Petitionen für Polizei Hunde & Hunde bei der Bundeswehr und für die Beendigung des grausamen Ausnutzens!!!!! /
Petitions for Police Dogs, K9 Dogs, and Military Dogs
and to end the cruel exploiting
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Quelle / Source:
Diesem Hund zu Ehren, PAPD K9 Sirius # 17.
Er war ein vier Jahre alter hellbrauner Labrador Retriever,
der als Sprengstoff-Detektor-Hund
für die Hafenbehörde von New York und New Jersey arbeitete.
Sirius verlor sein Leben
in den World Trade Center-Attacken vom 11. September 2001.
Er wird allen, die ihn kannten, und allen, die von ihm wusste,
liebevoll in Erinnerung bleiben.
Er wird, vor allem, von seinem Partner und Freund,
PAPD Sgt David W. Lim # 229,
sehr vermisst
:-( (Ruhe in Frieden, Sirius :-(
- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -
51. Demand an end to Police brutality on a police dog for not listening to a command now! Police dogs need immediate protection from such inhumane acts!!!
52. Bring Police K9 Chip Home to his Family
53. Add Sirius the k-9 to the 9/11 memorial
- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -
54. Let our troops keep their pets!
- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -
55. Tell President Obama to help America's Battle Buddies! - Ensure a safe way home and retirement for our K-9 military working dogs!
- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -
56. Bring Howard the War Hero Home - Howard the Hero once fought and served his country on foreign soil to ensure us Americans have he lives out his life on American soil on the end of a chain or in a tiny kennel muzzled. But he does not have to, his handler is desperate to get him back and has searched for years.
- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -
57. Stop euthanasia of dogs and horses retired from service of armed forces
- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -
58. Return Spot the Dog to His Military Family
59. Let Spot Go Home to His Family
- Neu / New 24.11.2015 -
60. A medal for Diesel the Police dog who died on duty in the attack on ISIS in Paris
…RIP Diesel :-( run free at the Rainbowbridge, little precious soul
61. Return Spot to His Family NOW!! - Fort Benning Animal Control facility
- Neu / New 7.12.2015 -
62. El ejército mexicanos quiere abandonar cientos de animales. /
Die mexikanische Armee will Hunderte von Tieren zurücklassen!! So passiert in der X-Militärregion in Merida, Yucatan, wo am 3. November 2015 der Divisionskommandeur und Generalstab, Sergio Garcia Aragon, den Auftrag erteilte, alle Tiere der Kompanie loszuwerden; was bedeutet, dass die mehr als 300 Haustiere, die dort mit ihren Familien leben, vertrieben werden sollen. /
The Mexican army wants to leave behind hundreds of animals !! So it happened in the X-Military Region in Merida, Yucatan, where on November 3, 2015 the division commander and the General Staff, Sergio Garcia Aragon, granted the order to get rid of all the animals of the company; which means that the more than 300 pets who live there with their families, are to be distributed.
:-/ …within three petitions for Spot were told that the owners of Spot should be transferred abroad and that's why they gave him the shelter ... and now because of a baby ... both is no reason the to kick the best friend in the back and banish him to a shelter !!! :-(
! Finally, victory for America’s military dogs !
Dagegen, dass Hunde in Angriff gehen müssen - Der Einsatz von Hunden als Kanonenfutter oder Köder ist beschämend!! Diesel, ein Polizei-Hund aus Paris, war dem Untergang geweiht als er gezwungen wurde diese Wohnung zu betreten; eine Kamera oder ein Dummy wäre ausreichend! /
Against dogs have to go in assault - The use of dogs as cannon fodder or bait is absolutely shameful!! Diesel, a police dog from Paris was doomed when he was forced to enter the apartment; a camera or a dummy would be sufficient!
