Quelle/ Source: Google+
Gerechtigkeit für misshandelte Tiere
Dlí agus Cirt d'ainmhithe mí-úsáid
1. Scrap your animal cruelty discounts /
Verschrotten sie Ihre Tierquälerei-Rabatte /
Scrap do chuid ainmhí cruelty lascainí
2. Boost Annual Funding For Irish Animal Centre /
Steigern Sie die jährliche Finanzierung für die irische Tier Zentren /
Treisiú Maoiniú Bliantúil Le haghaidh Gaeilge Ainmhí Lárionad
3. Free Lennox - No Olympic Torch for Belfast /
Befreit Lennox - Keine Olympische Fackel für Belfast /
Saor Lennox - Uimh Tóirse Oilimpeach haghaidh Bhéal Feirste
– geschlossen / closed / dúnta -
4. Enforce Laws to Protect Animals in Ireland /
Durchsetzung von Gesetzen, die die Tiere in Irland schützen /
Fhorfheidhmiú dlíthe ar Cosain Ainmhithe in Éirinn
5. Ireland's Agriculture Minister: Please Ban Extremely cruel practices under Animal Welfare Law /
Landwirtschaftsminister von Irland: Bitte verbieten sie die extrem grausamen Praktiken im Rahmen des Tierschutzgesetzes /
Aire Talmhaíochta na hÉireann: Le do thoil toirmeasc Thar éadrócaireach cleachtais fén an Dlí Leasa
- Neu / New 25.5.2015 -
6. Condemn Diner Owner of “Big I’s Diner”, Russell Ireland, for Refusing to Serve War Veteran Because of his Service Dog - Apologize for forcing a disabled war veteran to leave the diner because of his service dog /
Anklage für den Diner Besitzer von "Big I Diner", in Russell Irland, für die Verweigerung einen Kriegsveteran zu bedienen - wegen seines Service-Hundes! Er hat sich dafür zu entschuldigen, dass er einen behinderten Kriegsveteran gezwunden hat, das Diner wegen seiner Service-Hundes zu verlassen /
Cáineann Diner Úinéir an "Big I s Diner", Russell ar Éirinn, dhiúltaigh fónamh cogadh Veteran - gheall ar a chuid Seirbhíse Madra ! Leithscéal a ghabháil le haghaidh chuir iachall a Seirbhíse veteran a fhágáil ar an diner gheall ar a chuid Seirbhíse Mhadra
- Neu / New 10.7.2015 -
7. N. Ireland dog owners against banning dogs from West Strand beach PORTRUSH - UK Only!!!
- Neu / New 28.7.2015 -
8. Criminalize the neglect and physical abuse of animals
- Neu / New 5.8.2015 -
10. Let Ruby home to her loving family pending court on the 18th of December & save her from being put to sleep. #saveruby
- Neu / New 21.8.2015 -
11. Urge Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in Dublin, Ireland to Appeal Dog Killer Order
12. Free Zeus the Great Dane from Dogs Trust Ireland
- Neu / New 5.9.2015 -
13. Demand justice for marvin the little jack russell that had his throat slit , and other knife wounds, and left
to die in agony.
- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -
14. Tell Ireland to enforce stricter Animal cruelty laws and bigger punishments for animal abuse!
- Neu / New 14.10.2015 -
15. STOP THE NEEDLESS DEATH OF HUNDREDS OF DOGS EACH WEEK - Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England, along with other dog charities over the last 10 years have rescued thousands of dogs from Southern Ireland. The European Commission has introduced pet passports for all dogs traveling from Ireland to England. This now means it costs approximately £500 to help save a dogs life.
