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Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

(Ver)Hungern lassen :- / Starvation 


doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, starved dogs, starved to deth, neglected, animal abuser, justice, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,
doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, starved dogs, starved to deth, neglected, animal abuser, justice, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -


Quelle / Source: HendricksBoard & Hendrick & Co

Quelle / Source: HendricksBoard & Hendrick & Co

151. PitBull Mother Reportedly Forced to Eat Her Babies Deserves Justice - Three Pitbulls were reportedly neglected to the point where their lives were in serious danger. One of the dogs was even forced to eat her own babies, according to reports. Hernando County animal enforcement found two of the dogs on heavy chains without access to water. The third dog appeared severely malnourished and heavily scarred. The owner reportedly stated that he fed the dog and wasn’t sure why she was so skinny. Demand justice for these innocent dogs!!!!!!!


152. Australia: Tougher laws for animal abusers


153. Sign: Justice for Skeletal Dog Left for Dead by NJSPCA Animal Control Officer - animal control officer refused to rescue the dogs, saying the shelter was full and it was a holiday weekend. The officer also reportedly commented that the city would not pay for the medical expenses the skeletal puppy would need to survive.


154. Colombia: Cierren y trasladen a los perros del refugio donde se comen entre ellos! /

Rettung der Hunde, und schließen Sie des Tierheims Fundación Vida de Pelos! Sie lassen die Hunde hungern und sie überleben nur dadurch, dass sie ihre toten Kameraden essen!  /

Rescue the Dogs, and close the shelter Fundación Vida de Pelos! The Dogs are being starved and are only surviving by eating their dead comrades!


155. Justice for Malnourished Dog Who Jumped from Balcony - Officers from the Niagara Falls Police Department responded to the call after a citizen expressed concern for a dog’s welfare. The pit bull, who had reportedly jumped from a second-story balcony, was noted by police to “appear extremely malnourished, very skinny to the point where you could see the dog’s rib cage, spine and hip bones.” Another malnourished pit bull was found inside of the residence.


- Neu / New 20.4.2017 -


156. Justice For Dogs Reportedly Held Captive, Beaten and Mutilated - Prosecute Jordan Ross, of El Dorado, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Severe Neglect and Abuse of 5 Pit Bulls, after they were found Chained, Starving and Mutilated! All 5 had to be humanely euthanized to end their suffering!


157. Alaska: Justice for Two Dogs Found Dead After Allegedly Being Abandoned - Prosecute Kathleen Murphy, to the Fullest Extent of the Law, for Abandoning 2 Dogs in her home in Anchorage/allowing them to Starve to Death.


158. Punish Man Accused of Starving 12 Dogs - Prosecute Anthony Cochran of Lowndes County, Mississippi, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Starving 12 Dogs nearly to Death! This is Cochrans second offense, Ban him from Owning Animals for Life!


159. Justice for 14 Dogs Allegedly Neglected and Starved - What agricultural unit deputies and animal service officers reportedly found when they raided Ivan McCollum’s home was shocking. Fourteen dogs were reportedly confined to crates and covered in urine and feces. One dog was reportedly tethered to a tree outside of the home without access to food, water, or shelter...


160. Sign: Justice for Neglected Dogs Left to Waste Away - Four extremely malnourished dogs left to suffer in neglect -- one was near death, and so emaciated that every one of his ribs showed through his skin.


161. Innocent dogs starved to death and shot in the head in Bacolod City, Neg. Occ., Philippines - Bacolod City, Philippines, dog pound center is known as a high kill shelter for dogs killed through shooting the dog's head or by starving dogs to death.


- Neu / New 17.5.2017 -



Tierheim (Perrera) Olivenza: keine Verlängerung des Vertrags mit den aktuellen Managern - Die Tiere leben unter bedauernswerten Bedingungen, werden vernachlässigt und hungern. Wir fordern dass 'Die Reise des Todes' (Olivenza Kennel) geschlossen wird / die Tiere abgeholt und zu renommierten Rettungsorganisationen gebracht werden !! /

Animal Shelter (Perrera) Olivenza: no extension of the contract with the current managers - The animals are living in deplorable conditions, are being neglected and starved. We Demand 'The Journey of Death' (Olivenza Kennel) be closed/ the Animals be removed and sent to reputable Rescue Organisations!!.


163. Outlaw Tethering of Dogs in Gulf County, Fl

164. Man (Haris Ljuhar) Accused of Keeping Nearly 100 Animals in Filth–Demand Justice - Eighty-one dogs and puppies, mostly American Staffordshire Bull Terriers, were removed from the home alongside 10 cats. Many of the animals were starved to the point of malnutrition and visible emaciation, per reports.


165. Justice for Dog Found Nearly Dead From Starvation - A Denver resident, Tyler Hicks, has been charged with animal cruelty after he surrendered his boxer at a veterinary clinic in North Denver.


166. Justice for Dogs Reportedly Starved and Neglected - Brevard County Animal Control removed two dogs from Claire Mimier’s home after they were reportedly found to be malnourished and in poor condition.


167. Spain: Investiguen si la perrera de Carballiño vulnera la ley de protección de animales / Untersuchung, ob der Carballiño Zwinger das Tierschutzgesetz verletzt - Die Tiere leben unter bedauernswerten Bedingungen, werden vernachlässigt und hungern! / Investigation of whether the Carballiño kennel violates animal welfare legislation -The animals are living in deplorable conditions and are being neglected and starved!!


168. Justice for Dog Allegedly Starved and Denied Medical Care - Prosecute the Perpetrator that Starved a Dog/Denied medical attention which resulted in the amputation of her leg in St Lucie County.


Ich wette,

ich werde nicht einmal geteilt


Du wurdest mit der Fähigkeit geboren,

jemandes Leben zu ändern,
vergeude das niemals !!

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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