Quelle/ Source: Google+
STOP--Sumter County Pet-MURDERS
1. Stop Unnecessary Euthanasia in Animal Shelters
2. Eliminate Easy-Access Shelter Killing! Take Away Their Power to Kill!
3. Get the Devore Animal Killing Shelter shut DOWN
4. Enact New Policies To Keep Pets Safe From Corrupt Animal Control, Shelters, & Rescues.
5. Stop the Killing of Dogs in Shelters
6. Appoint a proven No-Kill Advocate as the Shelter Director at Amarillo Animal Control, TX
8. Stop the Killing of Shelter Animals!
9. Support No-Kill Animal Shelter Proposal
10. Demand PETA Stop Euthanizing Shelter Animals
11. Demand Lying Animal Shelter Convert to No-Kill Policy
12. Demand Transparency from Animal Shelter that Threw Away Donations
http://animalpetitions.org/54003/demand-transparency-from-animal-s.12 helter-that-threw-away-donations/
13. To treat the animals in their care HUMANELY, and to become a NON DESTRUCTION shelter, re-homing dogs, instead of ABUSING them daily.
14. Establish a law against ALL kill animal shelters
15. Provide alternative solutions, rather than euthanasia, in overcrowded animal shelters.
16. Stop killing animals over treatable illnesses like URIs and kennel cough. Make it easier for reputable shelters to gain "New Hope Rescue" status so they can remove animals from the AC&C immediately if they are placed on death row.
17. Stop the slaughter at New York Animal Care & Control
18. Create laws that protect animals from abuse by animal control officers, and remove Washington County Animal Control Officer, Hoyt Stepp, from his position.
19. Governor Rick Perry: Stop All Animal Shelters From Euthanizing Adoptable Animals
20. Give more time for networking the death-row dogs at ACS, San Antonio
21. Let's make it illegal in NJ for public and private shelters to kill an animal when nonprofit animal rescue and adoption organizations are willing to save that animal’s life
22. Remove Debi Shuker as Operations Manager of San Bernardino Animal shelter
23. Apply the Animal Welfare Act to all animal shelters that house and care for domestic animals to prevent abuse and cruelty to animals in the care of unregulated shelters
24. Please create an "adopt don't shop" campaign to buttress your apology for the heartless Super Bowl ad.
25. Change Brownsville, Texas animal welfare policies that kill 88% of shelter animals by implementing no-kill measures.
26. Stop euthanizing animals that are healthy and adoptable only to be used when terminal and in pain. I'm asking Majors of each City to please come front and center and stop healthy dogs and cats in your shelters being killed Be their hero, save them.
27. The policies and procedures at the Shelter of Hope need to change by them: Becoming a no-kill shelter; Removing the gas chamber; Being required to work with local rescues; Being required to make public what donated funds are used for.
28. We would rather have the same amount of tax money used to give our sheltered pets a chance to be rescued rather than automatically being used to put down our animals.
29. Amend the county ordinances to allow the continued operation of Perfect Paws Pet Rescue, a 501(c)3 charitable organization, and other charitable organizations in existence prior to changes in county ordinances.
30. Reform the Columbus County Animal Shelter
31. Demand Change for the animals at the Greenup County Animal Shelter in Greenup, KY
32. Stop killing pregnant animals & aborting litters while space & fosters are available.
33. Save Shelter that Helps Hundreds of Animals Find Good Homes
34. End High-Kill Animal Shelters
35. Protect Pets from Violent Criminals - Support movement that will require animal shelters to the check criminal records of potential adopters.
36. Unterstützen Sie den Tierheimbau in Potsdam durch den hiesigen Tierschutzverein und geben Sie die Spendengelder der Potsdamer Bürger für den Bau eines Tierheimes für Potsdam frei! /
Support the Animal Shelter construction in Potsdam by the local SPCA and specify the donations of the Potsdam citizens to build an animal shelter for Potsdam, Germany!
37. TERMINATE the Hesperia Animal Control Supervisor "CHERYL LEWIS" and the Director of Development Services "SCOTT PRIESTER" after their staff is caught on video dragging a terrified dog down a hallway at the Hesperia animal shelter.
39. Stop euthanizing animals at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, shelter now!
40. I would like the hold times increased on all stray animals brought into rescues, shelters or other known facilities. A 3 to 7 day hold period is not long enough especially when animals may have crossed a state line, been stolen or just plain missing.
41. Fire Florida shelter employee that euthanized pregnant dog BY MISTAKE!
42. Praise Duffy and Daisy Fuentes For Rescuing A Dog Hours Before He Was to be Put Down
43. We the undersigned demand a review of the lenient sentences imposed on the 3 cases of animal cruelty and neglect in the Dundonald area, all 3 cases were presided by Judge Hamill
44. Stop killing healthy, adoptable animals in NYC, build shelters in the Queens and the Bronx
45. Band Kill shelters in the US. and start background checking for previous animal abuse.
46. MASA, Dir. Paul 'Neill, Bark and Rest 1) Change your intake process and provide proof of changes. 2) Change your presentation and update process for future posts. 4) Provide a public Thank You 5) Ensure excess donations for Muffin are returned to donors.
47. A request to fund Allegany County Animal Shelter Bond Bill
48. Stop killing innocent animals and start working with rescue groups!
49. Please save 2 billion tax dollars annually by banning euthanasia and save America's Dogs and Cats.
50. Keep our shelter open
Lieber Gott,
finde bitte heute ein
Zuhause für mich.
Ich habe Angst
und bin einsam,
und ich hörte sie etwas darüber sagen,
dass meine Zeit fast abgelaufen ist.
AllesLiebe, Käfig # 275
(Einst bekannt als Jack )

Jede Stunde wird ein Hund getötet, weil die Menschen immer noch von Züchtern kaufen, anstatt aus einem Tierheim zu adoptieren.
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -