Quelle/ Source: www.shakepaws.com
Ich verabscheue nicht alle Menschen,
nur diejenigen,
die lieblos zu Tiere sind
- Neu / New 9.7.2015 -
301. Maximum Punishment
302. Justice for Emaciated Dogs Found in Pennsylvania Home
303. Allow me to adopt Pablo, my military working dog - We share a strong bond, and I believe his presence would aid my recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury.
304. Justice for Cowboy
305. COMMEND Sacramento Judge for sentencing horrible abuser to 15 YRS in prison!
306. Justice for Caitlyn in South Carolina to advocate to change laws for abuse animals.
307. DEMAND MAX PENALTY for Man who dragged DOG behind CAR!!
308. Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition für die harte Bestrafung von Kriminellen Studenten aus Poznan in Polen, die aus dem Tierheim adoptierten Deutschen Schäferhund mit extremer Grausamkeit getötet haben. /
Please sign the petition for the severe punishment of criminals students from Poznan in Poland who killed with extreme cruelty an adopted German Shepherd dog from a shelter.
309. Man Who Allegedly Threw Dogs Into Traffic Must be Prosecuted - Punish Ernesto Aranda Jr. to the fullest extent of the law if he is found guilty.
310. @francoCalcalde - Judicialicen al responsable del maltrato a Mix /
@francoCalcalde - Judicialicen ist für die Misshandlung von einem Hund namens Mix verantwortlich/
@francoCalcalde - is responsible for the mistreatment of a Dog named Mix
311. Investigate the deaths of the pets at Tea Tree Gully Kennel. - On Jan 3rd 2015 - 45 pets were killed when the TTG Kennels were abandoned when a bushfire raged through the property.
312. Inquiry into 45 Deaths at Tea Tree Gully Boarding Kennel and Cattery, South Australia
313. Punish Woman Who Allegedly Kept Animals in Squalor
314. JUSTICIA por Analía y su bebé /
GERECHTIGKEIT für Analia und ihr Baby /
JUSTICE for Analia and her baby
315. Demand Justice for Dog Dragged Behind Vehicle
316. Justice for Animals Allegedly Neglected by Rescue Operation (Willamette Valley Animal Rescue in Brooks, Oregon) - Ensure harsh punishment for the president of an animal rescue accused of severe neglect.
317. FREE BRUCIE!!!!! - East Valley Animal Shelter
318. Expel Korean soldier filmed using dog as punching bag!
319. Justice for Puppy Allegedly Beaten by Owner and Buried Alive - Although one would think that once a person was accused of such an act they would try to at least appear remorseful. This man though, 43-year-old Raul Cruz, gave the middle finger on the way out of the court room. He pleaded not guilty to animal cruelty.
320. Save these Dogs lives, let prisoners in Australian Jails give these dogs a chance of happiness
321. Investigate to Find Owner of Dog with Embedded Collar for Possible Charges of Abuse
322. Peru Metro Station Manager - Don’t Punish Woman for Saving Dog on Tracks
323. Exigimos JUSTICIA y saber el paradero de los perros comunitarios del COTO de José C. Paz /
Wir fordern Gerechtigkeit und den Aufenthaltsort der Gemeinschaft Hunde von Jose C. Paz /
We demand justice and to know the whereabouts of community dogs of Coto Jose C. Paz
324. DEMAND MAX SENTENCE - 4 Mth Puppy beaten to death as "discipline"
325. This dog was poisoned and killed in a university in Malaysia for just wandering around in campus. RIP
326. Encuentren al responsable de arrojar a dos pequeños perros a un pozo de alquitrán para ahogarlos, y se sancione por este echo al responsable, sin dejar pase mas tiempo y que esta acción quede sin castigo. /
Finden Sie die verantwortliche Person, die zwei kleinen Hunde in eine Teergrube geworfen hat, um sie zu ertränken und Bestrafung der verantwortlichen Person, ohne weitere Zeit vergehen zu lassen, so dass diese Tat ungestraft bleibt. /
Find the person responsible for throwing two little dogs to a tar pit to drown,and punish to the person responsible of this, without leaving pass more time and that this action go unpunished.
327. Помогите найти виновных и наказать их по закону! Мы требуем возбуждения уголовного дела по факту жестокого убийства животного и проникновения на частную территорию! /
Helfen Sie uns, die Verantwortlichen zu finden und gemäß dem Gesetz zu bestrafen ! Wir fordern, dass ein Strafverfahren aufgrund der Tatsache einer brutalen Ermordung eines Tieres und das Eindringen auf Privateigentum, eingeleitet wird! /
Help to find those responsible and punish them according to the law! We demand a criminal case on the fact of the brutal murder of an animal and penetration on private property!
328. Por que ellos también sienten. ¡+KOTA queremos justicia! /
Weil sie auch fühlen. + KOTA will Gerechtigkeit! /
Because they also feel. + KOTA want justice!
329. Solicitamos la expulsión de su honorable universidad de los alumnos Cristian Armando Morales Moreno y Rene Butron Hernandez los cuales aparecen maltratando animales de forma inhumana en varios videos que circulan en la red. /
Wir bitten für die Verweisung von Schülerinnen und Schülern, ehrenvoller Herren Cristian Moreno Armando Morales Hernandez und René Butron, die unmenschliche Misshandlung an Tieren in mehrere Videos zeigen; die in sozialen Netzwerken zirkulieren. /
We ask for the referral of pupils, honorable gentlemen Cristian Moreno Armando Morales Hernandez and Rene Butron they showed inhuman mistreatment of animals in several videos; which circulate in social networks
330. Wir fordern die schriftliche Genehmigung der Stadt Gifhorn , das Kreuz für die auf grausamste Art und Weise zu Tode gekommene Dobermann Hündin Shila errichten zu dürfen!! /
We demand the written permission of the city Gifhorn to be allowed to build the cross for the Doberman female Shila who has come in the most cruel way to death!!
331. Sofortige Aufhebung des aus Rache verhängten Hundehaltungs - und Betreuungsverbot durch den Vermieter!!!!!!!!! /
Immediate repeal the imposed prohebition of dog ownership and day care for dogs by the landlord !!!!!!!!!
332. Pro besseres Leben für Miss Bibi und Merry, 2 Mastiffs aus schlechter, nicht artgerechter Haltung !!! /
Pro better life for Miss Bibi and Merry, 2 Mastiffs, rescued out of worse, not animal welfare appropriate husbandry !!!
333. Miss Sophie gehört zu Domi #bringsophieback /
Miss Sophie belongs to Domi #bringsophieback
334. Justice pour Fidji, boxer de 14 mois, mort enfermé dans une voiture en plein soleil /
Gerechtigkeit für Fiji, ein Boxer von 14 Monaten, der starb, weil er bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung in einem Auto eingesperrt war. /
Justice for Fiji, a Boxer of 14 months, died locked in a car in direct sunlight
335. Justicia para Nala, la perra que casi dejan ciega! /
Gerechtigkeit für Nala, eine Hündin, die fast blind zurück gelassen wurde /
Justice Nala, the female dog left behind almost blind!
336. Dismiss charges against Michael Hammons that saved dog from hot car in Georgia.
337. Drop charges against Michael Hammons who rescued a dog
338. DEMAND MAX PENALTY - Dog, offered for free, brutally attacked
339. Press animal cruelty and criminal charges on driver and passenger of truck submerged in Toms River.
340. Demand Ron Brown Be Prosecuted for Executing 26 Dogs and Cats
341. Demand Maximum Sentence for Alleged Dog Abuser - Keontah White from South Bend, Indiana, is now facing four misdemeanor counts of animal abuse after authorities say she abandoned her two dogs and threw one in the garbage.
342. Apply the maximum sentence against Joshua Michael Mynott and Arielle Angela Ritch, who are charged with animal cruelty and obstructing police (Ontario)
343. Friendly dog SHOT for playing with children in Guadalajara, Mexico! Act Now!
344. Take immediate action to nullify the adoption of Bobo by Chris and Robin Eaton and return Bobo to his owner, Amber ‘Niki’ Davis.
- Neu / New 17.7.2015 -
345. Stop the confinement of two Border Collie puppies
346. Give Deaf Dalmatians a chance at life
347. Retrouver Shana, bulldog français. /
Finden Sie Shana, Französisch Bulldogge. /
Find Shana, French Bulldog.
348. Change laws regarding Pet Groomers in the state of Virginia. Require that they be licensed to groom pets in Virginia.
Justice for Colby who died at the hands of Petco groomers! Immediately fire the neglectful persons responsible for Colby's death!
Justice for Colby!!!
349. Maximum jail time for the man who brutally murdered an innocent dog - Jadson James Franca from Presidente Figueiredo, Brasilia - Brasilian murderer!!!!
350. Puppy Killer Daniel Hopkins Must Receive Maximum Penalty

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Quelle/ Source: Google+
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
21 > 22 > 23 > 24 > 25 > 26 > 27 > 28 > 29 >
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!