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(Gibt es in Deutschland nicht, hier wäre es das Ordungsamt, Veterinärsamt und Tierheim-Vorstände)

(Is there not in Germany, where it would be the clerk's office, veterinary office and shelter board members)

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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101. Stop NYC Animal Control Centers from killing animals


- Neu / New 11.9.2015 -


102. Punish President of Florida Animal Shelter for Alleged Animal Cruelty


103. Criminally Charge Allegedly Abusive Former Animal Shelter Employees


104. Rescindan el contrato de recogida de animales con la empresa RESUR /

Kündigen Sie die Verträge mit dem Hundefänger Unternehmen RESUR - Die Fahrlässigkeit der Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens hat das Leben von Tieren unter deren Obhut gefährdet. Sie ließen die Tiere in der prallen Sonne bei Temperaturen über 50 Grad in einem Van eingesperrt. /

Announce the contracts with the dog catcher company RESUR - The negligent conduct of the employees of the company has endangered the lives of animals under his tutelage. They left the animals in the sun locked in a van with temperatures exceeding 50 degrees.


- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -


105. URGENT Signatures Needed to Stop OC Animal Control from Killing Karma the  Husky




107. Justice for Lacey: End the Corruption and Killing of Healthy Animals at KCHA (Kanawha Charleston Humane Association's Animal Shelter) - No animal should be killed if other rescues and adopters are willing to save the animal!!!


108. Free Blaze - Blaze is a lab that has been tied to a tree, with a cone around his neck for years. Blaze never gets human interaction or proper medical care and Arlington Animal Control is not enforcing RCW 16.52.207 2.)a- the law stating Blaze is entitled to shelter, and adequate medical care. Free blaze!


109. Mental Health and Animal Therapy is not recognized by City of Brantford - The City Of Brantford allows for the sale of shelter animals by the pound $$$ to labs and The 70's Animal Control Bylaws chapter 206 and the SPCA contract shows no Compassion or Empathy in its content.


- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -


110. Jack is a gentle, sweet, loving, and loyal family dog who has been wrongfully declared vicious and is deemed for euthanasia. Please, Please Help Save Our Jack! I cannot believe that our dog is at risk to die, because the Director of EBRP Animal Control, Hilton Cole has made this a very personal issue, and quite frankly it is no longer about what Jack did or did not do, it is the simple fact that he is a PitBull and we are Gay.


111. Wir fordern den sofortigen Rücktritt von Frau Heise und dem amtierenden Vorstandes - Tierheim Castrop-Rauxel in Nordrhein-Westfalen …wenn man den Tierheim Namen googelt, sieht man gleich, dass 8 ehemalige Mitarbeiter sehr genau wissen, warum sie diese Petition gestartet haben!!! :-(  /

We demand the immediate resignation of Ms. Heise and the incumbent Board - shelter in Castrop-Rauxel North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany !! ... if you googling the shelter name, you can see immediately that 8 former employees know exactly why they have started this petition !!! :-(


112. Stand Up for Detroit's Discarded Dogs!! Fire Harry Ward, Bring in a board of directors for DAC!


113. Find and Punish Animal Control Impersonators for Taking Dogs - A number of dogs have gone missing in Morristown, Tennessee and it is allegedly because a group of people are pretending to be animal control officers and stealing the neighborhood dogs.


114. Shut Down Detroit Animal Control


- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -


115. We demand a thorough investigation of Marcia Mayeda, along with her removal from her position as Director of the County of Los Angeles' Department of Animal Care and Control.




117. Punish Officer Who Allegedly Left Dog in Truck to Die - Matthew Cory Dodson, the animal control officer that picked up the dog, allegedly falsified shelter documents by saying that when he found the dog it was already dead. According to sources, he claimed that the dog had been run over by a car. However, once the dog’s owner was told what happened, she was highly suspicious of the animal control officer’s story. It was not until after much coaxing by shelter officials that the man apparently admitted to throwing the dog inside his truck and disregarding it for the rest of his work day.


118. CECIL COUNTY, MD please keep "A BUDDY FOR LIFE" as Animal Control - "A Buddy For Life" has been doing an AWESOME JOB!!! ...but alas, their contract is running out...We need to STOP the Cecil County Animal Control contract being awarded to Kevin Usilton and Jean Deeming from Delaware ..


119. Show support for Jacksonville Animal Care & Protective Services - Since Ms Harris and Ms Walter have been at ACPS, there have been numerous positive changes, not only in the environment that the animals are housed in, but also in communications with the community, the partnership organizations and the volunteers. It is through the hard work and dedication of the staff at ACPS that Jacksonville has been able to achieve and maintain a live release rate above 90% (the requirement for no-kill status) since January of last year.


120. King County increasing inspection fees to animal shelters by 205% - Many Fear More Abuse and Closure - Unlike King County Animal Control, nearly all services we provide are funded from grassroots efforts and the occasional grant.


121. Help save Tucker a 2 y/o boxer who is being sentenced to death for protecting our daughter


122. Ask Walker County GA Animal Shelter Management to post pictures of shelter-pets on Pet-finder


- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -


123. Forth Worth Animal Control investigate Derik Lattig for animal cruelty


124. Stop the Killing at San Bernardino Animal Control


125. Don’t Return Severely Neglected Dog to Owner - A dog, now nicknamed China, was found emaciated with a severe skin infection, overgrown toenails, ear and dental infections.  Photographs demonstrate that rescuers could see every bone her body.  She looked like she was near death. Authorities, however, are considering returning China to her previous owners …Rescue China please :-(


- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -


126. Stop the Oncoming Slaughter in GA


127. Two Port St. Lucie Dogs are on Death Row for BARKING! Please help us STOP THIS!


128. Create a position for a by-law officer for dog control.


- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -


129. URGENT: Ventura Dog Protecting Family Could Be Euthanized


130. Reform the Department of Cook County Animal and Rabies Control


131. No animal should be put in a pound


132. Dallas and Houston Animal Services: Stop Killing Cats and Dogs Now!


- Neu / New 23.10.2015 -


133. Prosecute ROSWELL, NM, City Officials for ANIMAL ABUSE and MALFEASANCE


134. FIRMAR PETICION – solicito firmas para poder liberar a los perros de la empresa de seguridad roig la misma a toda persona conciente del maltrato y o abuso animal / UNZERZEICHNET DIESE PETITION - Ich frage erfrage eure Unterschriften, um Hunde aus den Händen der  Sicherheitsfirma "Roig" zu befreien! Jedem ist der Missbrauch und die Tierquälerei dort bewusst. / SIGN THIS PETITION - I ask for your signatures to rescue dogs from the hands of the security firm "Roig"! Everyone is aware of the mistreatment  and abuse there.


135. Justice for Boxer Mama Dog and 2 year old Child in Plant City, Florida - A Mama boxer dog has been unfairly euthanized in Plant City, Florida after the dog mauled a 2 year boy.  The boy is in stable condition.  The boy was left unattended with a female dog with young puppies.  The Mother of the boy was inside the house and the police had to bang on the door to get her attention. The Mother of the child should be prosecuted for child and animal neglect.   This tragedy would not have happened if the owner had acted responsibly in the care of her child and dog. The dog should not have been put to death for protecting her puppies. The status of the puppies is unknown. Please sign this petition to the Plant City Florida City Manager, Mike Herr, and Investigative Services Captain, Susan Pruet, asking them to investigate this matter further.


136. Fort Worth City Council: change "Intact Pet Permit" requirements - July, 2015 – Two “intact” Pitbulls have no daily access to clean water and are left outside regardless of weather conditions. When it rains, it’s a mud hole. A hot un-ventilated dog house is all they are given. All of which is against City Code and State law yet responding officer reported "No Problem". Despite current legislation requiring residents to apply for an "Intact Pet Permit" there are still un-cited code violations, stray animals wandering our streets and thousands of homeless pets entering our tax-payer funded Animal Care & Control center - where only roughly 70% of impounded animals exit the building alive :-(


137. Pass nationwide law to help protect lost dogs - The Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners (IFDCO), AKC’s official Illinois state federation, worked with key sponsor Senator Thomas Cullerton to initiate the legislation, which requires animal shelters and rescue groups to scan intake animals for a microchip multiple times before releasing the animal. This extends the provisions of SB1632, which required the same procedure of animal control facilities.


138. Punish Shelter Workers for Alleged Animal Abuse - Animals are allegedly sick and living in their own waste at one animal control facility. We need to take action to ensure that animals are being treated humanely.


139. Construa o Hospital Público Veterinário e o Centro de Controle de Zoonoses em BH /

Erbauen Sie eine Öffentliche Tierklinik und bilden Sie ein Tier Kontrollzentrum in BH /

Build a Public Veterinary Hospital and an Animal Control Center in BH


- Neu / New 30.10.2015 -


140. End the use of Archaic "Temperament" tests for shelter dogs and cats at San Francisco ACC


141. Grausames Leben und Dahinfristen der Hunde im Schönebecker Tierheim!! Wir fordern eine neue Tierheimleitung, die auch ein großes Herz für Tiere hat!!

... das Elend beginnt hinter den Türen des Tierheimes - Schaut euch das Bild zur Petition an :-( alles ist grausam und lieblos!! /

The cruel and vegetate lives of dogs in Schönebecker shelter!! We call for a new shelter Management, which also has a big heart for animals!!

... the misery begins behind the doors of the dog shelter  look at the petition picture :-( everything is cruel and uncharitable!!


142. Make Dog Control and Registration Authority a Functional Unit that serves the community


143. Stop the illegal killing of street dogs in Romania!

...HORROR at Adrion W. Baird Animal Center - Campbell County, TENNESEE -- Campbell county animal shelter's director does NOT use tranquilizers when putting dogs down and only uses 1/3 the amt of fatal plus so animals lay there and suffer. Then they are placed in freezer alive!


Please sign and share:


- Neu / New 8.11.2015 -


144. Put and end to the cruel death of dogs and cats in animal control centers in Mexico – NOT DOUBLE!!!




146. Посадить людей этого Приюта за групповое издевательство над животными,[Глава25 Статья 245]  /

Sperren Sie diese Gruppe von Leute des Tierheims wegen Tiermissbrauch ein, [Kapitel 25, § 245] – Ein Appell an den russischen Präsidenten Putin. B. Artikel 245 des Strafgesetzbuches der Russischen Föderation: Bestrafungen für den Direktor sowie den stellvertretenden Institutsleiter Hr. Petrosyan und Hr. V. Bogachev für die Massentötung von Tieren !! Dies ist kein Tierheim sondern ein echtes Konzentrationslager, eine Begräbnisstätte für arme Kätzchen und Welpen! In diesem Tierheim "leben" sie ihr kurzes, elendes und schmerzhaftes Leben. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass in diesem Tierheim Tiere grausam und brutal behandelt werden und wir akzeptieren solche Maßnahmen noch immer nicht !!!! /

Prison for this group of people of the shelter by the reason of animal cruelty [Chapter 25, § 245] – An appeal to the Russian president Putin. B. Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Punishments for the director and the deputy Institute director Hr. Petrosyan and Mr. V. Bogachev for the mass killing of animals !! This is not a shelter but a real concentration camp, a burial ground for poor kittens and puppies! In this Animal Shelter they "live" their short, miserable and painful life. It is not the first time that animals are treated cruelly and brutally in this animal shelter and we still do not accept such measures still !!!!


147. Get Port St. Lucie animal control officer Lisa Brown fired


148. ¡FIRMA y comparte!: No más “SACRIFICIOS” de perros y gatos en los Centros de Control Animal en México; que se creen Clínicas y Refugios para la Asistencia Animal. /

Unterschreibt und teilt dies bitte: Keine weiteren "Opferungen" von Hunden und Katzen in den Tierkontrollzentren in Mexico;! und dafür dass Kliniken und Tierheime für Tierbetreuung geschaffen werden. /

Please sign and share: No more "sacrifices" of dogs and cats in Animal Control Centers in Mexico; and for that clinics and shelters for Animal Care are created.


149. "Спецавтохозяйство", отлавливающее собак, под контроль! Требуем соблюдения закона №154 «О содержании собак и кошек в Томской области». /

Kommunale Unitarunternehmen "Spetsavtohozyaystvo" -  Einfangen der Hunde unter Kontrolle! Wir fordern Respekt vor dem Gesetz №154 «Über das Halten von Katzen und Hunde in der Region Tomsk." Sie sollen eigentlich Hunde mittels schmerzfreier Methoden einfangen, sie registrieren, kastrieren und streunenden Hunden wieder frei lassen, anstatt sie alle durch eine Überdosis Medizin, die benutzt wird, um Tiere für Langstreckentransporte bewegungsunfähig zu machen, zu töten! /

Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Spetsavtohozyaystvo"- capture of dogs under control! We demand respect for the law №154 "About keeping of cats and dogs in the Tomsk region." You are supposed to catch dogs using humane methods, to register and castrate them and stray dogs can be free again, instead of killing all of them by an overdose of medicine, which is used to make animals unable to move for long distance journeys!


- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -


150. Hire a Qualified Director for Chicago Animal Control (City Pound)

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal control, shelter, shelter director, euthanasia, confiscation of dogs, seizure of dogs, ordnungsamt, Amtstierarzt, animal abuse, animal welfare, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


Ungerechtigkeiten entstehen,

wenn Menschen

komplexe Sachverhalte nehmen

und sie als schwarz und weiß sehen

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal control, shelter, shelter director, euthanasia, confiscation of dogs, seizure of dogs, ordnungsamt, Amtstierarzt, animal abuse, animal welfare, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


!!!   Bringt ChimChim heim   !!!

ChimChim ist der 12 Jahre alte und geliebte Begleiter von Peter Kondogonis. Er wurde mitten in der Nacht von der Victoria Police und der RSPCA,

nach einem Anruf von einem Nachbarn,

der eine persönliche Vendetta gegen Peter hat,

aus seinem Zuhause gerissen.

Bis heute wurde keine Untersuchung durchgeführt !!!

Quelle / Source: Google

Animal Control / Tieraufsicht 3

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

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