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- Neu / New 15.5.2015 -




52. Türkei / Turkey:  Köpeğin ölümüne neden olanlar CEZALANDIRILSIN! / Die Mörder dieser Hündin müssen für ihren Tod bestraft warden (Sodomie)! Murders must be punished for causing the death of this female dog (Bestiality) !


- Neu / New 23.6.2015 -




54. We ask you to tell us if it is true what Romanian official said regarding the export of stray dogs from Bulgaria for zoophiles from Europe


55. End animal rape, brothels, and pornography


56. Frankreich / France: Justice pour Ray et tous les animaux maltraités au Maroc ! /

Gerechtigkeit für Ray und alle Tiere, die in Marokko mißbraucht wurden! /

Justice for Ray and all the animals that have been misused in Morocco


57. We Demand Maximum Punishment For Jonathan Ford Under Arkansas Law- Bestiality!!


58. PETITION: Block Beastforum-pages of vile Bestiality ads in every State


59. Stop the bestiality in Germany


60. Jail Woman Who Allegedly Made Dog Perform Oral Sex on Her - An 18-year-old woman, Ashley Miller, has been charged with engaging in sexual activities with an animal. According to reports, when she visited her grandmother she would lock herself into a room with her Pitbull  named 2-face and call 2-face over. She would reportedly urge 2-face to lick her vagina.


- Neu / New 4.7.2015 -


62. Justice for Dog Allegedly Raped by Owner’s Husband - A woman in Geneva Alabama reportedly thought her husband was cheating on her with another woman so she set up a camera to catch him in the act. However, what she allegedly found was even more horrifying!


63. Ban sex with animal porn websites in India - Naresh Kadyan


- Neu / New 9.7.2015 -


64. Bestiality is still LEGAL in Finland, Hungary and Romania. Let's end this and make it ILLEGAL NOW!


65. Outlaw Dog Brothels and Animal Prostitution


- Neu / New 17.7.2015 -


66. Praise Germany for Criminalizing Bestiality


67. Stop Zooerastia! /

Stoppen Sie die Sodomie! /

Stop Bestiality!


68. Texas makes bestiality a punishable crime - Texas is one of the few remaining states that has no laws protecting animals from sexual acts committed by humans. It is time to move forward and protect our animals from these sick and depraved crimes.


69. Stop Stewart Murray Wilson from harming more - Mr Wilson's convictions include rape, attempted rape, indecent assault, stupefying, wilful ill-treatment of a child, and bestiality… he will be allowed to keep a pet :-/

- geschlossen = Ich will diesen Namen als Hunde-Vergewaltiger abgespeichert sehen und deswegen liste ich diese Petition trotzdem auf! /

- closed =  I want to see this name stored as a Dog rapists and that's why I list the petition on anyway!


70. Ban Acts of Zoophilia and the Distribution/Possession of Related Pornography in the United States


- Neu / New 25.7.2015 -


71. Praise Tougher Laws on Bestiality – No matter what kind of animal!!


72. Pass Laws to Stop Repeated Animal Abuse through Animal Cruelty & Abuse Registry


- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -


73. Stop sexuelt misbrug af dyr (Forbyd zoofili i Danmark!) /

Stoppen Sie den sexuellen Missbrauch von Tieren (Verbot der Sodomie in Dänemark!) /

Stop sexual abuse of animals (Forbid zoophilia in Denmark!)

- geschlossen = Ich will diesen Namen als Hunde-Vergewaltiger abgespeichert sehen und deswegen liste ich diese Petition trotzdem auf! /

- closed =  I want to see this name stored as a Dog rapists and that's why I list the petition on anyway!


