Petitionen für Service & Therapie Hunde /
Petitions for Service & Therapy Dogs
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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51. Praise Rehabilitation Center for Saving Dogs from Meat Trade - Applaud animal welfare center and ASPCA for taking in and rehabilitating rescue dogs from the Asian dog meat trade.
- Neu / New 29.8.2015 -
52. Appeal for use of unused AVA property!! 15 AVA buildings were vacant for more than 10 yrs and we are seeking support to use them for community benefit – Let us have a Companion Care Community Veterinary Clinic - As all poor in Singapore are not denied medical care, all pets (belonging to the poor who for one reason or another, ended up with the pet) should also have access to medical care instead of suffering till they die of pain and suffering, become euthanised before their time and before treatment can start or become abandoned. Please help us make a difference in Singapore!
53. Force Gates Chili to honor the DOJ's ruling and allow Devyn's Aide to get training for service dog.
54. Praise Correctional Facility in Maryland for Training Dogs for Veterans
55. Support Program Allowing Maryland Inmates to Train Service Dogs for Disabled Veterans
56. Provide Assistance Dogs for Disabled Veterans
57. Provide Service Dog Benefits for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
58. Veterans in Illinois Need Greater Access to Service Dogs
- Neu / New 4.9.2015 -
59. Investigate Miami Dade County on not complying with ADA service dog laws.
- Neu / New 10.9.2015 -
60. Free Thor and Gobonna
61. An meine Krankenkasse: Ohne meinen Autismus-Begleithund kann ich nicht leben! /
To my health insurance: Without my autism assistance dog, I can not live!
62. Justice for Trigger - Pitbull was fatally shoot and killed twice in the back with a 12 gage buck shoot in his back “My family would like to see justice for trigger and know why the police did write down my side of the story, recorded my police call?” I'm on social security because I'm disabled , I cannot afford to do this on my own
- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -
63. Reverse PETCO's Discriminatory and Illegal Policies Against Service Dogs and Individuals With Disabilities.
- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -
64. Bitte wir brauchen eure Stimmen - Ich leide seit 10 Jahren an myalgischer Enzephalomyelitis einer schweren neurologischen immunolgischen Krankheit und ich bin seit 4,5 Jahren nun zu 95% bettlägerig. Es geht darum, dass ich mir mit meiner Exfreundin (seit 5 Jahren getrennt) ein 9 Jahre alte Golden Retriever Hündin teile. Seit 9 Monaten, bringt sie meine Cassy nicht mehr mit der Begründung Schwangerschaft und seit 4 Wochen ein Baby. Obwohl wir vereinbart haben, 3x die Wo. wenn das Baby da ist. Doch jetzt plötzlich sagt sie, dass sie es nicht mehr machen will! ...bitte helft Andy und Cassy /
We need your voice please - I've been suffering for 10 years myalgic encephalomyelitis a severe neurological immunolgischen disease and I have been 4.5 years now to 95% bedridden. The point is that I share, a 9 year old Golden Retriever female dog with my ex-girlfriend (separately for 5 years).Since 9 months, she no longer brings my Cassy to me on the grounds of pregnancy and having her baby for 4 weeks, . Although we agreed to 3x the wk. if the baby has arrived. But now suddenly she says she no longer wants to do it!
... please help Andy and Cassy :-(
- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -
65. Ensure all Staff be trained to allow Service Dogs on all Flights
66. Castiguen el maltrato contra una perrita lazarillo! /
Bestrafen Sie den Missbrauch an einer Service Hündin für Blinde! /
Punish the abuse against a female seeing-eye service dog!
- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -
67. Don't Deny Devyn
68. Enforce a zero tolerance policy regarding refusing service animals
69. Apologize and change their policies on Service Dogs at “Pizza Hut”
- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -
70. Psychological Assistance Dogs for people in the UK
- Neu / New 30.10.2015 -
71. Introduce and pass the Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers (P.A.W.S) Act #DogsForVeterans
72. Wir verlangen das Besuchsrecht für Tiere in Kranken und Pflegeanstalten. Tiere haben eine heilende/beruhigende Wirkung. Daher: Besuchsrecht für Haustiere! /
We demand visitation rights for animals in sick and convalescent homes. Animals have a healing / soothing effect. Therefore visitation rights for Pets!
- Neu / New 7.11.2015 -
73. Have the VA provide a Service-Dog option to the treatment of PTSD for Disabled Veterans.
- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -
74. Tell the Government to Support Veterans' Use of Service Dogs for Post-Traumatic Stress
75. Mental Health Support/Assistance Dogs in the uk!
76. Please sign once more for Dutch: Save Innocent Service Dog from Euthanasia - To save a physically abused service dog from being wrongfully euthanized!! Currently, a service dog named Dutch is in danger of being euthanized due to a court order claiming him to be a “vicious” dog. Dutch has been classified as a “vicious” dog because he bit his previous owner after she beat him. Action needs to be taken in order to save Dutch’s life.
- Neu / New 24.11.2015 -
77. Renew Dogs of War - More than 8000 United States veterans commit suicide yearly as a result of PTSD and TBI's. Dogs of War, through Paws and Stripes, is shining MUCH NEEDED light on the struggles our veterans go through upon returning home.
- Neu / New 7.12.2015 -
78. Aidez-nous à retrouver la chienne Lily-Rose /
Helfen Sie uns den Hund Lily-Rose zu finden - Lily-Rose ist Alberts Lebenspartner, der an rheumatoider Arthritis leidet und dem ein Bein amputiert werden musste; er kämpft mit aller Kraft darum das zweite zu retten! Das Fehlen von Lily-Rose hat sich auf die Moral von Albert, der im Krankenhaus liegt, ausgewirkt; sie ist irgendwie auch ein "Therapie" Hund für ihn und er braucht seinen geliebten Hund zurück!! Eine Beschwerde wurde wegen Diebstahls eingereicht, aber es ist nur eine Geste der Verzweiflung - bitte bringen Sie Lily-Rose zurück zu Albert mit seiner Familie!!!!! /
Help us to find Lily-Rose - The dog Lily-Rose is Albert’s life partner who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and had to have a leg amputated; he fights with all his strength to save the second! The absence of Lily-Rose had an impact on the morale of Albert, who is in the hospital; she's kind of a "therapy" dog for him and he needs his beloved dog back !! A complaint was filed for theft, but it's just a gesture of despair - please bring Lily-Rose back to Albert and his family !!!!!
- Neu / New 6.1.2016 -
79. My Daughter's Therapy/Service Dog Was Seized Because She's a Pit Bull: Help Us Get Her Back!
…please sign for Edith, the lovely female service dog, the next court date is on Jan.11.
80. Help end the rise of Fake Assistance dog Charities/ businesses
81. Demande de l'allocation annuelle accordé pour un chien guide /
Gewährung einer jährlichen Vergütung für einen Blindenhund /
Granting of an annual allowance for a guide dog
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
82. Save Diesel the Service Dog / Stop Sgt. Butler from Killing Dogs in Des Moines, IA
... after Sgt Butler became Chief Humane Officer dangerous dog declarations went from 2 or 3 a year to 16 dogs (pit bull type because he has openly stated how he hates them) earning him the title "Chief Dog Killer" :-/
83. Praise Initiative to Provide Service Dogs to Veterans with PTSD - PTSD is a common illness among veterans who have witnessed death and excessive violence. It can cause anxiety, panic attacks, flashbacks, and night terrors, and in the worst cases can be completely debilitating. While treatments for the illness currently exist, such as counseling and anti-anxiety medications, many veterans will suffer for the rest of their lives.