16. Fight for animal rights
- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -
17. Withdraw permission for cruel hare coursing venue!
- Neu / New 31.10.2015 -
18. Demand that ALL European Union Countries comply with a basic animal welfare protection act, enshrined in law!! There are many countries who have joined the EU who do not have or do not comply with, basic animal welfare laws. Countries such as Romania, Hungary, Greece and many former "Eastern Block" countries do not have adequate laws to protect animals or provide adequate food, water or shelter for lost and abandoned animals; dogs, cats and donkeys being the ones that suffer the most. In Romania, Hungary and Greece, to name but a few examples, dogs are kept in "kill" shelters where they are injected with antifreeze in the heart or have their throats slit. Puppies are either stamped on or put in a freezer and frozen to death, as this is considered "more humane" /
Lasst uns fordern, dass alle EU-Länder ein grundlegendes, gesetzlich verankertes, Tierschutzgesetz, erfüllen!! Es gibt viele Länder, die der EU beigetreten sind, die kein grundlegendes Tierschutzgesetz haben oder die Gesetze einfach nicht einhalten! Länder wie Rumänien, Ungarn, Griechenland und vielen ehemaligen "Ostblock" Länder verfügen nicht über ausreichende Rechtsvorschriften zum Schutz der Tiere oder für angemessene Nahrung, Wasser oder Unterkunft für verlorene und verlassene Tieren sorgen; Hunde, Katzen und Esel sind diejenigen, die am meisten leiden. In Rumänien, Ungarn und Griechenland, um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen, werden Hunde in "Tötungs" Tierheimen "aufbewahrt", wo ihnen Frostschutzmittel ins Herz injiziert oder ihnen die Kehle durchgeschnitten wird. Welpen werden entweder Tod geschlagen oder in einen Gefrierschrank zum erfrieren gelegt , da sie dies als "humaner" betrachten :-/
- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -
19. Contact the European Union to rescind the Dog Passports from Ireland to England as He is the English Minister for DEFRA
- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- Neu / New 8.1.2016 -
20. Bishop Raymond Browne: Stop clergy involvement in cruel coursing
21. Irish Kennel Club: Cancel Your Bird Killing Contest
22. Stop importing puppies from puppy farms in Ireland
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
23. Close all Irish Puppy Farms
24. Implement a breed neutral re-homing policy in all dog pounds.
- Neu / New 29.2.2016 -
26. Traumada por los maltratos de su dueño no quiere salir de su cuarto. ¡Cárcel al responsable! /
Traumatisiert durch den Missbrauch von seinem Besitzer, sie will nicht ihren Raum nicht verlassen. Gefängnis für den Verantwortlichen! /
Traumatized by the abuse of its owner, she does not want to leave her room. Jail to the person responsible!
- Neu / New 11.4.2016 -
27. ANIMAL HEAVEN or ANIMAL HELL - AHAR REVEALED - For many years now a concerned group of animal loving people have been trying to highlight the plight of the poor animals at “Ahar” Kennel and the misappropriation of funds donated towards their care and towards the development of the facility based in Castleisland!!
…the picture says it all :-( bring justice and good homes for all this dogs and SHUT DOWN AHAR AND PUNISH THEM FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY AND FOR FRAUD!!!! :-/
28. Stop export of Irish greyhounds to China
Rheumatoid Arthritis
:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy
Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...
and I, as a good human being and Animal Advocate,
have such a terrible disease :-(
(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,
that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)
- Neu / New 30.1.2017 -
30. Lufthansa (German Airline): Stop transporting Irish greyhounds to China /
31. Justice for young Husky starved to death - Robert Porter from Belfast, Northern Ireland, admitted to letting his four-year-old dog starve to death and to leaving his body to decompose in his kitchen for four months. He only received a small fine, some community service and a mere five-year ban on keeping pets :-(
32. Restricted Breeds of Dog, Change the Law for the better for all Dogs in Ireland
33. Make it a offence to chain and tether a dog in Ireland
34. Stop Health Service cruel hare coursing project! Please END a shameful project involving people with severe intellectual disabilities in HARE COURSING! In the recent “Mayo Mental Health News" newsletter, the cruel blood sport was described as “the interesting new pastime offered by the Centre.”
35. We the undersigned call on the UK Government to introduce stronger sentences for dog fighting and support the League Against Cruel Sports plan of action to tackle dog fighting – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales ONLY!!!
36. Make Animal Care and Welfare Part of Irish School Curriculum
- Neu / New 8.5.2017 -
37. Reverse Raymond Cullivan's planning permission for 350 dog Puppy Farm in Co Cavan.
38. Greyhounds: A.I.B. (Irish Bank) Please Stop Promoting Groups Who Use Animal Abuse As Entertainment.
- Neu / New 27.5.2017 -
40. Tourism Ireland - Stop promoting greyhound racing (Irish Council Against Blood Sports ICABS)

Quelle/ Source: Google+