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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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251. Stop the FCI awarding China the World Dog Show
252. Stop the dog meat slaughter in China!!
253. Korea who boil dogs alive, Given $54 million for cable to PEI, SAY NO, NO,NO
254. Nigeria: Stop Dog Meat Abuse
255. Punishment for a family from Buenaventura that murderer a wild dog (Colombia)
256. (21-DAY MEAT FREE FAST) to honor those dogs viciously tortured to death for China's dog meat trade
257. Demand an End to Dogmeat Trade and Dogfarm in Korea
258. Reduce South Korea's credit rating as illegal dog meat industry threatens their economy!
259. Farmers in Switzerland: Stop routinely EATING cats and dogs!
…and tell us from where you get these poor dogs!! :-/
260. Stop the consumption and selling of dog meat in US
- Neu / New 18.3.2016 -
261. France: Arrêter le festival Yulin en Chine où des chiens sont torturés jusqu'à la mort /
Stoppen Sie das Yulin Festival in China, wo die Hunde zu Tode gefoltert werden /
Stop the Yulin Festival in China where dogs are tortured to death
262. Save dogs and Support the #StopYulin2015 international campaign
263. Germany: Boykottiere Hyundai,Kia,Samsung,LG bis Korea den Hunde- und Katzenfleischverzehr verbietet /
Boycott Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, LG till Korea prohibits the dog and cat meat consumption
264. Standard & Poor's: 自らの経済を脅かす違法な犬肉取引をする 韓国の信用格付け降格を! Reduce South Korea's credit rating!
265. LG: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats and dogs in your country!
266. Greece: Μποϊκοτ άζστους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες 2018 στο PyeongChang Ν. Κορέας, Εκεί Τρώνε Σκύλους! /
Boykottieren Sie die Olympischen Spiele 2018 im südkoreanischen Pyeong Chang, wo Hunde gegessen werden!!!!/
Boycott the 2018 Olympic Games in the South Korean PyeongChang, where dogs are eaten!!!!
267. CHINESE GOVERNMENT: Nobody touch the DOG - stop DOGS slaughter in China
268. SK: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats and dogs in your country!
269. Kia: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats and dogs in your country!
270. Italy: Salviamo i cagnolini cinesi dal massacre /
Lasst uns die Hündchen aus dem chinesischen Massaker retten /
Let us save the doggies from the Chinese massacre
271. Mexico: Fin al Festival de la Carne de Perro de Yulin /
Beenden Sie das Hundefleisch Festival in Yulin /
End the Dog Meat Festival in Yulin
272. Samsung: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats & dogs in your country
273. Daewoo:犬猫の惨殺を禁止に! Help us to end abhorrent cruelty and suffering of dogs in your country!
274. 犬の屠殺場モランマーケットの閉鎖を求める! 動物保護法を行使せよ! Seongnam: Close Down Moran Market Dog Slaughterhouses!
