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Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -

Justice for abused dog souls!!


- Neu / New 17.5.2017 -


2601. Harsher punishment for animal cruelty-Ponce's Law


2602. DEMAND that KYLE CORBIN, of Maine, NY be given the maximum sentence for Felony of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals, for the BRUTAL MURDER of a Dog


2603. Justice for Puppy Allegedly Dragged Up Stairs and Beaten - Jay Kenneth was arrested and charged with one count of felony animal cruelty. The SPCA took Spike into their custody


2604. Justice for Dog Allegedly Starved and Denied Medical Care - Prosecute the Perpetrator that Starved a Dog/Denied medical attention which resulted in the amputation of her leg in St Lucie County.


2605. Address the issues with "return to owner" before implementing a change in the stray hold (at the Beaufort County Animal Services!) - The state is discussing passing a new law that the hold date of stray animals will be reduced to 3 days from the required 5 day hold.


2606. Justice for Dead Puppy That Was Abused and Dragged Behind a Vehicle - Find and Prosecute the Abuser that beat a Puppy, tied a rope around her front/hind legs, dragging her behind a vehicle to her Death in Maricopa County.


2607. Justice for Dog Found Severely Injured and Malnourished - Prosecute Cody Rush, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for leaving his dog Gunner in a inhumane way. The Dogs plastic lead had been wrapped around his back leg for days leaving it raw/swollen. Gunner was denied medical attention/food and water.


2608. Save Dakota from Euthanization


2609. Spain: Investiguen si la perrera de Carballiño vulnera la ley de protección de animales /

Untersuchung, ob der Carballiño Zwinger das Tierschutzgesetz verletzt - Die Tiere leben unter bedauernswerten Bedingungen, werden vernachlässigt und hungern! /

Investigation of whether the Carballiño kennel violates animal welfare legislation -The animals are living in deplorable conditions and are being neglected and starved!!


2610. Make bestiality, including the filming and distribution of zoophilic acts, a felony in CA.


2611. UK: #Justice4Blaze - Blaze is another victim of the BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) in the UK. His only crime is being born a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Tell the Blackpool Police to send Blaze back to his loving family NOW!


2612. Justice for Winnie - the Beagle that was shot by a neighbor in Illinois Champaign


2613. Save Gwalior's only working animal welfare NGO


2614. Justice for 14 Dogs and One Cat Allegedly Kept in Deplorable Conditions - Prosecute John Dumas, Pamela Mansulla of Coos County, who ran a breeding page on Facebook. They were keeping 14 dogs and 1 cat in Deplorable Conditions. The Animals were denied food, water and much needed medical attention.


2615. New Jersey, The NJSPCA needs to be run by Animal Lovers, NOT wanna be Cops!


2616. Justice for Lily


2617. Justice for Injured Dog Allegedly Killed by Man With Sledgehammer - Prosecute Ivan Lawrence, of Maricopa, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for killing his neighbors Pit Bull with a sledgehammer.


2618. Justice for German Shepherd Allegedly Beaten by Owner - Prosecute Karissa Donahue, of Luzerne County to the Fullest Extent of the Law, for Beating her dog Olivia, which was caught on video.


2619. Investigate Brutally Murdered Dogs!!  

...Read more: Woman discovers dozens of dead dogs while walking in Vallejo

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2620. Punish couple that hung therapy dog from a tree then shot in the head 5 times!  

... Sever Punishment for the couple from Fayetteville County that Hung a therapy dog from a tree and shot him in the head 5 times!


2621. Justice for Puppy Thrown From Balcony During Fight - Prosecute Melvin Coleman of Cook County, for Throwing a 10 month old Puppy named 'Callie' from a 3rd floor balcony after he and his girlfriend had an argument.


2622. Justice for Dog Allegedly Burned Alive - Prosecute the 3 children, ages 12-13, from Charleston County, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Tying a dogs legs together, Tethering it to a tree/set it on Fire, burning it alive.


2623. Max Punishment For 2 Veterans Who Tied Up And Shot Their Dog - Cam was a 2 year old pit bull adopted to help Marinna with her post traumatic stress disorder.  It is clear that this was a planned killing. There was ample time for the pair to surrender the dog to the shelter he was adopted from more: Army veteran who filmed herself tying her service dog to a tree and shooting it dead while LAUGHING with her boyfriend is charged with animal cruelty 

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2624. Justice for Dogs Burned Alive in Car - Find and Prosecute the Animal Abuser that locked several dogs in an abandoned car, set the car on fire burning them alive!


2625. Justice for Dogs Found Decapitated - Find and Prosecute those Responsible for Stabbing and Burning 2 Pit Bulls before leaving their bodies on a railroad track in Grand Junction to be further mutilated.

Seite / Page

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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21 > 22 > 23 > 24 > 25 > 26 > 27 > 28 > 29 >

- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

30 >

31 > 32 > 33 > 34 > 35  36 > 37 > 38 > 39 > 40 >

petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство, doggy petitions,
petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство, doggy petitions,

Quelle / Source: HendricksBoard


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2627. Justice for 30 Dogs Used for Dog Fighting - Prosecute Laracco T Button, Randall L Tims and Ketrick Daunte Frazier to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Neglecting over 30 dogs which they also used in a massive Dogfighting ring in Webster Parish, Louisiana


2628. Justice for Puppy Set on Fire - Find and Prosecute this monster that set a Pitbull Puppy on fire and abandoned her on the streets of Kansas City to die. A puppy dubbed 'Aurora' was found with second and third degree burns over half of her little body which could have ended her life!