65. Une médaille pour Diesel, le chien policier tué en attaquant les terrorists /
Eine Medaille für Diesel, der Polizeihund, der, durch die Attentate der Terroristen von Paris, getötet wurde
…Ruhe in Frieden Diesel :-( /
A medal for diesel, the police dog who was killed by the assassination attempts of the terrorists from Paris
... Rest in peace Diesel :-(
- Neu / New 6.1.2016 -
66. NO MÁS PERROS DE GUARDIA en los locales de OCA /
Keine Wachhunde mehr auf dem Gelände des OCA /
No more guard dogs on the premises of OCA
67. Investiguen el terrible maltrato que sufrieron dos perros policía en Galapagar /
Untersuchen sie den schrecklichen Missbrauch, den zwei Polizeihunde in Galapagar erlitten /
Investigate the terrible mistreatment that two police dogs suffered in Galapagar
68. Ban all acts of animal cruelty, especially to dogs!
An die Stadt von Molins de Rei: Freigabe und Beendigung der Ausnutzung dieses Polizeihundes - Ein deutscher Schäferhund wurde vor kurzem in Molins de Rei (Barcelona, Spanien) zu der Sklaverei verpflichtet als Polizeihund zu dienen. /
To the City of Molins de Rei: Release and stop exploiting this police dog - A German shepherd dog was added recently to the slavery of having to exercise as a police dog in Molins de Rei (Barcelona) - Spain.
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
70. Bullet and stab proof vests for all Police K9s
71. Demand military dogs retire in the U.S.!Retired Military Dogs Will Return Home to U.S. for Adoption!
72. Increase the penalty of killing a police dog to that of killing a human officer.
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 30.1.2016 -
73. Protect K9 Officers with bulletproof vest during operation - All dogs serving in Law Reinforcement (Police, TSA, Coast Guards), have to wear a protective bulletproof vest "on-service", as their human colleagues.
74. K-9 Protection Tougher Laws
75. Say NO to HSUS providing Animal Cruelty Training for Law Enforcement Officers
76. Stop killing army dogs and horses after their retirement
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
77. Save K-9 officer Ajax from being auctioned to the highest bidder! After 3 years of working with his partner every day, Officer Matt Hickey retired and wants to retire his K-9 officer Ajax with him as well. He offered the city their estimated value of the dog ($3500) to take Ajax home with him to enjoy family and retirement and was denied. Even more outrageous, K-9 officer Ajax will be auctioned off to the highest bidder instead of being able to go home with his partner. The city says they need to treat the dog like a surplus shovel!!! (Marietta Police Department, Ohio)
78. Petition to change the law & keep K9 Ajax where he belongs, with his retired partner!!
- Erfolg / Victory –
79. Let Ajax the Police Dog Retire With His Family
- Neu / New 28.2.2016 -
80. Stop redeploying war dogs for profit. Allow soldiers to adopt their heroic war dogs
81. Applaud Donation of Bulletproof Police Dog Vests by Anderson Cooper - Send a thank you to CNN host Anderson Cooper for sponsoring the purchase bulletproof vests for a Virginia police department’s K9 unit.
82. Spain: Condecoración para el perro policía Pretto, fallecido en acto de servicio - También trabajaremos para que el Instituto Cultural Italiano participe en un reconocimiento social y civil que se merece igualmente, ya que el destinatario del artefacto explosivo eran ellos /
Ein Ehrenabzeichen für den Polizeihund, genannt Pretto, gestorben in Ausübung seiner Pflicht - Pretto war ein Polizeihund in der Hundestaffel der Landespolizei in Barcelona ,darauf spezialisiert Sprengstoffe aufzuspüren. /
A Badge of Honour for the police dog called Pretto, died in the line of duty - Pretto was a police dog in the canine unit of the National Police in Barcelona, he was specialized to track down explosives .
83. Keep Police Dog With His Family
…please sign once more for Ajax who is already with his human partner; sign for the next police dog in need for help!!!
84. Stop the company K2 having any involvement in placing war dogs - US military veterans returning from active service that were partnered with war dogs are supposed to have the opportunity to adopt them. "Robby's Law" enacted and passed in the year 2000 protects that right.
Gerechtigkeit für einen Polizei-Hund, der in ein Auto gesperrt wurde und an Hitzschlag starb. /
Justice for the Police Dog who was locked in a car and died by heatstroke.
