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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >
501. Ban Lawrence Moran of Total Dogs Ltd from owning and working with animals!! Justice and answers for the three dogs who went into the care of Lawrence Moran at Total Dogs in Netherton, Liverpool UK - but sadly never returned to their owners.
There have also been other dogs who have returned from his care with various injuries consistent with dog fights. For one more example: Blue, a male Staffordshire Bull Terrier, returned from Lawrence Moran's care with burns to her neck consistent with the
use of an Electric Shock Collar :-(
502. Punishment to the fullest extent of the law for Animal Abuse. Justice for Moses!
503. Maximum penalty, including lifetime ban on owning animals, for Karin and Catherine Adams
504. Please sign to show support for 12 year old boy whose puppy was brutally stabbed to death and the DA needs to prosecute to the highest law allowed.
505. Dog Stabbed in Neck Deserves Justice - William Whitson claims he stabbed the dog because it bit his hand and would not let go. Contrarily, he was only treated for “a small laceration,” likely making his story a huge stretch from the actual truth. In addition, the man was also arrested for animal cruelty, as well as for two other crimes relating to the incident.
506. #savetator - Owners need to relinquish Tater and rightfully return him to MARS
507. Don’t Reduce Charges for Man who Stabbed and Killed Dog - When police arrived at the home of Brian Parks, they found a
shocking scene. As they moved around overturned furniture, they found a trail of blood that led them from the living room into a bedroom where Brian Parks was holding a bleeding dog that he had stabbed only moments earlier. Allegedly, Parks was under the influence of drugs or alcohol the night of crime, and became upset after the dog ate his dinner. According to the boy, Parks began to
hit the dog with crutches before he yelled “Now you’re dead,” at which point the dog yelped in pain from the knife – a large, steel blade “Rambo” style knife with metal knuckles.
:-( …RIP!!
508. Rescue an Iowa Dog from Neglect. Force Authorities and a Humane Society to Do Their Job! -
509. Dog Swung in Air as Weapon Deserves Justice - Michael Rush had been walking through backyards with his dog in Park City, Kansas when he was confronted. The man then grabbed the leash with his dog still on it and swung it towards the officers. The Pekingese mix probably experienced a lot of pain, as it is a smaller and therefore more fragile breed of dog.
510. Arson Victims and Dogs Set on Fire Deserve Justice - Gregory Bruno allegedly fed a dog a knife blade and set a handful of houses on fire in surrounding communities. Activists need to take action to ensure he serves a lengthy prison sentence so that both people and animals will be safer if he is found guilty of these horrifying crimes. The man reportedly set fires in Epping, Raymond and Stratham County, New Hampshire. Sadly, three dogs that lived in one household were reported to be set on fire with the house. Just as bad, Bruno allegedly set a car on fire with a dog inside of it.
511. Change the law in Columbia on animal cruelty - Justice for Dominic!!
512. Dogs Left to Die of Heat Exhaustion Deserve Justice - Give couple maximum sentence for leaving two dogs in hot car
while they went shopping :-/
514. Strengthen SC animal cruelty laws - Recently, a German Shepard was abandoned by a SC doctor in Florida. The doctor tied him to a pole with no food or water and left him there! What will this doctor do next???
515. Critically Stabbed Dog Deserves Justice
516. Justice for Dukey an innocent dog shot and killed by the RCMP!!
517. Demand Justice for Cammi, American Bulldog Murdered by Cops, Police Chief Of LaGrange Missouri Police Department!!! …RIP Cammi :-(
- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -
518. Abby muss zurück nach Hause #bringabbyhome /
Abby needs to return home #bringabbyhome
519. Save Howler Jean from Brooke County, West Virginia
520. Rest in peace Draco - Draco beaten and shot by Anthony Sather. Prosecute him to the full extent!
521. Dog left paralyzed then died after being run over with SUV on purpose in the Philippines! Demand Justice!
522. Bitte wir brauchen eure Stimmen - Ich leide seit 10 Jahren an myalgischer Enzephalomyelitis einer schweren neurologischen immunolgischen Krankheit und ich bin seit 4,5 Jahren nun zu 95% bettlägerig. Es geht darum, dass ich mir mit meiner Exfreundin (seit 5 Jahren getrennt) ein 9 Jahre alte Golden Retriever Hündin teile. Seit 9 Monaten, bringt sie meine Cassy nicht mehr mit der Begründung Schwangerschaft und seit 4 Wochen ein Baby. Obwohl wir vereinbart haben, 3x die Wo. wenn das Baby da ist. Doch jetzt plötzlich sagt sie, dass sie es nicht mehr machen will! ...bitte helft Andy und Cassy /
We need your voice please - I've been suffering for 10 years myalgic encephalomyelitis a severe neurological immunolgischen disease and I have been 4.5 years now to 95% bedridden. The point is that I share, a 9 year old Golden Retriever female dog with my ex-girlfriend (separately for 5 years).
Since 9 months, she no longer brings my Cassy to me on the grounds of pregnancy and having her baby for 4 weeks, . Although we agreed to 3x the wk. if the baby has arrived. But now suddenly she says she no longer wants to do it! ... please help Andy and Cassy :-(
523. Give them the maximum penalty which is jail time of up to 10 years.
524. Hold Fresno County Deputy Accountable for Shooting Family Pet and Implement Training … RIP Face :-(
525. Justice for Animals Hurt in Shelter Break-In - A horrific break-in caused the death of three dogs and 12 other dogs to go missing from an animal shelter in Jurupa Valley in Riverside, California. Authorities believe that someone allegedly broke in to purposely release the animals.
- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -
526. Justice for dog shot three times in cold blood - Geneva was originally adopted from Westside German Shepherd Rescue of Los Angeles by a Wisconsin family, their neighbor has a long history of shooting, or threatening to shoot, dogs in the area
…RIP Geneva :-(
527. Arrastra a su perro varios metros atado a su coche /
Er schleifte seinen Hund mehrere Meter, an seinem Wagen befestigt, hinter sich her /
He dragged his dog several meters, attached to his car
528. Support Arrest of Soldier Accused of Beating Dog - A Fort Bliss soldier living in El Paso, Texas was arrested after being caught on a neighbor’s camera allegedly beating a Pitbull.
529. Upgrade Animal Cruelty Charges from Misdemeanors to Felonies
530. Exigimos que se investigue y depuren responsabilidades por la brutal matanza de perros en una finca privada de su ayuntamiento. /
Wir fordern, dass Sie die brutale Tötung von Hunden auf einem privaten Anwesen in ihrer Gemeinde untersuchen und die Täter zur Verantwortung ziehen. /
We demand that you investigate the brutal killing of dogs on a private estate in your community and bring the perpetrators to justice.
531. Justice for Jim
532. Stop the Killing of Karma the Dog
533. Justice for precious dog killed in the San Bernhardino Shelter while Rescue filled out the papers to pull her!!!
534. Justicia para el brutal crimen de Susy /
Gerechtigkeit für den brutalen Mord an Susy /
Justice for the brutal murder of Susy
...Descansa en paz Susy :-( ...RIP Susy
535. Punish Criminal Who Burned Five Dogs with Acid
536. Arrest Woman for Allegedly Hoarding Animals - Many of the types of dogs that were reportedly found in the house, such as Maltese and Pomeranians, are the kinds of dogs that breeders usually sell for a high amount of money. Additionally, two of the rescued dogs were pregnant, likely indicating that the lady was breeding dogs for the purpose of selling them.
537. Señora arrastra dos perros por el ferrocarril /
Eine Frau ließ zwei Hunde von der Bahn mitschleifen /
Woman drag two dogs by rail
538. Punish Woman Who Allegedly Committed Heinous Acts of Animal Cruelty
539. Revoke Diesel's Killer's Concealed Handgun License - On January 25, 2015, Joseph Potts of Harris County, Texas went to the Bay Area Dog Park and emptied three (3) rounds from his handgun into another family's pet, a 2-year-old Staffordshire Terrier named Diesel. Diesel was at the dog park to run and play like all the other dogs who were there with their families that day. According to eye witness accounts, Mr. Potts took issue with the fact that Diesel was trying to play with his dog and was observed kicking him to keep him away from his dog. When the dogs re-initiated their play, Mr. Potts took out his handgun and fired once striking Diesel. That was not enough for him however, as he took aim again and fired two more shots into an animal he had already rendered defenseless. Sadly, Diesel passed away from his injuries.
540. Justicia para NATY, perrita que fué quemada con manteca caliente en Tamayo, Gto /
Gerechtigkeit für NATY, eine Hündin aus Tamayo Guanajuato, die mit heißer Butter übergossen und verbrannt wurde /
Justice for NATY, a female from Tamayo Guanajuato, who was doused and burned with hot butter and burned
541. Help save Tucker a 2 y/o boxer who is being sentenced to death for protecting our daughter
542. These abusers need to be charged with felony act and severe punishment
543. Demand the Arrest of the Shooter of T-Bone - This sweet dog ran for his life and was shot from behind by a dog killing maniac. The shooter knew T-Bone well. He knew the dog would never have bitten his dogs or any other animals on his property or any person ever and he shot the dog "deer style" aiming for under the shoulder blade to hit his heart and kill him instantly
… RIP T-Bone :-(
544. Let Smokey Go - Because he stood up for himself from another dog (Walker County Animal Shelter)
545. Justice for Sophia: Revision of USDA Kennel Regulations/Ban on Selling of Puppies in Pet Stores
546. Signatures needed to call for Dr. Jennifer Hawkins to be fired for unethical vet practices - Karma is a Husky DOG, currently impounded in OCAC after her owners were arrested for a Domestic Dispute. Dr. Jennifer Hawkins. Director Hawkins is stating that Karma killed 2 cats back in 2012. There is NO – ZERO – proof that Karma killed any cat (s) back in 2012 when the alleged tragedies happened.
547. Get Justice for Diesel - I am trying to get justice for my dog who i found murdered on my front porch yesterday by the Clayton County GA officers!
…RIP Diesel :-(
- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -
548. Investigate Dog Taken From Homeless Man To Determine Any Wrongdoing
549. Investigan el asesinato de Pichito /
Untersuchung des Mordes an Pichito /
Investigate the murder of Pichito
…RIP Pichito :-( …descansa en paz Pichito
550. Help remove Dangerous Dog declaration from Jet

Gerechtigkeit für Trigger
(Petition 496.)
Quelle / Source: Lisa Meyer

Quelle / Source:
Ahhhhh, so fühlt sich also Freiheit an…
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!