Wir kämpfen für Tiere.
Wirst du dich dem Kampf anschließen?
Du musst kein Polizist oder Rechtsanwalt sein, um Tierquälerei zu bekämpfen.
Alles was Du brauchst,
ist der Mut zu sprechen!
Quelle/ Source: Google+
- Neu / New 25.5.2015 -
201. Success: Dog Saved From Being Euthanized
202. Demand Justice for Traumatized Puppies Strapped to Minivan Roof
203. Seek Justice for Golden Retriever that Was Bludgeoned to Death
204. Ryan Watenpaugh Should Rot In Jail For His Unspeakable Act Of Animal Murder
205. Support Arrest of Men Who Allegedly Used Machetes to Kill Dog
206. Justice For Rogue! 6-month Old Pitbull Used As Dog Bait and Abandoned On The Streets To Perish!
207. Maximum Penalty For Jeremy Ellis For Dragging And Running Over 7 Chihuahua Puppies!
208. Phoenix Woman Accused of Inhumanely Destroying Her Dog With A Bladed Object! Demand A Severe Punishment!
209. Man Dragged Emaciated Dog Behind Motorcycle And Got Away With It! Demand Justice! (Man zerrte einen abgemagerten Hund an einem Motorrad hinter sich her - und kam damit durch! Fordert Gerechtigkeit!
210. Justice For Maximilian! Attacked By A Thug And Tossed Under a Freeway With Severe Kidney Damage!
211. Ban Robin Thicke for owning pets! Bincy deserves a better home!
212. Punish dog owner filmed kicking dog in the face like a football!
213. Punish Canadian hoarder that kept over 200 neglected dogs on her property!
214. Justice for Dog Beaten to Death with a Stick
215. Justice for Puppy Kane who Suffered Shattered Legs and Bound Mouth
216. Robin Thicke and His Girlfriend Must Stop Letting Their Dog Eat Weed - Take care of your dog and don’t let her eat marijuana.
217. Johnny Depp- Take Responsibility for Your Pets
218. Justice for Dog Shot and Killed by Angry Bar Customer
219. Don’t Euthanize Dog for the Crime of His Owner
220. Applaud Punishment of Pit Bull Abusers - Support the charge of parents who allowed their son to abuse their pet pit bull
221. Justice for Dogs Whose Mouths Were Sewn Shut
222. Fifteen Sick and Malnourished Animals Deserve Justice
223. Punish Criminal Who Stuffed Malnourished Dog into Suitcase
224. Seek Maximum Punishment for Man Who Beat Dog with Hatchet
225. Demand Maximum Jail Sentence for Man Who Beat His Wife with Her Dog
226. Do Not Euthanize Support Dog and return her to disabled Vietnam veteran!!!!
227. Save Pit Bull Unfairly Evaluated as Aggressive from Execution
228. Condemn Diner Owner of “Big I’s Diner”, Russell Ireland, for Refusing to Serve War Veteran Because of his Service Dog - Apologize for forcing a disabled war veteran to leave the diner because of his service dog…
229. Demand Apology from Store that Forced Veteran to Leave Because of His Service Dog
230. Demand Justice for Service Dog Kicked by Airline Worker
231. Demand Justice for Dog Kicked to Death
232. Demand Justice for Rescue Dog “Gipper” Punched to Death - Recently, a four-year-old Rottweiler became the victim of an extreme act of animal cruelty. This dog was rescued from an animal shelter only to be punched to death by his new owner. Ensure that this man does not get away with his crime
233. Praise Arrest of Animal Rescue Owner Who Stomped Dog to Death
234. Bring Horrific Dog Abuser to Justice
235. Demand Justice for Dismissed Case of Horrific Animal Abuse - Press felony animal cruelty charges against a man who allegedly shot and strangled a dog before leaving him in a dumpster to die
236. Charge Deadly Dog Owner with Animal Cruelty - Charge dog owner with animal cruelty for locking their young pit bull in a hot car where it suffered heat stroke and died
237. Success: Dog Slated for Death by Deceased Owner Saved
238. Success: Dog Saved From Being Euthanized
239. Demand Justice for Dog blown Up by Owner - A man from Washington State recently strapped explosives to his Labrador retriever, named Cabella, and detonated them, killing her instantly. Christopher Dillingham has a history of violence and domestic abuse, and his nonsensical rambling at the scene about how his ex-girlfriend had “put the devil in” the dog indicates a deranged and dangerous mind.
240. Do Not Give Abandoned Dog Back to Her Unfit Owner - Allow the couple who rescued an abandoned German Shepherd to adopt the dog instead of returning her to the owner who left her alone on a mountain trail
241. Commend Woman for Saving Alleged Gay Dog from being Euthanized - Commend Stephanie Fryns for adopting the dog that was scheduled to be killed because his owner believed him to be gay… :-/ unbelievable what some people imply to their dogs!!!!! :-(
242. Urge Police to Press Charges against Dog Groomer Who Killed Dog
243. Demand Justice for Dog Killed in Animal Trap
244. Demand Justice for Pet Killed on United Airlines Flight - Accept full responsibility for negligent treatment of dog “Bam Bam“ that died from exposure to extreme temperatures while under United Airlines care
245. Save Harmless Family Dog from Death Sentence - A family dog in Brighton, Colorado is facing death after accidentally left running loose in the neighborhood. The pit bull named “Dre” hurt nobody, but inspired several complaints for barking and looking “vicious.” Ask Mayor Dick McLean not to allow an animal to be killed just because of its appearance.
246. Punish Man for Keeping Dogs in Disgusting Conditions - Punish Richard Pilicer for keeping over 100 dogs in unsanitary and filthy conditions
247. Punish Man Who Killed and Dismembered Dogs - Punish Jason Brown who killed, tortured, and dismembered five dogs
248. Punish Dog Walker Who Killed Dogs - The irresponsible woman trapped the dogs in her car on a hot day for 45 minutes while she was inside of a business. Upon returning to her car, the woman was met with six heat-stroke victims. She later lied about the deaths to the authorities and the dogs’ families, claiming that the dogs had been stolen from the dog park she was supposed to be at with the dogs. For days, the families joined together in pursuit of their pets, raising money for their safe return while holding hope that their beloved friends would soon be home again. However, under interrogation, the dog walker admitted that she had left the dogs unattended in her truck on the very hot, fateful day…. JUSTICE!!!!!
249. Prosecute Dog Walker Who Killed Six Dogs - File criminal charges against a woman who let six dogs die of heat stroke (Not Double, but against the same Dog Walker!!!)
250. Demand Justice for Puppies Shot by Hunters - Ensure the maximum punishment for man who convinced his son to shoot and kill three beagle puppies while hunting

Love is ...
to treat your pet
like a family member!
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Seite / Page
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14 > 15 >
- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
21 > 22 > 23 > 24 > 25 > 26 > 27 > 28 > 29 >
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!