- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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Quelle/ Source: Google+
!! Hunde gehören nicht an Ketten !!
Wenn Du dich nicht um ein Tier kümmern kannst, dann habe keins!!
- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -
101. Support Plan to Protect Dogs in Canada from Bitter Cold
103. Quebrando as Correntes /
Zerbrecht die Ketten /
Breaking the Chains
- Neu / New 24.11.2015 -
104. "Unchain Surry County"
- Neu / New 5.12.2015 -
105. Bring dogs and cats inside from the freezing temperatures
106. Maltrato de perros en Fisterra /
Misshandlung von Hunden in Finisterre - Viele Hunde in dieser Stadt erleiden die Strafe ihr gesamtes Leben lang angekettet zu sein... Das Schicksal vieler anderer ist es, in Warenhäusern und Geschäften eingesperrt zu sein, Misshandlung oder sie werden lebendig ertränkt ... Es ist verwerflich, bedauerlich und traurig... diese Menschen denken nicht darüber nach, dass Hunde ebenso fühlen und leiden können wie Menschen - Ein härteres Gesetz für den Missbrauch von Tieren !! /
Mistreatment of dogs in Finisterre - Many dogs in this town suffer the punishment of being chained for life... Many others fate is to be locked in warehouses and stores, maltreatment or be drowned alive... It is reprehensible, unfortunate and sad... These people do not think about, that dogs can feel and suffer like humans - A tougher law for the abuse of animals!!
107. Dog chained for 3 YEARS in backyard begins another winter outside!! RESCUE BELLA NOW!!!
- Neu / New 4.1.2016 -
108. hayvanlar /
Tiere – Denkt an unsere streunenden Tiere und helft ihnen in der Winterzeit mit wärmender Unterkunft, Nahrung und Wasser /
Animals – Remember our stray animals and help them in the winter time with a warming shelter, food and water
109. Ban Animals Left In the Cold
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
111. No More Chained Up Dogs in Durham!!
112. Ban Dog Chaining in Colorado
113. A Bed for Bella - Demand that Bella be Removed from Being Chained to a Tree !
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 29.1.2016 -
114. El Salvador: Sauver le pauvre petit chien qui vit liée à une fenêtre /
Retten Sie diesen armen kleinen Hund, der an ein Fenster gefesselt lebt /
Save this poor little dog who lives chained to a window
115. Mexico: Sancionen a los dueños de perros que los usan como seguridad pero no los alimentan /
Strafen für Hundebesitzer, die ihre Hunde für Sicherheitszwecken benutzen, aber sie weder füttern noch sonst für sie sorgen !! Stoppt das Aushungern und die Kettenhaltungen der Hunde !!! /
Penalties for dog owners who use their dogs for security purposes, but neither feed nor care for them !! Stops the starvation and the chaining of dogs !!!
116. No Chain Porter County
… let your dogs inside!!!! If you do not want them in your home, you dont love them by heart - so PLEASE: Do NOT ownn a dog or any other animal :-( they deserve so much better than YOU!! :-/
117. Success: Dog Saved From Mud Hole
118. Prevent pet owners in Michigan from leaving pets tethered outside especially in extreme weather!
119. Demand the animals are removed from Esholt Gypsy Camp - They are chained to makeshift shelters and kept outside in unbelievable conditions and in all weathers.
120. To Address the Neglect of the Backyard Pit-Bull in Westcliffe, CO - Remove the Pit Bull from the Home of William and Darlene Mercer Who is Chained Outside Without Food and Water or Adequate Protection from the Extreme Weather! Prosecute the Owners to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Animal Cruelty and Neglect!
…Rescue Blue!!!! :-(
121. Justice for Starved Dogs Found with decayed Jaw - The owners of a pit bull and seven puppies were arrested for animal cruelty. One of the dogs had an infected eye and an injury on her face that was so severe her jaw bone was exposed. She hadn’t eaten or had water in days, the shelter believed. Her condition was so severe that she had to be euthanized. The animal control officers described the scene as horrific and said her jaw injury looked like decay. An animal control officer said there wasn’t any food or water for the dogs and one was on a short 5-foot chain outside.
122. Justice for Oscar – Chained to a Dog House in ice cold weather with a broken leg!!
…he has been taken from some Neighborhood-Dogangels to a vet and the leg that the Owners said was not broken has to be amputated because of the nerve damage and the top of it was raw and bleeding - but they said he was fine to be where he was… :-/
123. End the inhumane treatment of pitbulls at a Waterbury residence - A resident of Waterbury, Connecticut is leaving his pitbulls outside in small cages all day and night. He only takes them out to abuse them and train them to dog fight.
