Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!
2451. Justice for Diamond and Sophia - They were kidnapped from their family. Chained to a moving car. Beat, buried, and murdered ...RIP Diamond and Sophia :-(
2452. Turkey: Isparta’da Hayvanlara - Eziyet Eden HK ve NY Tekrar Yargılansın /
Tiere in Isparta - Verfolgung und Bestrafung für HK und NY - Aus den Informationen, die wir erhalten haben, scheint es, dass Facebook-Nutzer HK und NY einem Hund seine Ohren mit einem Messer abschnitten und teilten es auf FB. Alle Screenshots der Videos und die Videos sind auf den facebook Profil per Links verfügbar. /
Animals in Isparta - Persecution and Punishment for HK and NY - From the information we have received, it seems that Facebook users HK and NY cut a dog's ears with a knife and shared it on FB. All screenshots of the videos and the videos are available on the facebook profile via links.
2453. Maximum penalties for a driver who dragged dog behind car at Limbang, Sarawak Malaysia
2454. France: Justice pour Brujo ! Stop aux tortionnaires d'animaux ! /
Gerechtigkeit für Brujo! Stoppen Sie Tierquäler!- Wie eine lebendige Fackel:, wurde dieser Windhund in ein Bad mit Öl geworfen, aufgehangen, angezündet und bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannt! ...Ruhe in Frieden, Brujo /
Justice for Brujo! Stop the torturers of animals! - Like a living torch, this dog was thrown into a bath with oil, hung up, lit and burnt alive! ... Rest in peace, Brujo
2455. Diamond and Sophia deserve justice
2456. Bring Justice To Kary Blaze/Hope: The one year old puppy doused in kerosene, then set on
2457. PitBull Mother Reportedly Forced to Eat Her Babies Deserves Justice - Three Pitbulls were reportedly neglected to the point where their lives were in serious danger. One of the dogs was even forced to eat her own babies, according to reports. Hernando County animal enforcement found two of the dogs on heavy chains without access to water. The third dog appeared severely malnourished and heavily scarred. The owner reportedly stated that he fed the dog and wasn’t sure why she was so skinny. Demand justice for these innocent dogs!!!!!!!
2458. Justice for Savage
...RIP Savage :-(
2459. Please help us find JUSTICE FOR CANDY by demanding Sarasota County prosecute her Killer!
2460. Tell Russian tattoo artist not to tattoo animals
2461. Spain: Volvemos a pedir JUSTICIA PARA NANOU Y LULÚ /
Wir fordern erneut Gerechtigkeit für Nanou und Lulu - Gerechtigkeit für die 2 Hunde, Nanou und Lulu, die im Dorf von Alcoucin brutal getötet wurden. /
We again ask for JUSTICE FOR NANOU AND LULU - Justice for the 2 Dogs, Nanou and Lulu, who were brutally killed in the Village of Alcoucin.
2462. Begging for a Governor's Pardon for Jasper - the Raleigh County Humane Society LOVES JASPER like their own dog. He is a good dog! He made a huge mistake and knowing dogs like we do, he is probably really really sorry. Cant we forgive this dog and allow these massive dog experts at this amazing facility let Jasper live his life out with them.
2463. Justice for the pets killed in Boarding Kennels and Cattery's in Australia.
2464. Q92.5 Apologize for Pitbull Comments! - Drew for Canton's Q92.5 went on live air stating that Pitbulls are viscous dogs that cause fights, something that has been proved wrong yet people like him still are spreading false information on a breed of dog due to the fact they reject facts!
2465. Change a federal ruling
... which states a Police Officer can shoot a Dog for so much as Barking or Moving when a house is being raided!
2466. DEMAND CHANGE AFTER FAMILY DOG INDY WAS PUT DOWN @ HENDERSONVILLE ANIMAL SHELTER!! - "The animal control officer from Henderson County Sheriff told me that I couldn't pick up until Tuesday when they reopened," Jarvis recalls. "He assured me she was fine and told me there was no way I could get her before Christmas." Because of work, Jake couldn't make it to the shelter before closing TuesdayOn Wednesday, he was told Indy was put to sleep!
...RI Indy :-(
2467. Spain: Guardia Civil: investiguen el asesinato de Pelucha /
Bürgerwacht: Untersuchen Sie den Mord an Pelucha - Untersuchen Sie die Ermordung von Pelucha in Villanueva de Alcalde te, verschwunden am 4. Februar, komplett verbrannt gefunden am 6.2. auf dem Weinberg.des Besitzers /
Civil services: Investigate Pelucha's murder - Investigate the murder of Pelucha in Villanueva de Alcaldete, disappeared on Feb 4th, found on the 6th in the Owners Vineyard completely burned.
2468. Justice for Malnourished Dog Who Jumped from Balcony - Officers from the Niagara Falls Police Department responded to the call after a citizen expressed concern for a dog’s welfare. The pit bull, who had reportedly jumped from a second-story balcony, was noted by police to “appear extremely malnourished, very skinny to the point where you could see the dog’s rib cage, spine and hip bones.” Another malnourished pit bull was found inside of the residence.
2469. Justice for 10 Puppies Found Burned to Death in Kennel
2470. Psychopathic Mass Animal Murderer Must be Found- Within the last year, 17 animals have been found mutilated and murdered around the Southwestern Ontario area.
2471. We are Niko's last chance. He doesn't deserve to die - Niko was accused and convicted of killing a cat without any evidence. Niko is a loving family dog and has been locked away for 2 years at the CSPCA in Charlottesville, Virginia. = Update says “Please keep on signing” even so January 18th 2017 hast past
2472. Don't murder Niko
2473. Please Help Save Pets in Texas
... RIP Paddington :-(
2474. Columbia: Cierren y trasladen a los perros del refugio donde se comen entre ellos! /
Rettung der Hunde, und schließen Sie des Tierheims Fundación Vida de Pelos! Sie lassen die Hunde hungern und sie überleben nur dadurch, dass sie ihre toten Kameraden essen! /
Rescue the Dogs, and close the shelter Fundación Vida de Pelos! The Dogs are being starved and are only surviving by eating their dead comrades!
2475. Save Moo Moo From Future Abuse!! - A Pasco County man, Jeremy Mora, was arrested Sunday December 18th for choking his pregnant girlfriend and her 4lb Chihuahua until it defecated on itself and passed out.
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >

Tiere gehören nicht hinter Gittern ......
aber Menschen, die sie mißbrauchen !!!
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Zitat einer Katie Brown =
„Das ist, was passiert, wenn Du nicht die Klappe hältst!“
„Keine Panik, es war nur für eine Minute, aber er hat seitdem nicht gebellt ...PUNKTE GEMACHT !!!“
2476. Rescue Dog from Owner Convicted of Animal Cruelty
2477. Justice for Sylvette - It was apparent from the scene that this was not an accidental death. According to law enforcement, animal control, and others on the scene, we learned that Sylvette was allegedly tethered to a tree and shot as a mercy killing because she was snake bitten.
...RIP Sylvette :-(
Tieraufsicht von Kutahya - Verfolgung der Verantwortlichen Person aus Kutahya wegen schwerer Vernachlässigung und Missbrauch von Tierheim Hunden! /
Kutahya Animal Control - Persecution of the responsible person from Kutahya, due to severe neglect and abuse of shelter dogs!
2479. SAVE THE R.U.F.F.F DOGS!! (R.U.F.F.F rescue.)
2480. Change a law that cops can shoot and kill your dog if it barks at them in your house!
...And now gun happy cops will be shooting people's pets for no reason!
2481. Demand Immediate Halt to Legalized Murder of Family Dogs by Police in Battle Creek Michigan
2482. Spain: Que se investigue la desaparición de PUMBA /
Untersuchen Sie das Verschwinden von Pumba! - Pumba ist eine englische Bulldogge, die ein paar Tage in einer Hundepension verbringen mussten, die, wie sich heraus stellte, illegal war. Als ihre Hundehalter sie anholen wollten, war der Hund verschwunden und die Besitzer der Hundepension wissen angeblich nichts oder wollen keine Informationen über sie geben.Es wurde eine Familie ist auseinandergerissen . /
Investigate the disappearance of Pumba! - Pumba is an English Bulldogge who had to spend a few days in a dog hotel, which turned out to be illegal. When the dog owners wanted to catch them, the dog had disappeared. The owners of the dog hotel are supposed to know nothing and do not want to give any information about her. There has been a family is torn apart....
2483. Mexico: Justicia por el perro colgado en Tlazala Estado de Mexico /
Gerechtigkeit für den Hund der in Tlazala, Bundesstaat Mexiko,erhangen wurde! /
Justice for the dog who was hanged in Tlazala, state of Mexico!
2484. UK: Remove this dog from the owners care - This white English bully was found covered in oil. His skin condition is now worse and the owner has poured car motor oil all over him as they heard it cures mange. The dog still has inadequate exercise along with inadequate shelter which is also part of his citation. That dog is in that cage 24 hours a day seven days a week.
