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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
Wenn Sie dies wollen
Aber hiermit nicht umgehen können
Und Sie das hier tun würden
Dann kaufen Sie dies stattdessen !!!!!
Quelle/ Source: Facebook
851. Implementación de un programa de control de perros abandonados y esterilización de los mismos. /
Durchführung eines Programms, um streunende Hunden zu kontrollieren und die Kastrationen /
Sterilisation von ihnen / Implementation of a program to control stray dogs and the sterilization of them.
852. Basta de maltrato animal en San Luis Potosí /
Stoppen Sie Tiermissbrauch in San Luis Potosi /
Stop animal abuse in San Luis Potosi
853. Догхантеры - убийцы собак! Нашествие по всей России! Введите закон о защите животных! /
Hunde Mörder und Giftmischer marschieren durch ganz Russland! Wir fordern die Verabschiedung eines Gesetzes zum Schutz der Tiere! /
Dogs murderers and poisoners marching through the whole of Russia! We call for the adoption of a law to protect the animals!
854. Требуем остановить массовое убийство животных! /
Wir fordern, den Massenmord an Tieren zu stoppen! Streunende Tiere werden gefangen und zu USYPALKI gebracht, der Ort, wo die gefangenen Tiere für eine Woche, ohne Nahrung oder Wasser verbleiben, als nächsteswerden sie getötet, während das Unternehmen, das den Auftrag erhielt, Staatsfördergelder für die Dienstleistungen erhält /
We demand to stop the mass murder of animals! Stray animals are caught and brought to USYPALKI, the place where the captive animals remain without food or water for a week, next they are killed, while the company that won the contract, receives state funding for services
- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -
855. Para que España tenga mercados sociales para la comida de animales! /
Dafür, dass Spanien Sozialmärkte für Heimtiernahrung bekommt ! /
For that Spain gets Social markets for pet food !
856. Stop Gassing - Contact your state legislators -- particularly if you are in a county that uses the gas chamber -- and gauge their interest in sponsoring a gas chamber ban bill. Contact American Humane Association at if you need assistance.
857. Multa por maltrato a los animals /
Strafen für Tierquäler /
Penalty for cruelty to animals - As many people know in Peru there is no law to punish those who abuse/kill or endanger the lives of animals, I propose a fine of 1 UIT and community service for animals. So this crime does not go unpunished and that people think twice before trying to mistreat your pet or other pets
858. Demand a ban on "shock collars" for cats and dogs
860. SENATORS: Criminalize cruelty - not cruelty investigations - Protect animals opposing the ‘Criminal Code Amendment (Animal Protection) Bill 2015’ or ‘ag gag’ bill!!
861. Stop Killing Romanian Straydogs
862. Protect Women and Their Pets from Abusers
863. Animal Cruelty: Why are animals being treated like worthless garbage?
864. ...بنام خدا و انسانیت کشتار سگها را متوقف کنید... /
"Stoppt die Massentötungen der Hunde im Iran" /
"Stop mass killing Dogs in Iran"
865. Enforce laws concerning animal neglect, abuse, cruelty, and laws against having animals running loose when they have a rightful owner.
866. Kerala, India, October 2015 – Petition Letter from Anneke
867. Tell the Harris County District Attorney's office to prosecute abuse against June the dog.
868. Lights for Paws in Krepps dog park
869. Rescind Approval of Second Dog Breeding Facility - Just days after the UK government has cancelled the vote for relaxing the foxing ban, officials have announced plans to open a second massive breeding facility that sells puppies for animal testing