86. Minnesota Sheriff's Brett Arthur Berry needs to be fired for brutally beating his canine partner Boone!
…Justice for Boone :-( !!!
- Neu / New 18.3.2016 -
87. Perú: Detengan los abusos contra los perros policies /
Stoppen Sie den Missbrauch von Polizeihunde – Hören Sie auf der Polizei zu erlauben, die Köpfe ihre Polizeihunde zwischen Eisenstangen im Rückteil ihrer Polizeiwagen einzuklemmen und sie angekettet zurückzulassen!! Die Hunde können sich nicht bewegen oder hinlegen und das ist unverantwortlich! Und Tierquälerei!!
...wie kann man das denn bei der Polizei nur zulassen... :-/ /
Stop the abuse of police dogs - Stop to allow the police to pinch the heads their police dogs between iron bars in the back of their police cars and leaving them chained !! The dog can not move or lie down and that is irresponsible and animal cruelty!!! could this be allowed by the police... :-/
88. Remove and Prosecute Minnesota Deputy who beat his K-9 partner! Minnesota deputy Brett Arthur Berry was caught on surveillance footage behind Black Bear Casino in Carlton, Minnesota, abusing his K-9 partner, Boone, on June 15 2015 at a K-9 training event!!
…Justice for Boone!! :-/
- Neu / New 8.4.2016 -
…RIP Jethro :-(
90. Stop killing army Dogs which help detect mines, retrieve buried persons. The Indian army euthanizes old retired dogs. Instead give them on adoption.
91. Applaud Adoption of Pit Bull for Use in K9 Unit - The Poughkeepsie Police Department recently adopted Kiah
92. India: Stop euthanizing man's best friend after a life of service to the nation.....
Rheumatoid Arthritis
:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy
Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...
and I, as a good human being and Animal Advocate,
have such a terrible disease :-(
(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,
that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)
- Neu / New 15.1.2017 -
93: Totti the police K9 died in a hot car; her handler should be fired! - Totti was a friendly 2-year-old yellow lab. She was also a police dog trained to sniff out drugs. Now she is dead because her handler left her in a hot car for over two and a half hours. This handler should lose his job now!!!
...RIP Totti :-(
94: Company Accused of Massacring Dozens of Dogs Must be Shut Down - Twenty-four bomb-sniffing dogs were allegedly massacred by an overseas security company. Graphic photos show dead dogs lining a hallway in the facility. Demand the immediate shutdown of this U.S.-based company until further investigation can take place.
95: India: Stop the "putting down" of army dogs after end of service.
- Neu / New 10.2.2017 -
96. Spain: Retiro de los héroes de cuatro patas /
Ruhestand für dier vierbeinigen Helden /
Retirement of the four legged heroes
97. Bring Brodie, the K9, Home - fighting for Brodie's right to retire !!!!
98. Stop Putting Down Healthy War Hero Dogs Just Because They're "Old"
- Neu / New 20.4.2017 -
99. Police dogs aren't property! Write to your MP about Finn's Law - Urge your MP to get behind greater protection for police dogs and other emergency service animals!! (IFAW)
100. New Zealand: Justice for Innocent Trainee Bomb Dog Allegedly Shot and Killed - A 10-month-old bomb detector puppy, named Grizz, was reportedly shot to death by police while training to be an Aviation Security Explosion Detector. The poor dog was killed an hour after the airport had posted to Twitter that they captured him. As the Ambassador of SAFE for Animals, Hans Kriek, asked, “why wasn’t a tranquilizer used instead?”
... :-( RIP Grizz :-(

Quelle / Source: Pinterest
Shaka, der Pitbull,
wurde fast in einem überfüllten Tierheim
in New York getötet.
:-) Jetzt ist sie ein Star Polizeispürhund ;-)
(Mit Partner Oregon Polizist Billy Wells)

Polizei & Bundewehr Hunde /
Police Dogs, K9, & Military Dogs
Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
6 Historic Military Dogs Who Gave Everything For Their Country
- I Bet You Haven’t Heard Of Them All !!
101. New Zealand: Justice For Grizz