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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
Quelle/ Source: Google+
401. Protect Assistance Dogs - UK Only!!!
402. N. Ireland dog owners against banning dogs from West Strand beach PORTRUSH - UK Only!!!
403. Stop unregulated dog breeding - UK Only!!!
404. Stop HS2 - UK Only!!!
405. Make it illegal to leave a dog in a car unattended
- Neu / New 17.7.2015 -
406. Make it legal in all states to save a life from a hot/cold car
407. All dogs should be protected equally under the Animal Protection Law.
408. Please Unleash Justice for the Dogs Locked in Hot Car in Hot Springs, AR
409. Give Deaf Dalmatians a chance at life
410. Investigate & Charge Person(s) Responsible for Dog Poisoning in Minnesota
Kostenlos Tier Kastrationen (QUEIMADOS-RJ) /
412. Köpek zehirlemelerinin durdurulması ve sokak hayvanlarının koruma altına alınması,kısırlaştırma ve aşılama çalışmalarının başlaması / Für den Stopp der Einhaltung der Hunde-Vergiftungen von streunende Tieren und dem Beginn der Kastrations sowie Impfungs Arbeit!! / Stopping the conservation of dog-poisoning of stray animals and, the start of neutering and vaccination work
413. Die massenhafte Tötung von heimatlosen Hunden in Rumänien, bitte unterstützen Sie unseren Appell an den Staatspräsidenten!! „Bitte beenden Sie die Hundetötungen in Rumänien!“ /
The mass killing of homeless dogs in Romania, please support our appeal to the President!! "Please stop the killing dogs in Romania!"
414. Stop Animal Abuse in New York State
415. Allow my therapy dog to live on campus with me next year
416. Change laws regarding Pet Groomers in the state of Virginia. Require that they be licensed to groom pets in Virginia. Justice for Colby who died at the hands of Petco groomers! Immediately fire the neglectful persons responsible for Colby's death! Justice for Colby!!!
417. Help Find Missing Pets - Thousands of animals are lost, stolen and missing every . hour. Every share helps bring them home!!
418. Animals being left to starve in forgotten window wells and recently foreclosed or abandoned properties – Please check basement window as you walk by, maybe a poor animal is trapped and is in need for help!! Even so little dogs could get trapped!!!!
419. Support the SJ SPCA AR and amend Animal Control Bylaw #031.
420. Stop Killing of Stray Dogs
421. Do not accept to be the Ambassador for Ayurveda in Kerala for Kerala Government (Dedicated to Steffi Graf)
422. Pass a law to allow the windows of vehicles to be smashed open to save a pet in a hot vehicle.
423. Change the law to include pets in distress
424. Take action in regards to the rising rates of dog abuse.
425. Publish an apology in your next issue regarding your "backyard breeding" article and include an article of equal or greater size highlighting the issues surrounding home breeding, working alongside an animal adoption agency of your choice.
426. Indiana State Legislators: Support the Indiana Companion Animal Sterilization Fund (ICASF) - Each year about four million cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States, according to the Humane Society of the United States. Sadly, many of these tragic deaths (and their associated expense) could be prevented by reducing pet overpopulation through spaying and neutering programs!!!
427. Stop animal abuse and animal slaughtering - Please help make a change in Cyprus!!!
428. Maximum penalty for abandoning animals on the streets or left behind in vacant homes
430. Presidium of the German Bundestag (President of German Parliament): Enact severe penalties against animal crush video! / Präsidium des Deutschen Bundestages (Präsident des Deutschen Bundestages): Inkraftsetzung von schweren Strafen gegenüber Tier-Crush Video (Tier-Zerstörungs-Videos)!
431. Make "Animal Hoarding" illegal!!
432. Demand appropriate certification for Emotional Support Animals (ESA)
433. Safe space for dogs;
434. Overturn Doddington Council's ban on dogs;
435. PETITION TO ALLOW DOGS IN MAGGIE DALEY PARK / North Grant Park Chicago 60601
436. Tell the US To Stop Classifying Military Dogs As 'Equipment' & Leaving them Behind!
437. Make it illegal to leave dogs in cars when external temp. is 20 ºC or over!
438. Make it illegal to leave animals in vehicles with without proper ventilation.
439. Stop the Proposed Town of Florida Dog Ordinance
440. Stop Animal Abuse
441. Protect Pets in Hot Cars
442. Amend Spay/Neuter Services in City of Guelph, Canada
443. Vote for harsher punishments of animal abusers!
444. Require potential pet owners to pass a test and register as licensed pet owners who are suitable to humanely care and provide for their pets.
- Neu / New 25.7.2015 -
445. Stop killing of Stray Dogs in Kerela....!
446. Urge Tamil Nadu to Expedite Closure of Cruel Dog-Breeding Unit
447. Stop Mass brutal killings of stray dogs in INDIA!;
448. Stop selling your products which include propylene glycol – Purina Beneful
449. Rettet Juni - Ein Herz für Juni! /
Rescue Juni – Have a heart for Juni… she was in her foster family for the last years and now the animal welfare group wants to take Juni - who is so very scared of everything (The vet has to come and visited her at home, because Juni could not drive by car – she is at risk of heatstroke caused by stress!) – out of her family, where she had made so many good steps forward into her new life. Nobody has contacted the foster family through the last years and now they want to give Juni to a “Expert for scared dogs”… I would have liked vomited when I saw a training video of this alleged expert on fearful dogs !!! : - /
Please look yourself:
Please sign for Juni!!!
450. Choose Spay & Neuter Program Rather Than Euthanasia of Dogs

Ich bin ein jemand, kein „etwas“!!

Blind Dog Rescue UK
(Tierschutz- & Rettungsverein
für blinde Hunde in Großbritannien)