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Petitionen gegen gewaltsam arbeitende Hundetrainer

& andere Dienstleistungen am Hund /

Petitions against forcibly working Dog Trainer

& other services at the Dog

1. Tierquälerei auf dem Hundeplatz: Systematischer Einsatz von Stromstößen?! /

Animal cruelty on the dog place: Systematic use of electric shocks?!


2. Stop Promoting Abusive Dog Trainers

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3. Rescue Masha the Bear from "Dog Training Camp" in Russia

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4. Tierquälerei auf dem Hundeplatz - Hundetraining mit dem Teletakt (Elektroschock-Halsband!) /

Animal cruelty on the dog place, After intensive research on dogs squares of the Association for German Shepherd Dogs eV (SV) and the Publication of preliminary investigation results in July 2013, we now publish again video that shows among other things the use of banned Teletact devices on German training courses.


5. Nein zu ZDF-Dokus mit Canis-Grewe! - Ein Hundetrainer, der den Spitznamen "Der Unterwerfer" hat /

No to TV documentaries with "Canis - Grewe"! A dog trainer, nicknamed "The Subjugator"

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6. Demand Justice for Dogs Abused by Dog Trainer – the Princeton dog trainer Michael G. Rosenberg is facing charges for causing the death of one dog and injuring another. A three-year-old German shepherd died after suffering from hypothermia and four broken ribs, which also punctured a lung. Rosenberg hit the dog with a crop whip, slammed the dog into the ground and jabbed his fingers into the dog’s ribs. He neglected to take the dog to receive medical care afterwards, which inevitably led to the pet’s death.


7. Demand Harsh Sentence for Deadly Dog Trainer - Prosecute negligent dog trainer for mistreating animals who died in her care. Nicole Hulbig from Clarksville, Tennessee, claims to run a non-profit organization that trains dogs to act as service animals…. Police later made the horrific discovery of 37 bags of animal remains on the woman’s property and immediately seized the 40 live dogs that were also on the premises.


8. Demand Harshest Punishment for Dog Trainer Tami Carrasco (Owner of American Dog School) Charged with Animal Cruelty –a thirteen-week-old purebred German Shepherd was returned to his owners with blunt force trauma and injuries. These injuries later resulted in the removal of the puppy’s right eye.


9. Hunde brauchen Schutz – ihre Trainer auch! Hundetrainer fordern einheitliche Umsetzung der Erlaubnis /

Dogs need protection – Their Dog Trainers too! Dog trainers call for uniform implementation of permission


10. PETITION FÜR GEWALTFREIES TRAINING IM HUNDETRAINING- PETITION FÜR SABINE KOCH - Personen mit fragwürdigen Trainingsmethoden geht es darum, die am stärksten für Gewaltfreiheit eintretende Mitarbeiterin des WTV, Sabine Koch,  aus dem Verein zu drängen. Das muss verhindert werden! /

Petition for a nonviolence training in Dog Training - Petition for Sabine Koch - People with their questionable training methods are about to urge the most dedicated employee for Nonviolence of the WTV from the association. This must be prevented!


11. Demand This Cruel Georgia Dog Trainer Be Shut Down


12. Save Our Dog Training Ground


13. Take action against aversive training devices - We are concerned about the use of training devices designed to cause fear and pain to dogs in order to modify their behaviour. Not only can they seriously compromise dog welfare, but they can actually make behavioural problems worse in the long run.


14. Strip Rebecca Cross of her Best in Show win at Crufts 2015. – UK Only!!!!


15. Stop Wallace Payne's Cruel Dog Training Methods


16. Investigate Incident of Dog Daycare & Appropriate Charges if Warranted


- Neu / New 10.7.2015 -




- Neu / New 17.7.2015 -


18. Change laws regarding Pet Groomers in the state of Virginia. Require that they be licensed to groom pets in Virginia. Justice for Colby who died at the hands of Petco groomers! Immediately fire the neglectful persons responsible for Colby's death! Justice for Colby!!!