84. Return Young Girl’s Therapy Dog - Return a therapy dog to her family and ban unjust breed-specific legislation …please speak out once more for Edith
85. Bring justice to Darla my mother's multiple sclerosis service dog for wrongful euthnization - Well Darla was 13 years old and she was my mother's ms service dog.she was my mother's eyes and her protection. Also my mother had to be admitted in the hospital twice due to ms attacks and Darla was the hero who went and alerted the neighbor who called 911 and if it wasn't for Darla my mother would not be alive today Gina bullins Beasley of 4050 east pine Street called surry county animal control stating she had Darla for 8 weeks.officer Jackson came picked her up after bating a trap Jackson said Darla was aggressive.officer Jackson never gave Darla a 72 hour time frame to be claimed and killed her in 8 hour's after picking her up.
...RIP Darla :-( How could they do this to you sweet senior dog :-(
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 30.1.2016 -
86. Allow Child with Cystic Fibrosis to Keep Her Dog, a Pit Bull Scrappy, a dog which is currently banned in the city
… please don't let that happen to Aleeah and her beloved Scrappy…
87. Retrain Officer Who Allegedly Laughed at Attacked Service Dog
… Justice for Andie!!!!
88. Tell Canine Partners for Life to Allow Livy to Stay in her "Furever" Home
89. Germany: Zulassung der Tierbesuche in allen Pflegeeinrichtungen /
Approval of the animals out in all care facilities
90. Make Leash of Hope a recognized service dog program under the BC Ministry of Justice
… “Leash of Hope” (LOH) was left out, even though they have been in operation for almost two years!!! :-/
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
91. Ban Breed specific discrimination - The "Bully Community " continues to grow, and more and more people are learning that it is inaccurate and unfair to categorize an entire breed of dog as "bad", or "agressive". But, real estate management companies and insurance companies representing those management companies are allowed to ban a specific breed of dog, even if the dog is a registered Service Animal.
92. Germany: Hunde als Hilfsmittel anerkennen /
Recognize dogs as assistants - I have dog and he means everything to me. She has saved my life. I am diabetic and Sandy woke me up so I check my diabetes levels, thereby it turned out that I am far in hypoglycemia. Even otherwise she is my guide dog since I am dependent on the wheelchair; Sandy helps me in all life situations. That's why I requested the health insurer to take over the costs, but this was rejected because dogs are not a aid tool. Because I am not the only one who owns this problem, I demand for all health insurance companies to acknowledge dogs as assistants / service dogs. This affects diabetics, wheelchair users and people with mental problems and we all would be happy if we would receive financial support from our health insurance companies
93. Let Sick Girl Keep Her Therapy Dog - Stop authorities from taking away the dog that comforts a 4-year-old during cystic fibrosis treatments
… please sign once more for Aleeah and Scrappy…
- Neu / New 28.2.2016 -
94. Help homeless Vet keep his Therapy dogs and get a home.
- Neu / New 30.4.2016 -
95. Service Dog Raped and Hung from Tree but No Bestiality Charge for Suspect - James Evans, a man with a violent criminal history,
was charged with animal cruelty after investigators tied him to the hanging of a therapy dog named Diamond who belonged to an 8-year-old child! more: Thurston County man charged with sexual assault and killing dog posts bail
Please sign and share for Diamond :-( RIP...
96. Justice for Diamond
97. Help make Emotional Support Animals Recognized in Canada
Rheumatoid Arthritis
:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy
Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...
and I, as a good human being and Animal Advocate,
have such a terrible disease :-(
(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,
that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)
- Neu / New 15.1.2017 -
98: Bring Summer Home!!!
- Neu / New 10.2.2017 -
99. My service dog was stolen from me while I was in the hospital
100. Allow people to benefit from the healing power of animals!

Quelle / Source: Facebook
Mein Therapeut hat eine nasse Nase

Quelle / Source:
Haustiere für Veteranen
Heilung für Veteranen und Rettung für Haustiere

Quelle / Source:

Service-Therapie-Hunde /
Service-Therapy-Dogs 2