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No to dog meat worldwide!! 14
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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351. Tell Sister City, Seoul Gangnam, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs!
- Neu / New 14.1.2017 -
352. Request to Korean Airlines for free air travel for dogs rescued from meat trade in S. Korea
353. Tell Sister City, Seoul Gangnam, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture / Consumption of Dogs!
354. Stop the Dog & Cat Meat Festivals and Slaughter Houses
357. As an Innovative Business Leader, support the abolition of the abhorrent dog-meat trade!
358. France: FCI: Nous vous demandons de dénoncer le commerce de la viande de chien en Corée du Sud! /
FCI: Wir bitten Sie, den Handel mit Hundefleisch in Südkorea anzuprangern! /
FCI: We ask you to denounce the trade of dog meat in South Korea!
359. Fight against the cruel dog meat trade!
- Neu / New 27.1.2017 -
360. South Africa Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the dog meat trade!
361. Tell Friendship City, Seoul Seongbuk, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Eating of Dogs.
362. El Salvador Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the dog meat trade!
363. Grenada Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog meat trade!
364. Guatemala Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog meat trade!
365. Guyana Olympic Committee:Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the dog & cat meat trade!
366. Haiti Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the dog & cat meat trade!
367. Honduras Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog meat trade!
368. Jamaica Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog meat trade!
369. St Kitts-Nevis Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against dog meat trade!
370. Dominican Rep Olympic Committee:Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the dogmeat trade!
371. Ecuador Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog meat trade!
372. Denmark Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the Dog Meat Trade!
373. Hungarian Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog & Cat Meat Trade!
374. Greek Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog & Cat Meat Trade!
375. British Olympic Association: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog Meat Trade!
376. German Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog Meat Trade! / Deutsch Olympisches Komitee: Beziehen sie Stellung in PyeongChang 2018 gegen den Hundelfeischhandel!
377. Georgian Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog & Cat Meat Trade!
378. French Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog & Cat Meat Trade!
379. Finnish Olympic Committee: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the Dog Meat Trade!
380. Czech Olympic Committe: Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against the Dog & Cat Meat Trade!
381. Tell Friendship City, Seoul Guro, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs
382. Tell Friendship City, Seoul Seongbuk, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Eating of Dogs.
383. Tell Friendship City, Seoul, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats
384. France: Aidez à mettre fin à l’intolérable commerce de viande de chats et de chiens en Corée duSud /
Helfen sie mit den unerträglichen Fleischhandel von Katzen und Hunden in Korea Southafrica stoppen /
Help end the intolerable trade of cats and dogs in South Korea
385. Central African Republic NOC: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!
386. STOP THE DOG MEAT MARKET OF VIETNAM. (This horrific act similar to Yulin lasts all year)!!
387. South Korea, Torturer of Dogs/Cats & Host of the World Veterinary Congress? Speak Out!
388. Stop the Egyptian Government from exporting 10.000 Donkeys to China and Stray Dogs to South Korea
389. End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival
390. China: Stop Dog Meat Abuse
391. Stop Koreans, Chinese and Indonesia from BOILING DOGS , CATS AND OTHER ANIMALS ALIVE
392. Stop Animal Holocaust from Egypt, and Say No to Live Export of Animals!
- Neu / New 28.1.2017 -
393. Kim Beom-Su: As a Business Leader, Help to End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea!
394. Shin Chang-Jae: As a Business Leader, Help to End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea!
395. Park Hyeon-Joo: As a Business Leader, Help to End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea!
396. Seo Jung-Jin: As a Business Leader, Help to End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea!
397. Lee Joong-Keun: As a Business Leader, Help to End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea!
398. Kim Jae-Chul: As a Business Leader, Help to End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea !
399. Chung Evi-Sun: As a Business Leader, Help to End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea!
400. Mr. Chey Tae-Won: As a Business Leader, Help End the Cruel Dog-Meat Trade in South Korea!

Quelle/ Source: Google+
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"Ich bitte dich"
CARE - Coexistence of animal rights on earth
Quelle/ Source: CARE:
Die Brutalität des Fleischhandels in Asien kennt keine Grenzen
Police Constables in India Caught Eating Dogs & Cats