19. Investigate Dog Daycare “Best Friends Critter Sitter” in Tennessee that allegedly lied about a Dog’s Death - Further research alleges that this is not the first time the said facility has been involved in pet mishandling. Best Friends Critter Sitter has been suspected to hide the mishandling of pets left under their care.


20.  Demand a Home Inspection for Palin's Service Dog!


21. Allow our dogs to socialize, exercise and play in a cage free environment in the care of “Doggy Den”, by expert and experienced staff.


- Neu / New 25.7.2015 -


22. Punish Dog Walker Who Killed Dogs - The irresponsible woman trapped the dogs in her car on a hot day for 45 minutes while she was inside of a business. Upon returning to her car, the woman was met with six heat-stroke victims. She later lied about the deaths to the authorities and the dogs’ families, claiming that the dogs had been stolen from the dog park she was supposed to be at with the dogs. For days, the families joined together in pursuit of their pets, raising money for their safe return while holding hope that their beloved friends would soon be home again. However, under interrogation, the dog walker admitted that she had left the dogs unattended in her truck on the very hot, fateful day…. JUSTICE!!!!!


23. Dog walker needs to be charged 6 times

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24. ANIMAL CRUELTY LAWS IN CANADA-6 Dogs are Dead From Being Locked in a Hot SUV - Demand Change! – geschlossen / closed -


25. Prosecute Dog Walker Emma Paulsen from British Columbia Who Killed Six Dogs - left six dogs in the back of a truck finally admitted they died of heatstroke, despite originally reporting that they had been stolen.


26. Make Commercial Dog Walker permit renewals available on line


- Neu / New 4.8.2015 -


27. Get Justice for Dozier with charges against this trainer and help make changes to Kentucky's animal rights laws, enabling prosecution to those who mistreat or mishandle these animals.


28. Stop Georgia man's cruel methods of training dogs!


29. Stop All Animal Grooming and Abuse at Petco           


30. Prosecute Dog Walker Who Killed Six Dogs - File criminal charges against a woman who let six dogs die of heat stroke (Not Double, but against the same Dog Walker!!!)


- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -


31. Shut down Deenie's Bed and Biscuit-Animal Cruelty - Deenie's Bed and Biscuit calls themselves a "Dog Grooming" business, but this is far from the truth. Located in Bloomington, Illinois, they have caused more harm, including death, to animals and they need to be shut down.


32. Puppies Suffocated by Hanging Deserve Justice - Two puppies were reportedly suffocated before being thrown into a trash can in an act of extreme animal cruelty. Jason Gentry is facing trial on ten accounts of animal abuse for both neglect and the death of two puppies at an unlicensed training facility.


33. Lebenslange Sperre für Claudio De Ferrari an allen Schlittenhunderennen! Tierquäler Claudio De Ferrari aus Italien wird Vize-Europameister 2012 in Gryon / Suisse, das allerdings auf Kosten der Hunde, wie man auf dem Video eindeutig sehen sehen. /

Lifetime ban for Claudio De Ferrari at all sled dog races! Animal abuser Claudio De Ferrari from Italy is Vice-European Champion in Gryon / Suisse 2012,, but at the cost of the dogs, how to see unambiguously on the video


- Neu / New 20.8.2015 -


34. Applaud the Arrest of Dog Trainer in Animal Cruelty Case - Gayle Justice from North Texas has been arrested after over 70 animals were seized from her home. During a regular welfare check, the Ellis County Sheriff’s office discovered the animals in unacceptable conditions and had to remove 60 dogs, a few cats, and a parrot. Authorities also found the carcasses of 20 dead dogs on the woman’s property. Gayle Justice was the owner of an animal training facility called Maximum K-9: Remote Collar Training, which she ran from her home.


