Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 47
2851. Change the law in regards to Animal Cruelty Neglect and Abuse in Miami Dade County
2852. Protect innocent animals from abuse - Christopher Kit Carson, was seen beating his puppy's head into the car window while he was cussing the dog. The dog was taken away and might be returned to him after the court date of his misdemeanor.
2853. Make Animal Neglect a Class C Felony in ALL 50 States!
2854. Turkey: Isparta’da Hayvanlara - Eziyet Eden HK ve NY Tekrar Yargılansın /
Tiere in Isparta - Verfolgung und Bestrafung für HK und NY - Aus den Informationen, die wir erhalten haben, scheint es, dass Facebook-Nutzer HK und NY einem Hund seine Ohren mit einem Messer abschnitten und teilten es auf FB. Alle Screenshots der Videos und die Videos sind auf den facebook Profil per Links verfügbar. /
Animals in Isparta - Persecution and Punishment for HK and NY - From the information we have received, it seems that Facebook users HK and NY cut a dog's ears with a knife and shared it on FB. All screenshots of the videos and the videos are available on the facebook profile via links.
2855. Flora, IN - Stop proposed Vicious Dog Ordinance - NO Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)!!
2856. Argentina: Castración de mascotas con tenencia responsable /
Kastration von Haustieren auf verantwortungsvolle Art und Weise - Eine öffentliche Tierärztliche Klinik mit kostenlosen oder ermäßigten Preisen, so dass wir es uns leisten können, unsere Haustiere in Córdoba zu sterilisieren! /
Castration of pet animals in a responsible way - A public veterinary clinic with free or reduced rates so that we can afford to sterilize our pets in Córdoba!
2857. Russia: приют в Новокузнецке-помощь бездомным животным, плюс рабочие места для людей /
Ein Tierheim in Novokuznetsk - Hilft heimatlosen Tieren, plus Arbeitsplätze für Menschen! /
An animal shelter in Novokuznetsk – Help homeless animals, plus jobs for people!!
- Neu / New 21.4.2017 -
2858. Police dogs aren't property! Write to your MP about Finn's Law - Urge your MP to get behind greater protection for police dogs
and other emergency service animals!! (IFAW)
2859. Make Canada An Animal Testing Free Country by 2020
2860. Pass a Virginia law requiring dog owners to keep their dogs inside in harsh temperatures
2861. End Yulin 2017
2862. Argentina: Prohibición de mutilacion de animales para fines estéticos /
Verbot von Tierverstümmelung aus sogenannten ästhetischen Gründen - Verbietet die verstümmelnde Praxis des Kupierens von Rute und Ohren ...Lasst unsere Hunde so, wie Gott sie erschaffen hat! /
Ban on animal mutilation for so-called aesthetic reasons – Ban the mutilating practice of Tail Docking and Ear Cropping ... Let our dogs the way God created them!
2863. Let emotional support animal back in!
... Let service dog Arthur back into Veterans Village with his companion Mike who sufferers from PTSD!
2864. Argentina: CERRAR LA PAGINA "ODIO A LOS PERROS 2.0" /
Schließt die Webseite "I hate dogs 2.0" (Ich hasse Hunde)
...und ermittelt dringend gegen die Inhaber der Webseite!!!!! /
Closes the website "I hate dogs 2.0" (I hate dogs)
... and strongly determined investigations against the owner of the website !!!!!
2865. Brazil: Proibição da venda e exploração de animais em vitrines e gaiolas em Porto Velho /
Verbot des Verkaufs und Ausbeutung von Tieren in Schaufenstern und Käfige in Porto Velho /
Prohibition of the sale and exploitation of animals in shop windows and cages in Porto Velho
2866. Germany: Zum Kanibalismus getriebene Hunde im Tierheims "Vrsacki Azil", Serbien! Im Zeitraum zwischen Oktober 2016 und Februar 2017 sind dort etwa 200 Hunde an Folgen des Kanibalismus und Misshandlung gestorben. Hilf dies zu stoppen - Nur wir können das Serbische Ministerium za Poljoprivredu i Veterinarstvo zwingen etwas zu unternehmen. Die dortigen Tierschützer scheitern daran, dass sie kein Gehör bekommen, damit die Welt nichts davon erfährt- lasst uns das bitte ändern! /
Dogs driven to cannibalism in the shelter "Vrsacki Azil", Serbia! The Dogs in the Shelter are being driven to cannibalism due to the lack of food given to them, even so donations are given to them! In the period between October 2016 and February 2017, about 200 dogs died there as a result of cannibalism and mistreatment. Help to stop this - Only we can force the Serbian Ministry za Poljoprivredu i Veterinarstvo to do something = This is NOT Acceptable !!! The animal protectionists there are failing because they do not get a hearing, so the world does not know about it - please let us change that!
2867. Brazil: Mejorar el refugio de animales y centro de zoonosis con el dinero de las multas /
Verbessern Sie unsere Tierheime und und die Tierzentren von Zoonoses in Goias Marconi Perillo mit Geldern aus Spenden und Geldstrafen - Wir fordern strengere Strafen für Tiermissbrauch und Grausamkeiten./
Improve our animal shelters and animal and the centers of Zoonoses in Goias Marconi Perillo with money from donations and fines - We Demand Stricter Punishment for Animal Abuse and Cruelty.
Verbot des Verkaufs von Tieren auf nationaler Ebene und Anordnung von obligatorischen, kostenlosen Sterilisationen ! /
Prohibition of the sale of animals at national level and arrangement of obligatory, free sterilizations!
2869. Serbia: Smena odgovornih za krvoprolice u Azilu za pse Vrsac /
Strafverfolgung der Verantwortlichen für das Hungern lassen, denMissbrauch und die Entbehrungen von Rahmenbedingungen für das Leben der Hunde im Tierheim von Vrsac Gemeinde Vrsacki Azil, Serbien /
Prosecute those Responsible for the Starvation, Abuse and Deprivation of basic conditions for the life of Dogs in the Shelter of Vrsac Municipality Vrsacki Azil.
2870. Chile: Que acabe el maltrato animal, ocupando Leyes de protección hacia los animales /
Dass die Misshandlung von Tieren endet, schafft Gesetze zum Schutz der Tiere! /
That animal abuse ends, create laws to protect the animals!
2871. World Small Animal Veterinary Assoc (WSAVA): Speak Out Against The Dog/Cat Meat Trade in S. Korea.
2872. Revoke Business License for Seattle's Precious Paws - A Dangerous Illegal Dog Kennel!!!!
... an Immediate Investigation into the Mauling Death of a Dog Named 'Livi' at the Kennel 'Seattles Precious Paws.' If Convicted, We Demand Kristina Robinsons (Owner of the Kennel) license be Revoked for Negligence!
2873. Punish Breeder Accused of Neglect - A Breeder of Wolf Dog Hybrids in Forest County, is facing animal cruelty charges after 30 dogs and 14 horses were found extremely emaciated /living in Deplorable Conditions on her property. Several dead dogs were also found scattered around the property. Many of them were found chained to trees, while others were found roaming the property with no enclosure at all. The property was also littered with the corpses of dead hybrids. Some of those left alive reportedly had no access to food or water and suffered medical issues including untreated cuts and abrasions.
2874. UK: Remove "Game Fit Working Dogs @GFWD.Official" page from Facebook for promoting dogfighting
2875. Colombia: @rubendarioace NO al CIERRE de la Fund. ANIMALOVE, rescatista de animalitos callejeros (Fundación Animalove) /
@rubendarioace NEIN zum Schliessung der Stiftung ANIMALOVE, Retter von streunenden Tieren (Animalove Foundation) /
@rubendarioace NO to the CLOSURE of the Foundation ANIMALOVE, Rescuer of stray animals (Animalove Foundation)
DO NOT Close the Animal Love Foundation!
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle / Source:
SNIP San Angelo
(Spay Neuter Initiative Program)
SNIP - Dr. John Russell
Local veterinarian encourages pet owners to spay/neuter their dogs and cats in an effort to reduce the number of animals euthanized at the San Angelo Animal Shelter.
Der örtliche Tierarzt ermutigt Tierhalter, ihre Hunde und Katzen zu sterilisieren / zu kastrieren, um die Anzahl der Tiere, die im Tierheim San Angelo eingeschläfert werden, zu reduzieren.)
Wenn Tiere in ihrer Obhut
nicht in einer bestimmten Zeit gerettet oder adoptiert werden:
töten Sie sie
(Und sie nennen Befürworter von keinen Tötungen "Extremisten" ??)
2876. Colombia: Investiguen y sancionen a quienes están envenenando los animalitos en Cedritos /
Untersuchen und Bestrafung derjenigen, die die Tiere in Cedritos vergiften - Wir fordern eine sofortige Untersuchung der vergifteten Nahrung, die in den Parkanlagen von Cedritos für die Tiere hinterlassen werden. /
Investigate and Punishment for those who poison the animals in Cedritos - We Demand an Immediate Investigation into the Poisoned Food that's being left around in the Cedritos Parks for the Animals.
2877. A Cyanide Bomb Killed their Family Dog and Threatened their Son: USDA Stop Using Them Now! - A 14-year-old boy was walking his dog Casey out behind his house in rural Idaho. The two found something that the boy said "looked like a sprinkler." They investigated it and it exploded, sending orange dye everywhere. Casey, their beautiful lab was dead within minutes
:-( RIP Casey :-(
2878. Justice for Animals Reportedly Found in Feces-Filled House of Horrors - Animal shelters from Fayetteville and neighboring towns stepped up to share what they knew about 63-year-old Vickie West, the owner of the animals. According to one shelter, she told staff that she worked closely with rescue groups across the county to find homes for animals at risk of euthanasia.
2879. Remove Libby, Montana's Breed Discriminatory Ordinance
2880. Colombia: Vigilar y castigar a los que abandonan animales en las carreteras /
Überwachung und Bestrafung derjenigen, die Tiere auf den Straßen aussetzen - Wir fordern härtere Strafen für solche Menschen !!! /
Monitor and punish those who abandon animals on the roads - We Demand Harsher Penalties for such people !!!
2881. Canada: Stop farmers from shooting family pets!
...Make it illegal !!!!
2882. Ban the commercial sale of non-rescue cats and dogs in Sacramento
2883. Support a Ban on the Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs at Pet Stores (North Shore Animal League America)
2884. Protect Illinois' Animals by Opposing Illinois SB1882 and HB2824
2885. France: Canada: Retrait du texte du Maire du Québec demandant aux citoyens de se débarrasser des Pitbulls / Kanada: Rückzug desTextes von dem Bürgermeisters von Quebec, der die Bürger darum bittet, ihre Pitbulls loszuwerden - Heben Sie die Hunde Spezifische Gesetzgebung auf (BSL = Breed Specific Legislation) !!
... Kanada, es gibt keine schlechten Hunderassen, nur schlechte Hundebesitzer !!!! /
Canada: Withdrawal of the Mayor of Quebec's text asking citizens to get rid of the Pitbulls - Lift the Breed Specific Legislation!!
...Canada, there aren't any bad dog breeds, just bad dog owners!!!!
2886. China: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, please speak out against the brutal dog meat trade.
2887. China: Master JinBodhi, please speak out against the brutal dog & cat meat trade in South Korea.
2888. Punish Man Accused of Starving 12 Dogs - Prosecute Anthony Cochran of Lowndes County, Mississippi, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Starving 12 Dogs nearly to Death! This is Cochrans second offense, Ban him from Owning Animals for Life!
2889. China: Be true role models on and off the field; speak out against Dog Elixir-Product of cruelty (To KT Wiz, SK Wyverns and the Korea Baseball Organization)
2890. Ireland: Reverse Raymond Cullivan's planning permission for 350 dog Puppy Farm in Co Cavan.
2891. Italy: Stop ai cani legati legati alla catena e/o chiusi in un box. Il cane è un animale sociale /
Stoppen Sie, dass Hunde an Ketten und / oder in einem geschlossenen Käfig gehalten werden dürfen. Der Hund ist ein soziales Tier !!
... Durchbrich die Ketten, Italien !!! /
Stop dogs being tied to the chain and / or in a closed box. The dog is a social animal!!
...Break the Chains, Italy!!!
NEIN zur Euthanasie der Hunde in italienischen Zwinger/Tierheimen - Überprüfung des Gesetzes.281 / 91, Die Euthanasie der Hunde nach einer Wartungsperiode in den Tierheimen und die direkte Tötung von streunenden Hunden. /
NO to the Euthanasia of Dogs in Italian Kennels/Shelters - Review of L.281/91, The Euthanasia of Dogs after a Maintenance Period in Shelters, and Direct Killing of Stray Dogs.
2893. Demand a FULL and IMMEDIATE Investigation of Discount Vet Wellness Clinic of Newark OH
2894. Germany: Bitte rettet meine Hundebabys!!!! Petition gegen das Verbot von Halten sogenannter Kampfhunde /
Please save my puppies- Petition against BSL
2895. Save dogs from cruel pesticide poisoning! - Animal testing of pesticides such as weed killers and insect repellants isn't just a bad habit's the law in most countries :-( END THIS!!! (Humane Society International)
2896. Germany: Wir möchten hiermit verhindern dass in der Ukraine für den ESC 2017 Hunde sterben. /
We want to prevent the deaths of dogs in the Ukraine for the ESC 2017
2897. Germany: Rettet die Streuner in Rumänien /
Save the strays of Romania
2898. Russia: To legislatively prohibit killing of stray animals in the Republic of Belarus /
Für ein gesetzliches Verbot der Tötungen von streunenden Tieren in der Republik Belarus, Russland
2899. Reduce the amount of stray and animal cruelty in Malaysia - We Need a Law that will produce heavier punishment for all Animal Cruelty, free Sterilization for all pet owners, high taxes on purchasing pure Bred Animals, practice the Humane Capture, Sterilization and Release Program, put a control/end of Illegal Abusive Animal Breeders or Animal Farming which utilize animals, both dogs and cats for profit. This will reduce the amount of Stray Animals and Animal Cruelty in Malaysia!
2900. India: Inhumane and brutal treatment of strays in India must end.