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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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551. В соответствии со ст. 1, п.2 от ФЗ 17.01.1992 № 1992 № 2202-1, просим дать правовую оценку действиям сотрудников полиции, вынесших решение об отказе в возбуждении уголовного дела по ст. 245 УК РФ. /

In Übereinstimmung mit Art. 1, Punkt 2 des Gesetzes 17.01.1992 № 1992 № 2202-1, Ersuchung um eine rechtliche Beurteilung der Aktionen der Beamten, die entschieden, für schweren Hundemissbrauch kein Strafverfahren gemäß Art 245 des Strafgesetzbuches. einzuleiten./

In accordance with article 1, point 2 of the Law 17.01.1992 № 1992 № 2202-1, Request for a legal assessment of the actions of officials, who decided to no initiate criminal proceedings for serious dog abuse under Article 245 of the Criminal Code


552. Bring to Justice Owner of Dog who Froze to Death - Find those responsible for leaving a dog outside in 17-degree weather to freeze to death, and bring them to justice


553. Cárcel para estos maltratadores, no alcanza con el despido! /

Gefängnis für diese Täter, nicht ausreichendes, um sie zu entlassen! /

Jail for these abusers, nothing's sufficient to dismiss them!


554. Praise University for Saving Badly Burned Pets


555. Deja a un perro paralitico de un disparo, justicia! /

Hinterließ einen Hund gelähmt, nachdem er ihn niedergeschossen hat, - Gerechtigkeit! Dieses Ereignis wurde in Muñoveros, Segovia, beobachtet: Der ehemalige Bürgermeister hat vermutlich aus dem Fenster seines Hauses einen Hund auf der Straße erschossen und ließ ihn gelähmt liegen. /

Left a dog crippled after he gunned him - justice! This event was observed in Muñoveros, Segovia: The former mayor has probably killed a dog on the street from the window of his house and left him paralyzed


556. Thank Rescuers for Saving Dog After 150-Foot Cliff Fall


557. Commend Journalist’s Support for Mourning Pet Owners - Grieving pet owners can be the subject of open criticism and misunderstanding. Many people do not understand why owners are so upset over the loss of an animal, and sometimes others will recommend simply “getting over it,” or finding a replacement animal. However, as is the case for the loss of a person, the loss of a pet requires a grieving process in order for true recovery to be obtained. The purpose of this petition is to acknowledge a journalist who is educating the general public about the true difficulties that can be experienced in recovering from the loss of a pet

… Thank you so much, dear Frank Shyong :-)


558. Praise Rescuers for Saving Buried Dog - A major rainstorm in Guatemala near the Mexican border has brought much destruction and loss of life, especially in the little town of Joya Grande. One lucky dog buried in the resulting mudslide was saved by rescuers during an intense rescue search.


559. Demand Justice for Dog Blown Up by Owner - A man from Washington State recently strapped explosives to his Labrador retriever, named Cabella, and detonated them, killing her instantly. Christopher Dillingham has a history of violence and domestic abuse, and his nonsensical rambling at the scene about how his ex-girlfriend had “put the devil in” the dog indicates a deranged and dangerous mind.


560. Mayor John Holden Please PARDON BEAU the dog!!


561.  Pena dura para el maltratador de Noah! /

Harte Strafen für die Misshandler von Noah! /

Harsh punishment for the abuser of Noah!


562.   Recaiga toda la condena por tan desoladora acción de maldad. Esta perrita pitbull fue rescatada después de recibir una dosis de ácido que sirve para disolver metales  /

Jede Verurteilung beruht auf der verheerenden Wirkung des Bösen. Dieses Pitbull Hund wurde gerettet, nachdem ihm eine Dosis Säure, zum Auflösen von Metallen, verabreicht wurde! /

Each sentence is based on the devastating effects of evil. This Pitbull dog was rescued after a dose of acid, for dissolving metals, was administered to him!  


563. Place a proposal before the United Nations to declare the famous Japanese dog Hachiko's birthday Nov 10 as the World Dog Day.


564. Increase the length of Quade Roy Adams' sentence


565,. Please impose a custodial sentence on Steven Woodhouse of Long Buckby for stealing, then killing by drowning a defenseless dog and concealing her body


566. Investiguen este caso de maltrato animal, basta de abusos /

Untersuchen Sie diesen Fall von Tierquälerei, genug mit Missbrauch /

Investigate this case of cruelty to animals, enough with abuse


567.  Encuentren al asesino de Pancho! /

Gerechtigkeit für Pancho - finden Sie seinen Mörder! /

Justice for Pancho - find his murderer!


568. Dura Condena a este maltratador de perros! Dirigida a Justicia de Colombia  /

Dura verurteilt diesen Hunde Missbraucher! Kolumbien wird aufgefordert zu richten. Kolumbiens nationale Polizei rettete 5 eingesackte, dehydrierte und und dem Tode nahe Hunde! /

Dura condemns this dog abuser! Colombia is asked to judge. Colombia's National Police rescued 5 bagged, dehydrated and near death dogs!


