- Neu / New 13.5.2015 -
101. Justin Bieber Must Not Abuse His New Dog
102. Demand That Authorities Prosecute Person Who Walked Their Dog From a Car Window
103. Rückgabe der behinderten Hunde Marry und Miss Bibi an die Eigentümerin Marion Wicknig (Return of disabled dogs Marry and Miss Bibi at the owner Marion Wicknig)
104. Justice for Maomao, Chinese pet dog snatched from loving owner and sold to restaurant for her meat!
105. 2 "Geschwister Hunde" sollen nach Scheidungskrieg vom Amtsgericht getrennt werden /
2 "siblingsdogs " should be separated from the district court after divorce war
106. Maximum Penalty For Juantez Maurice Howard For Whipping And Hitting His Dog!
107. Full prosecution for Kansas teen that pounded puppy with belt!
108. Man Who Allegedly Threw Dogs Into Traffic Must be Prosecuted
109. Minnesota breeder filmed pounding puppy with stick, police let him go! Take Action Now!
110. British bodybuilder filmed pounding, throwing pet in his garden is spared jail! Demand re-trial!
111. Justice For Brett! Injured With A Sharp Object, Shoved In A Garbage Bag And Abandoned In a Ditch To Perish!
112. Severely Injured Pit Bull Found On The Streets Of Buena Vista Township! Demand Punishment For The Person Responsible!
113. Justice for Dog Strangled on Sidewalk
114. Justice for the 11 puppies dumped in garbage bags in Washington State; only two survived!
115. Punish those who commit animal cruelty with jail time - Justice for Daisy
116. Justice for Dogs!
117. Justice for Scarlet, worst case of animal neglect in Tennessee history!
118. Portland man pounds dog with hammer until it passed away, claims he enjoyed it! Act Now!
119. Demand Justice for Little Debbie - Investigation to Find, Arrest & Prosecute Her Abuser
120. Justice for Purebred Boxer Allegedly Dragged 4 miles behind Car
121. Full prosecution for Mathew Milewski, Miami Man That Pounded Beagle Puppy Until It Passed Away!
122. Iowa Man Caught On Video Mistreating And Slamming His Pit Bull To The Ground! Demand The Maximum Penalty!
123. Prosecute Marlissa Thaidy and Alisha Marie Barnett for Abusing The Family Dog And Recording The Ordeal!
124. Justice For Midnight! Attacked By Someone While She Was Playing On Her Family's Porch!
125. Bring justice to the criminals which tortured the dog of the mayor of Čakovec
126. Sacramento County DA: Prosecute Zelda’s killer to fullest extent of the law!
127. The Emperor of Japan: Justice forTakeshi Koizumi, a man who killed to avenge his dog - SAVE TAKESHI KOIZUMI, A MAN WHO KILLED THOSE RESPONSIBLE DOD CATCHERS FOR THE RUTHLESS DEATH OF HIS DOG
128. Charge Bucoda, WA Animal Abusers with First Degree Animal Cruelty
129. Justice For Amico! Dragged Behind A Car And Abandoned With A De-Gloved Tail And A Broken Leg!
130. Dogs Found On The Verge Of Destruction As Owner Locks Them Inside a Hot Car! Demand Punishment!
131. Owner Abandons Puppy After Animal Services Give Him Another Chance To Make Things Right! Demand Punishment!
132. Connecticut man that pounded dog, left it to DIE avoids jail! Support Desmond's law!
133. Help Ruth get her beloved dog back home safely! Act Now!
134. Praise Arrest of Man Accused of Hitting and Kicking Dog
135. Justice For Gander! Poisoned And Left To Perish On His Family's Yard!
136. Emaciated Dogs Found in Home of Woman Associated With Rescues! Demand A Harsh Penalty!
137. Maximum Penalty For Anthony Allen Hultine For Trying To Inhumanely Destroy And Bury Alive His Roommate's Dog!
138. Justice for dogs tied up with wires in the back up pick-up truck in South Africa!
139. Prosecute Manchester man seen dragging his dog down track in front of oncoming train!
140. Alleged Dog Butcher Deserves No Mercy
141. Owner Neglects Pit Bull For So Long That His Chain Gets Embedded Into His Neck! Demand Punishment!
142. Justice For Able! Used As Dog Bait And Left To Perish Severely Injured!
143. 18 lifeless puppies placed in freezer, 46 dogs in awful shape recovered from Indiana home! Act Now!
144. Woman that left puppy to starve until it passed away in squalid conditions is spared jail! Demand retrial!
145. Spanien/ Spain: Exigimos responsabilidades por el perro atropellado sin asistencia en un año /
Wir fordern Verantwortung für den Hund, der mehr als ein Jahr ohne Auslauf und Unterstützung aushalten musste /
We demand responsibility for the dog, who had to endure more than a year without exercise and assistance
146. Justice for Arizona dog SHOT, buried alive for making mess at home!
147. Frightened dog tied to back of bull during religious festival in Peru! Voice your outrage!
148. Dog tied to raging bull as "punishment" in Peru!
149. Peruvians Tie A Dog To The Back Of A Raging Bull Just To Destroy Them Both IN The Name Of Religion! Stop This Festival Now!
150. Dog cull underway in Republic of Georgia ahead of Youth Olympics! Act Now!
An alle Tierquäler ...
... ein reservierter Sitz,
nur für euch !!

Quelle/ Source: Google+

You can see no tears
when a soul cries
Quelle/ Source: Google+
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Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!