Quelle/ Source: Facebook
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- Neu / New 31.1.2016 -
Wir kämpfen für eine öffentliche Tierklinik!!! Wir benötigen Ihre Unterschrift! /
We fight for a public veterinary hospital!!! We need your signature
1102. Argentina: Necesitamos quirófanos móviles junto a los trenes para castrar y rescatar animals! /
Wir benötigen mobile Operationssäle in Autos, um Tiere zu retten, zu kastrieren und wieder frei zu lassen ! /
We need mobile operating theaters in cars to rescue, castrate and release animals!
1103. Stop Free Pet Listings on Craigslist
1104. Argentina: Que se apruebe la Ley de Centros de Atención Veterinaria Gratuitos para la Pcia de Bs As /
Genehmigung des Gesetzes über die kostenlosen, tierärztlichen Betreuungszentren für die Provinz Buenos Aires /
To approve the Law on Free Veterinary Care Centers for the Province of Buenos Aires
1105. Argentina: HCD de San Rafael: no a la pirotecnia /
Geehrter Rat von San Rafael (HCD): Nein zu Pyrotechnik !! /
Honorable Council of San Rafael (HCD): No to Pyrotechnics!!
1106. Argentina: Prohibir la exhibición de animales en veterinarias /
Verbieten Sie die Adoptions-Angebote von Tieren in Veterinärkliniken - Es ist bedauerlich, dass die städtische Tierklinik Kleintiere, Katzen, Hunde und Welpen miteinander auf engen Raum hält! Es ist grausam, dass die Tiere lange in den Käfigen bleiben müssen und das unter entsetzlichen Bedingungen!! Sie müssen in ihren Exkrementen verweilen und an den Wochenenden sind sie, ohne Wasser und mit verdorbenes Essen, eingesperrt; das ist offensichtlicher Missbrauch und das muss sofort aufhören!!! /
Prohibit the Adoption Offers of animals in veterinary clinics - It is regrettable that the municipal veterinary clinic keeps small animals, cats, dogs and puppies together on narrow space! It is cruel that the animals have to stay long inside the cages and that in appalling conditions!! They must sit in their excrement and on the weekends they are locked up without water and rotten food; that's obvious abuse and this must end immediately !!!
1107. STOP LAW ENFORCEMENT'S 'CARE-LESS' SHOOTING OF FAMILY PETS! Many of these dogs have been shot running away! Many times officers have even walked into families own back yards and shot their dogs. This is not right! Tazers for instance, used with caution not to kill, would be a better option, and to call animal control.
1108. Justice for Animal Cruelty in Canada.
1109. Argentina: Digamos NO a la pirotecnia en General Roca (Río Negro) /
Sagen Sie NEIN zu Pyrotechnik in General Roca (Rio Negro) /
Say NO to Pyrotechnics in General Roca (Rio Negro)
1110. Argentina: Libertad a los perros comunitarios "desaparecidos" por la gestión de J. Zamora Intendente /
Freiheit für die Gemeinde-Hunde, die durch das Management des Bürgermeister J. Zamora »Verschwunden sind«!! /
Liberty for the community-dogs who are "disappeared" by the management of the Mayor J. Zamora !!
1112. 5 Little Dogs on a Mission to END PUPPY MILLS - Truth, Dare, Justice, Hope and Faith: Five little dogs on a mission, who have a second chance and need your help because they left so many friends behind.
1113. Chile: Aprueben una verdadera ley de tenencia responsable de animales en Chile /
Verabschieden Sie ein wahrhaftiges Gesetz der verantwortungsbewussten Tierhaltung in Chile /
Adopt a veritable law of responsible pet ownership in Chile
1114. Uruguay: Crear politicas eficientes en materia de control de animales callejeros. /
Erschaffen Sie eine effiziente Maßnahmen, um die streunende Tiere zu kontrollieren. 1. Kastrationen, um die unkontrollierte Vermehrung der Tiere zu reduzieren! 2. Das Krankheitsrisiko ist sehr hoch, da die Tiere auf den Straßen keinerlei Impfstoffe und Wurmkuren erhalten, Jährliche Impfungen sind unbedingt erforderlich, um Tollwut entgegen zu wirken! /
Create effective measures to control the stray animals. 1. Castrations to reduce the uncontrolled propagation of the animals! 2. The disease risk is very high, because the animals are on the streets with no vaccines and deworming, Yearly vaccinations are strictly necessary to counter rabies!
1115. Russia: Требуем вернуть кетамин для ветеринарного применения /
Fordert die Rückgabe von Ketamin für die Veterinärmedizin - Ketamin - ein Arzneimittel zur Vollnarkose! Nach Angaben der russischen Zeitung, bewirkt Ketamin geistige und körperliche Abhängigkeit bei Menschen, wenn es häufig konsumiert wird. Doch nach einem Bericht der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), gibt es wenige Berichte über solche Abhängigkeiten. In der Anwendung in der Veterinärmedizin ist es sicher. In der EU wird Ketamin überall von Tierärzten als eine ausgezeichnete Betäubungsmittel (Anästhesie) angesehen und verwendet, es ist keine Lizenz für dafür nötig. /
Demanding the return of ketamine for veterinary use - Ketamine - a medicament for the general anesthesia! According to the Russian newspaper, ketamine causes mental and physical dependence in humans when it is frequently consumed. However, according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are just a few reports of such dependencies. In the application in veterinary medicine it is safe. In the EU, ketamine is regarded by veterinarians as an excellent anesthetic (anesthesia) and used everywhere, it is no license for it needed.