2485. Dog Allegedly Hacked to Death With Machete Deserves Justice
2486. Colombia: ¡Detengan la estigmatización de perros de raza fuerte! /
Stoppen Sie die Stigmatisierung von starken Rassehunde! - Characol Nachrichtensender: Wir fordern eine Entschuldigung für die systematische Schaffung von zielgerichteten Hass-Kampagnen gegen die als schlimm benannten Hunde (PPP), die nicht gefährlich sind! Ignorante, Böse Hundebesitzer sind es! /
Stop the stigmatization of strong-bred dogs! – Characol News Channel: We demand an apology for the systematic creation of targeted hate campaigns against the badly named dogs (PPP), who are NOT dangerous! Ignorant, Evil Dog Owners are!
2487. Spain: Castilla La Mancha TV: No retransmitáis carreras de galgos /
Castilla-La Mancha TV: Keine Windhund Rennen mehr - Hört auf Windhunde für Profit auszunutzen! /
Castilla-La Mancha TV: No more Greyhound Racing - Stop exploiting Greyhounds for Profit!
2488. Spain: Salvemos a Rayo!! /
Lassen Sie uns Rayo retten !! - Hilft uns ein Zuhause für immer für Rayo zu finden ! Teilen ist mitfühlend, Teilen rettet Leben! /
Let's save Rayo !! - Help find Rayo a Furever Home! Sharing is Caring, Sharing Saves Lives!
- Neu / New 19.4.2017 -
2489. Peru: Sign: Stop Tying Dogs to Bulls in Horrific Bullfight 'Punishment'
2491. UK: Ban Farnborough woman, and KC reg Margaret Peacock from owning/breeding ANY pets FOR LIFE
... Margaret Peacock breeds AKC registered Boarder Collies Murdered 9 puppies, 8 she stuffed into the freezer alive, 1 she bludgeoned to death. Ban this POS from ever breeding or owning Animals for Life!
2492. Argentina: CERRAR LA PAGINA "ODIO A LOS PERROS 2.0" /
Schließt die Webseite "I hate dogs 2.0" (Ich hasse Hunde)
...und ermittelt dringend gegen die Inhaber der Webseite!!!!! /
Closes the website "I hate dogs 2.0" (I hate dogs)
... and strongly determined investigations against the owner of the website !!!!!
2493. Revoke Business License for Seattle's Precious Paws - A Dangerous Illegal Dog Kennel!!!!
... an Immediate Investigation into the Mauling Death of a Dog Named 'Livi' at the Kennel 'Seattles Precious Paws.' If Convicted, We Demand Kristina Robinsons (Owner of the Kennel) license be Revoked for Negligence!
2494. Justice for Dog Who Died After Alleged Neglect at Boarding Facility - Ann Marie Brown and Peter W. Brown, the owners of Annie’s Clean Critters (located in Plymouth County), have each been charged with one count of animal cruelty!
...RIP Maximus :-(
2495. Justice for Animals Reportedly Found in Feces-Filled House of Horrors - Animal shelters from Fayetteville and neighboring towns stepped up to share what they knew about 63-year-old Vickie West, the owner of the animals. According to one shelter, she told staff that she worked closely with rescue groups across the county to find homes for animals at risk of euthanasia.
Gerechtigkeit für eine Hündin aus der Gemeinde Rosario, die gehäutet wurde /
Justice for a female Dog who was skinned in the Municipality of Rosario!
2497. Innocent dogs starved to death and shot in the head in Bacolod City, Neg. Occ., Philippines - Bacolod City, Philippines, dog pound center is known as a high kill shelter for dogs killed through shooting the dog's head or by starving dogs to death.
2498. Colombia: Que paguen los que castraron el perro en Roldanillo /
Bezahlung für diejenigen, die den Hund in Roldanillo kastrierten - Finden und verfolgen Sie dieses Monster, das einen Welpen an einen Baum gebunden hat, ihn kastrierte und das Video, dass das verabscheuungswürdige Verbrechen zeigt, dann auf Facebook postete! /
Payment for those who castrated the dog in Roldanillo - Find and Prosecute the monster that tied a Puppy to a tree, castrated it while videotaping the heinous crime and then posted in on Facebook!
2499. Hawaii: Punish Owners of Animal Shelter Accused of Keeping Dogs in Filthy Conditions - Prosecute David Lanny Moore/June Moore Owners of a Shelter in Honolulu, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Keeping over 300 Animals in Deplorable Conditions!
2500. Colombia: Investiguen y sancionen a quienes están envenenando los animalitos en Cedritos /
Untersuchen und Bestrafung derjenigen, die die Tiere in Cedritos vergiften - Wir fordern eine sofortige Untersuchung der vergifteten Nahrung, die in den Parkanlagen von Cedritos für die Tiere hinterlassen werden. /
Investigate and Punishment for those who poison the animals in Cedritos - We Demand an Immediate Investigation into the Poisoned Food that's being left around in the Cedritos Parks for the Animals.