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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Quelle / Source:
? ? Wie rettet man tausende von Hunden ? ?
! ! Durch die Kastration von einem ! !
1001. ALARMING SITUATION FOR HIT & RUN CASES of STRAY ANIMALS - Implement strict laws against those who hit stray dogs and drive off without stopping & not taking any action to help them. Please give animals’ equal rights and help us to save their lives.
1002. Calamuchita, Córdoba, Necesita un Quirófano Veterinario Móvil /
Ein Mobiler Tierarzt Operationssaal wird dringend in Calamuchita, Cordoba benötigt. /
A Mobile Vet Operating Room is urgently needed in Calamuchita, Cordoba,
1003. Impedir que china continue con la clonación de animals /
Verhindert, das China das Klonen von Tieren weiterhin fortsetzt/
Prevents China from continuing the cloning of animals
1004. Stricter penalties for Animal Cruelty convictions in Ontario
1005. Make Acts of True Animal Cruelty become a Felony Crime with Mandatory Prison Time.
1006. Quick Kill Hunting Act: Prohibiting the use of body gripping traps
..a horrible mess to every kind of animal :-(
1007. Francia le da a las mascotas derechos como seres vivos. ¡Qué se imite en España! /
Frankreich verleiht Haustieren Rechte als Lebewesen. Zu imitieren in Spanien! /
France gives rights to pets as living beings. Do imitate that in Spain!
1008. Demand punishment for animal cruelty!
1009. Castração Para Cães e Gatos /
Kostenlose Kastrationen für Hunde und Katzen /
Free Castration for Abandoned Dogs and Cats!
1011. Sacrificio CERO de animales abandonados en Xirivella /
NULL Einschläferungen/Tötungen der verlassene Tiere in Xirivella - Sie fangen streunenden Hunden und Katzen und töten diese unschuldigen, ausgesetzten Tiere nach 10 Tagen: Stoppen Sie die Tötungen !! /
ZERO sacrifice/killing of abandoned animals in Xirivella - They are catching stray Dogs and Cats and kill these innocent abandoned animals after 10 Days: Stop the killing!!
Die Regierung von Spanien und Den Haag: Hunde und Katzen werden in den Zwingern Spaniens getötet, gefoltert und mit Stromschlägen gequält !! Überprüfen und erneuern Sie das Strafgesetzbuch! /
The Government of Spain and The Hague: cats and dogs are killed, tortured and electrocuted in the kennels of Spain !! Check and renew the Criminal Code!
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
1013. A dog is for life not just for Christmas
1014. Stop Animal Abuse at the Chicago Animal Care and Control Facility!
1015. Ban Electric Shock Collars for All Companion Animals
1016. Ask AKC to remove tail docking and ear cropping from breed standards - Ear cropping and tail docking was once a practical method for keeping a dogs ears and tails from getting injured while hunting. In modern times, the practicality of this method has faded but the cutting of tails and ears is still done for cosmetic purposes.
1017. An increase in the age limit for breeding dogs.
1018. Allow more posts from legitimate 501 (c3) groups, these posts save lives.
1019. Praise Initiative to Provide Service Dogs to Veterans with PTSD - PTSD is a common illness among veterans who have witnessed death and excessive violence. It can cause anxiety, panic attacks, flashbacks, and night terrors, and in the worst cases can be completely debilitating. While treatments for the illness currently exist, such as counseling and anti-anxiety medications, many veterans will suffer for the rest of their lives.
1020. Change California's Dog Hot Car Laws
1021. Bullet and stab proof vests for all Police K9s
1022. We call for an immediate end to the mass killing of street dogs in Egypt
1023. Australian Shepherd Club of America, Please Ban Merle To Merle Breeding - The Australian Shepherd Club of America was established in 1957 as the parent club for the Australian Shepherd Breed. They are the largest single breed dog registry in North America and are currently allowing a breeding practice that creates deaf and blind puppies. These puppies are known as double merles, and they, along with their disabilities are 100% preventable. ASCA has the power to take a stand and prevent puppies from being born with disabilities!!
… this is irresponsible :-( Shame on the Australian Shepherd Club!!!!
