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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Quelle / Source:
A dog is forever
and not just for
the periods between
the holidays
551. Fordern Sie die Ausstrahlung des Dokumentarfilms „Hundeleben“ über die Situation rumänischer Straßenhunde / Demand for the broadcasting of the documentary "dog's life" about the situation of Romanian street dogs
552. 1. Создание приюта для бездомных собак ; 2. Программа стерилизации бездомных кошек с последующим отпуском /
1. Schaffung eines Tierheims für streunende Hunde; 2. Ein Programm zur Sterilisation von streunenden Katzen. /
1. Creation of a shelter for stray dogs; 2. A program of sterilization of stray cats.
553. Tell Giant Food to Make Public Announcements in Their Stores Regarding Dogs Left in Hot Cars - The Customer Service desk told they would NOT make an announcement for fear that the customer would be angry or upset
… Playing with a Dogs life because of money :-(
554. STOP Malaysia related authorities cruelly mass culling by shooting involving the capture, destroy and disposal of all dogs
- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -
555. Lebende Tiere sind keine Piñatas Sie nehmen dafür alle kleinen Tiere… auch Welpen - Beenden Sie das grausame „Tierquäler-Festival“ in Mexiko! / Live animals are no Piñatas, they take all kind of small animals…even so puppies - Stop the cruel "animal abusers Festival" in Mexico!
556. Stop Cruel Puppy and Animal Sales at the Big Top Flea Market
557. Upgrade Animal Cruelty Charges from Misdemeanors to Felonies
558. LBNY Dog Park on the Beach Experiment!
559. Campaign to get Enfield Council to publish ONLINE register details of lost/stray/found/reunited dogs (rather than just copy available in person from Civic Centre)
560. Treat crimes against animals just as you would treat crimes against humans
561. Do not take away RSPCA's right to prosecute animal abusers
562. Enforce an Erie County Puppy Mill Ban and Improved Animal Welfare Regulations in Pennsylvania
563. Tougher sentencing and laws on animal cruelty
564. Amend the Quebec Civil Code to protect animals from abuse. Modification du code civil québécois pour une meilleure protection des animaux
565. Make antifreeze safe for animals
566. Please give AA dog rescue planning permission to continue as dog rescue
567. Tell New Jersey to Keep Animal Traps Illegal!
568. Urge Stricter Laws against Animal Cruelty in Denver, CO
569. I want to make it law that dogs are considered as legal passengers in the carpool lane
570. Street animals: We want to live. We need your help!
571. Dyrepoliti i Danmark nu! /
Tierpolizei in Dänemark jetzt /
Animal Police in Denmark now!
572. Pedí al gobierno nacional que presente un proyecto de ley donde se cree un servicio estatal de cuidado y protección de los animales que son abandonados o se encuentran perdidos en todo el territorio de la Nación /
Ich frage die Landesregierung nach einem Gesetzentwurf, der staatliche Betreuungs- & Schutzverbände für Tiere erstellt, die verstoßen wurden oder verloren gingen im gesamten Gebiet der Nation /
I asked the national government presented a bill which creates a state care services and protection of animals who are abandoned or are lost in the whole territory of the Nation
573. Save Max's Mom! Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals. Timothy Allen Smith is a felon and has had sex with minors. He even so goes to Craigslist, flea markets, shelters, and sometimes even rescue groups in order to find Doberman Pinchers and Great Danes. Once he gets them, he immediately breeds them and sells the puppies to pay for his bills. Sadly, that is not the worst part. As you know, Doberman's have docked tails and cropped ears. Most people take their puppy to their trusted veterinarian to get this done. This man does it himself. He docks and crops their tails and ears with no anesthetics or pain medicine. Once he gets the dogs home, he does very sickening things. The female Great Danes and Doberman's are the ones at greatest risk… He rapes the females, and the ones who fight back are considered disrespectful and he will beat them and kill them. Once he kills them, he drags them to a metal sheet and chops up their bodies and disposes of the evidence by feeding it to alligators near his home. Probably the worst thing about this is that Tim Smith brags about what he does, and his friends join in on the raping. Several veterinarians have written out statements on the dogs conditions and still no justice has been served. Help save Max's mom and all of the other victims that are suffering..
574. Solicitamos a las autoridades que se cumpla URGENTE con la Ordenanza 6800/14 “Tenencia Responsable de Mascotas”, en la localidad de Centenario, Provincia de Neuquén. /
Wir bitten die Behörden um die DRINGENDE Erfüllung der Verordnung 6800/14, "Verantwortung bezüglich Heimtierhaltung", in der Stadt Centennial, Provinz Neuquén. /
We ask the authorities to the urgent fulfillment of the Regulation 6800/14, "responsibility regarding pet ownership", in the town of Centennial, Neuquén Province.
