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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

2601. Registry and Regulation and a standard Code of Practise in all Boarding Kennels.
2602. Canada: System needed for pet rescue in disaster situations and answers for Ft Mac pet owners
2603. Malaysia: Stop the butchering of stray animals.
2604. Australia: Enforce harsher laws to the mistreatment of animals
2606. Turkey: Mayor Mehmet Kocadon: Help Us Stop the Murdering of Street Animals in the Bodrum Peninsula
2607. Florida – Implement Stricter Charges & Penalties For All Animal Cruelty Crimes
2608. México: Request the City of Las Cruces, NM provide spay and neuter funding
2609. Massachusetts: Give Abused Cats and Dogs a Voice in Court!
2610. Vietnam: Помогите остановить массовые убийства собак во Вьетнаме! /
Helfen Sie, die Massentötung von Hunden in Vietnam zu stoppen! /
Help stop the mass killing of dogs in Vietnam!
2611. Columbia: No más maltrato animal en San Andrés!! /
Kein Tiermissbrauch mehr in San Andres !! /
No more animal abuse in San Andrés !!
2612. New Mexico: Protect People and Their Pets from Domestic Violence- Pass Legislation to Include Animals in Restraining Orders!
2613. Australia: Barnaby Joyce, save the Blind Bight dogs before it’s too late
2614. Utah: Protect People and Their Pets from Domestic Violence- Pass Legislation to Include Animals in Restraining Orders!
2615. South Dakota: Protect People and Their Pets from Domestic Violence- Pass Legislation to Include Animals in Restraining Orders!
2616. Kentucky: Protect People and Their Pets from Domestic Violence- Pass Legislation to Include Animals in Restraining Orders!
2617. Wyoming: Protect People and Their Pets from Domestic Violence- Pass Legislation to Include Animals in Restraining Orders!
2618. India: Demand punishment for the people involved in culling 16 stray dogs in Diamond City West, Kolkata, IN
2619. Demand Tougher Animal Cruelty Laws, Charges & Penalties in Ohio & Stop the Abuse
2620. Pennsylvania: Give Abused Cats and Dogs a Voice in Court!
2621. Petition For A Dog-Friendly Dining Program In Escambia County - Let's make sure that Escambia County allows local businesses to choose if they want to allow dogs in safe outdoor environments!
2622. Germany: Befürchtete Tötung von Strassenhunden für denEurovision Song Contest 2017 in der Ukraine. /
Feared killing of stray dogs for the Euro Vision Song Contest 2017 in Ukraine. / Боялись убийство бродячих собак для Евро Видение Евровидение 2017 года в Украине.
- Neu / New 11.2.2017 -
2623. Spain: Él no es ningún criminal – detener PPP /
Er ist kein Verbrecher – BEENDET DIE LISTEN FÜR HUNDE!! /
He is no criminal – STOP BSL!!!
2624. Unban Pitbulls!!! (City of Minot, ND)
2625. QUALIFIED VS NON QUALIFIED - ANIMAL BEHAVIORIST = The role of the animal behaviorist is probably the most important job in an animal shelter because this is the person who will assess animals’ temperament and determine what kind of a home best fits their needs.

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Dein Teilen rettet unsere Leben – Danke Dir!!!
Allein können wir nur so wenig tun,
gemeinsam können wir so viel tun!
Zitat: Helen Keller
2626. Indonesia: Media Sosial Bukan Tempat Memamerkan Aksi Animal Abuse, Tangkap Pelaku Pemenggal Doggy! /
Soziale Netzwerk ist nicht der Ort, um Taten der Tierquälerei zu zeigen! Finden und bestrafen Sie diejenigen, die den weißen
Hund enthauptet! /
Social media is not the place to show acts of animal cruelty! Find and punish those who decapitated the white dog!
2627. Minister of Justice Kim Hyun-Woong: Enforce your laws to protect all of Korea’s companion animals from horrendous meat-trades.
2628. Russia: Создайте в России государственную службу по устройству брошенных животных в надежные руки! /
Eröffnen Sie einen öffentlichen Dienst, um Rußlands vergessene Tiere in guten Händen zu vermitteln! /
Open a public service to convey Russia's forgotten animals in good hands!
2629. Make Dog Meat Trades Priority Agenda for 2017 World Congress for Korean Politics & Society
2630. Argentina: Justicia por Rubio. Aprueben Ordenanza de Pirotecnia Cero en San Carlos Norte/
Wir fordern Gerechtigkeit für Rubio, der Hund, der an einem Feuerwerkskörper, der seinen Mund sprengte, starb! Wir brauchen einen Zero Pyrotechnic Gesetz in San Carlos Norte, um zu verhindern, dass dies wieder passiert! /
We Demand Justice for Rubio, the Dog that died from a Firecracker blowing up its mouth, we need a Zero Pyrotechnic Ordnance in San Carlos Norte to Prevent this from happening again!
