Quelle/ Source: Pinterest
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- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -
151. Live baiting of live animals (piglets, possums with babies, rabbits) for Greyhound Racing
152. Stop Greyhound Racing in Birmingham
153. Ban Abuse of Hunting Greyhounds - Greyhounds used for hare hunting in Spain suffer a horrific abuse at the hands of their trainers. Reports of dogs being dragged behind cars, beaten, burnt, hung by their back legs and left to die are numerous. Named Galgos, the dogs are bred in certain parts of southern Spain to be used in a blood sport where they are made to chase a hare or other small bait.
- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -
154. Ban Greyhound Racing in Florida
155. Ban Abusive Greyhound Racing - Thousands of greyhounds endure confinement of more than 20 hours per day. They are only allowed out of their cramped cages to relieve themselves or to race. Greyhounds are forced to race in all types of weather, from extreme heat to extreme cold, despite their lack of body fat and thin coats. Many suffer from heat exhaustion and stress due to these cruel and inhumane racing conditions.
156. Ban Greyhound Racing in Australia
157. L'arrêt des tortures sur les chiens en Espagne /
Beendet die Folter der Hunden in Spanien - Beschützt Windhunde, Podencos und andere Jagd- und Rennsport Hunde vor
diesen Folterungen und Tierquälereien ! /
Terminate the torture of dogs in Spain - Protect Greyhounds, Podencos and other hunting and racing dogs of this torture and
cruelty to animals!
158. Ban Greyhound Racing
159. Halt the Cruel Greyhound Racing Industry
160. Praise Improved Standards for Greyhound Racing - Authorities in New South Wales and Victoria Australia have imposed stronger animal welfare regulations as the result of rising criticism over reports that thousands of racing dogs are being euthanized every year. The terrible fate of most racing dogs has been common knowledge for decades and Australia has finally taken steps to do something to end it, and for that, Greyhound Racing NSW deserves our gratitude!!
161. Denounce Decision to Continue Supporting Greyhound Racing
- Neu / New 24.11.2015 -
162. Lévrier martyr en Espagne /
Windhunde werden in Spanien gemartert /
Greyhounds are martyred in Spain
- Neu / New 7.12.2015 -
163. Demand Greyhound Racing Stewards who Covered-Up the Deaths of Dogs are Held Accountable
- Neu / New 6.1.2016 -
164. Stop Australian greyhounds being exported to China!!
165. Interdiction de la chasse en Espagne avec les lévriers galgos! arrêtons le massacre! /
Für ein Verbot der Jagd in Spanien mit Galgos / Windhunden! Stoppt dieses Gemetzel! /
For a ban on hunting with Galgos / Greyhounds in Spain ! Stop this carnage!
166. Demand the End of Grey Hound racing Dogs being exported to China
167. Matan cinco galgos por ser “inservibles”, pidamos justicia! /
Sie töteten fünf Windhunde, weil sie "nutzlos" waren, Forderung nach Gerechtigkeit! /
They killed five greyhounds because they are "useless" were, a call for justice!
168. Urge the Australian Government to Ban the Live Export of Greyhound Dogs
169. End greyhound racing in 2016
170. Stop Subsidizing Greyhound Racing in West Virginia
171. Stop Letting Greyhounds Die for Sport
172. BAN THE EXPORT OF GREYHOUNDS FROM AUSTRALIA - Please sign this petition and force Barnaby Joyce to stop this live export trade - ask him to tell Asia to 'bugger off'. He's done it once before - remember Johnny Depp's two dogs. Well now he can do it to save other dogs.
173. The Million Paws March for Justice! Greyhounds in Spain are called galgos. Being sight-hounds they are used for hunting animals such as hare. These dogs are usually starved before a hunt in the belief that they will hunt better. They live out in the open summer and winter, rain or shine and often in their own filth and excrement.
174. NO a las carreras de galgos FIRMA Y COMPARTE ESTA PETICIÓN AHORA! /
Nein zu Windhund/Hunde-Rennen /
No to Greyhound/Dog Racig
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
176. Unwanted Australian Greyhounds poisoned with pesticides in Asia.
177. Prohibir la caza con perros (Galgos, Podencos, Bracos, Setters, Bodegueros, etc). /
Verbieten Sie die Jagd mit Jagdhunden (Greyhounds, Podencos, Bracos, Setter, Weinberghunde, etc) - Nicht Doppelt!!!! /
Prohibit hunting with hunting dogs (greyhounds, hounds, Bracos, setters, vineyard dogs, etc) - Not Double!!!!
178. Ban the exportation of Australian greyhounds to Macau and other countries for racing
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 30.1.2016 -
179. Stop Torturing Dogs in Cruel Dental Experiments - Scientific laboratories across Australia are torturing and killing thousands of dogs in agonizing dental experiments. Dogs used are mostly beagles bred for testing and Greyhounds discarded by the racing industry–animals who have already suffered a lifetime of brutality at the hands of humans. Several thousand of these gentle animals undergo painful research each year, involving major surgeries and death.
