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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -


- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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351. Justice for Czar! Help Save His Life from Wrongfully Being Deemed Dangerous!!


- Neu / New 17.3.2016 -


352. Save Stella the dog: two years shut up in a cage! She has been locked up in a cage for two years with no exercise.

She is imprisoned because of her breed.


353. Save Neglected Dog From Euthanasia - Do not euthanize dog that was allegedly forced to live in a small cage for two years without exercise 

…please sign once more to bring justice to Stella !!!


354. Make Pitbulls Legal in Canada


355. Lift the Pitbull ban


356. Remove Doberman Pinchers off Aggressive Breed list 

…this Petition picture makes me sick: - / why were the poor dog's ears so disfigured !!! God created the animals as he wanted to see them and we humans should not disfigure them !!! AND NOW, as BSL is coming to Pinschers, these dog owners are crying loud out :-/ and shooting words of hate on Pitbulls and Rottweilers :-( Normally I wanted NOT to sign this petition – BUT also this dog breed is not responsible for their humans

… just like Rottweilers and Pitbulls are NOT!!


357. Netherlands: Geen euthansie voor Toby de Duitse Herder uit Maldegem! /

Keine Einschläferung von Toby, dem Schäferhund  von Maldegem, Belgien, er ist nicht bösartig! /

Do not euthanize Toby, the Shepherd of Maldeghem, Belgium, he is not vicious!!


358. Spain: Eliminar al Dobermann de la lista “perro potencialmente peligroso” ("PPP") /

Entfernen Sie die Hunderassen Doberman von der Liste der potenziell gefährlichen Hunde („PPP“ = Listenhund-Verordnung) /

Take Doberman Off the Dangerous Dog List („PPP“ = BSL)


359. End Pitbull discrimination


360. End Breed Specific Legislation: Dodgeville, WI


361. Legalize Pitbulls Worldwide, Blame the Trainer, not the Trainee!!!!! People seem to not get the idea that PEOPLE are the problem in this world. HUMANS are the problem. Our own species cause the damage


362. Help Save Tia - Tia was found in Boothtown, Halifax on 20th February 2016. Roberta, Tia's finder, has made it clear to the authorities that she would like to give Tia her forever home; whatever it takes. Please help us to support Roberta and give Tia her happy ending!!!  

…because of Breed Specific Legislation it is not so easy to adopt Tia  :-(  At FIRST Tia is a Dog and then she is her breed! If she will be trained right she will be a wonderful family pet and she deserves to feel love!! Roberta is willing to take Tia with all what a responsible dog owner have to do - !SO! Give them both a Chance of a life full of joy!!! OR ARE YOU SO HAPPY OF KILLING PITBULLS :-/


- Neu / New 3.4.2016 -


363. Save Stella the dog locked up by Devon police for two years without exercise


364. Save Stella the Pitbull from being destroyed


365. Stop the killing of American Bullies and all animals because of their breed


366. Save our Cee Cee from being murdered by the Breed Specific Law in the UK. End B.S.L. !


367. Stop Murdering Pit Bulls at Darke County Animal Shelter! The shelter doesn't even attempt to adopt out these innocent dogs. Instead they immediately euthanize them because they have visually identified them as "pit bulls".


368. Let dogs have Dlo assessment at home where there's no stress - Please let's try and change the BSL law even if 1 small part at a time, I think that by handing a dog owner a notice that their dog is considered to possibly be 'type' and let them know they will have to arrange an appointment with the DLO to come and see the dog and carry out an assessment in your home.


369. Eliminate Ontario's breed specific ban on Pitbulls.


370. Fair rights for dogs in kennels


371. Lose the Pit Bull Label to Save More Dogs from Death Row




373. Free Stella the dog & stop Devon Police from committing animal abuse.


374.   3 dogs deemed dangerous & their sweet as can be - Amarillo Animal Control


375. Change the law for banned dogs in the UK


376. Pit Bull Owners Need Pit Bull Education


377. Devon and Cornwall police to Stop mistreating Stella


378. Mexico: Salvemos a los callejeros y pitbull /

Retten Sie die Straßenhunde und die Pitbulls /

Rescue the stray dogs and the Pitbulls


379. Trenton, GA-Remove Vicious Dog Ordinance. No Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in Trenton, GA


- Neu / New 29.4.2016 -


380. UK: Change legislation on dangerous dogs act - Beautiful sociable dogs were taken from their homes, whom had never shown aggressive tendencies and never bitten, and simply be judged!! Because of the current legislation they could not be re-housed, they will be called Death row dogs and will be destroyed anyway. Where is the justice in this?


