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Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 43
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
2651. Strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws in DC
2652. Argentina: Ayuda, atención, castración y control para los perros callejeros de Pirané /
Wir benötigen Hilfe für die Umsorgung, Kastration und Kontrolle über die Population der Streunenden Hunde von Pirané /
We need help for care, castration and control for stray dogs of Pirané
2653. All thanks to Mayor Kim! Bucheon City working towards becoming "First Dog Meat Free City"
2654. France: Chiens errants de Roumanie : Arrêtons ce massacre ! /
Streunende Hunde aus Rumänien: Stoppen Sie dieses Massaker an ihnen! /
Stray dogs from Romania: Stop this massacre on them!
2655. South Korea, Torturer of Dogs/Cats & Host of the World Veterinary Congress? Speak Out!
2656. Argentina: Por un registro de maltratadores de animales y penas más duras que refuerce a la Ley 14346 /
Für eine Registrierung von Tierquäler und härtere Strafen, die das Gesetz1 4346 verstärken /
For a registry of animal abusers and harsher penalties that reinforces Law 14346
2657. Stop the killing of street dogs for the EUROVISION Song Contest 2017, in Kiev / Ukraine !
2658. Mexico: URGENTE! Tu participación salvará la vida de 160 perros y gatos! /
Dringend! Ihre Teilnahme wird das Leben von 160 Hunden und Katzen retten! - Die Tierschutzvereinigung von Cuernavaca, A.C. ist in ernsten Schwierigkeiten und muss mit ungefähr 160 Tieren schließen, die weder in vorübergehende Pflegestellen oder in einem dauerhaften Zuhause untergebracht worden sind. /
URGENT! Your participation will save the lives of 160 dogs and cats! - The Animal Protection Association of Cuernavaca, A.C. Is in serious trouble and about to close with 160 animals that have not been placed either in temporary homes or in permanent homes.
2659. Ban Rat Poison in California, Save Pets Lives
...RIP Coco :-(
2660. Spain: Creación de una protectora de animales en el municipio de Castrillón. /
Wir benötigen ein Tierschutzgesetz in Castrillon /
We Demand an Animal Protection Law in Castrillon!
2661. Canadian Government start free spay/neuter programs to end overpopulation - End gassing!!!!!
2662. Ireland: Stop Health Service cruel hare coursing project! Please END a shameful project involving people with severe intellectual disabilities in HARE COURSING! In the recent “Mayo Mental Health News" newsletter, the cruel blood sport was described as “the interesting new pastime offered by the Centre.”
2663. We must put an end to violations of animal rights in China this for example :-( Chinese man live-streams himself DISSECTING a puppy 'to seek revenge on animal lovers who cost him the last chance to see his dying relative'
Sign and share here please:
2664. Argentina: Reforma de la Ley 14.346 sobre Maltrato Animal /
Wir brauchen eine Änderung des Gesetzes 14.346 bezüglich Tiermissbrauch! /
We Need a Modification of Law 14.346 on Animal Abuse!
2665. Minister Kim Jae-Soo: Support and Pass the new Animal Protection Law in South Korea!
2666. Argentina: Reforma de Ley 14.346 Contra el Maltrato Animal /
Reformierung des Gesetzes 14.346 bezüglich Tierquälerei /
Reform the Law 14.346 against Animal Abuse
2667. Australia: Call for an Independent Agency for Animal Welfare in Australia.
Shevchenko Mercury Marktverwaltung: Stoppen Sie Ködern und Ermorden der streunenden Hunde in Zaporozhye! /
Shevchenko Mercury Market Administration: Stop baiting and murdering the stray dogs in Zaporozhye!
2669. Oppose the Proposed New York State Dog Trainer License Bill
2670. France: Quelques heures d'apprentissage obligatoire avant de prendre un chiot ! /
Erfordernis ein paar Stunden Ausbildung vor der potenziellen Anschaffung von Tieren. Dieses Verfahren wird dazu beitragen, Ausgesetzte Tiere, Missbrauch und hoffentlich die Überpopulation von Streunern und unerwünschte Tieren zu vermeiden! /
Require a few hours of education before the potential adoption of puppies/dogs! This procedure will help eliminate abandonment, abuse and hopefully the Overpopulation of stray and unwanted animals!
2671. UK: Make sentencing for animal abuse much stronger.
2672. Australia: Keep track of where our pets are from to stop abusive breeders.
2673. Save the dogs of Istria, Croatia
2674. Spain: Ayuntamiento de Terrassa, lean el chip de los animales atropellados y avisen a su familia /
Stadtrat von Terrassa: Wir fordern die Müllbeseitigungsfirma ECO EQUIP, den Chip von Fundtieren zu scannen und die Familien zu informieren, wenn ihr Haustier auf den Straßen getötet wurde. /
Terrassa City Council: We Demand the clean up Company ECO EQUIP scan the Chip and notify the family when their Pet has been killed on the Streets.
Lesen Sie den Mikrochip der toten Fundtiere ein / /
Einfühlungsvermögen bedeutet... den Augen eines anderen zu sehen, den Ohren eines anderen zu hören
...und mit dem Herzen eines anderen zu fühlen
Quelle / Source: One Voice for Animal Rights &
Mein Sonnenschein kommt nicht aus dem Himmel
Er kommt aus der Liebe in den Augen meines Hundes
2676. UNSG Guterres: Help bring an end to the unacceptable/cruel South Korean Dog/Cat Meat Trade (United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres)
2677. Strengthen laws for transport of animals! Keep them safely confined, not TETHERED openly!! - Imagine the fear and anxiety this dog experienced trying to balance himself while tethered with ONE line to the top of crates while the driver was going 70 mph?
2678. Make Animal Cruelty a Felony in Mississipi
2679. Impose and increase the penalties for animal cruelty and breach of duty of care.
2680. Turkey: Hayvanlara eziyete son verin artık! Böyle insanlara yasamak istemiyorum. /
Tötet die Tiere nicht mehr! Ich will nicht mit solchen Leuten leben./
Put no longer animals to death ! I do not want to live with such people.
2681. UK: Close down dogs 4 us the uks largest puppy seller
2683. Let Furkids shelter dogs go outside - If you are in Georgia, attend the Forsyth County Commission hearing to help Furkids on Thursday, February 2 at 5 p.m. Location: Commissioner’s Meeting Room, 110 E. Main Street, Suite 220, Cumming, GA 30040. We need faces and voices to help our dogs!
2684. We the undersigned call on the UK Government to introduce stronger sentences for dog fighting and support the League Against Cruel Sports plan of action to tackle dog fighting – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales ONLY!!!
2685. Please sign the petition to the Japanese Embassy urging them to end the use of live dogs for clinical and surgery practice in Japan - Our investigation has made the shocking discovery that in Japan, hundreds of dogs are used every year by veterinary schools to train students
2686. Spain: No más muertes inocentes /
Keine unschuldigen Todesfälle mehr – Stoppt das Töten der Streuner /
No more innocent deaths - Stop Killing strays
2687. Change the law in Canada that allows most sex acts with animals to be legal
2688. Illegal tethering kills dogs. Don't tolerate it.
2689. Stop the Egyptian Government from exporting 10.000 Donkeys to China and Stray Dogs to South Korea
2690. Give violent dog abuser a lifetime ban from owning animals
2691. Appeal judge's decision to return animal victims to alleged abusers - We respectfully request that Delaware County (Oklahoma) District Attorney Kenny Wright file an appeal of Judge Alicia Littlefield's ruling to return the animal victims to their alleged abusers who still face 10 counts each of animal cruelty.
2692. Spain: Una segunda oportunidad para los "perros de raza peligrosa"-ALMERIA – PPP /
Eine zweite Chance für "Hunde gefährlicher Hunderassen" -Stoppt die Listen für Hunde in ALMERIA /
A second chance for "dogs of dangerous dog breeds" –Stop BSL in ALMERIA
2693. Indiana: Require all dogs and cats sold in pet stores to come from local shelters and rescue groups
2694. Retiro de los héroes de cuatro patas /
Ruhestand für dier vierbeinigen Helden /
Retirement of the four legged heroes
2695. Allow people to benefit from the healing power of animals!
2696. Spain: Por una correcta gestión de la perrera de la Diputación Provincial de Burgos / Wir brauchen eine fürsorgliche und mitfühlende Verwaltung und ordnungsgemäßes Management im Tierheim von Burgos! / We need a caring and compassionate management and proper management in the Burgos shelter!
2697. Engaged Buddhist Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, speak out against the brutal dog meat trade!
2698. Change Inhumane & Archaic Canine Tethering Laws in Cobb County, GA - NOW!
2699. Spain: SADECO CORDOBA quiere prohibir la entrada a protectoras/voluntarios en perrera municipal /
SADECO CORDOBA wants to ban the entry of animal rights activists / volunteers in municipal kennel / shelter /
SADECO CORDOBA wants to prohibit the entry of animal protectors / volunteers in municipal kennel
2700. American Kennel Club: Stop Promoting Ear Cropping and Tail Docking!

Quelle / Source: