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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
8 >
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 31.1.2016 -
301. Brazil: Liberdade para os cães que estão sendo torturados em pesquisas na Universidade de ViçosaMG /
Freiheit für Hunde, die zum Zweck der Forschung an der Universität von ViçosaMG gefoltert werden /
Freedom for dogs who are being tortured in research at the University of ViçosaMG
302. Stop Torturing Dogs in Cruel Dental Experiments - Scientific laboratories across Australia are torturing and killing thousands of dogs in agonizing dental experiments. Dogs used are mostly beagles bred for testing and Greyhounds discarded by the racing industry–animals who have already suffered a lifetime of brutality at the hands of humans. Several thousand of these gentle animals undergo painful research each year, involving major surgeries and death.
303. Stop L'Oréal Animal Testing
304. MAC testing on animals - it has to STOP!
307. Ban animal testing companies from Australia
308. Greyhounds given dental implants then killed at Melbourne Dental School
...stop your cruel and needless ways :-(
309. Petition against the cosmetic experiments and testing on animals
310. Amend Texas Education Code - 26.010. to allow alternatives to animal dissection in schools
311. Stop Makeup Testing on Animals - Loreal
- Neu / New 14.2.2016 -
312. Ban animal testing in Canada - We must work toward phasing out the use of any and all animals for any testing for any purpose!!!
314. Take action - contact the Royal Veterinary College - The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) declares itself ‘wholly committed to animal health and welfare’ and yet – in a project designed to aid human medicine – it has bred its own colony of dogs with a genetic flaw, leading them to suffer a canine version of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
- Neu / New 29.2.2016 -
315. Ban Animal Use in University Medical Training - The practice of using live or dead animals during medical training, especially surgical training, has almost been completely eradicated. However, Johns Hopkins University in Maryland still continues this practice.
316. Insist a Deadline to Animal Testing Now!
317. Stop animal testing- test convicts instead!
- Neu / New 19.3.2016 -
318. Japan: ロット製薬さん!美しさのために動物を犠牲にしないで!! /
Rohto Pharmazeutik! Arbeit Sie, ohne die Tiere für die Schönheit zu opfern !! /
Rohto Pharmaceutical's! Work without sacrificing the animals for beauty !!
319. Stop the animal testing
320. Turkey: hayvanlar üzerinde yapılan testler deneyler /
Beenden Sie die Tests und Experimente an Tieren jeglicher Art /
Exit the tests and experiments on animals of any kind
321. Palmolive - Stop testing your products on animals.
322. Spain: Rescindan inmediatamente los contratos con la empresa Centro Técnico Veterinario. /
Sofortige Kündigung aller Verträge mit der Firma Veterinary Technical Center /
Immediately termination of all contracts with the company Veterinary Technical Center
323. End Funding for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Research on Animals - Animal experiments to study PTSD create an artificial and simplistic view of a complex human psychological disorder. Evidence shows that over 90% of behavioral neuroscience experiments on animals fail to translate to humans.
324. Stop building the The National Animal Research Facility (NARF) at Hyderabad, India - There is a vast range of non-animal research methods available to bio medical researchers such as epidemiological studies, clinical studies, computerized simulations, chromatography, spectroscopy and non-invasive imaging techniques.
- Neu / New 9.4.2016 -
325. Demand the banning of medical testing on dogs and the breeding of dogs solely for this purpose
326. Britain just approved a farm that breeds puppies for animal testing. This must be stopped
327. Replace animal resource facility with non-animal science centre - Humane Society International/India has learnt that the Indian Council of Medical Research plans to build a massive new 100-acre animal breeding facility in Hyderabad to supply tens of thousands of monkeys, beagle dogs and genetically engineered mice each year for laboratory testing.
328. Stop Laboratory Beagle Breeding Facility in East Yorkshire!
- Neu / New 1.5.2016 -
330. South Korea Passes Bill to Phase Out Animal Testing!
331. Spain: ¿¿Sabéis a donde se llevan ahora los animales que antes iban a la Perrera de Mairena?? /
?? Wo haben Sie die Tiere des Zwingers / Tierheim "Mairena" nach der Schließung hingebracht ?? Wir fordern Antworten von ASTEC (Technical Advisory Lebensmittel, S. C.) und deren Partnerunternehmen: 1.Technische SUPPORT TIER, 2. S. C. RESCUE SAN ANTON, 3. TIERKLINIK BABYLON: Enthüllen Sie, wo Sie die Tiere untergebracht und versteckt haben, die Sie auf den Straßen einsammeln sowie die Tiere des Tierheims / Zwingers „Mairena“ (S.P.A.P.S), das geschlossen wurde und mit dem ASTEC eine Vereinbarung, bezüglich der Einsammlungen der streunenden Tiere aus vielen Dörfern in Sevilla, hatte. Für alle, die es nicht wissen = ASTEC ist ein Unternehmen, dass viele Labore für Kosmetik, Hygiene und vieles mehr, besitzen /
?? Where have you taken the animals of the Kennel / animal shelter “Mairena” after the closure ?? We demand answers from ASTEC (Technical Advisory foods, S.C.) and its partner companies: 1. TECHNICAL SUPPORT VETERINARY, 2. S.C. RESCUE SAN ANTON, 3. VETERINARY CLINIC BABYLON: Uncover where you have the animals housed and hidden you collected from the streets as well as the animals of the shelter / kennel "Mairena" (S.P.A.P.S) which was closed and with which ASTEC had an agreement on the capture of stray animals from many villages in Sevilla!! For those who do not know = ASTEC is a company that have many laboratories for cosmetic, hygiene and much more!!