74. Demand That Germany Ban Bestiality…/demand-that-germany-ban-bestiality/


75. Please help to change Animal Welfare laws in NL so that sick people like Franz Kamp, do not walk free.

- geschlossen = Ich will diesen Namen als Hunde-Vergewaltiger abgespeichert sehen und deswegen liste ich diese Petition trotzdem auf! /

- closed =  I want to see this name stored as a Dog rapists and that's why I list the petition on anyway!…/lock-up-franz-kamps-from-…/


76. Report Gaybeast by the authorities and ban this site from the internet.

- geschlossen = Ich will diesen Namen als Hunde-Vergewaltiger abgespeichert sehen und deswegen liste ich diese Petition trotzdem auf! /

- closed =  I want to see this name stored as a Dog rapists and that's why I list the petition on anyway!


77. The drugging & repeated raping of his neighbor's dog for hours – Photo of the abuser included!!

- geschlossen = Ich will diesen Namen als Hunde-Vergewaltiger abgespeichert sehen und deswegen liste ich diese Petition trotzdem auf! /

- closed =  I want to see this name stored as a Dog rapists and that's why I list the petition on anyway!


78. Mark Zuckerberg: Ein Verbot von Videos auf Facebook: Pornos und Tierquälerei und Tiermord /

Mark Zuckerberg: A ban on videos on Facebook: Pornos and animal cruelty and animal murder


79. End the Cruel and Disgusting Practice of Bestiality


80. Primer Ministro Dinamarca(H.Thorning) & Primer Ministro Noruega (E.Solberg): Revisen Leyes contra el Abuso Sexual de Animales en Dinamarca y Noruega /

Premierminister von Dänemark (H.Thorning) & Premierminister von Norwegen (E.Solberg): Überarbeitung der Gesetze gegen den sexuellen Missbrauch von Tiere in Dänemark und Norwegen /

Prime Minister of Denmark (H.Thorning) & Prime Minister of Norway (E.Solberg): Revise laws against Sexual Abuse of Animals in Denmark and Norway


81. Stop Bestiality Being Allowed Online And Offline


82. Stop Animal Bestiality


83. Stop and Prevent Animal Rape


84. Ban zoophilia (bestiality) in Texas - This campaign is important, because we all need to work together to stop this type  of abuse

from happening again!!


85. Ban animal pornography and shocking footage


86. Punish Man Accused of Raping Dog - Give a man of San Pedro, California, accused of sexually assaulting his neighbor’s dog the maximum prison sentence. One particular morning the owner discovered his dog’s fur everywhere so he decided to watch the security camera’s footage of the night before. The film was disturbing and heart-wrenching: Christopher Alexander Caceres, 22 year old, drugged and repeatedly raped the dog for two hours; the dog tried to get away several times….


- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -


87. Sex mit Tieren ist in Deutschland immer noch erlaubt!!!! 1000de leiden und sterben dabei, wir dürfen nicht länger die

Augen verschließen!!! /

Sex with animals is still allowed in Germany !!!! 1000s to suffer and die there, we can no longer close our eyes


- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -


88. Outlaw Bestiality in ALL States


89. Save Max's Mom! Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals.

Timothy Allen Smith is a felon and has had sex with minors. He even so goes to Craigslist, flea markets, shelters, and sometimes even rescue groups in order to find Doberman Pinchers and Great Danes. Once he gets them, he immediately breeds them and sells the puppies to pay for his bills. Sadly, that is not the worst part. As you know, Doberman's have docked tails and cropped ears. Most people take their puppy to their trusted veterinarian to get this done. This man does it himself. He docks and crops their tails and ears with no anesthetics or pain medicine. Once he gets the dogs home, he does very sickening things. The female Great Danes and Doberman's are the ones at greatest risk… He rapes the females, and the ones who fight back are considered disrespectful and he will beat them and kill them. Once he kills them, he drags them to a metal sheet and chops up their bodies and disposes of the evidence by feeding it to alligators near his home. Probably the worst thing about this is that Tim Smith brags about what he does, and his friends join in on the raping. Several veterinarians have written out statements on the dogs conditions and still no justice has been served.  Help save Max's mom and all of the other victims that are suffering..


90. Don't let bestiality become legal in Canada - In the case of Her Majesty the Queen v. D.L.W., the Supreme Court will hear an appeal from a decision of the British Colombia Court of Appeal, which ruled that non-penetrative sexual abuse of animals does not constitute the criminal offence of bestiality. Animal Justice is intervening to ensure the Supreme Court hears the perspective of countless animals who have no voices of their own.


- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -


91. Ban bestiality and fur farming in Finland and improve its animal welfare legislation!


- Neu / New 7.11.2015 -


92. Een levenslang houdverbod voor dierenmisbruikers en dierenbeulen /

Eine lebenslange Verbot der Haltung von Tieren für die Tierschänder und Tierquäler /

A lifelong ban on keeping animals for animal molesters and animal abusers


- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -


93. Puppy Davey deserves justice - NO early release from jail for animal abuser Duanying Chen - Chen had admitted his guilt for repeatedly torturing Puppy Davey over a period of time, including burning 80% of his body with a utility lighter, breaking his bones and teeth, spinal injuries, and sexual mutilation to the point he had to be euthanized. Chen was convicted of five felonies and one misdemeanor, including two felony counts of animal cruelty and one count of felony assault by force likely to produce great bodily injury involving his girlfriend.


- Neu / New 4.1.2016 -


94. Otro perrita abusada sexualmente. ¡Tipifiquen la zoofilia como delito!!  /

Ein weiterer sexuell missbrauchter Hund. Typisieren Sie Bestialität als ein Verbrechen! Ein Psychopath, missbrauchte "Guerra", eine einjährige Pitbull Hündin, sexuell  …Gerechtigkeit für Guerra!!!! :-( /

Another sexually abused dog. Typify Bestiality as a crime!! A psychopath sexual abused "Guerra" a one-year Pitbull female dog  …Justice for Guerra!!!! :-(


95. Hayvan tecavüzüne hayır! Daha kaç hayvana bu pislik yapılacak? /

Nein zu Vergewaltigungen von Tieren! Wie viele Tiere müssen diese Sauerei noch erleiden? /

No to the rape of animals! How many more animals have to suffer this disgrace?


96. A Monsieur le Préfet de la ville de Meknès: Justice pour Rosa!! / An den Präfekten der Stadt Meknes: Gerechtigkeit für Rosa - Rosa, eine schwangere Hündin, wurde von einem widerlichen Menschen vergewaltigt und von ihrem Vergewaltiger gnadenlos vom Dach eines Gebäudes geworfen  …Ruhe in Frieden, Rosa :-(  / To the Prefect of the city of Meknes: Justice Rosa - Rosa, a pregnant female dog, was raped by a human and mercilessly thrown from the roof of a building by her rapist 

…RIP Rosa :-(



...please search below for the petition and for contact addresses to send your letter of Protest


98. Hayvan tecavüzlerine ağır ceza verilsin. /

Es sollten schwerste Bestrafungen für die Vergewaltigung von Tieren gegeben werden. /

It should be given most severe punishment for the rape of animals.


RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(

we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...

he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016

Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...

doggy petitions, petition, dogs, hunde, bestiality, sodomie, zoophile, zoophilie, petizione,

Quelle/ Source: Google+


Der Missbrauch ist vorbei.
Du bist jetzt sicher
Liebe wird dich heilen.


Stop the sexual abuse of animals!

Quelle/ Source: Google+

Seite / Page 1 > 2

- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

3 >

- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

doggy petitions, petition, dogs, hunde, bestiality, sodomie, zoophile, zoophilie, petizione,

- Neu / New 29.1.2016 -


99. Argentina: Justicia para regina, una perra mastina violada, torturada y asesinada. /

Gerechtigkeit für Regina, eine Mastino Hündin, die vergewaltigt, gefoltert und ermordet wurde

... Ruhe in Frieden, Regina :-(  /

Justice for Regina, a female Mastino dog who was raped, tortured and murdered

... Rest in peace, Regina :-(


100. Peru: Carcere per i depravati che violentato un cane sul tetto di un ristorante /

Gefängnis für die Widerlinge, die einen Hund auf dem Dach eines Restaurants vergewaltigten /

Prison for the sleazebags who raped a dog on the roof of a restaurant

Sodomie -

Bestiality 2

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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