569.  Ejecución publica de un perro, que se haga justicia! En el Barrio San Rafael, en Pitalito, un grupo de personas, en frente de todo el pueblo ahorco a un bull terrier acusado de haber mordido a un joven en su labio. /

Öffentliche Hinrichtung eines Hundes, Selbstjustiz hat sich selbst Genüge getan und sich "Gerechtigkeit" verschafft! In der Nähe von San Rafael, in Pitalito, hat eine Gruppe von Menschen vor allen Leuten einen Bullterrier erhängt, der einem jungen Mann in seiner Unterlippe gebissen hat. /

Public execution of a dog, vigilante justice has itself been satisfied and "justice" procured! Near San Rafael in Pitalito, a group of people hanged a bull terrier in front of everybody who has bitten a young man in his lower lip.


570. Накажите виновного в жестоком избиение собаки /

Bestrafen Sie die Schuldigen für die brutalen Schläge auf einen Hund /

Punish the guilty for the brutal beating of a dog /


571. Pour que Dingo et son maître Jean-Marie obtiennent un logement /

Dafür, dass Dingo und sein Herrchen Jean-Marie ein Zuhause bekommen /

For that Dingo and his master Jean-Marie get a home


- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -


572. Please support Nami Kim against unfair and biased charges by the South Korean Police! Nami Kim, a world-renowned activist fighting the dog meat trade, recently was violently assaulted by the brother of the dog farmer.  In an effort to defend herself from the man who is much taller and larger, she had bitten his hand. But Nami was charged for injuring him, and for a violation of domicile by trespassing in Incheon, South Korea!


573. Stop Stacy Ritter Jordan and the Alliance for Animal Welfare!


574. Justice pour Bonjo abattu par 2 policiers de Philippeville (Belgique). /

Gerechtigkeit für Banjo erschossen von zwei Polizisten in Philippeville (Belgien). /

Justice for Banjo shot by two police officers in Philippeville (Belgium).


575. All Breed Rescue Vermont- Reunite Missy and Gotti Now!


576. Two Port St. Lucie Dogs are on Death Row for BARKING! Please help us STOP THIS!


577. Nous demandons la peine maximale pour cet homme inhumain qui a battu sa chienne /

Wir fordern die Höchststrafe für diese unmenschlichen Mann, der seinen Hund schlug /

We demand the maximum penalty for this inhuman man who beat his dog


578. Save Neville the Dog!


579. Demand Justice for Brutal Dog Murder in Beijing - Tell the Beijing government that its inhumane animal control tactics do not go unnoticed!


580. Dyersburg TN Mayor: Please update the Vicious animal ordinance and unban Beau!


581. To give Hayley Cowan (the dog murderer) a longer sentence.


582. Applicare il massimo della pena per la crudele esecuzione di un cane a Trassilico /

Wenden Sie die Höchststrafe für die grausame Hinrichtung eines Hundes in Trassilico an /

Apply the maximum sentence for the cruel execution of a Dog in Trassilico


583. Let Sahara Marina Milano so you will not remove his husky


584. Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws


585. Don't let them put my dogs out!


586. Caso Tony PY - Creación de la Dirección Nacional de Defensa, Salud y Bienestar Animal. /

Aus Anlass von Tony PY - Gründung einer nationalen Verteidigung für Gesundheit und Tierschutz. /

On the occasion of Tony PY - establishment of a national defense for health and animal welfare


587. Beautiful dog Nova brutally beaten to death with a shovel, throat slit – but this animal abuser walks free! This is heinous. My friend's beautiful dog Nova was beaten to death with a shovel - her throat slit, tail cut off and corpse dumped in the tip. Police attended the scene but let the killer walk away. With no punishment for this heinous crime - this man is left free to kill again.

…RIP Nova :-(




589. Praise Stiff Sentence for Man Who Viciously Abused His Dog - Andra Grace, a gentle pit bull dog, has received some justice following the terrible abuse she received at the hands of her owner. Roger Owens tied his dog’s front paws to the tailgate of his truck and dragged her for two long miles before leaving her to die alone by the side of the road.


590. Come out of hiding! Last month animal-rights activists from Norfolk-based People for the Ethical Treatment (PETA) for Animals came to rural Accomack County, allegedly took a family's pet Chihuahua from a porch and euthanized it.


591. Δήμαρχος Βόλου, Αχιλλέας Μπέος: Λουκέτο στο κυνοκομείο θανάτου, στον Βόλο! / An den Bürgermeister von Volos Herr Achilleas Beos: Gerechtigkeit für Padlock`s Tod in der Tierklinik von Volos! / To the Mayor of Volos Mr. Achilleas Beos: Justice for Padlock`s death in the veterinary clinic of Volos!


592. Convicted Animal Abuser still owns Non Profit Dog Rescue


593. Justice for the Staffie tortured and hanged in Mottingham, UK


- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -

597. Justice for Charlie


598. Justice 4 Hulk - Hulk an innocent 11 month old pup was unlawfully shot and killed by Lake Macquarie Police, NSW on the 10th October 2015.


599. URGENT: Ventura Dog Protecting Family Could Be Euthanized


600. Free Manson from Schoharie Valley Animal Shelter and bring him back HOME

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Gerechtigkeit für Caitlyn

Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -

Justice for abused dog souls!!


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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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