870. The Mayor of Alanya Mr Adem Murat Yücel , Turkey: Save the dogs in the Rubbish dump and make a neutering campaign
871. Stop Killing Stray Dogs (UK)
872. Stray Dogs Dying of Wounds Infested with Maggots in Kopar and Dombivili (Outskirts of Mumbai).
874. Boycott the manufacturing and selling of "The Ugglys Pet Shop!"
875. FamilyMart & Hiroshima Prefecture JAPAN: BOYCOTT "FamilyMart" & Hiroshima JAPAN For Trapping and Killing Dogs
876. Demand the Romanian Government address the dog problems in the horrific public shelters
877. Remove Page Called "Euthalize ALL Dogs, Save Our Children" On facebook NOW!!
…they should turn to dust to protect our kids and pets :-/
878. Help creating new opportunities for handicapped dogs in Mexico
879. Remove Ridiculous Page called „Euthanize Dangerous Dogs" NOW!!!
880. Allow Pet Shelters to Rescue Stray Pets from Animal Control - Strike down legislation that would prohibit pet shelters from rescuing stray pets from animal control facilities!!!! An Illinois senator has proposed a bill that, if passed, would disregard the hard work of pet shelters and keep more stray animals in overpopulated pro-kill animal control facilities. Throughout the state of Illinois, pet shelter volunteers have worked hard to rescue dogs and cats from animal controls, rehabilitate them, and show them for adoption. Under this new senate bill, however, these generous and effective actions would be made illegal.
881. Success: Phoenix Requires Pet Stores Sell Only Rescue Animals - A judge in Phoenix, Arizona, recently made a ruling requiring all dogs and cats sold at local pet stores to be rescue animals. Animal lovers and lawmakers believe that this will go a long way toward ending puppy mills that typically breed puppies in inhumane conditions. The move is thanks to the efforts of activists and petitions
…Jap :-) Petitions do work :-)
882. Save Dog from Unfair Euthanasia Law - Protest an unfair law that forces all dog bite cases to end in euthanasia!!!!!!!!!!!
In two weeks, a dog may be sentenced to death for biting a boy in self-defense. The “Damage by Dogs” law states that if a dog bites a person, even in self-defense, the dog must be euthanized. Support a new bill which will end this black-and-white law and convince Judge Owens to rule against euthanasia and save an innocent dog’s life. Dr. Paul Gartenberg, Padi’s owner and veterinarian, obtained Padi through a rescue society after the dog was found tied to a tree with a chain. The chain was so tight that it had to be surgically removed from his neck. Despite this abuse, Padi is an affectionate and friendly dog. However, when a four-year-old boy came into the office and lunged at him, Padi fought back. It was clear that Padi had acted in in self-defense. However, per the “Damage by Dogs” law, Padi must be euthanized :-(
883. Save Innocent Service Dog from Euthanasia - To save a physically abused service dog from being wrongfully euthanized!! Currently, a service dog named Dutch is in danger of being euthanized due to a court order claiming him to be a “vicious” dog. Dutch has been classified as a “vicious” dog because he bit his previous owner after she beat him. Action needs to be taken in order to save Dutch’s life.
884. Demand Investigation Into Inhumane Euthanasia of Dogs - During a routine inspection, the United States Department of Agriculture found serious issues with euthanasia and anesthesia methods in a laboratory at the University of Oklahoma. Dogs were being operated on without proper anesthesia, and euthanized using barbaric and painful methods.
885. Commend Organization for Helping Elderly Pet Owners - Meals on Wheels have always been a wonderful organization whose volunteers aim to deliver nutritious meals to low-income seniors. After many Meals on Wheels volunteers noticed an increasing number of elderly seniors giving away their meals to their hungry pets, they began a partnership with animal shelters and other animal welfare associations. While delivering food to elderly seniors in need is already a commendable act of kindness, ensuring that the seniors’ pets also receive nutritious meals proves that this organization goes above and beyond to reach their goal of feeding those who are hungry, regardless of the species …please support this petition for our elderly low income pet owners, dear friends!!! :-( we MUST help them!!!!
