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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Bemitleide keinen Tierheim Hund
!!! Adoptiere einen !!!
Quelle / Source:
501. Un refugio para animales, que no pase como en la foto nunca más /
Ein Tierheim, in dem so etwas wie auf dem Bild nicht mehr passiert - Spanien, Bürgermeister von Velez Malaga: Erbauen Sie ein fürsorgliches Tierheim, so dass Hunde nicht gezwungen sind, sich gegenseitig zu essen !!! /
A shelter in which such a thing like in the picture does not happen again - Spain, Mayor of Velez Malaga: edify a caring animal shelter, so that dogs are not forced to eat each other !!!
502. Mark Zuckerberg, please tell fb to stop giving animal advocates such a hard time
503. King County increasing inspection fees to animal shelters by 205% - Many Fear More Abuse and Closure - Unlike King County Animal Control, nearly all services we provide are funded from grassroots efforts and the occasional grant.
504. Be their voice; Animals don't have one!
505. No More Kill Shelters
506. Establish a county run animal shelter or rescue facility.
507. Make ACC NYC a non-kill shelter!
508. Stop saving dogs and cats by killing them!!!! Let’s make all shelters into a non-kill shelters
509. Calling for the Protection of Animals Housed in Captivity in Taiwan - both wild and domesticated, living within zoos, petting zoos and other public attractions
510. Ask Walker County GA Animal Shelter Management to post pictures of shelter-pets on Pet-finder
511. Construa um canil para acolher os animais abandonados na Unimep, no campus Taquaral (Piracicaba) /
Bauen Sie ein Tierheim, um die ausgesetzten Tiere in UNIMEP auf dem Campus Taquaral (Piracicaba) unterzubringen /
Build a kennel to house the abandoned animals in Unimep on the campus Taquaral (Piracicaba)
512. Let Smokey Go - Because he stood up for himself from another dog (Walker County Animal Shelter)
- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -
513. Harsher laws against animal abuse and cruelty
514. No alla privatizzazione dei canili di Roma #iostoconglianimali /
Nein zur Privatisierung der Zwinger in Rom #iostoconglianimali /
No to the privatization of the kennels in Rome #iostoconglianimali
516. Prohíban el sacrificio de animales sanos /
Verbieten Sie die Gemetzel an gesunder Tieren in den Tierheimen /
Prohibit the slaughter of healthy animals in animal shelters
517. Chiediamo che venga abrogata la legge che prevede la soppressione degli animali che si trovano nelle perreras./
Wir fordern die Aufhebung des Gesetzes, dass für die Beseitigung der Tiere, die in Tierheimen zu finden sind, verantwortlich ist. /
We demand the repeal of the law that is for the destruction of all animals which can be found in animal shelters
518. No a Gesser a cargo de recogida de animales abandonados /
Nein zu "Gesser" für das Einsammeln von streunenden Tieren - "Gesser Kennel" ist das lebensgefährlichste Tierheim der Provinz. /
No to “Gesser” for collecting stray animals – “Gesser Kennel” is the most lethal shelter of the province.
519. Que se creen albergues para los animales callejeros /
Das Tierheime für streunende Tiere geschaffen werden /
That shelters for stray animals are created
520. Sacrificio cero en el centro de Protección Animal de la Comunidad de Madrid /
Wir wollen Null-Tötungen im Tierschutzzentrum der Gemeinschaft von Madrid /
We want Zero sacrifice in the Animal Protection Center of the Community of Madrid
- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -
521. Stop Stacy Ritter Jordan and the Alliance for Animal Welfare!
522. All Breed Rescue Vermont- Reunite Missy and Gotti Now!
523. Que el Municipio de Gral. San Martin , nos ceda un espacio físico para poder construir allí nuestro refugio /
Die Gemeinde Gral: San Martin, geben Sie uns einen physischen Raum, um dort unser Tierheim zu bauen /
The Municipality of Gral: San Martin, give us a physical space to build there our shelter
525. Stop Killing Our Animals
526. Provide a Euthanasia List from Laredo Animal Care Facility
527. You can help save lives and end the killing of pets in shelters
528. STOP THE NEEDLESS DEATH OF HUNDREDS OF DOGS EACH WEEK - Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England, along with other dog charities over the last 10 years have rescued thousands of dogs from Southern Ireland. The European Commission has introduced pet passports for all dogs traveling from Ireland to England. This now means it costs approximately £500 to help save a dogs life.
Verhängen Sie Strafen für diese freiwilligen Helfer, die Tiere töteten! /
Impose penalties for those volunteers who killed animals!
530. Sauk County WI Animals Need Your Help Right Now!
531. Call to create and maintain an active citizen volunteer program at Waggin' Tails Animal Shelter
532. The Animal Lodge's petition to extend.
533. Передать землю приюту для бездомных животных города Ставрополя "Лучший друг" /
Überlassen Sie dem Tierheim für heimatlose Tiere "bester Freund" in der Stadt Stavropol ein Grundstück /
Give a plot of land to the shelter for homeless animals "best friend" in the city of Stavropol
534. Pet stores must get animals from shelters and rescue organizations
535. Ban Wire Cages That Hurt Puppy Paws!
536. End dog and cat breeding in all 50 states until euthanizing animals is not an option.
537. Utilize the new donating space on Facebook to benefit more causes
- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -
538. Free Manson from Schoharie Valley Animal Shelter and bring him back HOME
539. URGENT: Ventura Dog Protecting Family Could Be Euthanized
540. Justice for Dog with Broken Back Allegedly Denied Medical Care - A dog was allegedly not given urgently needed medication by animal shelter employees and several other animals may have been abused. Activists need to take action to better ensure all other shelter animals are treated humanely.
541. Dallas and Houston Animal Services: Stop Killing Cats and Dogs Now!
542. Wir sind die Tierschützer und wollen unser Tierheim behalten! /
We are the animal rights activists and want to keep our shelter!
-- Santorini shelter in Greece at high risk –
Please urgently sign and share the following 6 Petitions:
543. Das Tierheim auf Santorini in akuter Gefahr /
The animal shelter on Santorini Island in acute danger
544. HILFE !!!! Das Tierheim in Santorini soll abgerissen werden ! /
HELP !!!! The shelter in Santorini is slated for demolition!
545. Save Santorini Animal Welfare Association From Closing!
546. Prevent Santorini Animal Welfare Association form closing – NOT DOUBLE!!!
547. Demandthat Santorini, Greece Island Government not shut down the ONLY Animal Shelter on the Island!
TY so much from all stray and shelter dogs from Greece --
548. When a pet is found (outside business hours) with a council registration tag on their collar, the finder can call the after hours council emergency phone line which will either release the owners details to finder or attempt to contact the owner directly
- Neu / New 23.10.2015 -
549. Que la red de perreras de la Diputación Provincial de Ourense pase a ser gestionada por una protectora /
Das Netzwerk der Tierheime der Provinz Ourense soll mit Schutz für die Tiere verwaltet werden /
The network of shelters of Ourense to be managed with protection for the animals
550. Save the Palo Alto Animal Shelter!

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Gerettete Hunde machen Menschen besser!