2631. Demand that Lasse Hallström donate 1% of revenue from "a Dogs Purpose" to P.A.W.S.
2632. Chile: NO desalojen a los animales callejeros de su Refugio en la USACH!! /
Verdrängen Sie die streunenden Tiere NICHT aus Ihrem USACH Tierheim - Wir sagen Nein, zu der Vertreibung der streunenden Tiere /
DO NOT dislodge the stray animals from your USACH Refuge - We say No to to the Eviction of Stray Animals
2633. Stop Painkiller Abusers From Abusing Their Dogs - People all over the world are purposely harming their dogs to get their hands on Tramadol, a painkiller that has gained popularity as an illegal recreational drug.
2634. Perú: Angelitos sin alas callejeros /
Kleine Straßenengel ohne Flügel - Wir brauchen einen öffentlichen Tierheim mit tierärztlicher Betreuung für die verlassenen Tiere in den Straßen. /
Little street angels without wings - We Need a Public Shelter with Veterinary Care for the Abandoned Animals in the Streets.
2635. Maximum sentencing for Bradley Hubbard the Pensacola dog molester - Bradley Jean Hubbard, a 23 year old, abused his family dog "Baby Girl" sexually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. A family member reported the disturbing situation after telling authorities she had witnessed the suspect take the dog into his room, and told police the assaults had been happening FOR YEARS, and had gone on more than 100 times!! more: Florida man arrested on bestiality charges
Sign and share widely here please:
2636. Spain: Ayuntamiento de Orihuela: No queremos una perrera. Queremos que siga la protectora. /
Wir wollen keinen Hundezwinger in Orihuela, der wie ein Unternehmen Geld einbringen soll! Wir wollen eine Null-Tötungs-Reglung, ein Tierheim, in dem Tiere geschützt sind! /
We do not want a Dog Pound in Orihuela ran by a business! We want a No Kill Policy, an Animal Shelter where animals are protected!
2637. Ethiopia Olympic Committee: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!
2638. France: Liberté d’expression aux bénévoles SPA dans les refuges pour une réelle protection animale /
Die Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung für die ehrenamtlichen Helfer in den SPA Tierheimen für einen echten Tierschutz /
Freedom of expression for SPA volunteers in shelters for real animal protection!
2639. Turkey: Sokak hayvanları için barınma ve beslenme /
Für ein öffentliches Tierheim mit tierärztlicher Betreuung für die verlassenen und streunenden Tiere in den Straßen./
For a public animal shelter with veterinary care for the abandoned and stray animals in the Streets.
2640. Germany: Helfen sie uns das Massen töten von Strassenhunden in Zenica/Bosnien zu stoppen! /
Help us stop the mass killing of stray dogs in Zenica / Bosnia!
2641. Boycott "A Dog's Purpose" Unless Creators Donate to Fight Further Animal Cruelty
2642. Chile: En Chile el maltrato animal no se sanciona /
In Chile wird Tierquälerei nicht bestraft - Wir fordern, dass Tierschutzgesetze für alle Tiere durchgesetzt werden! /
In Chile animal abuse is not sanctioned - We demand Animal Protection Laws to ALL Animals to be enforced!
2643. Demand that Lasse Hallström donate 1% of revenue from "a Dogs Purpose" to P.A.W.S.
2644. France: Plus de réactivité pour sauver les animaux maltraités /
Mehr (gesetzliche) Reaktionsfähigkeit, um misshandelte Tiere zu retten /
More (statutory) responsiveness to rescue abused animals
2645. International show community, we urge you to take a stand against dog meat trade in Korea!
2646. Spain: Cambiemos las ordenanzas en Benalmadena para que protejan a los animales /
Ändern wir die Verordnungen in Benalmadena, um die Tiere zu schützen /
Let's change the ordinances in Benalmadena to protect the animals
2647. Fire Trainer Accused of Shoving Dog Into Raging Water
2648. Russia: Чиновники Краснодара. Прекратите убивать животных. /
Beamte von Krarsnoda. Stoppen Sie das Töten der Tiere. /
Officials of Krarsnoda. Stop killing animals.
2649. Shut Down Company that Allegedly Abused Dog on Movie Set = Birds & Animals Unlimited
NEIN ZUM TIERMARKT AUF DEN AVILAS CHICLANA STORES - Stoppt den Verkauf unerwünschter Würfe von Tieren auf Flohmärkten! /
NO TO THE ANIMAL MARKET AT THE AVILAS CHICLANA STORES - Stop Selling Unwanted liters of Animals at Flea Markets!