275. LG :犬猫のL惨殺禁止に協力を! Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty to cats and dogs in your country!
276. POSCO:犬猫の惨殺禁止に協力を!Help to end abhorrent cruelty,suffering of cats and dogs in your country
277. Daewoo: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats and dogs in your country
278. Bologna, Italy Mayor: Tell Friendship City Seongnam, That We’re Opposed to Torture of Dogs
279. Kia:犬猫の惨殺禁止に協力を!Help us to end abhorrent cruelty & suffering of cats& dogs in your country
280. SK:犬猫の食用禁止に協力を! Help us to end abhorrent cruelty,suffering of cats & dogs in your country!
281. Hyundai:犬や猫への憎むべき虐待を終わりに するために協力を!Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty of dogs in Korea!
282. Fitch Ratings: 自らの経済を脅かす違法な犬肉取引をする 韓国の信用格付け降格を!Reduce South Korea's credit rating!
283. Bakersfield-Harvey Hall: 市長:犬猫の食用禁止に協力を!Tell Bucheon that We’re Opposed to Torture of Dogs!
284. Bakersfield: Tell Sister City Bucheon,Korea That We’re Opposed to Torture of Dogs and Cats
285. Hyundai: help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats & dogs in your country
286. Reduce South Korea's credit rating as illegal dog meat industry threatens their economy!
287. South Korea's Saenuri Party: Take accountability and stop the illegal Dog meat industry!
288. Japan: 韓国セヌリ党:違法犬肉産業を禁止せよ!
Korea Saenuri Party:Take accountability- Stop illegal dog meat industry
289. Japan: 犬猫の拷問と食用に反対を! 姉妹都市から韓国天安市に伝えてもらいたい /
Beaverton: Tell Sister City Cheonan, That We’re Opposed to Torture and consumption of Dogs
290. Hyundai,Kia, Samsung, LG の不買運動 韓国における犬猫の虐待と犬肉と猫肉の食用を廃止しよう
Boycott Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, LG
291. Russia: Бойкот Зимним Олимпийским Играм 2018 в Пхенчхане, Южной Корее, стране, которая ест собак! /
Boykottieren PyeongChang Olympischen Winterspiele 2018 in Südkorea, eine Hunde essende Nation /
Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, A Dog Eating Nation
292. Samsung:犬猫の惨殺根絶に協力を!Help us to end abhorrent cruelty and suffering of dogs in your country
293. Japan: 『犬肉を食べる国』韓国で 開催予定の2018年ピョンチャン冬季オリンピックに 抗議します
Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, A Dog Eating Nation!
294. Russia: Бойкот Hyundai/Kia,Samsung,LG, пока Южная Корея не прекратит истязать и есть собак и кошек /
Boycott Hyundai/Kia, Samsung, LG, bis Südkorea die Folter und den Konsum von Hunden und Katzen verbietet /
Boycott Hyundai/Kia, Samsung, LG until South Korea bans the dog and cat torture and consumption
295. Spain: Boicot a Hyundai/Kia, Samsung, LG, hasta que Corea del Sur prohíba la tortura y consumo de carne de perro y de gato /
Boycott Hyundai/Kia, Samsung, LG, bis Südkorea die Folter und den Konsum von Hunden und Katzen verbietet /
Boycott Hyundai/Kia, Samsung, LG until S. Korea bans the dog and cat torture and consumption
296. Japan: ピョンチャン2018冬季Olympicスポンサー契約解除を
PyeongChang 2018 Corporate Sponsors-Withdraw Your Sponsorship
297. France: Boycottez les Jeux Olympiques d’hiver 2018 en Corée du Sud, une nation mangeuse de chiens /
Boykottieren PyeongChang Olympischen Winterspiele 2018 in Südkorea, eine Hunde essende Nation /
Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, A Dog Eating Nation!
298. France: Hyundai: Aidez nous à stopper les tortures envers les chiens et chats de Corée /
Hyundai: Helfen Sie uns, die Folter der Hunden und Katzen in Korea zu stoppen /
Hyundai: Help us stop the torture towards dogs and cats in Korea
299. France: Au parti sud-coréen Saenuri:Agissez contre le trafic de viande de chiens et chats en Corée /
Südkoreanische Partei Saenuri: Ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen gegen den Katzen- und Hundefleisch Handel in Korea /
South Korean Party Saenuri: Take action against the cat and dog meat trade in Korea
300. EBAY is SELLING body parts/SKULLS of the DOGS and CATS murdered/eaten in CHINA on its TAXIDERMY sites!
Spread the Posters against Dog Meat made available by Korean Dogs
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“Filet Lenden Schnitt”
Sie beobachten und warten ihrerseits,
während andere Hunde
brutal getötet werden,
um beim Yulin Festival gegessen zu werden ... Lassen Sie uns das beenden !!
The Humane Society International
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Stop Yulin 2016