2629. UK: Save Zeus the Dog!  

... Zeus was scared and very protective of his family when he lashed out. Please spare his life and send him back to his loving family!


2630. Let Bella live! Help us fight to get Bella relocated instead of killed


2631. She Was Hit By a Car Trying to Save a Dog - Help this HS Senior Retain Her Finals Exemption (Cypress, TX) - Sign this petition if you think Monique should be able to keep her exemptions considering the reason they were revoked!!


2632. Boycott Dallas, Texas for Refusal to Stop Animal Cruelty, Torture, and Dumping!


2633. WORLD DEMANDS JUSTICE FOR HUEY, A SERVICE DOG WHO WAS BRUTALLY MURDERED BY AN ARMY VETERAN - We Demand Justice for the Service Dog that was Brutally Murdered by an Army Veteran in Fayetteville.


2634. Puppy Severely Beaten and Abandoned Deserves Justice


2635. Justice for Dog Allegedly Lifted Up by Leash and Beaten


2636. Man Accused of Killing Wife’s Dog for Vengeful Facebook Post Must be Punished - Prosecute John Samuel Hise, of Nobel County, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Brutally Killing his wife's dog out of Revenge, posting the Grueling Pictures on Facebook.


2637. Suspend License of Veterinarian Accused of Abusing Dogs - Prosecute Dr Yun Yang to the Fullest Extent of the Law for keeping 2 Dogs in tiny Cages in his Veterinary Practice in Alberta. The Dogs who were forced to stay in Cages and were let out twice a day for 5 minutes, they didn't have access to food or water or allowed contact with people. Suspend his license until he's cleared of all charges!


2638. UK: Justice for Narla - Narla was horrifically beaten by thug Craig McKinley in a shocking video footage that went viral on Facebook. We need an Animal Abuse Registery people like this POS will never be able to Own Animals again!


2639. Justice for Kerrie Lenkerd - We are petitioning the Centerton Police Department/County Prosecutor to drop the case against Kerrie Lenkerd. She had previously called to report the 14 year old for sexual assault/Bestiality as well as trespassing. She was told there was not enough proof of the incident.


2640. Harshly Punish Burglars Who Reportedly Poured Bleach on Harmless Dog in Cage - Prosecute the 4 teenagers who Broke into a Home in Dallas, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for pouring bleach over the top of a Dog locked inside a cage.


2641. Sign: Justice for Neglected Dog So Matted, She Could Barely Walk


2642. Demand Justice for Dog Found Dead in Police Cruiser - Prosecute the Sebastian Police Officer who left his K9 partner, named Diesel in his cruiser in 90° weather for several hours while he was in the Court House, resulting in the Death of the Dog. Ban him from Owning or working with a another Dog for life!

...RIP Diesel :-(


2643. Denmark: FERMONS la première maison close zoophile d’Europe – Des chiens livrés à la prostitution  /

SCHLIESSUNG von Europas erstem Zoophilischem. geschlossenem Haus - Hunde müssen in Prostitution leben!-  Im Oktober wird in Kopenhagen das erste Zoophilische Haus in Europa eröffnen. In Dänemark ist es zulässig, ein Tier zu prostituieren, "vorausgesetzt, das Tier leidet nicht" sagt das Gesetz, dass es für vollkommen legal hält, Sex mit allen Arten von Tieren zu haben. /

TO CLOSE Europe's first Zoophilic closed House – Dogs must live in prostitution!! - In October, Copenhagen will open the first Zoophilic House in Europe. In Denmark, it's permissible to prostitute an Animal, 'Provided the animal does not suffer' specifies the law, which considers it perfectly legal to have Sex with all kinds of animals.


2644. Tell SA Paul Finnerty: Refile felony animal cruelty charges against Carol Merchant - Tell States Attorney Paul Finnerty, to refile Felony Animal Cruelty Charges against Carol Merchant, for Extreme Abuse and Neglect of 94 Animals which were removed from her home in Lamoille County. If Convicted, Ban her from Owning Animals for Life.


2645. Euthanized Dog Reportedly Living in Feces With Open Wounds Deserves Justice


2646. Justice for dogs from State shelter! Stop animal abuse in Perm, Russia! - We Demand the Perpetrator that is Raping the Dogs at the shelter in Perm, be found and Prosecuted Immediately!


2647. NFL Player Starves His Pet Dog Until It Dies! Ban Terrence Cody From The League!


2648. India: Punish Manish Thapa for killing 3 voiceless dogs


2649. Sick Elderly Dog Thrown Out in Trash Deserves Justice - A neglected senior Chihuahua dubbed 'Motto' was found with a severe case of dental disease. His mouth was one big ulcer and had a rotting odor, his owner threw him out with the trash to die in crippling pain. We Demand Justice for this little guy. Find and Prosecute the POS from Androscoggin County that is responsible for this Heinous Crime!


2650. ANIMAL HOLOCAUST IN ROMANIA - Force the release of Laws against Animal Holocaust in Romania!

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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