Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 18
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Dies ist, wie sie geboren wurden!
Dies ist, wie sie bleiben sollte!
Kupiert die Ohren nicht,
lasst sie runter hängen!!!!
Quelle / Source: www.facebook.com/Pittbull.Staff.und.Co/
651. Parlamento Europeu: Para que os canis de Portugal, sejam de esterilização e não de abate/
Europäischen Parlament: Empfehlen sie Portugal unsere Hunde zu sterilisieren anstatt sie abzuchlachten! /
European Parliament: Tell Portugal to sterilize instead of slaughtering our Dogs!
652. Create a position for a by-law officer for dog control.
653. Pet stores must get animals from shelters and rescue organizations
654. Por uma legislação mais dura para os crimes contra a vida animal. /
Für härtere Gesetze wegen Verbrechen gegen die Tierwelt. /
For tougher legislation for crimes against wildlife
655. Make It Legal to claim your pet as a dependent
656. Pedepsirea celor 3 care au maltratat un catel cu un topor ruginit /
Bestrafung für die drei Täter, die einen Hund mit einer rostigen Axt misshandelten /
Punishment for the three perpetrators who abused a dog with a rusty ax
657. Street animals: We need your help!! Trying to survive in difficult circumstances; please support the derelict angel!!
658. Oath to be their voice
659. Spare the Lives of Stray Cats and Dogs at Changi Village, Singapor
660. VIE DE CHIEN A LA SPA Nous, collectif "Juste Pour Eux", refusons la récente procédure décrétée par la Direction du Refuge SPA Jouvence de Messigny (21), imposant des règles de conduite en défaveur du bien être animal. /
Wir, das Kollektiv "nur für sie", lehnen die bisherigen Verfahren von der Direktion für den Zustänigkeitsbereich Jugend, SPA Messigny (21), ab, da die beschlossenen, eingeführten Verhaltensregeln zum Nachteil des Tierschutzes sind. /
We, the collective "just for them", reject the previous procedures of Directorate for the area of responsibility of youth, SPA Messigny (21) because the adopted, introduced rules of behavior to the detriment of animal welfare.
661. Demand Harsher Punishments for Animal Abusers
662. Strengthen Punishments for Animal Abusers
663. Strengthen Animal Abuse Laws in South Carolina
664. Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws
665. Demande d'amendement au projet de loi 54 afin d'interdire le banissement d'animaux de compagnie /
Anträge auf Änderung des Gesetzes 54, um das Aussetzen von Tieren zu verbieten /
Requests for amendments to law 54, to prohibit the abandonment of animals
667. Support Harsher Punishments for Animal Abusers
668. Caso Tony PY - Creación de la Dirección Nacional de Defensa, Salud y Bienestar Animal. /
Aus Anlass von Tony PY - Gründung einer nationalen Verteidigung für Gesundheit und Tierschutz. /
On the occasion of Tony PY - establishment of a national defense for health and animal welfare
669. Demand an end to culling stray dogs and Reform the Policies that support their killing
670. Demand New Zealand Judges Uphold Harsher Punishment for Animal Abuse
671. Aprobar legislación para hacer obligatoria la esterilización & castración de los perros y gatos. /
Erlasssen Sie eine Gesetzgebung, um die Kastration & Sterilisation von Hunden und Katzen zur Pflicht zu machen (und bitte zu niedrigen Kosten!) /
Pass a legislation to make the spaying & neutering of dogs and cats compulsory (and please at low cost!)
672. Reinstate the Fireworks Ban
673. Allow Certain Homeless Shelters and Welfare Motels to Accept Pets
674. Solicitamos la NO transferencia de la CONAHOBA al MGAP ya que se contrapone con la protección animal y la inclusión de las Protectoras en dicha comisión, para velar por sus derechos, NOO! A LA PERRERA y que las castraciones se vuelvan obligatorias /
NEIN zu der Anforderung des Transfers der MGAP CONAHOBA, weil es entgegengesetzt zum Tierschutz ist und JA zur Einbeziehung des betreffenden Ausschusses, um ihre Rechte zu gewährleisten und zu schützen! NEIN Zu Tötungs Zwingern und lassen sie Kastrationen zur Pflicht werden! /
NO to the requirement of the transfer of MGAP Cohoba because it is opposite to the animal welfare and YES to integrating the relevant committee in order to guarantee and protect their rights! NO To Killing kennels and let castrations become mandatory!
675. Implement Mandatory Spay/Neuter Law
676. Increase of dog parks and off-leash areas in Mission to meet community needs.
677. Aboliamo i botti, salviamo gli animali /
Lassen Sie uns den Umstand, dass Hunde in Tonne leben müssen, abschaffen, wir retten Tiere /
Let us abolish that Dogs are forced to live in barrels, we save animals
678. Don't let them put my dogs out!
679. Please Help Gympie by running a discounted desexing campaign to reduce the number of unwanted litters, over-crowded pounds, rescue's and kennels, and to help minimise the number of roaming animals.
680. We want Dog Rescue and Training Programs in New Zealand Prisons
681. Fight for animal rights
682. Our pets should be recognized as extensions of our families.
683. North Dakota: Protect Your Animals! - Urge North Dakota to adopt stricter animal protection legislation.
684. Come out of hiding! Last month animal-rights activists from Norfolk-based People for the Ethical Treatment (PETA) for Animals came to rural Accomack County, allegedly took a family's pet Chihuahua from a porch and euthanized it.
685. Convicted Animal Abuser still owns Non Profit Dog Rescue
686. Animal Cruelty Offenders Register List
687. Protect. Cure. Love. Pledge To Share Pet Cancer Awareness! - We dedicate this memorial wall to the loving memory of our beloved pets, and to the struggle for a cure.
688. End dog and cat breeding in all 50 states until euthanizing animals is not an option.
689. Help Domestic Violence Victims Get Their Pets to Safety, Too - USA Only!!!
690. Utilize the new donating space on Facebook to benefit more causes
691. Stop "Unofficial" Fireworks in Melbourne
692. Ban on Firecrackers - Every year India is witnessing Huge Lives losses due to fire , specially due to Firecrackers , firecrackers are not only destroying environment but also killings many Animals
693. Laws to protect animals from abuse in South East Asia, especially in Malaysia, China, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam.
694. Basta Petard / Schluss mit Feuerwerkskörpern / Enough with firecrackers
- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -
695. Brussels stop hiding behind your member states !! STOP Romania slaughtering dogs
696. Save Santorini Animal Welfare Association From Closing!
697. Bring Howard the War Hero Home - Howard the Hero once fought and served his country on foreign soil to ensure us Americans have freedom....now he lives out his life on American soil on the end of a chain or in a tiny kennel muzzled. But he does not have to, his handler is desperate to get him back and has searched for years.
698. Stop Poisoning Stray Dogs - Russian “dog hunters” who kill dogs for sport have been poisoning stray dogs after organizing the killing over the Internet. The nationwide killing has resulted in citizens finding dead dogs in various cities, some of them strays and others belonging to families.
700. Vote for Susie! A dog that was set on fire, now changing Animal Abuse Laws in NC!

Quelle/ Source: Pinterest
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