180. Greyhounds given dental implants then killed at Melbourne Dental School
...stop your cruel and needless ways :-(
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
181. Stop the Greyhound Holocaust
182. Stop Development of Murray Bridge Greyhound Racing Track
183. Stop animal abuse - Animals are being abused all over the world, we need to stop this. (Mr Bill Byrne, Greyhound Racing Minister)
184. Stop the horror of dog racing from returning to Kansas!
185. Stop the Torture of Greyhounds in Spain
186. HILFE FUER DIE GALGOS IN SPANIEN / Help for the Greyhounds of Spain
- Neu / New 28.2.2016 -
188. Save Irish hares from cruel coursing
...no good for both animals :-(
189. End Greyhound Racing - Ban greyhound racing in United States due to its reputation for abuse and discarding dogs that can’t race.
190. Stop Billionaire From Opening Greyhound Racetracks - he last of Kansas’s racetracks closed in 2008 and now billionaire Phil Ruffin wants to reopen them all as “racinos,” or casinos where people can bet on dog races.
- Neu / New 18.3.2016 -
191. France: Contrôle et punir les meurtriers et ayant abandonné de lévriers après la saison de chasse!! /
Überprüfung und Bestrafung der Morde und Aussetzungen der Windhunde nach der Jagdsaison!! /
Verification and punishment of the killing and abandonment of greyhounds after hunting season !!
192. France: A Martin Schulz Président du Parlement Européen. Espagne : stop aux massacres et mutilations /
An Martin Schulz, Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments. Spanien: Beenden Sie die Massaker und Verstümmelungen – Stoppen Sie die Jagd und den grausamen Missbrauchs von Windhunden und Podencos /
To Martin Schulz, President of European Parliament. Spain: Stop the massacres and mutilations - Stop the hunting and the cruel maltreatment of Greyhounds and Podencos
193. France: Ambassadeur d'Espagne à Paris: Protection pour les Galgos et autres chiens de chasse. /
Botschafter von Spanien in Paris: Schutz für Galgos (Windhunde) und andere Jagdhunde - Am Ende der Jagdsaison, wenn die Hunde 3-4 Jahre alt sind und sie den Jägern nicht mehr Nutzen sind, werden sie lebendig verbrannt, an ihren Halsbändern erhangen, ihnen werden ihre Augen ausgestochen, sie werden lebendig in tiefe Gruben geworfen oder bei lebendigem Leibe vergraben, sie werden an Autos gebunden und zu Tode geschleift oder mit zusammen gebunden Beine im Wald ausgesetzt. Wir fordern Schutz für diese Hunde! /
Spanish Ambassador in Paris: Protection for Galgos and other hunting dogs - Ambassador of Spain in Paris: Protection for Galgos (Greyhounds) and other hunting dogs - At the end of the hunting season, when the dogs are 3-4 years old and they are no longer useful for the hunters, they are burned alive, hanged at their collars, have their eyes gouged out, they are thrown alive into deep pits or buried alive, they are tied to cars and dragged to deathor with tied legs abandoned in the forest! We demand Protection for these dogs!
… stop this abuse and love them like family members - OR GO HUNTING ON YOUR OWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
194. France: Madame, Ségolène Royal, ministre de l'Ecologie: nous ne voulons pas mourir! /
Frau Ségolène Royal, Ministerin für Ökologie: Wir wollen nicht sterben! Weil unsere DNA Gene vom Wolf enthält, was durch kein Gesetz verboten ist, entschied die Gebiets Niederlassung plötzlich, dass wir Ausgestoßene sind und erwägen, dass wir entweder durch die Nadel eines Tierarztes sterben sollen oder durch die Zähne der wahre Wölfe in Wildparks. Das wäre der Tod für uns, weil wir keine Wölfe sind!! wir sind Familienhunde und Wölfe würden uns, ebenso sicherwie eine tödliche Injektion, töten!!
... Alle Hunde stammen vom Wolf ab :-/ Bringt Gerechtigkeit zu Zaltana, Shaima, Geist und Grael und lassen Sie sie mit ihrer Familie
bleiben !!!! /
Ms. Ségolène Royal, Minister for Ecology: We do not want to die! Because our DNA contains genes of wolf, which is not prohibited by any law, the Territories Branch decided suddenly that we were outcasts and considered that we should perish under the needle of the veterinarian or under the teeth of the true wolves in wildlife parks that would become murderers for us because we're not wolves, we are family dogs and wolves would kill us as surely as a lethal injection!!
… All dogs are descended from wolves :-/ Bring justice to Zaltana, Shaïma, Ghost and Grael and let them stay with their family!!!!
195. France: Contrôleetpunir les meurtriers et ayantabandonné de lévriers après la saison de chasse!! /
Überprüfung und Bestrafung der Morde und Aussetzungen der Windhunde nach der Jagdsaison!! /
Verification and punishment of the killing and abandonment of greyhounds after hunting season !!
- Neu / New 8.4.2016 -
196. Ban Greyhound Racing in SA
197. Use the results from the petition as evidence from general public to help stop greyhound cruelty and live baiting
198. Stop export of Irish greyhounds to China
200. Protect Racing Greyhounds in Great Britain

Quelle/ Source: Facebook
Windhundrennen töten…

Galgos por la Libertad Venado Tuerto
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