Petitionen für Hunde aus China und Süd Korea/
Petitions for dogs from China and South Korea /
请愿 对于 狗 从 或 对于 中国 和 韓國
Seite / Page
- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- Neu / New 7.1.2015 -
101. Petition Letter from Anneke: South Korean Companies, Stop the torture and killing of Korean dogs!
102. UN, UNEP, UNDP, UNFAO, WTO, WEF, OIE, Chinese Gov, Korean Gov, Spanish Gov,: Watch The Film - EARTHLINGS - at the UN Assembly Meeting
103. Petition Letter from Anneke: China, Baoshan, Zhabei, Hongkou: Dogs hell in jail !!
104. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Asiana Airlines!
105. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Korean Airlines!
106. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Hyundai!
107. TAIWAN Government and Parliament: Punish this man and set severe penalties for cooking dog’s and cats alive
108. Stop Cruelty on Cats and Dogs in China!
109. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: Stop the torture and murder of millions of dogs and cats in South Korea
110. Stop Australian greyhounds being exported to China!!
111. Demand the End of Grey Hound racing Dogs being exported to China
112. Impedir que china continue con la clonación de animals /
Verhindert, das China das Klonen von Tieren weiterhin fortsetzt/
Prevents China from continuing the cloning of animals
113. Investigate Cosmetic Companies for Possible Violations of Animal Testing
114. Petition-Letter from Anneke: South Korean Companies, Stop the torture and killing of Korean dogs!
116. Ban Practice of Exposing Beagle Pups to Rabies Virus as Research Ploy
117. Help Stop the Suffering! Tell the Chinese Embassy to urge passage of an animal cruelty law!
118. Minister Bao-Ji Chen, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan R.O.C. Taiwan – Strickter Penalties if Caught Eating Dogs again!
119. Cierren a la empresa que asesina perros y gatos a mansalva para obtener sus pieles /
Stoppt die Firma in China, die Hunde und Katzen in Hülle und Fülle für ihre Felle tötet /
Stop the company in China, which is killing an abundance of dogs and cats for their skins
120. Urge the Australian Government to Ban the Live Export of Greyhound Dogs
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
121. Unwanted Australian Greyhounds poisoned with pesticides in Asia.
122. Ban the exportation of Australian greyhounds to Macau and other countries for racing
123. Boycott South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty! Boycott Kia!
- Neu / New 31.1.2016 -
124. We ask the Chinese Government for the immediate introduction of ANIMAL PROTECTION laws .!!!!
- Neu / New 29.2.2016 -
125. Korea who boil dogs alive, Given $54 million for cable to PEI, SAY NO, NO, NO
126. Reduce South Korea's credit rating as illegal dog meat industry threatens their economy!
- Neu / New 19.3.2016 -
127. France: Interdire l'importation du cuir provenant de Chine /
Verbieten Sie die Einfuhr von Leder aus China /
Ban imports of leather from China
128. CHINESE GOVERNMENT: Nobody touch the DOG - stop DOGS slaughter in China!!
129. Greece: Μποϊκοτάζ στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες 2018 στο PyeongChang Ν.Κορέας, Εκεί Τρώνε Σκύλους! /
Boykottieren Sie die Olympischen Spiele 2018 im südkoreanischen PyeongChang, wo Hunde gegessen werden!!!! /
Boycott the 2018 Olympic Games in the South Korean PyeongChang, where dogs are eaten !!!!
130. SK: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats and dogs in your country!
131. Kia: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats and dogs in your country!
132. Daewoo:犬猫の惨殺を禁止に! Help us to end abhorrent cruelty and suffering of dogs in your country!
133. Daewoo: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats and dogs in your country
134. Standard & Poor's: 自らの経済を脅かす違法な犬肉取引をする 韓国の信用格付け降格を! Reduce South Korea's credit rating!
135. Reduce South Korea's credit rating as illegal dog meat industry threatens their economy!
136. Ban Cruel Dog Fighting Festival - Over 40 dogs were recently forced to fight each other in a cruel tradition during the Lantern Festival in the Shanxi Province of China. Tortured into becoming aggressive, the dogs are trapped in an enclosure and pitted against each other. Photos show dogs ripping out pieces of each other’s faces and bodies as spectators cheer and capture the fight on their phones.
137. Demand A Ban On Fur Farming In China And See That The Torture Of Innocent Animals In Stopped!
138. Classroom Dog Murdered
…RIP Casper :-(
139. EBAY is SELLING body parts/SKULLS of the DOGS and CATS murdered/eaten in CHINA on its TAXIDERMY sites!
140. Drop defamation charges against Nami Kim who rescued puppies from a dog hanging restaurant
…please sign for Nami Kim!!! She is a wonderful animal rights activist and her only crime is to love animals!!!
- Neu / New 11.4.2016 -
141. South Korea: Enforce the Law - Prosecute the Illegal Dog Meat Industry and Animal Cruelty!
143. Stop export of Irish greyhounds to China
144. Netherlands: Boycot de World Dog Show in China in 2019 /
Boykottiert die Welt Hunde Show 2019 in China /
Boycott the World Dog Show 2019 in China
145. Urge IOC (International Olympics Committee) and the South Korean Government to end the brutal dog meat trade
146. Ask China To Close Down Fur Farms And Choose A Cruelty Free Life!
147. Video Shows Cruel Owner Deliberately Feeding Puppy to Golden Python! Condemn this Act and Demand Punishment! The several second clip shows a living puppy being fed deliberately to a Golden Python. The video from China doesn’t show if the puppy was eaten but it shows the snake biting his head and tangling around his small frail body.
148. South Korea Passes Bill to Phase Out Animal Testing!
- Neu / New 1.5.2016 -
149. From France: Au parti sud-coréen Saenuri:Agissez contre le trafic de viande de chiens et chats en Corée /
Südkoreanische Partei Saenuri: Ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen gegen den Katzen- und Hundefleisch Handel in Korea /
South Korean party Saenuri: Take action against cat and dog meat trafficking in Korea
150. Samsung please help stop this horrific cruelty towards innocent animals and man's best friend and companion.

Yongin, Südkorea - Hund wurde angezündet, aufgenommen von CCTV 01.20.2013
Quelle / Source: Facebook