Animal Welfare
is not a cause for celebration,
but an invitation to be ashamed
that we need him at all.
Professor Dr. Theologist Erich Grässer
- Neu / New 26.5.2015 -
201. Spain: NO al maltrato y abandono de animals /
NEIN zu Missbrauch und Vernachlässigung von Tieren /
NO to the abuse and neglect of animals
202. Ban Robin Thicke for owning pets! Bincy deserves a better home!
203. Calgary councilor wants all puppy dogs to wear a MUZZLE for first year! Don’t let this happen!
204. Free Spay and Neuter Programs for Dogs and Cats in El Paso, Texas!
205. Please Email Your Senator About HB159
207. Hunde bei der Landesgartenschau 2016 in Bayreuth - Warum sollten Hunde die Landesgartenschau nicht mit besuchen dürfen, wenn sich die Hundehalter an entsprechende Regeln halten? … Angst um ihren englischen Rasen und es könnte ja ein Hund ein Blümchen zu lange beschnuppern... /
Dogs at the State Horticultural Show 2016 in in Bayreuth - Why should dogs not be allowed to visit the State Horticultural Show when the dog owners abide by relevant rules … Afraid for their English lawn and a dog could sniff for too long at one floret ...
208. Stop People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals from Killing Pets - Stop the euthanization of almost all animals in PETA’s care
209. Support Rescued Pit Bulls Aiding in Veteran Recovery - Congratulate Pits for Patriots on their tremendous efforts to repair the lives of pit bulls and veterans.
210. Support Tougher Animal Cruelty Laws in Rhode Island
211. Severe Charges & Animal Ban if Found Guilty of Animal Cruelty In Illinois
212. Severe Punishment & Animal Ban if Found Guilty of Animal Cruelty
213. Ensure Passing of Leash Law for All Dogs
214. Demand Maximum Punishment for Throwing Away Dogs
215. Commend Program that Trains Dogs to Aid Diabetics
216. Demand That Oregon Apply Good Samaritan Laws To Protect Attempts To Save Animals
217. Celebrate Mixed Breed Dogs in America - Recognize the unique breeds of mutts at the American Kennel Club to increase the rate of mixed breed adoptions
218. Don’t Euthanize Displaced Pets From Hurricane Sandy and find them alternative No-kill-shelters!!!!
219. Applaud Service Dog Training Research
220. Provide Service Dog Benefits for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
221. Demand Consumers Verify Service Dog Ownership before Purchasing Service Dog Vests
222. Support Humane Dog Breeding Law in North Carolina
223. Praise Life-Saving Dog Rescue Operation
224. Protect the Health of Imported Puppies
225. Stop Company from Killing Pets with Dangerous Flea and Tick Products - Hartz makes flea and tick products for dogs and cats that are sold in stores worldwide. However, these products can be potentially very dangerous for pets. Animal injuries have ranged from chemical burns, to seizures, to even death. But Hartz does not seem worried about the suffering it causes
226. Commend State for Protecting People Who Buy Sick Pets - Kristen Strawbridge, Illinois state director for The Humane Society of the United States said: “This long awaited law is a great victory for Illinois consumers. It will prevent people from suffering the heartbreak of having to bear the financial cost of acquiring a sick pet. Pet stores that sell sick puppies to consumers will now be held accountable.”
227. Hold Pet Stores Accountable for Sick Pets
228. Praise New York Attorney General for Protecting Pets
229. Ban the Sale of Dogs and Cats at Flea Markets in Mississippi
230. Stop the Sale of Pets in California Flea Markets
231. Ban Devocalization of Dogs and Cats
232. Punish Circus for Abusing Dogs - Charge Shrine Circus with animal abuse for kicking dogs during a performance
233. Mandate Jail Time for Animal Cruelty Cases
234. Stop Dogs from Being Left to Die in Hot Cars
235. Praise Mall for Protecting Dogs Left in Cars - Thank shopping mall for introducing a pet patrol in its parking lots
236. Applaud Movement to Save Pets From Dying in Hot Cars - Thank the governor of Rhode Island for passing a law that will make it illegal to leave pets in overheating cars
237. Gesetzesänderung -Erweiterung –Abstimmen: Mischlinge und Rassehunde mit Qualzuchtmerkmalen werden vermehrt und zum Verkauf angeboten. Vereine und Verbände regeln ihre Zuchtvorschriften selbst- OHNE Kontrolle durch Dritte. Hunde werden ausgebeutet, indem sie jede Läufigkeit eingedeckt werden- ab 12 Monaten, wenn nicht jünger, bis zu deren Tot. /
Legislative change - extension - Vote: Mixed race and breed dogs with agony breeding characteristics are often offered for sale. Clubs and associations regulate their breeding regulations themselves - without control by a third party. Dogs are exploited by being pregnant each heat - from 12 months, if not younger, until their death.
238. Prevent Abuse with Mandatory Dog Breeder Registry
239. Tell Online Breeder to Stop the Breeding and Sale of Teacup Dogs
- Neu / New 8.6.2015 -
240. Urge the National Football League to Stop Testing Injuries on Animals - The National Football League (NFL) has been discretely testing potential sports related injuries on animals. The NFL believes that in order to understand the risks of head and body injuries, they need to test the specific blows on rats, dogs and other animals…. NOW WE KNOW WHY SO MANY NFL PLAYERS (LIKE MICHAEL VICK) ARE ANIMAL ABUSERS AND DOGFIGHTER ON DOGS… :-( http://forcechange.com/76157/urge-the-national-football-league-to-stop-testing-injuries-on-animals/
241. Praise Recognition of Animal Cruelty as a Crime against Society - Thank the FBI for recognizing the heinous effects of animal cruelty on society
242. Gesetzesänderung-das Tiere nicht mehr als "Sache" deklariert werden, sondern als Lebewesen anerkannt ! /
Legislative amendment - that animals are no more as "thing" declared, but recognized as sentient beings!
243. Prosecute Paul Bridwell of Louisville, Kentucky and Nancy Schiphorst of Louisville, Kentucky for Theft, Conversion, Animal Trafficking and Fraud.
244. Ask the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to Use Donations for Abused and Neglected Animals
245. Pass Law Limiting Pets in a Single Home to Assure Proper Care
246. Demand Reduced Speed & Signs for Safety of Pets & Children
247. Commend Humane Society for Protecting Neglected Animals
248. End Animal Abuse at Humane Society - Immediately implement drastic changes in operations at Harbor Humane Society and end the history of abuse that has taken place
249. Thank Michigan Humane Society for Pet Loss Support Group
250. Thank Good Samaritans for Rescuing Abandoned Dogs - Thank the Humane Society for rescuing abandoned and abused dogs

Wenn du einen Hund nicht wie ein Familienmitglied lieben kannst,
dann kaufe dir keinen!!
Denn es wohnt ihnen einzig inne
dich als Rudelmitglied anzusehen
und für sie ist das Familie!!!
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -