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Quelle/ Source: ehg. 8 Nov 2011
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1001. Russia: Бездействие Вышневолоцкой Полиции, нарушения всех сроков по уголовному делу №1000056 /
Untätigkeit der Polizei von Wyschni Wolotschok und Verstöße in Hinsicht auf das Strafverfahren Nr. 1000056 - Gerechtigkeit und Strafverfolgung der Täter, die eine weibliche Person niedergestochen haben und ihren Hund vergifteten! /
Inactivity by the police of vyshny volochyok, Russia, and infringements in regard to the criminal proceeding no. 1000056 - Justice and prosecution for the culprits who stabbed a female person and poisoned her dog!
1003. Let Colin the dog come home, and end BSL!
1004. France: Saisie illégale de chiens de traineaux chez Nordic aventures /
Illegale Beschlagnahmung von Hundeschlitten-Abenteuer im Nordic - Der Eigentümer hat die unterschiedlichen Rudel in getrennten Räumen untergebracht, die nicht nur durch ihre Aktivitäten festgelegt wurden, sondern auch ihre Rudel Hierarchie, ihrer Ernährung, ihrer Größe und ihrem Bedarf nach. Alle Hunde werden regelmäßig von einem Tierarzt überwacht. Sie werden gut behandelt, sie alle kommen regelmäßig raus, dürfen rennen,, es wird Zeit mit ihnen verbracht, sie essen reichlich und sie werden gestreichelt und gebürstet ... Der gleiche Besitzer rettet außerdem Hunde aus anderen Zentren, die nicht über die Möglichkeit verfügen, alle diesen Luxus anzubieten; was zu einer raschen Zunahme der Gruppen geführt hat. /
Illegal seizure of Sled Dogs at Nordic Adventures - The owner has the different packs housed in separate rooms, which have been defined not only by their activities, but also their pack hierarchy, their diet, their size and needs. All dogs are regularly monitored by a veterinarian. They are treated well, they all come out regularly, they are allowed to run free, it is time spent with them, they eat abundantly and they are petted and brushed!!! The same owner also rescues dogs from other centers that do not have the opportunity to offer all of this luxury; which has led to a rapid increase in his groups.
1005. Argentina: Prohibir la exhibición de animales en veterinarias /
Verbieten Sie die Adoptions-Angebote von Tieren in Veterinärkliniken - Es ist bedauerlich, dass die städtische Tierklinik Kleintiere, Katzen, Hunde und Welpen miteinander auf engen Raum hält! Es ist grausam, dass die Tiere lange in den Käfigen bleiben müssen und das unter entsetzlichen Bedingungen!! Sie müssen in ihren Exkrementen verweilen und an den Wochenenden sind sie, ohne Wasser und mit verdorbenes Essen, eingesperrt; das ist offensichtlicher Missbrauch und das muss sofort aufhören!!! /
Prohibit the Adoption Offers of animals in veterinary clinics - It is regrettable that the municipal veterinary clinic keeps small animals, cats, dogs and puppies together on narrow space! It is cruel that the animals have to stay long inside the cages and that in appalling conditions!! They must sit in their excrement and on the weekends they are locked up without water and rotten food; that's obvious abuse and this must end immediately !!!
Gerechtigkeit für Callejerito! Höchststrafe für ihre Mörder! – Von 4 Jugendlichen gequält und getötet!!
…Ruhe in Frieden, Callejerito :-( /
Justice for Callejerito! Maximum Penality to her murderers! Abused and killed by 4 Teenagers
…RIP Callejerito :-(
1007. Ontario, Alberta and Quebec: Catch Up With the Rest of the Country and Ban Cosmetic Surgeries in Dogs
1008. This is a call to the NYPD, NYC Animal Care & Control and the ASPCA to work to remove the dogs from her. This petition is for the removal of June Wiggins (Hercules) two pitbulls from her home/property in Brooklyn, NY - We need to be a voice to those of us who are horrified by this situation and demand these dogs be removed and a voice for poor dogs who have lived their lives neglected!
…read more: Senior dogs left to suffer in blizzard - owner ignored orders to keep them in
Please sign and share:
… please sign once again for the removal of June Wiggins (Hercules) two pitbulls from her home/property in Brooklyn, NY!!!!!
1010. Punish Couple for Allegedly Murdering Family Member’s Dogs
1011. Save Dogs from Freezing during Massive Blizzard - Make it illegal for owners to leave their animals outside in cold temperatures.
1012. DEMAND THE GOVERNMENT TO PUT AN END to Gypsies stuffing puppies and kittens into sacks and drowning them!
1013. Demand that justice be served and the Abused Dog 'Wolfie" be allowed to be taken to another rescue in Pa.
…Wolfie has endured life in a puppy mill untill she could no lopnger breed and was tossed aside :-( Stephanie Feilds has no business
caring for animals!!!
1014. Stop Dog Shooting in Islamabad, Pakistan - Killing them is not solution, its insane.!!!
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
1015. Applaud Neighbor who saved Freezing Dogs through Social Media Post- Trapped in this storm were two elderly dogs whose owner had left them outside to brave the blizzard on their own without adequate protection. The dogs were snowed into a makeshift doghouse in the backyard and were too old and weak to dig their way out. Thankfully, the quick thinking of neighbor, Evelyn Tully Costa, soon put an end to that!
… Thank you so very much, Evelyn :-)
1016. Turkey: Eryıldız Sitesi Yönetimi Davanı Geri Çek! /
Eryıldız Site Management (Wohnungsgesellschaft): Ziehen Sie die Beschwerde zurück - Ich werde meinen schwarzem Hund nicht weggeben, denn seine Seele ist aus purem Gold !!! /
Eryıldız Site Management (housing associatio): Pull back the complaint I will not give away my black dog, because his soul is made of pure gold !!!
1017. Demand justice for Elmo the dog, systematically abused by its owner and nearly every bone broken in his body.
1018. Justice for Abused Dog That Endured Surgery to Remove Choke Collar - A dog was reportedly found suffering from a severe neck infection due to a choke collar that had embedded so far into its neck that it had to be surgically removed. People from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) said that the infection was so bad that the owners couldn’t have missed it. If convicted, the owners of this dog only face a fine and a small two-year sentence, which is a slap on the wrist for someone who’s allowed their animal to suffer to this extent :-/
1019. Turkey: Prof. Dr. Şağdan Başkaya, Sokak Hayvanları Sahipsiz Değil! /
Prof. Dr. Şağdan Başkaya, behaupten Sie das nicht über herrenlose Tiere! Sein Zitat: „Streunende Hunde sind gewöhnt Menschenfleisch zu essen und müssen ausgerottet werden“
… das kennen wir Tierschützer weltweit andersherum - Menschen essen Hunde!!! :-( /
Prof. Dr. Şağdan Başkaya, do not claim that the over stray animals! His quote: “Stray dogs are accustomed to eat human flesh, and must be exterminated”
… we, animal rights activists, know that worldwide the other way around - people are eating dogs !!! :-(
1020. Save K-9 officer Ajax from being auctioned to the highest bidder! After 3 years of working with his partner every day, Officer Matt Hickey retired and wants to retire his K-9 officer Ajax with him as well. He offered the city their estimated value of the dog ($3500) to take Ajax home with him to enjoy family and retirement and was denied. Even more outrageous, K-9 officer Ajax will be auctioned off to the highest bidder instead of being able to go home with his partner. The city says they need to treat the dog like a surplus shovel!!! (Marietta Police Department, Ohio)
1021. Hunter Shoots Family Dog For ‘Interfering With His Hunt,’ Say Police - A man identified as Tyler McKeon has been charged with shooting one family’s dog. After hearing the shots, the Pickvets found their beloved pet, Tippy, dead in a wooded area near their farm. Shortly afterward, a member of the family noticed McKeon walking toward the road and asked if he had shot her dog. The man denied the accusation but then “flipped them off” as he drove away. Police later charged him with one count of torturing or killing an animal, which is a felony
...RIP Tippy :-(
1022. Germany: Helft uns bitte mit eurer Stimme, damit endlich das Verfahren wieder aufgenommen wird und wir endlich unsere Amy wieder bekommen!
Please help us with your voice so that finally the process is resumed and we will finally get back our Amy! My Amy was torn from me by a private foster home. As soon as I only rudimentary post the name Amy, while searching for my beloved female dog, I am kicked out of all "Dog in Bielefeld," groups. The perpetrators allied themselves with the administrators against me and anyone who helps me and threw a lot of very nice and dedicated helpers simply out of the group. They spread lies, criminal lies of the operative event of defamation and slander! As there are constantly new information or statements where Amy allegedly is staying and this changes from minute by minute, we do not even know in which city or which state Amy is currently!
1023. Stop Euthanizing Dogs by Gunshot - Oklahoma residents recently discovered that an animal shelter in Bristow euthanizes dogs by shooting them. The mayor of the town confirmed the allegations and added that three dogs had been shot to death that past week. He informed the public that the practice was legal under the state’s law which says that any shelter with a population of fewer than 10 thousand animals can “destroy unclaimed animals in a humane, acceptable way.” The issue is that the law does not specify humane practices
… :-/ what a shame!!
1024. $2500 Reward Offered to Find Shotgun Dog Killer - Ginger was a beloved family dog who lived with the Robertson family in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. Just recently, Ginger was making her rounds to visit the neighbors when someone shot her - first in the face, and then again across the back of her head and neck with a shotgun as she fled in fear and pain. Ginger was rushed to Mississippi State University’s veterinary services emergency clinic. Three pellets had struck Ginger beneath the eye, penetrating her brain. A second blast left thirty two pellets in the back of her head and across her back. This gentle, loving dog was beyond recovery and had to be euthanized
…RIP Ginger :-(
1025. Justice for 80 Animals Kept in Horrifying Conditions - Though housed indoors, the dogs were so poorly kept and groomed that their fur was matted with feces, and their paws had become stuck together from walking in filth.
1026. Success: Woman Accused of Abuse Surrenders Dog to Animal Shelter - Thanks to strong pressure from animal rights groups and petitions the owner turned one of the dogs over to the Guardians of Rescue.
1027. Germany: Der Schutz der Tiere ist kein Verbrechen! /
The protection of animals is not a crime! (Full English translation is included to the petition text)
1028. Demand Justice for Puppies Allegedly Hung to Death - Jason Gentry and Dominick Donovan from Salem, Massachusetts, pleaded not guilty to killing four dogs, two of which were puppies allegedly hung from their collars until they suffocated. One of the dogs reportedly died when its ears had been cropped with scissors and another had been fed Valium!! It is assumed that the dogs were killed because they did not meet Donovan’s “designer breed” status (not recognized by the American Kennel Club)
…RIP Wootan, Gotti and Livid :-(
1029. If you see a stray FOREVER FRIEND, please say or do something. SAVE a dog's life today.
1030. Germany: Hunde und Katzen nach Tot-Fund überprüfen, ob sie gechipt oder tätowiert sind und bei Tasso e.v. melden!! /
Dogs and cats should be checked after death-finds if they are chipped or tattooed and report to Tasso e.V. (German Pet Register)!!
1031. Stop Ignoring Shocking Cases of Animal Cruelty - After the Wise Owl Animal Care clinic in Guam treated a dog with a knife lodged through its skull and one with a gunshot wound to its face in a single week, they became concerned about the alarming rise in animal cruelty cases. The animal hospital’s general manager tried reaching out to officials with no luck. According to outlets, Ron Weinberg, the assistant attorney general, who’s reportedly seen pictures of the dog, admitted that unless a veterinarian or licensee is responsible for the abuse, the cases aren’t even addressed by the Guam Board of Allied Health Examiners.
1032. Save Meg!! The poor loving sheep dog who is neglected and the RSPCA do nothing ! Help - Meg is around 12 months old and lives in mud sludge snow and dirt she lives in puddles around 4 inches deep and all she wants in a loving home; this dog is owner by Pauline a 60+ year old woman who is frail and is obviously has some mental health issues
1033. Prosecute "Peggy" from A&E's Hoarders for Animal Cruelty - On a recent episode of A&E's Hoarders, "Peggy" was found to have carcasses of 25 dogs, birds, and turtles in her house. These animals were all locked in cages. The organizer, Dorothy, was certain that these animals had all died from neglect. Peggy showed a remarkable lack of remorse for their deaths.
1034. Germany: Härtere Strafen Für Tierquäler ! Giftköder, vergiftete Lebensmittel in der Öffentlichkeit und das Grundlose Töten von Hunden und anderen Haustieren soll nicht als Sachbeschädigung bestraft werden, sondern als Tötung eines Lebewesens! /
Tougher penalties for animal abusers! Poison baits, poisoned food in the public and the unprovoked killing of dogs and other pets should not be punished as damage of property, but as the killing of a living being!