1024. Speak Up for Dogs and Pigs Abused and Neglected by Laboratory Dealer!
Read more: Dogs Cut Open, Left to Die on Roof
Please sign and share widely:
1025. Home the Strays
1026. Demand military dogs retire in the U.S.!Retired Military Dogs Will Return Home to U.S. for Adoption!
1027. Keep homeless pets dry and warm in the City of Victoria
1028. Implement a breed neutral rehoming policy in all dog pounds.
1029. Get Prong Collars Made Illegal and Usage Seen as Animal Abuse
1031. Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws in Canada!
1032. Shut Down the Puppy Mill Capital of Minnesota and Urge State Lawmakers To Ban Puppy Mills
1033. Homeless shelters - Allow pets in homeless shelters with their owners
1034. Increase the penalty of killing a police dog to that of killing a human officer.
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 30.1.2016 -
1035. Turkey: Marmaristeki Hayvan Zehirlenmeleri ... /
Beenden Sie die Tiervergiftungen in Marmaris (und Beldibi) ... /
End the animal poisonings in Marmaris (and Beldibi) ...
1036. We ask the Chinese Government for the immediate introduction of ANIMAL PROTECTION laws .!!!!
1037. Brazil: Proíbam a Venda de Animais na OLX /
Verbot des Verkaufs von Tieren auf OLX - Kein Online Verkauf von Lebewesen!!!
Hier könnt ihr sehen, wer OLX ist :-( !! Brasilianisches Craigslist !! /
Prohibiting the sale of animals on OLX - No online sale of living beings !!!
Here you can see who OLX is :-( !! Brazilian Craigslist !!
1038. Make a nationwide law to spay/neuter all pets in the United States also make tough penalties to animal abusers and neglecters
1039. Spain: Detengan esta locura: castigarán con pena de muerte a quienes tengan perros en sus casas /
Stoppen Sie diesen Wahnsinn in Saudi-Arabien : Todesstrafe für diejenigen, die Hunde zu Hause halten /
Stop this madness in Saudi Arabia: Death Penalty for those who hold dogs at home.
1040. INVESTIGATE OSPCA FOR FAILURE TO PROTECT ANIMALS - There is no acceptable excuse for their refusal to take this dog from the police, who rescued it from its owner.
1041. Argentina: Ley: Carcel, multa y difusión a quienes envenenan perros en las calles /
Gesetz: Gefängnis, und Geldstrafen für die Vergiftung von Haustieren und Streunern in den Straßen /
Law: Prison and fines for poisoning Pets and Strays in the streets
1042. Protect K9 Officers with bulletproof vest during operation - All dogs serving in Law Reinforcement (Police, TSA, Coast Guards), have to wear a protective bulletproof vest "on-service", as their human colleagues.
1043. Animal Cruelty Offender Database
1044. Brazil: Castração em gatos e cachorros abandonados nas ruas do Brasil /
Kastration bei den verlassenen Hunden und Katzen in den Straßen von Brasilien /
Castration forthe abandoned dogs and cats in the streets of Brazil
1045. Africa: End the issuing of permits, selling and using of fireworks, especially for Diwali and NYE!
1046. Turkey: #HayvanKanBankası - yeniden hizmete açılsın, hayvanlar kan bulunmadığı için ölmesin / #TierBlutBank - muss wieder geöffnet werden, die Tiere sterben aufgrund des Mangel an Blut !! / #AnimalBloodBank - must be reopened again, the animals die because of lack of blood !
1047. Zulassung der Tierbesuche in allen Pflegeeinrichtungen /
Approval of the animals out in all care facilities
1048. Demand an END to the Backyard Breeding of the Pekingese and all animals for that matter. The state of animals in Rescues are horrifying, they get Bred up and not cared about. All those Backyard Breeders think about is making money. We have rescued soooo many…
1049. Harsher penalties in Indiana involving Animal Cruelty, Neglect, and Animals.
1050. Close down the inhumane business practice at Puppies in Mohegan Lake, Ny - Richard Doyle is a business man who orders animals as a trade and opens up stores to make money off of them. He has no medical or veterinary backround, though he continuously performs surgeries and fixes on his own, leaving animals damaged, injured, scared, or even ready for euthanization.

Quelle / Source:
! Against animal abuse !
Never torment an animal for fun,
because it feels like you the pain
20 Steps to Take IMMEDIATELY If Your Dog Goes Missing
11 Ways to Protect Your Pup from Being Dognapped

Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 27