575. Please help eradicate dog fighting and dog breeding in India
577. Detener el sacrificio de más de 900.000 animales callejeros en la ciudad de Barranquilla a manos de la alcaldesa Noguera /
Stoppen Sie die Tötung von mehr als 900.000 Straßentiere in der Stadt Barranquilla durch die Hände des Bürgermeisters Noguera /
Stop the slaughter of more than 900,000 stray animals in the city of Barranquilla at the hands of the mayor Noguera
578. Help prevent further suffering of pups and families and congenital SAS and other illness - My dog Alice was sold to a puppy store in NJ where I purchased her and her paperwork informs she came from Kings, Lititz, PA. That is all of the info provided to me for the breeder, no name, address or phone number. Alice came home with Coccidia, tapeworm, kennel cough,diahreah, and a heart murmur that ended up diagnosed by her cardiologist as subaortic stenosis/aorticinsufficiency-SEVERE, giving her a 30 percent chance of living to age 3 and is a congenital condition that is preventable through responsible breeding.
579. Calling for the Protection of Animals Housed in Captivity in Taiwan - both wild and domesticated, living within zoos, petting zoos and other public attractions
580. Que se hagan valer las leyes que protejen a los perros ,gatos, de el maltrato animal en jalisco. /
Durchsetzung der Gesetze zum Schutz für Hunde und Katzen gegen Tiermissbrauch in Jalisco /
Enforce the laws that protect dogs and cats against animal abuse in Jalisco
581. Prevent Hundreds of Stray Dogs from Starving to Death - As many as 300 starved, homeless dogs can be found at any given time on Dead Dog Beach in Puerto Rico. Many of these dogs are ill, covered in fleas and ticks, but not all. Some seem to have been loved, but abandoned, family pets. Formerly a beach popular with tourists, Playa Lucia has become home to these sad, homeless animals.
582. Отменить "узаконенное" убийство собак и кошек в Хабаровске /
Brechen Sie die "legitimierten" Tötungen von Hunden und Katzen in Khabarovsk ab /
Cancel the "legitimated" killings of dogs and cats in Khabarovsk
583. Revoke Diesel's Killer's Concealed Handgun License - On January 25, 2015, Joseph Potts of Harris County, Texas went to the Bay Area Dog Park and emptied three (3) rounds from his handgun into another family's pet, a 2-year-old Staffordshire Terrier named Diesel. Diesel was at the dog park to run and play like all the other dogs who were there with their families that day. According to eye witness accounts, Mr. Potts took issue with the fact that Diesel was trying to play with his dog and was observed kicking him to keep him away from his dog. When the dogs re-initiated their play, Mr. Potts took out his handgun and fired once striking Diesel. That was not enough for him however, as he took aim again and fired two more shots into an animal he had already rendered defenseless. Sadly, Diesel passed away from his injuries.
584. Мэру города Комсомольска-на-Амуре Михалеву В. П.: Отменить запрет кормления бездомных Животных (РЕШЕНИЕ № 69 от 17.07.2013 г) /
Bürgermeister der Stadt Komsomolsk am Amur, VP Mikhalev: Aufhebung des Verbots der Fütterung von streunenden Tieren (Entscheidung № 69 von 2013.07.17 d) /
Mayor of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, VP Mikhalev: To lift the ban of feeding stray animals (Decision № 69 of 07/17/2013 d)
585. Ask Walker County GA Animal Shelter Management to post pictures of shelter-pets on Pet-finder
586. CREACIÓN DE ALBERGUES PARA PERNOCTA DE MENDIGOS Y SUS ANIMALES / Einrichtung von Unterkünften mit Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Bettler und Tiere/ Develop accommodation facilities with overnight accommodations for beggars and animals
587. Mark Zuckerberg, please tell fb to stop giving animal advocates such a hard time
Untersuchen Sie die konstanten Transporte von Haustieren ins Ausland durch Spanische Schützer /
Investigate the constant shipments of domestic animals abroad by Spanish protective
589. Signatures needed to call for Dr. Jennifer Hawkins to be fired for unethical vet practices - Karma is a Husky DOG, currently impounded in OCAC after her owners were arrested for a Domestic Dispute. Dr. Jennifer Hawkins. Director Hawkins is stating that Karma killed 2 cats back in 2012. There is NO – ZERO – proof that Karma killed any cat (s) back in 2012 when the alleged tragedies happened.
590. United States MUST Update Rabies Vaccine Laws - we are harming/killing our pets, livestock, etc, by insisting on repeating the vaccines one or every three years; when Animal Immunologists know that "boosters" are useless and unnecessary. They know ONE vaccine confers life-long immunity. Even if Titer Tests show no results, it's still dormant but can be activated if the animal needs the immunity.
591. Make fireworks illegal unless at an organised firework display
592. Respect, Justice and Compassion for All Creation
593. Require animal care workers to report abused/ neglected animals!
594. Demand an end to dog negligence!!! Many Dogs roam free in the back of trucks without a kennel or leash to protect them. It's a small choice that can save so many animals from gruesome deaths.
595. Make microchip and pet insurance a mandatory in Russian Federation
596. Dog Culling is Not the Solution!
597. Senatsverwaltung für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz Bereich Verbraucherschutz: Novellierung des Deutschen Tierschutzgesetz /
Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection, Field of consumer protection: amendment of the German Animal Protection Act
598. People who live in flats shouldn't have to get rid of their pets
599. Speak up to protect dogs all over the world
600. 『山形県の犬や猫の殺処分ゼロへ』/
"Yamagata Prefecture von Hunden und Katzen“ ist für NULL Ausmerzungen Programme in Japan /
"Yamagata Prefecture of dogs and cats” is for ZERO culling programs in Japan"

Quelle/ Source: Facebook
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