Bitte bringt eure Kinder vom Computer weg, wenn ihr diese Petitionen bearbeitet.
Die Bilder sind auch für Erwachsene sehr erschreckend....
Please bring your children away from the computer, as long as you work on these petitions. The images are for adults very frighteningly too ....
Seite / Page
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
11 > 12 > 13
301. Drop defamation charges against Nami Kim who rescued puppies from a dog hanging restaurant
…please sign for Nami Kim!!! She is a wonderful animal rights activist and her only crime is to love animals!!!
- Neu / New 3.4.2016 -
302. Stop India's Stray Dogs from Becoming Dog Meat
304. Ban Yulin Dog and Cat Meat Festival
305. Illegal Dog Meat Trade in Thailand - A trade of shame.
306. South Korea: Enforce the Law - Prosecute the Illegal Dog Meat Industry and Animal Cruelty!
308. 法を行使せよ-違法犬肉産業と動物虐待の起訴を!Enforce the Law-Prosecute Illegal Dog Meat Industry Animal Cruelty!
309. End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival!
310. From India: Stop Yulin Dog Meat Festival
311. From UK: To stop the Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival, stop the senseless and barbaric killing of dogs in the streets!!
312. To Stop Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China
313. From Italy: Stop Yulin Dog Meat Festival
314. Demand an End to the Yulin Festival Now!!
315. From Netherlands: Boycot de World Dog Show in China in 2019 /
Boykottiert die Welt Hunde Show 2019 in China /
Boycott the World Dog Show 2019 in China
316. Urge IOC (International Olympics Committee) and the South Korean Government to end the brutal dog meat trade
317. Stop China's Yulin Dog Meat Festival!
318. Please, fight against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival !
319. Stop the Dog Eating Festival
320. From Peru: Stop's Sundays Dog-Meat Eat Festival in Yulin /
Firma para detener el "Festival de Yulin, la fiesta de la vergüenza"
321. Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival
322. Korean Air: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty & suffering of cats & dogs in your country
- Neu / New 29.4.2016 -
323. From France: Au parti sud-coréen Saenuri:Agissez contre le trafic de viande de chiens et chats en Corée /
Südkoreanische Partei Saenuri: Ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen gegen den Katzen- und Hundefleisch Handel in Korea /
South Korean party Saenuri: Take action against cat and dog meat trafficking in Korea
324. Samsung please help stop this horrific cruelty towards innocent animals and man's best friend and companion.
325. Tell Sister City Anseong,Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture & Consumption of Dogs & Cats
326. Russia: "Законодательно запретите продажу собачьего мяса" /
"Ein Gesetz, um den Verkauf von Hundefleisch zu verbieten " - Die Besitzerin des Irkutsker Markt, Tatiana Kazakova, verhandelt mit einem Hundezwinger/Tierheim, über eine tägliche Lieferung von gesunden Hunden zur Schlachtung für ihr Fleisch. /
"Legislation to ban the sale of dog meat" - The owner of the Irkutsk market, Tatiana Kazakova, negotiates with a dog kennel/shelter, about a daily supply of healthy dogs intended for slaughter for their meat.
327. Tell Sister City Goyang, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs and Cats
328. Vietnam: Prosecute Man Who Allegedly Sold Rescue Dogs to Be Eaten - Vu Van Chinh of the Danang Dogs and Cats Information and Rescue Station in Vietnam said he occasionally sold dogs from his shelter to restaurants to raise funds for the charity. However, former volunteers claim that the rescue was a front for selling animals, up to 10 dogs a day according to them.
Verurteilung für die Person, die einen Hund an einer Stange fest gebunden hat, um ihn in einen Kessel mit siedendem Wasser zu zwingen und es auf Facebook veröffentlichte - zu sehen auf YouTube - Ich verlange Gerechtigkeit für dieses arme Tier!!/
Condemnation for the person who has firmly tied a dog to a pole to force him into a cauldron of boiling Water and posted it on Facebook. - to see on YouTube - I demand justice for this poor animal !!
- Neu / New 13.8.2016 -
Rheumatoid Arthritis
:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy
Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...
and I,
as a good human being and Animal Advocate,
have such a terrible disease :-(
(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,
that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)
330. End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival
331. Stop the animal torture & slaughter "Festival" in CHINA!!! Times running out!!!
332. Apple - Add Your Voice- Justice for the Voiceless Dogs and Cats in China
333. Stop Kerala from Selling Stray Dogs for China's Dog Eating YULIN Festival
334. Honorary Ambassador Shin-soo Choo: Speak for the Korean animals at the Pyeong Chang 2018!
335. Shut down the Yulin dog meat festival!
336. Tell Sister City, Yongin, S. Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats
337. Fight the cruel dog meat trade in India! – USA ONLY!!!
338. Request to Asiana Airlines for free air travel for dogs rescued from meat trade in S Korea
339. 韓国/金浦に犬猫の虐待と食用に反対であると伝えて下さい!/
Korea-Gimpo bitte informieren Sie jeden, dass es Missbrauch ist Hunde und Katzen zu essen! /
Korea-Gimpo please notify everyone that it is abuse to eat dogs and cats !
340. Tell Sister City, Seoul Seocho District, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Eating of Dogs/Cats
341. Tell Friendship City, Paju, Korea, that we’re opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs/Cats.
342. Korea-Reconsider your proposals to expand and incentivise the inhumane puppy mill industry
343. 駐韓アメリカ大使Mark Lippert殿: 野蛮な犬肉産業を止めるように韓国政府に要請してください /
Koreanischer US-Botschafter Mark Lippert : Bitte fordern Sie die südkoreanische Regierung auf, die wilde Hunde Fleischindustrie
zu stoppen!! /
Korean US Ambassador Mark Lippert: Please ask the South Korean government to stop the wild dog meat industry
344. 天理市長/並河健殿:姉妹都市の韓国/瑞山(ソサン)に犬猫の虐待と食用に 反対であると伝えて下さい!/
Tenri Bürgermeister - Namikawa Kendono: Bitte informieren Sie jeden, dass der Verzehr von Hunden und Katzen in Korea Missbrauch ist /
Tenri Mayor - Namikawa Kendini: Please inform everyone that the consumption of dogs and cats in Korea is abuse
345. Bao Nguyen ガーデングローブ市長殿:姉妹都市の韓国/安養市に犬猫の虐待と食用に反対であると伝えて下さい! /
Bao Nguyen, Bürgermeister von Garden Grove: Bitte informieren Sie jeden, dass der Verzehr von Hunden und Katzen in Korea Missbrauch ist /
Bao Nguyen, Mayor of Garden Grove: Please inform everyone that the consumption of dogs and cats in Korea is abuse
346. Charlie Hales ポートランド市長殿:姉妹都市の韓国/蔚山の犬猫の 虐待と食用に反対であると伝えて下さい! /
Charlie Hales, Bürgermeister von Portland: Bitte informieren Sie jeden, dass der Verzehr von Hunden und Katzen in Korea Missbrauch ist /
Charlie Hales, mayor of Portland: Please inform everyone that the consumption of dogs and cats in Korea is abuse
347. Dario Nardella フィレンツェ市長殿:友好都市の韓国/全州市に犬猫の虐待と 食用に反対であると伝えて下さい! /
Dario Nardella, Bürgermeister von Florenz: Bitte informieren Sie jeden, dass der Verzehr von Hunden und Katzen in Korea Missbrauch ist ! Jeonju City, Freundschafts-Stadt /
Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence: Please inform everyone that the consumption of dogs and cats in Korea is abuse / Jeonju City of Friendship City!
348. Tell Sister City, Ulsan, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs and Cats
349. Africa: Evala Dog Eating Festival: Stop Dog Meat Abuse
350. Tell Sister City, Anyang, Korea, That We’re Opposed to Torture/Consumption of Dogs & Cats!
"Das macht mich traurig!
Hunde sind Freunde,
kein Futter!!
Über 10.000 Hunde werden jedes Jahr
in Südchina für das jährliche Yulin Festival getötet.
Diese Haustiere werden geraubt
& ihren Familie und ihrem Zuhause entrissen,
an einem Auto befestigten Strick weggezerrt, lebendig gekocht, bei lebendigem Leib gehäutet, gefoltert, in kleinen Käfigen gehalten
und sehr schlimm geschlagen.
Der Hashtag #stopyulin2015 erhält eine Menge Aufmerksamkeit und stellt einen Unterschied her!! Veröffentlicht eure Bilder
auf sozialen Netzwerken
mit #stopyulin2015
Quelle / Source: As much as I try, I cannot read the copyright, unfortunately ... because unfortunately you forgot to link your own pic with #stopyulin2015.
I really have searched and searched!! I've even tried to read it with a magnifying glass; it is far too blurred :-( PLEASE contact me and I will be very happy to link your URL !!
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