! 

…RIP Max :-(


874. Premier Baird: 300 dogs could be shot dead - please urgently intervene!


875. Cárcel máxima para otro enfermo que quemó vivo a su perro 

... Descansa en paz, Rocky :-(  /

Maximale Gefängnisstrafe auf einen weiteren kranken Menschen aus Virginia, USA, der seinen Hund lebendig verbrannte 

…Ruhe in Frieden, Rocky :-(  /

Maximum prison to another sick person from Virginia, USA, who burned his dog alive 

…RIP Rocky :-(


876. Mandan a un perro a matar a una zarigüeya a quién habían atacado brutalmente con palos /

Befohlen einem Hund ein Opossum zu töten, dass sie vorab brutal mit Stöcken angegriffen - In einem Video sieht man eine Gruppe von Männern, die von einem Pitbull Hund begleitet werden. Sie schmissen Wurfstöcke auf eine Beutelratte, die in einem Baum schlief. Sobald das Tier auf den Boden fiel, wurde dem Hund der Befehl gegeben anzugreifen, während die Männer über den brutalen Überfall lachten.  /

Command a dog to kill a possum whom had been brutally attacked with sticks - In a video you can see a group of men that are accompanied by a pit bull dog. They threw throwing sticks at a possum who was sleeping in a tree. Once the animal fell to the ground, the dog was given the command to attack, while the men were laughing at the brutal assault.


877. ¡Ayuden a Desiree; una perra que anda por las calles gravemente herida! /

Hilfe für Desiree; ein Hund, der schwer verletzt durch die Straßen geht ! /

Help for Desiree - a dog walking through the streets! seriously injured !


878. Stop the suffering for the many dogs at the Kinship Companion Kennels - The 100+ dogs are kept in a building without windows. The dogs live in dark, cramped living conditions. Dogs are crowded in small crates.  The dogs are matted, urine soaked, and covered in feces. They are not exercised or given human contact :-(



…bring Annie back home!!! :-/


880. BROOKHAVEN SHELTER has reputable rescue application for "BUDDY" the dog - RELEASE him NOW!


881. Encuentren a quién abandonó en un bote de basura a un perro con las patas rotas /

Findet denjenigen, der diesen Hund mit gebrochenen Beinen im Müll aussetzte!  /

Find those who abandoned this dog with broken legs in the trash!


882. Investiguen el terrible maltrato que sufrieron dos perros policía en Galapagar /

Untersuchen sie den schrecklichen Missbrauch, den zwei Polizeihunde in Galapagar erlitten /

Investigate the terrible mistreatment that two police dogs suffered in Galapagar


883. Pena máxima al pastor que mató de asfixia a sus dos perros en Soria /

Bestrafung für den Hirten aus Soria, der seine zwei Jagdhunde durch ersticken tötete! /

Punishment for the herdsmen of Soria, who killed his two hunting dogs by suffocation!


884. Stop allowing death due to negligent animal owners without punishment!


885. Protect the dogs! Stop animal cruelty!


886. Special laws for animal abuse.


- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -


887. MAHASISWA/I STT DI MAKASSAR MENUAI KRITIKAN TAJAM DARI DOGLOVERS !!!!! / Die Schüler müssen, für das Töten und Essen ein Haustier Hundes namens "Dada" auf ihrem Campus, stark kritisiert und verurteilt werden ! Intensive Verachtung aller Hundeliebhaber !!!!! ... Ruhe in Frieden, Dada :-( / Students must be strongly criticized and punished for killing and eating a Pet Dog, named “Dada” on their Campus! Intensive contempt of all Dog Lovers !!!!!

…RIP Dada :-(


888. Hold Raymond Bass (resides in Dayton,Ohio) accountable for posting and promoting dog fighting on his Facebook page.


889. POLDA NTT Tolong Usut Tuntas Kasus Ini.  /

NTT POLDA - Helfen sie dabei diesen Fall vollkommen zu untersuchen! Kürzlich wurde ein Account entdeckt, mit einem hochgeladenem Foto, das einen Mann zeigt, der vor einem Hund steht, dessen Hals aufgestochen wurde. Dieser Vorfall ereignete sich in Kupang - East. Dort ist dieser Mann, von seinem Facebook-Profil her, bekannt; Er arbeitet in einer der Regionalbanken in Kupang - East. /

NTT POLDA - Help Investigate this Case Completely! It was recently discovered an account with an upload of a photograph showing a man standing in front of a dog whose neck was punctured. This incident occurred in Kupang - East. This incident occurred in Kupang - East. There this man is known from his Facebook profile; he working in one of the regional banks in Kupang - East.