1116. Demand Animal Abuse & Cruelty Registry in Alaska - Although there are other animal abuse issues in Alaska, the most common concern is with sled dog animal cruelty. When it comes to sled races, sometimes the dogs are forced to run at exhausting and demanding speeds daily without any regard to the well-being of the animals. Many of these dogs suffer from dehydration, spine injuries, heart attacks, muscle deterioration, pneumonia and more.
1117. Ontario, Alberta and Quebec: Catch Up With the Rest of the Country and Ban Cosmetic Surgeries in Dogs
1118. 2016, Make Beastiality a crime in Vermont - Vermont is also considered a Beastiality friendly state. Animals who are raped and abused often suffer severe physical damage, yet with NO law to protect them
1119. Demand the Maximum Punishment in Dog Abandonment Case
1120. Support Animal Ordinance in Laurel Co - Be Their Voice
1121. End Animal Cruelty and demand a massive overhaul of Canada's outdated animal rights act.
1122. Puppies, Short hair, or No hair Should not be Tethered During Freezing Temperatures.
1123. Stop Dog Shooting in Islamabad, Pakistan - Killing them is not solution, its insane.!!!
1124. BAN TOWBAR DOG CRATES or carriers on the towbar
… if you would not transport your kids like this - please do not do so with your dogs: There is no protection for your dog and they surley will be afraid!!! :-/ This is animal torture!!!!!! Shame on everybody who is using this for his dog :-( No animal is safe in this ridiculous cage.
1125. Demand to End Animal Cruelty around Milledgeville, Georgia!
1126. Change the law for animal cruelty to life ban - People using their dogs for bait in dog fights or beating them so badly it causes serious harm or death or even throwing pets from bridges or drowning them! Many people out there would like to see a change in the law so that anyone who mistreats an animal by seriously harming them or causing their death is banned from owning an animal for the rest of their lives rather than just a few years…
1127. Make all animal abuse a felony in the United States of America
1128. "Jada's Law" to strengthen animal abuse laws - Pets are members of our families and should be afforded the same protections under the law!!!!!!
1129. Expose the truth behind Hannah the Pet Society - The fact of the matter is: it is unknown where Hannah sources its animals and its failure to disclose where it sources its animals from leads many concerned community members, especially those in the rescue community, to believe that Hannah may be sourcing its animals from backyard breeders and or puppy/kitten mills. Why else would a company not be forthcoming with its sourcing? What is there to hide?
1130. Stop the sale of fireworks to the public in the Northern Territory
1131. Revise Article 26 353-B to Protect Dogs from Inclement Weather NY
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
1132. Please have an Ordinance in Place for anti-tethering in Burke County, GA. It is inhumane for these dogs to live at the end of a chain their entire lives. Some have done so for decades.
1133. Germany: Hunde und Katzen nach Tot-Fund überprüfen, ob sie gechipt oder tätowiert sind und bei Tasso e.v. melden!! /
Dogs and cats should be checked after death-finds if they are chipped or tattooed and report to Tasso e.V. (German Pet Register)!!
1134. Heartland Pets in Erie, PA: Stop Supporting Puppy Mill Cruelty. Go Humane or Go Away
… “Rescues” are my favorite dog breed and this will never, never change!!! If someone tells me he took a dog from a breeder, I only can look at him or her like she is ...an absolutely idiot!!!!!
1135. Swiss: Abschaffung der Hundemarke im Kanton Solothurn /
Abolition of Dog ID Tag in Canton Solothurn - Since the introduction of mandatory identifier of dogs by microchip it needs no control characters anymore. The registration requirement and the indicator-sign on the dog's collar is a double and unnecessary identification of dogs, as well as a double financial burden of the dog owner
Verbot des Verkaufs von Tieren auf sämtlichen Veranstaltungen im ganzen Land - Tiere sind Lebewesen, die den Respekt der Menschen verdient haben, sie sind wie wir; sie haben die Fähigkeit zu fühlen und zu leiden!! Die Tiere, die auf den Messen und Veranstaltungen als Ware verkauft werden sollen, werden in winzigen Käfigen gesperrt, in denen sie keine Bewegungsfreiheit haben. Sie sind manchmal sogar gezwungen, auf dem jeweils anderen, inmitten von Schmutz, zu stehen, ohne Nahrung und Wasser! Sie müssen es im Sommer Stundenlang in der Sonne aushalten, viele von ihnen sind völlig dehydriert, und im Winter Kälte und Regen! /
Banning the sale of animals on all events across the country – Animals are living beings who have earned the respect of people, they are like us; they have the ability to feel and suffer!! The animals that are to be sold at fairs and events as a commodity are locked in tiny cages where they have no freedom of movement. They are sometimes even forced to stand on each other, surrounded by dirt, without food and water! In summer they must endure the heat of sun for hours, many of them are completely dehydrated, and during the winter they must bear the cold and rain!