- Neu / New 29.8.2015 -


35.Demand Authorities Investigate False Animal Training and Rescue Facility


- Neu / New 4.9.2015 -


36. Lets Ban the Cruel Punishment of Shock Collars on Our Pets!


37. Stricter regulations and thorough training for PETCO groomers


- Neu / New 10.9.2015 -


38. Make New York the First State to License and Regulate Pet Groomers


39. Require Boarding Facilities to be regulated!! Let’s start Bailey's Law!!!

Bailey´s Owner received a voicemail from Jerry Miller Conger, the owner of Jerry's Pet Spa in North Richland Hills, stating that one of their dogs had bitten the other one and it was just a scratch and nothing to worry about. After the Dog Owner showed up at the boarding facility he found his dog, Bailey, had puncture wounds on her hind end and had been put in a crate for six hours bleeding while no one was at the facility. 

:-/ Bailey had not received ANY type of medical treatment!!! :-(


- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -


40. Ban Lawrence Moran of Total Dogs Ltd from owning and working with animals!! Justice and answers for the three dogs who went into the care of Lawrence Moran at Total Dogs in Netherton, Liverpool UK - but sadly never returned to their owners. There have also been other dogs who have returned from his care with various injuries consistent with dog fights. For one more example: Blue, a male Staffordshire Bull Terrier, returned from Lawrence Moran's care with burns to her neck consistent with the use of an Electric Shock Collar :-(


41. Urge Police to Press Charges against Dog Groomer who Killed Dog - The groomer, Rebecca Barbara from Missouri, claims that the tiny dog bit her viciously enough to fear for her life. She proceeded to throw the dog against a wall, causing fatal internal injuries. The dog subsequently died from its wounds.


- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -


42. Alto al maltrato animal por parte de entrenadores de perros tan solo aplicando las leyes y los reglamentos vigentes /

Stoppen sie Tierquälerei durch Hundetrainer, einzig durch die Anwendung der Gesetze und Verordnungen /

Stop animal abuse by dog trainers only by applying the laws and regulations


- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -


43. WVA (World Veterinary Association) , Say "No Cruelty in Training" to Your Vets


44. Require animal care workers to report abused/ neglected animals!


- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -


45. The Dog House Kennels and Pet Resort


46. Approve an amendment to the ordinance of the M-1 district to allow specific indoor animal care facilities.


- Neu / New 23.10.2015 -


47. Demand an End to Animal Deaths at PETCO by groomers!!!!!!!!!!



Forderung der sofortigen Schliessung des Golden Retriever Zwingers CATAD in Cartagena. /

Demand the immediate closure of the Golden Retriever Kennel CATAD in Cartagena.


- Neu / New 8.11.2015 -


49. Unqualified dog behaviorists  - Ben Gummer

...I am also a Dog Trainer and dog behaviorists and we have the same problems here in Germany :-( But since 1.8.2015 we now have a bit protection for the dogs because you now need to proof your knowledge to receive a Trading Licenses!! BUT :-/ who will check regularly in the future??!!


50. Demand animal groomers to be licensed

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, hundetrainer, dog trainer, dog school, hundeschule, behavior therapist for dogs, hundeverhaltenstherapie, dog sitter, dog walker, groomer, tagesbetreuung für hunde, hundepension, hundefriseur, auslaufdienst, petición

Quelle/ Source:  Facebook



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Die wirkungsvollsten und leistungsfähigen   

Anführer („Rudelführer“)  sind in der Lage,

das Verhalten der anderen,

ohne die Anwendung

von Gewalt oder Einschüchterung

zu ändern!!




doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, hundetrainer, dog trainer, dog school, hundeschule, behavior therapist for dogs, hundeverhaltenstherapie, dog sitter, dog walker, groomer, tagesbetreuung für hunde, hundepension, hundefriseur, auslaufdienst, petición



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Hundetrainer & sonstige Dienstleistungen am Hund – Dogtrainer & other services at the Dog


Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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