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(Gibt es in Deutschland nicht, hier wäre es das Ordungsamt, Veterinärsamt und Tierheim-Vorstände)

(Is there not in Germany, where it would be the clerk's office, veterinary office and shelter board members)

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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151 Tell the Harris County District Attorney's office to prosecute abuse against June the dog.


152. Return Spot the Dog to His Military Family


153. Let Spot Go Home to His Family


154. Re-Sharing, because still open to sign: Save Two Dogs from Euthanasia - Do not euthanize two dogs after minor nipping incident!! In October of 2013, the two dogs, Axle and Paris, escaped from their backyard. After they wandered across the street, one of the dogs nipped at a construction worker’s leg, not drawing blood, but leaving a small bruise. The City of Richmond then seized the dogs and submitted an application to euthanize them both, when just the larger, Axle, bit the worker. In the past, Richmond has worked with dog owners to avoid euthanasia, focusing instead on rehabilitation and behavioral training. Not even the construction worker thinks the dogs should be killed, stating that his small injury healed quickly and without any scars …please don not euthanize Axle and Paris :-(


155. Fire Director of AWL (The Animal Welfare League of Kosciusko County) ! For years the director of AWL has been anything but helpful when it comes to the well being of the animals at the shelter. She (Darla) has lied on numerous occasions, put animals down without even trying to get them the proper help and training they need, and when confronted she lies even more. Why would someone who claims to love animals so much feel the need to lie and not actually help them?


156. Allow Pet Shelters to Rescue Stray Pets From Animal Control - Strike down legislation that would prohibit pet shelters from rescuing stray pets from animal control facilities!!!! An Illinois senator has proposed a bill that, if passed, would disregard the hard work of pet shelters and keep more stray animals in overpopulated pro-kill animal control facilities. Throughout the state of Illinois, pet shelter volunteers have worked hard to rescue dogs and cats from animal controls, rehabilitate them, and show them for adoption. Under this new senate bill, however, these generous and effective actions would be made illegal.


- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -


157. Make the Canine Welfare and Safety Act a law in Kern County!


158. Proposal to Remove Gas Box & End the Killing of Cats & Dogs Forever in Shawnee, Oklahoma – International Protest against Kill Pounds (Shelters) and Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)!!!!! #sleepoutforanimals




160. Praise Animal Shelter for Adopting Out All Their Animals - The Summit County Animal Control Center, directed by Christine Fatheree, defied the odds this Saturday when they hosted their annual adopt-a-thon. During the first 90 minutes alone, 93 animals had been officially adopted.


- Neu / New 24.11.2015 -


161. Investigate Pack of Wild Dogs to Stop Attacks On Humans & Their Pets

…Take these stray dogs to a No-Kill animal shelter and give them a good behavior training – DON’T KILL THESE DOGS PLEASE!!!


162. Fire Harry Ward, Detroit Animal Control Director, and prosecute him for animal abuse.


163. Spot Deserves Better!


164. Demand that Metro Animal Control Services Does Not Euthanize Adoptable Animals Unless their Facilities are Full


165. Return Spot to His Family NOW!! - Fort Benning Animal Control facility


- Neu / New 7.12.2015 -


166. Cambien las autoridades del centro de control canino: Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico /

Ändern Sie den Direktor des Hunde Kontrollzentrums: Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico /

Change the authorities of the dog control center: Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico


167. Injured dog handled like it was already dead by Downey Animal Care Center: Training needed


168. Tell prosecutors to prosecute animal control employees for animal cruelty and neglect


- Neu / New 7.1.2016 -


169. My Daughter's Therapy/Service Dog Was Seized Because She's a Pit Bull: Help Us Get Her Back!  …please sign for Edith, the lovely female service dog, the next court date is on Jan.11.


170. Прекратите издевательство над животными! / Stoppen Sie Tiermissbrauch in einer kommunalen Einrichtung! / Stop animal abuse in a municipal institution!


171. Justice for Lily! Make Riverside County Animal Control/Shelter take responsibility for abusing & neglecting her! Stop this from happening to another animal!


172. Please help to stop the killing of these two innocent dogs


173. RIP Oliver Twist - Denied a Medical Pull - Left to Suffer and Die Alone.

- bis hier in A-Z einsortiert –


174. GESTIÓN POR ARPA DEL CENTRO DE RECOGIDA DE ANIMALES DE ARANJUEZ / Die Verwaltung des Tier Sammelstellen Zentrums von Aranjuez für ARPA - Wir sind ein gemeinnütziger Tierschutz Verein, wir arbeiten derzeit ehrenamtlich in der kommunalen Tier-Sammelstelle, und wir bitten für die Gesamtverwaltung , um den Schutz der Tierschutzkriterien zu erfüllen, der, nach unserem Empfinden, von dem aktuellen Management und von den kommunalen Dienstleistungen nicht respektiert wird / Management of the Animal Collection Center of Aranjuez for ARPA - We are a non-profit association of animal protection, we are currently volunteering in the municipal animal collection center, and we request for the total management, to meet protection criteria of animal welfare that we believe are not respected by the current management and by the municipal services


175. Miami Dade Animal Serices in Tallahassee, FLORIDA: STOP  MURDERING DOGS LONG BEFORE THEIR TIME IS UP - Strays are getting one day or get murdered on the same day came in; some strays get less them 3 days and for a stray it is suppose to be atleast 7 days for the owners to find them .


176. I am a mother of 3 and just bought a house last year our neighbors keep complaining about our dog blue he is a Pitbull he's not even 2 yet n sleeps with my 1 yr old the animal control took him n is trying to say he is viscious please help us get our baby





...He was roughly 6-7 weeks old when he was rescued from the streets of  Kabul, Afghanistan. He is now the victim of a VERY overzealous Bay County, Florida Animal Control Agency :-(


179. Justice for Kitty - An innocent dog who was shot and lost her life too soon. Help get justice for our Kitty dog

  …RIP Kitty :-(



… In July of 2015 OSPCA, without notice or justification, swept in on a little farm outside of North Bay Ontario and seized 2 dogs, both rescues and family pets belonging to Randy and Rebecca Ashworth – so please: Take a stand for Randy & Rebecca Ashworth, who are licensed as a rescue for over 20 years without any problems; along with rescuing local dogs, they started a well respected international rescue for dogs from other countries called “The Laika Fund for Street Dogs” :-( OSPCA should do their work there where its needed!!!! :-/


181. Ysabel and many others euthanized when Rescue and Foster stepped up - Ysabel was one of the many dogs that Cleveland County Animal Control has put down while having legitimate rescue and fosters. Ysabel was showed to be people friendly and dog friendly but when rescues contacted the shelter on the euthanization date, animal control reported that she was indeed not people friendly or animal friendly when many amazing volunteers have said and shown otherwise. Ysabel is one of the MANY victims…

... RIP to all abused dog souls :-(




183. Allow continued importation of adoptable cats and dogs into the State of Maine


184. Demand that the City of Hamilton, Texas Stop Killing Animals Needlessly, Without A Chance To Be Adopted At It's City Animal Shelter. Shut Down This Shelter Of Horrors in the City of Hamilton, Texas Now~!


185. Fermeture de cause animale nord /

Schließung des schrecklichen Höllenlochs "Cause Animal Nord" - Der „Tierschutz“-Verein "Cause Animal Nord" und sein Präsident Antony Blanchard betreiben in ihren Funktionen Tierquälerei – Tiere werden in Garagen eingesperrt und die Hygiene lässt sehr wünschen übrig; die Tiere leiden schrecklich!!! /

Closure of the horrible hell hole "Cause Animal North" - The "animal welfare" - Association "Cause Animal North" and its president Antony Blanchard operate in their functions cruel to animals - animals are locked up in garages and the hygiene leaves much be desired; the animals are suffering terribly !!!



…bring Annie back home!!! :-/


- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -


187. Stop Animal Abuse at the Chicago Animal Care and Control Facility!


188. Shivering dogs with no food or water at Brooklyn Animal Care and Control

…the shelter also makes the adoption process impossible for the public :-/ Why???


189. Save Diesel the Service Dog / Stop Sgt. Butler from Killing Dogs in Des Moines, IA  

.. after Sgt Butler became Chief Humane Officer dangerous dog declarations went from 2 or 3 a year to 16 dogs (pit bull type because he has openly stated how he hates them) earning him the title "Chief Dog Killer" :-/


190. Do not euthanize Yogi, bring him back home to Lucas MacNeil


191. Release Bosco to the Lucas County Pit Crew Immediately!


192. COLORADO: Require all dogs and cats sold in pet stores to come from local shelters


193. Stop Killing Animals Years After No-Kill Tax Passed - Enforce a no-kill shelter law that was voted on back in 2012.


194. COME Together to Make Winnebago County Animal Services a NO KILL Shelter!!!


195. Save ID Number 199072 GSD which was taken from her family under false pretense. Claudia Rodriquez wants her beloved family dog home once again... 

…please call the OKC Shelter: (405) 297-3100 and/or Mayor Mick Cornetts: 405-297-2424 and speak out for Claudia Rodriquez and her beloved Dog


196. Bring justice to Darla my mother's multiple sclerosis service dog for wrongful euthnization - Well Darla was 13 years old and she was my mother's ms service dog.she was my mother's eyes and her protection. Also my mother had to be admitted in the hospital twice due to ms attacks and Darla was the hero who went and alerted the neighbor who called 911 and if it wasn't for Darla my mother would not be alive today Gina bullins Beasley of 4050 east pine Street called surry county animal control stating she had Darla for 8 weeks.officer Jackson came picked her up after bating a trap Jackson said Darla was aggressive.officer Jackson never gave Darla a 72 hour time frame to be claimed and killed her in 8 hour's after picking her up.

... RIP Darla :-( how could they do that top you, sweet senior dog :-(


197. Implement a breed neutral rehoming policy in all dog pounds.


198. Get this puppy dog back to the owner!! This beautiful animal was taken from his owners for protecting his family. An intruder was in the house being violent, nearly knocked over a baby so went for the intruder, now the dog has been taken and the family are being told he could be put down!


RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(

we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...

he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016

Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...













- Neu / New 31.1.2016 -

199. Chile: Cada Municipio a Nivel Nacional, Tenga Refugios, para erradicar el abandono de mascotas en riesgo de calle, el maltrato, la tenencia irresponsable, Rescatarlos para brindarles oportunidad de vida, Rehabilitarlos,  para entregarlos en Adopción. /

Jede Gemeinde hat Bundesweite Tierheime, um die Aussetzungen von Haustieren, in der Gefahr des Missbrauchs auf den Straßen, und den unverantwortlichen Besitz von Tieren auszumerzen. Hören Sie auf die Tiere in den Tierheimen einzuscläfern !! Retten Sie sie, um ihnen eine Chance auf ein Lebens zu geben und rehabilitieren Sie sie, um sie zur Adoption freizugeben. /

Each municipality Nationwide has shelters to eradicate the abandonment of pets at risk of street abuse and irresponsible animal ownership. Stop euthanizing the animals in the shelters!! Rescue them, to give them a chance of life and rehabilitate them, to give them up for adoption.


200. INVESTIGATE OSPCA FOR FAILURE TO PROTECT ANIMALS - There is no acceptable excuse for their refusal to take this dog from the police, who rescued it from its owner.

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal control, shelter, shelter director, euthanasia, confiscation of dogs, seizure of dogs, ordnungsamt, Amtstierarzt, animal abuse, animal welfare, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


:-( „Kampf“ mit der Tieraufsicht von Detroit :-(

Quelle/ Source: Pinterest

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal control, shelter, shelter director, euthanasia, confiscation of dogs, seizure of dogs, ordnungsamt, Amtstierarzt, animal abuse, animal welfare, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

Quelle/ Source: Google+

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal control, shelter, shelter director, euthanasia, confiscation of dogs, seizure of dogs, ordnungsamt, Amtstierarzt, animal abuse, animal welfare, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

Animal Control / Tieraufsicht 4

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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