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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Abandoned animals during the holiday season!
Share this if you are also against it!
- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -
501. Остановите отстрел безнадзорных животных в Казахстане! /
Stoppen der Erschiessungen von streunenden Tieren in Kasachstan! /
Stop shooting of stray animals in Kazakhstan!
502. Modifiquen la ABSURDA Ley 18.471 de Tenencia Responsable de Animales en Uruguay /
Ändern Sie das absurde Gesetz 18,471, das dafür verantwortlich ist, wie die Tiere in Uruguay gehalten werden. /
Change the absurd law 18.471, which is responsible for how the animals are kept in Uruguay.
503. Poder transportarnos con nuestros perros en el metro y los autobuses /
Seien Sie in der Lage, uns mit unseren Hunden in der U-Bahn und in den Bussen zu transportieren /
Be able to transport us with our dogs in the subway and buses
504. Demand Stop massacre of Stray Dogs from Kerala State - India
505. Cuidemos A NUESTROS HERMANOS PELUDOS ellos también merecen ser respetados y tener un hogar /
Kümmert euch um unseren pelzigen BRÜDER Auch sie verdienen es respektiert zu werden und ein Zuhause zu haben /
TAKE CARE OF OUR FURRY BROTHERS they also deserve to be respected and to have a home
506. Investiguen el caso de maltrato animal en la panadería Amaretto /
Untersuchen Sie den Fall von Tierquälerei in Amaretto Bakery /
Investigate the case of animal abuse in Amaretto Bakery
507. Que castiguen los casos de envenenamientos masivos que se están presentando en el corregimiento de Santa Elena en Medellín, Colombia./
Bestrafen Sie die Fälle von Massenvergiftungen, die in der Ortschaft Santa Elena in Medellin, Kolumbien auftreten. /
Punish cases of mass poisonings that are occurring in the village of Santa Elena in Medellin, Colombia.
508. Ban the use of Towbar Dog Carriers before they are available for sale and use in the UK.
509. Give All Cats and Dogs Life-Saving Identification Tags
510. Applaud Protections for Animals Trapped in Hot Cars (NOT DOUBLE!!)
511. Put an end to "Hog Dogging/Hog Baying" in Missouri
512. Take action for military working Dogs – US Only!!!!
513. The Cruel Capital of Ontario has no Empathy or Compassion in its 70's Animal Bylaws.
514. Implementen medidas de Protección Integral para animales abandonados y extraviados /
Umsetzung umfassender Schutzmaßnahmen für ausgesetzte und herrenloser Tiere /
Implementing comprehensive protection measures for abandoned and stray animals
515. Government of Kerala should DROP the decision to cull stray dogs
516. Sancionen a mujer en Sarandí del Yí (Montevideo, Uruguay) por maltrato animal /
Bestrafung für eine Frau aus Sarandi del Yi (Montevideo, Uruguay) wegen Tierquälerei /
Punishment for a woman of Sarandi del Yi (Montevideo, Uruguay) for animal cruelty
517. Save our 85 dogs and 20 puppies in Serbia!
518. A full investigation into Ann Evans and Sweet Dreams Bully Rescue
519. Mark Zuckerberg: Ein Verbot von Videos auf Facebook:Pornos und Tierquälerei und Tiermord /
Mark Zuckerberg: A ban on videos on Facebook: Pornos and Animal cruelty and Animal murder
520. Umsetzung in allen Schulen, vorzugsweise in der Grundschule, Unterricht auf Haustierbetreuung /
Implementation lessons on pet care in all schools, preferably in primary school, lessons on pet care
521. Hayvan Hakları Yasası Çıkarılmalı /
Das Tierschutz Gesetz muss zurückgezogen werden /
The Animal Rights Act should be removed
522. Ban pet owners from having their Dogs ride in the back of Pickup-Trucks
523. Dr. M.A. Mancera: Dí NO a la Ley para la Protección y el Bienestar de los Animales del D.F.!! /
Dr. MA Mancera: Lehnen Sie das Gesetz zum Schutz und Wohlbefinden von Tieren in Mexiko-Stadt ab !! Die Veröffentlichung des Gesetzes, dass bereits durch die gesetzgebenden Versammlung des Bundesdistrikt verabschiedet wurde, wird großen Schaden
und Verletzungen für die Tiere erzeugen. Dieses Gesetz, dass als Grundlage einer Allgemeinen Erklärung der Tierrechte verwendet wird und "von den Vereinten Nationen anerkannt" ist, existiert nicht und ist nur ein Mythos, weil die UN das Dokument noch nie anerkannt hat. /
Dr. M.A. Mancera: Say NO to the Law for the Protection and Welfare of Animals in Mexico City!! The publication of the law already passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District will create great harm to the animals. This law used as the basis of a Universal Declaration of Animal Rights "recognized by the UN," it does not exist and is only a myth because the UN has never recognized the document.
524. Gegen Hundesteuererhöhung in Lichtenfels /
Against Dogs tax increase in Lichtenfels, Germany
525. #EMERGENCY in Odai Bucharest Romania 600 Dogs Dying! They are so Hungry that they EAT EACH OTHER!
526. Wir wollen unseren Hundestrand zurück -Keine Leinen pflicht! (Cuxhaven Sahlenburg) /
We want our dog beach back -No leashes required! (Cuxhaven Sahlenburg, Germany
527. STOP the barbaric catch and kill of dogs in Mauritius. Start mass sterilization.
528. Sicherheitsdienste gegen Giftköder Tierquälerei in Schleswig Holstein /
Security services against poison bait animal cruelty in Schleswig Holstein, Germany
529. Abfallbehälter für Hundekottüten /
Litter bins for dog waste bags
530. Give the Animals Rights!
531. Führerschein für alle Tierhalter /
License for all pet owners
532. To create a stiffer penalty for taping and tying an animal to inflict harm or death.
533. Proposed NY state law would allow up to 7 years of imprisonment in some animal abuse cases
534. Spaying and Neutering Animals
535. INDIANA: We Need a Law to Make It Illegal to Leave Pets In Hot Vehicles
536. We want to see a change to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to make it illegal to cause unnecessary suffering to any animal through leaving it unattended in a hot vehicle, long enough to result in any level of discomfort to that animal
537. Make it Illegal to Leave Animals in Hot Cars
538. Revoke Law's That States Feeding Stray Dogs is Illegal
539. No Dogs need to Die - In many countries, stray dogs are brutally killed in a futile attempt to stop the spread of rabies. People think it will stop rabies. It doesn't!!!
540. Save Off-Leash and Public Access for Dogs and their Guardians in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
541. Introduce Compulsory Scanning for microchips by vets, rescues and authorities – UK Only!!!!
542. New import regulations for dogs for the USA
543. To bring in stricter regulations when issuing dog breeding licences. – UK Only!!!
544. Kensington Dog Run in Brooklyn
545. Save the Manasquan Dog Beach in New Jersey
546. Tell the Rhode Island House Committee on Health, Education and Welfare to vote NO on House Bill 7888
547. Grant Animal Cruelty Investigators
548. Demand Baltimore Crack Down on Animal Abuse
549. Crack Down on Heartless Pet Abuse - Ensure those convicted of animal abuse receive maximum penalty
550. Create an Animal Cruelty Special Victims Division

Quelle/ Source: Google+
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and what will become of me?