381. Stop the ban on pitbulls!


382. Spain:  Modificar la ley de perros potencialmente peligrosos  …BASTA PPP!!! :-/ /

Ändern Sie das Gesetz über sogenannte "potenziell gefährliche Hunde" (Listenhunde)  ... beenden Sie die grausame Behandlung unserer unschuldigen Hunde : - / sie mit lebenslangen Maulkorbzwang  zu bestrafen ist Tierquälerei : - /  /

Change the law on so-called "potentially dangerous dogs" (BSL)  ...end the cruel treatment of our innocent dogs : - / to punish them with lifelong muzzle obligation, is cruelty to animals: - /




384. France: Pour la fin des tueries en fourrières des chiens de première catégorie /

Beenden Sie die Tötung von Hunden „erster Klasse“ in dem Hundezwinger – Schluss  mit der Diskriminierung von Hunderassen!! Behandeln Sie alle Hunde gleich und geben Sie ihnen eine Chance auf ein gutes leben!! (Listenhunde) /

End the killings of “first class” dogs in the dog pound - Stop the discrimination of dog breeds !! Treat all dogs equally and give them a chance of a good life !! (BSL)


- Neu / New 13.8.2016 - 


Rheumatoid Arthritis

:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy

Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...

and I,

as a good human being and Animal Advocate,

have such a terrible disease :-(

(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,

that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)


385. Save Dog at Risk of Being Forced out of Home by Pit Bull Ban - Diggy, the smiling dog, made famous by social media, may soon lose his home thanks to a ban on pit bulls

...please speak out for Diggy!!!!!!!!!!


386. Restricted Breeds of Dog, Change the Law for the better for all Dogs in Ireland



- Neu / New 14.1.2017 -


387. Stop breed-specific legislation in Quebec and Montreal - Canada and United Staes ONLY!!!


388. Montreal Banned Pit Bulls, so We Ban Montreal! Fight the Pit Bull Ban, SIGN NOW


389. Stop the Nebraska Dept of Ag from claiming ALL pit bulls are aggressive.


390. Demand the Repeal of Breed Specific Legislation in the City of Liberty Missouri


391. Demand a Change to the Dangerous Dogs Act Now!




393. SAVE INNOCENT BUSTER - Buster is a 2 year old staffie cross who was deemed to be "of pit bull type" back between November 2015 and February 2016. He is the friendliest chap and was allowed home while his owner was taking him through the exemption process, which means he wasn't seen as a risk to the public or seen as dangerous. Sadly the owner has found himself arrested and remanded in prison!


- Neu / New 27.1.2017 -


394. Spain: Él no es ningún criminal – detener PPP /

Er ist kein Verbrecher – BEENDET DIE LISTEN FÜR HUNDE!! /

He is no criminal – STOP BSL!!!


395. Unban Pitbulls!!! (City of Minot, ND)


396. We demand the ban lifted from pitbulls in the UK


397. Montreal: Repeal Your Draconian Pit Bull Ban!


398. End the Rottweiler & Pit Bull Ban In Craven, Saskatchewan!


399. Rommel my dog my Hero - The fact is that Rommel's only crime was to protect me and attempts to flee a terrifying and aggressive scene with police. The police tried even so to prove he was a Pitbull....


400. Help Save Diggy the American Bulldog

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, bsl, listenhunde, PPP, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

Quelle/ Source: Google+

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, bsl, listenhunde, PPP, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

Quelle / Source:


Perhaps it the world would be better a better place,

if people would wear muzzles

and dogs would get laws

Listenhunde (Gegen Hunderassen Diskriminierung) -

BSL Dogs (Against Dog Breeds discrimination) 8


Wenn die Leute über Pit Bulls urteilen, 

schauen sie immer auf das verkehrte Ende der Leine!

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

Bei dieser Vermieterin bekommen nur Pitbull-Besitzer eine Wohnung

(With this landlady only Pitbull owners get an apartment)


Pit Bull Is So Gentle With Her New Chicken Sister


Rescue Group Writes Sweet Note To Man Who Gave Away This Pit Bull


Pit Bull Living On Streets Was So Ready To Be Rescued 

- When he realized what was happening, he couldn't stop thanking them.

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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