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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
11 12 > 13 >
501. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott LG!
502. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Hyundai!
503. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Samsung!
504. Australian Minister for Agriculture the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP: Please urge South Korea to ban the dog and cat torture and consumption!
505. TAIWAN Government and Parliament: Punish this man and set severe penalties for cooking dog’s and cats alive
506. Stop Cruelty on Cats and Dogs in China!
507. Prime Minister of Australia the Hon Malcolm Turnbull: Please urge South Korea to ban the dog and cat torture and consumption!
508. Prime Minister of Canada the Honorable Justin Trudeau: Please urge South Korea to ban the dog and cat torture and consumption!
509. President Obama: Please urge South Korea to ban the dog and cat torture and consumption!
510. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: Stop the torture and murder of millions of dogs and cats in South Korea
511. Stop Australian greyhounds being exported to China!!
512. Australia: Demand the End of Grey Hound racing Dogs being exported to China
513. Sanzionare e boicottare la cina per le violenze sui cani : omicidi per carne e pelliccia /
Sanktionierung und Boykottierung Chinas wegen der Gewalt an Hunden: Morden für Fleisch und Pelz!! /
Sanctioning and boycotting China because of the violence on dogs: Commit murder for meat and fur!!
514. Yulin Köpek Yeme Festivalini Durdurun /
Yulin Hunde Festival - Hören sie auf Hunde zu essen! /
Yulin Dog Festival - Stop eating dogs!
515. Online Real Petition for Shutdown of Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market, South Korea 부산 구포개시장 폐쇄를 위한 온라인 서명
516. Write to your Government Representatives - Contact information and sample letters for USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Denmark
517. STOP Catholics in VIETNAM of KILLINGS and TORTURING DOGS for Christmas NOW! The World is watching you!
518. Petition-Letter from Anneke: South Korean Companies, Stop the torture and killing of Korean dogs!
... TY Anneke!!!
520. Help Stop the Suffering! Tell the Chinese Embassy to urge passage of an animal cruelty law!
521. Burbank Mayor, the Hon. Bob Frutos: Tell Sister City, Incheon, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats! …please support the work from Nami Kim and her hard working team!!!! TY!!!!
522. Boknal Days Are Here Again! The atrocities of China's Yulin "festival" are still fresh in our minds as yet another similar "festival" is happening right now! South Korea's Boknal Days are "festivities" that specifically revolve around eating dogs
523. Minister Bao-Ji Chen, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan R.O.C. Taiwan – Strickter Penalties if Caught Eating Dogs again!
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
524. MAHASISWA/I STT DI MAKASSAR MENUAI KRITIKAN TAJAM DARI DOGLOVERS !!!!! / Die Schüler müssen, für das Töten und Essen ein Haustier Hundes namens "Dada" auf ihrem Campus, stark kritisiert und verurteilt werden ! Intensive Verachtung aller Hundeliebhaber !!!!! ... Ruhe in Frieden, Dada :-( / Students must be strongly criticized and punished for killing and eating a Pet Dog, named “Dada” on their Campus! Intensive contempt of all Dog Lovers !!!!!
…RIP Dada :-(
525. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Kia!
526. Anchorage Mayor, the Hon. Ethan Berkowitz: Tell Sister City, Incheon, South Korea, that we’re opposed to Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats!
…Nami Kim is working tirelessly for all Dogs from the dog slaughter houses: TY so much Nami Kim!!!!!
527. Honolulu Mayor the Hon. Kirk Caldwell: Tell Sister City, Incheon, South Korea, that we’re opposed to Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats!
528. StopYuLin!
529. Please stop the Yulin Festival forever; the dogs don't deserve to be killed like this
530. Stop Horrific Torture to Korean Jindo Dogs to Tenderize their Meat before dying a Excustioning Death only to Be
Eaten by their Killers
531. Stop the dog meat farms in Asia now!
532. STOP "2016 Yulin, China's Eating Dog Meat Festavil"
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 29.1.2016 -
534. Prison pour les responsables de l'abattage des animaux dans un abattoir illegal /
Gefängnisstrafen für die Verantwortlichen des illegalen Schlachthofs, auf dem ausgesetzte und entführte Hunde und Katzen abschlachtet wurden; ein Konzentrationslager, dass der Nahrungsaufnahme diente :-( /
Prison sentences for those responsible for the illegal slaughterhouse, where abandoned and kidnapped dogs and cats have been slaughtered; a concentration camp which was used for food consumption :-(
535. Stop Dog Meat Trade & Save Dog's In China!
536. Chile: Terminar Con Festival de Yulin 2016 /
Beenden Sie das Yulin Festival im Jahr 2016 - geplant zum 21. Juni 2016 /
End the Yulin Festival in 2016 - scheduled for June 21, 2016
537. We ask the Chinese Government for the immediate introduction of ANIMAL PROTECTION laws .!!!!
538. Stop the festival
539. Philadelphia Mayor, the Hon. Jim Kenney: Tell Sister City, Incheon, South Korea, that we’re opposed to Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats!
540. Belgium: Yulin le festival de L'HORREUR et de la TORTURE. /
Das Yulin Festival des GRAUENS und der FOLTER! /
The Yulin festival of HORROR and TORTURE!
541. イタリア ボローニャ知事殿:犬の虐待に反対である事を 友好都市のソンナムに伝えて下さい /
Bologna, Italy Mayor Virginio Merola: Tell Friendship City Seongnam, South Korea, that we’re opposed to the Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats.
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
542. Petition for Mr. Chen Wu, Yulin Governor: URGENT: Stop the Yulin Dog & Cat Festival, Save Thousands of Animals Now!
I'm Signing Below To Put A Stop The Yulin Dog & Cat Festival !!!!!!!
543. Expose educate and evacuate - We must expose the Yulin festival, educate people to enhance awareness and assistance in evacuating and rescuing these animals!
544. Stop the Yulin Dog & Cat meat Festival 2016
545. Germany: Boykott der olympischen Winterspiele in PyeongChang 2018 Korea, einer hundeessenden Nation /
Boycott of the Olympic Winter Games in PyeongChang 2018 Korea, a dog eating Nation
546. Philippines: Stop Dog Meat Abuse
547. Stop cat and dog meat served at the restaurant La Table Suisse,
548. Beaverton: Tell Sister City Cheonan, That We’re Opposed to Torture and consumption of Dogs
549. Vietnam: Stop Dog Meat Abuse
- Neu / New 23.2.2016 -
550. STOP the South African government selling dog meat!
Quelle / Source:
!!! Boykottiert Südkorea !!!
!!!!! Boykottiert FILA !!!!!
Quelle / Source: Yoon Green von Anti Dogmeat Friends
Lassen Sie uns die beschämenden und hinterlistigen Olympischen Winterspiele 2018 in Pyeong Chang ver-/abriegeln !!!
Spread the Posters against Dog Meat made available by Korean Dogs
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