1137. Turkey: Sokak hayvanlarını besleyen hayvan severlere devlet mama versin ve destek olsun. / W
ir, die Tierliebhaber, fordern vom Staat Unterstützung mit Futter und Wasser, um unsere streunenden Tiere zu füttern - Tiere sind Gottes Geschöpfe, die uns anvertraut wurden. Vor allem streunende Tiere leiden im Winter Hunger und Kälte, viele von ihnen verhungern oder erfrieren. Menschen, die streunenden Tieren helfen, erfüllen eine Pflicht des Gewissen!! Diese Art Tierfreunde finden Sie im Sommer wie im Winter, sie laufen für die Tiere durch die Straßen und kontrollieren ihre Bauten und Stammplätze. In dieser Hinsicht fordern wir von den Gemeinden, den Regierungsbehörden, dem Ministerium für Forstwirtschaft und den Wasserwerke Unterstützung und Hilfe, vor allem mit Lebensmittel! /
We, the animal lovers, demand the state to support us with food and water to feed our stray animals - Animals are God's creatures that have been entrusted to us. Especially stray animals suffer in the winter cold and hunger; many of them starve or freeze to death. People who help stray animals, fulfilling a duty of conscience!! This kind of animal friends can be found in both summer and winter, they walk for the animals through the streets and control their construction and regular places. In this regard, we call on the communities, government agencies, the Ministry of Forestry and Waterworks for assistance and support, especially with food!
1138. TheGoodDogsLife, Boarding & Pet Sitting
1139. Turkey: Sokak hayvanlarına belediyeden devamlı mama desteği bekliyoruz /
Wir erwarten der Kommunen kontinuierliche Nahrungsmittelhilfe für die herrenlosen Tiere /
We expect continuous food assistance to the stray animals from municipalities
1140. Change law for caged dogs - The law states that since food, water and shelter are available then there is no law being broken. If you ask anyone around you if keeping a dog in a cage or confined space all day & night is not breaking the law I guarantee they would disagree.
1141. Stop Euthanizing Dogs by Gunshot - Oklahoma residents recently discovered that an animal shelter in Bristow euthanizes dogs by shooting them. The mayor of the town confirmed the allegations and added that three dogs had been shot to death that past week. He informed the public that the practice was legal under the state’s law which says that any shelter with a population of fewer than 10 thousand animals can “destroy unclaimed animals in a humane, acceptable way.” The issue is that the law does not specify humane practices
… :-/ what a shame!!
1142. Stop Ignoring Shocking Cases of Animal Cruelty - After the Wise Owl Animal Care clinic in Guam treated a dog with a knife lodged through its skull and one with a gunshot wound to its face in a single week, they became concerned about the alarming rise in animal cruelty cases. The animal hospital’s general manager tried reaching out to officials with no luck. According to outlets, Ron Weinberg, the assistant attorney general, who’s reportedly seen pictures of the dog, admitted that unless a veterinarian or licensee is responsible for the abuse, the cases aren’t even addressed by the Guam Board of Allied Health Examiners.
1143. Turkey: Beşiktaş Belediyesi sokaktaki canlarımıza sahip çık! /
Beşiktaş Gemeinde kann unsere Straßen verteidigen! Helfen Sie den verletzten Seelen unsere streunenden Tiere! /
Beşiktaş Municipality can defend our street! Help the wounded souls of our stray animals!
1146. Save Dogs From Getting Ear Damage Due to Bows - A dog recently had to get its ears surgically removed because bows allegedly put on by a groomer caused a great deal of damage to their functionality. We need to take action to ensure similar tragedies can be avoided in the future.
1147. Stop the Ill-Treatment of the Panda Chow Chows - Tell Meng Jiang to Stop Dying Chows Fur for Profit!!!!!!
1148. Turkey: Köpek Zehirleyen Belediyeler Cezalandırılsın /
Bestraft die Gemeinden und Kommunen für die Vergiftungen der Hunde - Damit unsere künftigen Generationen von Kindern nicht in der Dunkelheit der Böswilligkeit aufwachsen, sondern mit Mitgefühl und einem tierliebenden Gewissen für streunende Tiere!! /
Punish the municipalities and local authorities for the poisoning of dogs - so that our future generations of children not grow up in the darkness of malice, but with compassion and an animal-loving conscience for stray animals !!
1149. Stolen Dogs - We need the police to take action about the rising number of stolen dogs (Dawson Creek British Columbia, Canada)
1150. Bristow OK animal shelter to use vet only for all euthanasia, open shelter to public

Meine Kinder haben Pfoten
Teile dies, wenn du Hunde liebst
Quelle/ Source: Pinterest
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 29