Rheumatoid Arthritis
:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy
Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...
and I, as a good human being and Animal Advocate,
have such a terrible disease :-(
(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,
that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)
- Neu / New 14.1.2017 -
332. Urge Congress to Take Action for Dogs and Monkeys in Laboratories! - United States ONLY!!!
333. Save Abandoned Research Animals from Being Euthanized - Urge legislators to put this law in place in an effort to save numerous animals!!!!
334. Tell Prevagen to end cruel animal tests!
335. Tell Windex: Stop Animal Testing!
- Neu / New 10.2.2017 -
336. Demand Neutrogena (Johnson & Johnson)Stop Testing on Animals - Blacklisted by PETA for these practices. Cosmetics testing on animals is truly horrific, resulting in an untold amount of suffering and deaths annually through gruesome means such as force-feeding, injections and vivisection.
337. Shut Down Charles River Laboratories!
338. Tell Congress to DEFUND Taxpayer-Funded Dog Abuse in Government Labs! – USA ONLY!!!!
339. Please sign the petition to the Japanese Embassy urging them to end the use of live dogs for clinical and surgery practice in Japan - Our investigation has made the shocking discovery that in Japan, hundreds of dogs are used every year by veterinary schools to train students
340. Urge the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to Stop Funding Experiments on Dogs
341. Stop Deadly Dog Experiments!
342. Demand Makeup Company M.A.C To Stop Testing Their Products On Animals
- Neu / New 25.2.2017 -
343. Reverse the USDA's Blackout of Information Related to Animals in Labs!
344. Tell Neutrogena to stop all animal testing
345. Spain: Apoyo Gabriella Cavalieri . Investigación exportación perros y gatos a Alemania /
Ich unterstütze Gabriella Cavalieri. Forschungshunde und Katzen nach Deutschland vermitteln /
I support Gabriella Cavalieri, Research Dogs and Cats export to Germany!
346. Ban all uses of animal testing in biomedical research.
347. Russia: Просим Вас законодательно запретить живодерские эксперименты над бездомными собаками /
Wir bitten Sie, die entsetzlichen Experimente von zhivoderskie (Hundefänger) an Streunerhunden gesetzlich zu verbieten /
We ask you to prohibit by law zhivoderskie (Dog Catchers) experiments on stray dogs
348. Let's Get Sephora to stop Animal Testing
349. UK: Tell the Universities of Nottingham and Cambridge to stop importing dead dogs from the US and then sell them on to colleges and universities for dissection classes, including for students in veterinary colleges here in the UK!
... SHAME ON YOU USA! Stop Killing healthy Shelter Dogs!
350. Tell JHU to Stop Lobbying to Kill Maryland’s “Beagle Bill"
Quelle/ Source: Facebook
Eine kleine Gefängnis-Zeit ist nichts
im Vergleich zu dem,
durch was Labortieren gehen müssen...
!!! Direktes Handeln !!!
!!! Denn sie leiden JETZT !!!
Quelle/ Source: Google+
!!! Stoppt Tierversuche !!!
There is nothing wrong with this dog
who has been taken from a dog pound,
but he is the victim of major experimental surgery
in an animal research testing laboratory.
To help human beings and stop cruelty to animals, support humane medical research
not involving animal tests!!!
Bei diesem Hund,
der aus einem Tierheim genommen wurde,
war nichts gesundheitlich auffällig,
aber er ist ein Opfer
der großen, experimentellen Chirurgie
in einem Tierforschungs-Testlabor.
Um Menschen zu helfen und Tierquälerei zu stoppen,
unterstützt die medizinische Human Forschung
ohne Tierversuche
Animal Experiments Pictures
Quelle / Source: IAAPEA
& Animal Experiments Pictures
Animal Experiments Pictures –
Laboratory Cruelty you were NOT meant to see!!
Animal Experiments Pictures wants you to spread such pictures
in order to promote social awareness!!
Here they give unto you images for a free download
and links in order to embed those pictures in your website
Animal Experiments Pictures (Tierversuchs Bilder) –
Labor Grasuamkeiten, die du eigentlich nicht sehen sollts!!
Animal Experiments Pictures möchte dass ihr solche Bilder verbreitet,
um das gesellschaftliche Bewusstsein zu fördern!!
Hier geben sie euch Bilder zum freien herunterladen
und Links, um sie in eure Homepage zu einzubetten
Quelle/ Source: Google+