890. Save Diesel the Service Dog / Stop Sgt. Butler from Killing Dogs in Des Moines, IA  

.. after Sgt Butler became Chief Humane Officer dangerous dog declarations went from 2 or 3 a year to 16 dogs (pit bull type because he has openly stated how he hates them) earning him the title "Chief Dog Killer" :-/


891. Hunt down these two! Don't let them get away with this horrendous act! Facebook condones!


892. After 3 husky family members are murdered the killers still FREE - Randy Wall a Demotte, Indiana resident, shot, killed and burned three dogs in cold blood.


893. El colmo: una veterinaria maltratadora de perros. /

Stoppen Sie diese Tierärztin (aus dem Bezirk San Luis, in Lima – Peru), die Hunde missbräuchlich behandelt - Jemand hörte den Hund, der in einem beklagenswerten schmutzigen Zustand war, Schreien und filmte geistesgegenwärtig, diese Situation mit seiner Kamera. Der Hund lief lahm, aber die Tierärztin interessierte dies überhaupt nicht und zog ihn einfach am Kragen weiter :-(  / 

Stop this veterinarian (from the District San Luis, in Lima - Peru), who treats the dogs abusively - Someone heard the dog, who was in a deplorable dirty condition dirty, screaming and filmed in a presence of mind this situation with his camera. The dog ran lame, but the vet was not a bit interested of it and simply pulled him by his collar :-(


894. Do not euthanize Yogi, bring him back home to Lucas MacNeil


895. JUSTICE for this poor puppy


896. Find and Prosecute the Perpetrator Responsible for Putting a Metal Wire Around A Dogs Neck and Abandoning Him at Oceanside to Die. (Any Information on this Case, please call Crime Stoppers at 888-580-8477)


897. Release Bosco to the Lucas County Pit Crew Immediately!


898. Punish Cops Who Allegedly Laughed While Shooting Puppy - Apparently the dog was secured properly in the yard, and that instead of knocking on her door to talk to her about supposed complaints about her pet, the police went straight onto her property, through her gate, and killed Bear. The animal control officer with them claims that Bear broke his restraints and knocked him over, but did not say that the dog bit him or attempted to hurt him. For this, the officers felt it necessary to pump eight bullets into the puppy. They then allegedly said to Fry: “Well you don’t have a dog anymore. He’s done now!”  

:-(  RIP Bear :-(


899. Investiguen a los responsables de matar animales como parte de un ritual satánico /

Untersuchen Sie die Morde der Tiere, die als Teil satanischer Rituale verstümmelt werden, und bestrafen Sie die Verantwortlichen /

Investigate the killings of animals that are mutilated as part of satanic rituals, and punish those who are responsible


900. Cárcel al violento que golpeó a un perro y le partió una botella en la cabeza  /

Harte Strafe für einen Mann, der wahrscheinlich seine angeketteten Hund in seinem Garten remordete, indem er ihn mehrmals mit einer Flasche auf den Kopf schlug - Der arme Hund bricht sofort auf den Boden. Es bleibt bewegungslos liegen, bis seine Beine anfangen sich plötzlich bewegen. Das Video endet dort, und niemand weiß, ob der Hund überlebte oder in diesem Augenblick starb. /

Severe punishment for a man who probably murdered his chained up dog in his garden, by repeatedly hit him with a bottle on his head - The poor dog vomits immediately to the ground. It remains motionless until his legs begin to move suddenly. The video ends there, and no one knows whether the dog survived or died at that moment.

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,


Belohnung für Informationen
Weißt du, wer mich getötet hat?

Wir sind auf der Suche nach demjenigen,

der unseren Familienhund, Helo, mitnahm.

Jemand nahm ihn am 2013.09.11

aus seinem eingezäunten Grundstück in Mossy Head FL.

Er wurde am 2013.03.14 brutal gefoltert und verstümmelt.

Es gibt eine 12.000 Dollar Belohnung für Informationen

in Verbindung mit der Verhaftung und Verurteilung desjenigen,

der verantwortlich ist.

BITTE, wenn Sie IRGENDETWAS wissen,

wenden Sie sich an das Büro des Walton County Sheriff

über die Telefonnummer (850) 401-402

!! Gerechtigkeit für Helo !!!

Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -

Justice for abused dog souls!!


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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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