124. Animal Cruelty - A dog in our community was found on a chain left laying in the front yard starving and dehydrated with
sores and maggots on it.It was reported pictures were taken and it was so ill it had to be put down
…shame on ASPCA and RIP to the poor dog :-( ...there is love at the rainbowbridge, little angel...
125. This is a call to the NYPD, NYC Animal Care & Control and the ASPCA to work to remove the dogs from her. This petition is for the removal of June Wiggins (Hercules) two pitbulls from her home/property in Brooklyn, NY - We need to be a voice to those of us who are horrified by this situation and demand these dogs be removed and a voice for poor dogs who have lived their lives neglected!
…read more: Senior dogs left to suffer in blizzard - owner ignored orders to keep them in!!!
Please sign and share:
… please sign once again for the removal of June Wiggins (Hercules) two pitbulls from her home/property in Brooklyn, NY!!!!!
127. Save Dogs from Freezing during Massive Blizzard - Make it illegal for owners to leave their animals outside in cold temperatures.
128. Demand to End Animal Cruelty around Milledgeville, Georgia!
129. Support Animal Ordinance in Laurel Co - Be Their Voice
130. Puppies, Short hair, or No hair Should not be Tethered During Freezing Temperatures.
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
131. Applaud Neighbor who saved Freezing Dogs through Social Media Post- Trapped in this storm were two elderly dogs whose owner had left them outside to brave the blizzard on their own without adequate protection. The dogs were snowed into a makeshift doghouse in the backyard and were too old and weak to dig their way out. Thankfully, the quick thinking of neighbor, Evelyn Tully Costa, soon put an end to that!
… Thank you so very much, Evelyn :-)
132. Revise Article 26 353-B to Protect Dogs from Inclement Weather NY
133. Change law for caged dogs - The law states that since food, water and shelter are available then there is no law being broken. If you ask anyone around you if keeping a dog in a cage or confined space all day & night is not breaking the law I guarantee they would disagree.
134. Success: Woman Accused of Abuse Surrenders Dog to Animal Shelter - Thanks to strong pressure from animal rights groups and petitions the owner turned one of the dogs over to the Guardians of Rescue.
135. Please have an Ordinance in Place for anti-tethering in Burke County, GA. It is inhumane for these dogs to live at the end of a chain their entire lives. Some have done so for decades.
136. Dog Tethering - Make it illegal to leave a dog left tied "tethered" and unattended in the State of Ohio.
- Neu / New 23.2.2016 -
137. Help Outdoor Pets In Virginia
138. Save dogs living outside 24/7, get them taken away & sent to WARM, LOVING HOMES.
139. Dogs get cold, even in Los Angeles, but CA Penal § 597(b) is NEVER enforced!
141. Save these Dogs - Minimal Care Laws for Care of Dogs Needs to be changed in North Carolina - This is in Ashe County - Lansing, NC and the owner of these dogs has been cited but does what is considered "minimal care" in the state of NC to get by. The dogs are living with minimal shelter and one is chained 24/7.
142. Demand Burke County, GA Sheriff's Dept. Enforce & Prosecute Animal Neglect & Abuse
- Neu / New 17..2016 -
143. Columbia: Obligación de soltar o caminarpor lo menosunavezdiaria a losperrosamarrados /
Für die Verpflichtungmindestenseinmal am Tag jeden Hund, der an einer Kette oder in einem Zwinger gehalten wird, abzuleinen und / oder miti hm spazieren zu gehen!! /
For an obligation that at least once a day every dog that is kept on a chain or in a kennel, is to take off the chain and /or to go for a walk with him !!
144. Governor John Bel Edwards: Prohibit Dog Chaining in ALL LOUISIANA PARISHES
… if you don´t want your dog in your house - you do not love them by heart and soul!!! PLEASE - If you want to do so to a dog :-( DON´T OWN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
Read more: Dog left chained up in rising flood waters causes social media uproar
Please sign and share:
145. Mexico: Necesito el apoyo de todos para detener el maltrato animal enespecifico a los perros /
Ich brauche die Unterstützung aller, um Tiermissbrauch zu stoppen; speziell an diesen zwei Hunden!!! Ein skrupelloser Mann, namens Joel Castañeda Hernández (Wohnhaft in Macedonio Alcalá #19213, Gebiet Nueva Tijuana, 22435 Tijuana BC, Gebäude 3), verprügelt seine Hunde ständig und hält sie konstant an der Kette; ohne Nahrung und Wasser /
I need everyone's support to stop animal abuse;, especially on these two dogs!!! An unscrupulous man by the name Joel Castañeda Hernández (Resident in Macedonio Alcalá # 19213, area Nueva Tijuana, 22435 Tijuana BC, building 3), thrashed his dogs permanently and keeps them resistant to the chain; without food and water
146. Mexico: Crear la ComisiónEstatal de Protección a losAnimalesen Michoacán /
Erschaffung einer staatlichen Kommission zum Schutz der Tieren in Michoacan - Leider sind im Bundesstaat Michoacan, Mexiko, die Tierrechte nicht sichergestellt, deswegen ist die Erschaffung einer staatlichen Kommission für den Schutz der Tiere, um Situationen von Missbrauchs zu regeln, dringend notwendig!Wie im Fall von Mika, einer Hündin, die im eigenen Zuhause unter großem Verzicht litt, bis ihr Besitzer sie nicht mehr wollte und sie sterben lies. Mika wurde nicht mehr gefüttert, hatte nur Regenwasser zu trinken und musste unter sehr unhygienischen Bedingungen und, angekettet, auf dem Hinterhof leben; dies sorgte für verschiedenen Krankheiten wie übertragbare Räude, eine genitale Erkrankung und Krebstumore
....Ruhe in Frieden Mika :-( du wirst geliebt werden an der Regenbogenbrücke, liebe
Mika, und ein Tierschützer, dessen Zeit gekommen ist, wird dich mit Liebe überschütten und dich über die Brücke ins himmlische Reich geleiten /
Create a State Commission for the Protection of Animals in Michoacan - Unfortunately, the animal rights in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, are not guaranteed! Because of that the creation of a state commission for the protection of animals, to control situations of maltreatment, is urgently needed! As in the case of Mika, a female dog who suffered under great renunciation in her own home until her owner no longer wanted her and let her die. Mika was not fed any longer, had only to drink rainwater and had to live under very unhygienic conditions and chained, in the backyard; this caused various diseases such as communicable mange, a genital disease and cancer tumors!
... Rest in peace Mika :-( you will be loved at the rainbow bridge, dear Mika, and an animal rights activist, whose time has come, will shower you with love and lead you over the bridge into the heavenly kingdom
147. Mexico: Que se prohibaen la Ciudad de México tenermascotasenazoteas y patios /
Für das Verbot in Mexiko-Stadt, Haustiere, egal welche Art, auf Dächern, Terrassen oder Hinterhöfen zu halten /
For the prohibition in Mexico City, to keep no matter what kind of pets on roofs, terraces and backyards
148. Mexico: Salvemos a Dominga, perritasalvajementegolpeadaen Villahermosa, Tabasco /
Lassen Sie uns Dominga retten, eine Hündin, die brutal geschlagen wird in Villahermosa, Tabasco - Dominga wird jeden Tag von ihren Besitzern geschlagen, während sie außerhalb angekettet ist, sie muss dringendst aus ihrem schrecklichen Zuhause heraus genommen zu werden und die Besitzer müssen in vollem Umfang des Strafgesetzbuches strafrechtlich verfolgt werden !!!!! /
Let us save Dominga, a female dog who is beaten brutally in Villahermosa, Tabasco – Dominga is beaten every day by her owners while being chained outside, she needs to be taken out of her dreadful home urgently and the owners have to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Criminal Code !!!!!
- Neu / New 3..4.2016 -
149. Drop the charges against Bettina Cuce' Rodriguez for rescuing a severely neglected dog from the freezing cold, starving, and would certainly have died had Bettina not saved him - BETTINA FACES TEN YEARS IN JAIL FOR RESCUING A STARVING DOG FROM BELOW FREEZING TEMPERATURES AND WAS LIVING ON A CHAIN
…Please sign for Bettina, she is a dog Angel and not criminal :-/
- Neu / New 16..4.2016 -
150. France: Interdisons la détention permanente de chiens attachés et en chenils exigus /
Verbieten Sie die Hundehaltung mit permanenter Kettenhaltung und beengte Zwinger /
Prohibit the dog ownership with permanent chaining and cramped kennel

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Ein Hund ist ein Familienmitglied
und kein vergessener Gartenzwerg
in einem Käfig

Ketten/Zwingerhunde 3
Chained dogs 3
Petitionen gegen die Zwinger & Kettenhaltung von Hunden /
Petitions against Chaining,Tethering & Kennel attitude of Dogs