Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
Nein zu Hundefleisch weltweit!! -
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No to dog meat worldwide!! 18
Please bring your children away from the computer, as long as you work on these petitions. The images are for adults very frighteningly too ....
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
11 > 12 > 13 >
551. World Small Animal Veterinary Assoc (WSAVA): Speak Out Against The Dog/Cat Meat Trade in S. Korea.
552. Tell Friendship City, Seoul Seodaemun, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Eating of Dogs
553. Tell Friendship City, Yeoju, Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture/Consumption of Dogs.
554. Tell Friendship City, Yeoju, Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture/Consumption of Dogs.
555. Tell Friendship City, Jangheung, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs.
556. Tell Friendship City, Gyeongsan, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs.
557. China: Make Nat'l Assemblyman Pyo Changwon Minister for Agriculture -stand up for the Korean dogs
558. World Vision: Eating companion animals is detrimental to the health of Korean children.
559. San Francisco Chinese Consulate: Help End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival
- Neu / New 17.5.2017 -
560. Stop the holocaust of animals in China
561. Stand With Us against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival (North Shore Animal League America)
562. Netherlands: Help het DUO DUO project om het Yulin festival te stoppen /
Helft dem DuoDuo Projekt das Yulin Festival in China zu beenden - DUODUO Ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation in China, die den Hunden und Katzen gewidmet ist, und die sich gegen das grausame töten für das Yulin Hunde- und Katzenfleisch-Festival einsetzt. Unterstütze das Duo Duo Projekt! /
Help for the DuoDuo Project to end the Yulin Festival in China, Duo Duo is a non-profit Organization in China dedicated to the Dogs and Cats and advocate against the cruel killing of the Yulin Dog and Cat Meat Festival. Support the Duo Duo Project!
563. Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival ... The Asian religion preaches God's creatures to appreciate and love
... the world sees what you do in China and that teaches your children to torture and kill :-( Shame on you !!!!
564. Stop stolen and killing dogs in China
565. México: Salven a los perros /
Rettet die Hunde - Sie werden verbrannt, um als Dog-Meat-Tacos verkauft zu werden! Das ist grausam, schändlich und ekelhaft! Hunde zu verbrennen, nur um verschiedene Arten von Nahrung anzubieten! Rettet die Hunde! /
Save the dogs - They are burned to be sold as dog-meat tacos! This is cruel, shameful and disgusting! To burn Dogs just to offer different kinds of food! Save the dogs!
566. China it's time to take animal welfare seriously.
567. Turkey: Yulin’deki katliamı durdur! /
Beenden sie das Abschlachten in Yulin /
Stop the slaughter in Yulin!
568. Stop the Dog Trade in Asia
570. The dog meat trade in Asia is an unregulated industry imposing dangerous health risks.
571. WHY IS THIS STIL HAPPENING ????? Ban the Dog and Cat Meat Trade!
572. Tell Sister City, Gangjin, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats.
573. Tell Friendship City, Incheon, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs.
574. Tell Friendship City, Seoul Dongjak, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Eating of Dogs.
575. Tell Sister City, Gyeongju, Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture/Consumption of Dogs.
576. Tell Sister City, Shinan,Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats
577. Tell Sister City, Imsil,Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats.
578. Tell Sister City, Hwacheon, Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture/Consumption of Dogs.
579. Tell Sister City, Hwacheon, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats
580. Tell Sister City, Gapyeong, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats
581. Germany: Stoppt das Hundefleisch-Festival in Yulin! /
Stop the Dog Meat Eating Festival

Boykottiert diese Grausamkeit -
Boykottiert Pyeongchang 2018
(Olympische Winterspiele)
!!! Stoppt den Hund Fleisch Handel in Korea !!!
Quelle/ Source: Google+
!!! Stoppt den chinesischen Handel
mit Hundefleisch !!!