1035. Punish Person Who Tortured and Abandoned Two Puppies - Two puppies were recently found with disturbing signs of trauma and torture after being abandoned at a storefront. The tan pit bull cross puppies were found with skin lacerations and large patches of hair missing, the suspected result of chemical burns. The cruelty was so severe that one dog succumbed to its injuries and died. The surviving puppy, Noel Justice, was left blinded and scarred by the brutal attack.
1036. Praise Harsh Sentence for Man Who Brutally Abused Dog - Applaud jail time and psychiatric evaluation for repeated animal abuser Christopher George of Norristown, Pennsylvania!!!
...Justice for Rocky!!!!!
1037. Germany: Rottweiler nicht einschläfern! /
Rottweiler not euthanize! – Please search below in the petition text for the English translation!!
1038. Justice for Dog Shot While Protecting Owners - the bullet grazed three-legged Levi’s head and lodged in his shoulder. He is expected to make a full recovery, but the family remains traumatized by the event and police have yet to locate the suspect! …Justice for Levi and his family!!!
1039. Allow Pit Bulls to be adopted from the Pickaway County Shelter
1040. Prosecute the Wisconsin coyote hunter who killed two dogs - The four dogs were wearing reflective vests, and their veterinarian owner points out that large dogs do not run like coyotes; they are heavier and louder and don't sound anything like coyotes
… :-/ RIP :-(
1041. Help us rescue a neglected Pitbull and charge the owner with animal cruelty - The images in this petition show a clear case of neglect towards animal life, however neither the police officers of Clermont nor the Animal Services of Lake County are willing to pursue this case and help us rescue this poor dog!!!
… to keep a dog locked in a crate all day and night is not only damaging to the animal on psychological level but also on physiological :-( Animal Control: DO SOMETHING!!!! :-/ in other unneeded cases you react so very quick – do something good instead what we all are so tired and angry about; like euthanizing to quick!!!!
1042. We demand the maximum penalty for the tragic death of poor Pal, the Chihuahua
… RIP Pal :-(
1043. Germany: Tierschutzverein „Lauf“/Frau Filler - geben Sie meinen geliebten HUND zurück !! /
Animal Protection Society „Lauf“ ("Run")/Mrs Filler - Return my beloved Doggie to me!! - My beloved Rhodesian Ridgeback was given by a dog walker due to serious false allegations to the Animal Welfare Run! There Mrs Filler switched my beloved female dog !! Mrs Filler does not know me, she refused all communication! Please help me ! I miss my dog !!
1044. Applaud Volunteers who saved Dog Destined to Die
...Thank you so much for the love for Petra :-)
1045. Punish Woman Arrested for Seven Counts of Animal Cruelty
…punish this monster who abandoned her four Pitbulls and three turtles in her former residence after moving out for three months;
they were reportedly found abandoned in a home without proper food, water, or outdoor access :-(
1047. Justice for Abused Dog That Endured Surgery to Remove Choke Collar - A dog was reportedly found suffering from a severe neck infection due to a choke collar that had embedded so far into its neck that it had to be surgically removed. People from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) said that the infection was so bad that the owners couldn’t have missed it. If convicted, the owners of this dog only face a fine and a small two-year sentence, which is a slap on the wrist for someone who’s allowed their animal to suffer to this extent :-/
1048. Stolen Dogs - We need the police to take action about the rising number of stolen dogs (Dawson Creek British Columbia, Canada)
1049. Make dog theft a serious crime - Find Teddy the French Bulldog
1050. Germany: Wir fordern die Sicherstellung von Hund Flawi, Bahnhofs Hund Farmsen /
We call for the securing of the dog Flawi, train station dog from Farmsen, Germany - Flawil must sit all day at the side of a begging, Romanian woman at the train station, on a little mini blanket; he gets no food and no water. He is not allowed to move from this little blanket !! If he does it; either he is beaten or the woman jerks the poor dog on the leash back on the blanket. The small 2 kilos dog is wearing a collar, which means that it must be also very painful to him!!! Rescue Flawi to a loving home!!!!!

Quelle/ Source: Google+
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Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!