886. Praise Animal Welfare Group for Helping to End Pet Overpopulation - Thank the Pay It Forward Animal Welfare Network for providing low-cost spay and neuter services
- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -
Rafael Correa - Innenministerium von ECUADOR: In Kraftsetzung eines Gesetzes zur Bestrafung für Tierquälerei und Verletzungen von Haustieren in Ecuador #JusticiaDkasta /
RAFAEL CORREA - INTERIOR MINISTRY OF ECUADOR: Enactment of of a law for punishment for cruelty to animalsand injury of pets in Ecuador #JusticiaDkasta
Read more:
French Bulldogs poisoned in Quito, Ecuador #JusticiaDkasta &
Justice for the murdered frensh Bulldogs of Criadero D Kasta #JusticiaDkasta
Please sign and share:
888. RE-Sharing: Commend Dog Welfare Organization for Responsible Pet Ownership Campaign - To thank a dog welfare charity for its annual campaign, “A Dog is for Life, Not Just for Christmas”
…we are strong going to X-Mas – so please re-share this petition and spread awareness for pets!!!!
889. Make the Canine Welfare and Safety Act a law in Kern County!
890. Остановить проведение опытов на бездомных животных /
Stoppen der Durchführung von Experimenten an streunenden Tieren - Wir sind gegen die Durchführung von Tierversuchen, die brutalisierte Gesellschaft zerstört alle moralischen Prinzipien und züchtet Verantwortungslosigkeit gegenüber Tieren. /
Stop carrying out experiments on stray animals - We are against the use of animal testing, the brutalized society destroys all moral principles and breeds irresponsibility towards animals.
891. Support Plan to Protect Dogs in Canada from Bitter Cold
…winter is coming :-(
892. Maltratar animais é crime: punição e cadeia aos infratores já. /
Misshandlung von Tieren ist ein Verbrechen: Bestrafung und Gefängnis für Straftäter jetzt! /
Mistreating animals is a crime: punishment and jail on violators now!
893. Esterilização cirúrgica gratuita para animais domésticos /
Kostenlose, chirurgische Kastrationen /
Sterilisationen für Haustiere / Free, surgical castrations / sterilisations for Pets
894. Установите в городе памятник - копилку бездомным животным. /
Stellen Sie ein Denkmal in der Stadt auf - ein Sparschwein für heimatlose Tiere. /
Establish a monument in the city - a piggy bank for homeless animals.
895. Castração em massa de caes e gatos nas ruas e dos animais de familias de baixa renda. /
Kostenlose Massen Kastrationen von Hunden und Katzen auf den Straßen und Tiere in Familien mit niedrigem Einkommen./
Free Mass Castration of dogs and cats on the streets and animals in low-income families.
896. STOP the sale of pets on our roadsides, swap meets and flea markets!
897. Praise Improved Standards for Greyhound Racing - Authorities in New South Wales and Victoria Australia have imposed stronger animal welfare regulations as the result of rising criticism over reports that thousands of racing dogs are being euthanized every year. The terrible fate of most racing dogs has been common knowledge for decades and Australia has finally taken steps to do something to end it, and for that, Greyhound Racing NSW deserves our gratitude!!
898. En defensa de los derechos de los animales y la investigación de responsables políticos. /
Zur Verteidigung der Tierrechte und für Ermittlungen gegen die politischen Entscheidungsträger. /
In defense of animal rights for investigations against policy makers.
899. Proposal to Remove Gas Box & End the Killing of Cats & Dogs Forever in Shawnee, Oklahoma – International Protest against Kill Pounds (Shelters) and Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)!!!!! #sleepoutforanimals
900. Criem uma política de fiscalização para postagens que contenham violência contra animais não humanos /
Erstellen Sie eine Inspektionspolitik für Veröffentlichungen in sozialen Netzwerk-Webseiten, die Gewalt gegen nichtmenschliche Tiere enthalten /
Create an inspection policy for postings on social network websites containing violence against nonhuman animals

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Sie sind nicht gefährlich, wenn man sie richtig fördert
... die Hunde sind es auch nicht
Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 22
Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
40 >