1051. Let Sick Girl Keep Her Therapy Dog - Stop authorities from taking away the dog that comforts a 4-year-old during cystic fibrosis treatments.
1052. Hold Jasmin Gutierrez accountable for putting her dogs in "time out"
1053. Justice for Dog Killed without Her Family’s Consent - Justice for the family who lost their family dog to questionable euthanasia by animal control
…RIP Roxie :-(
1054. Punish Man Charged with Injuring Seven Dogs - Anthony Thompson from New York faces animal cruelty charges for the seven severely starved and wounded dogs found behind his property.
1055. Punish Family for Animal Cruelty Involving More Than 50 Dogs - Punish four members of a family named “Quick” responsible for hoarding more than 50 dogs in deplorable conditions on their personal property.
1056. Urge Shelter Chief to Apologize for Not Adopting Rescue Animal - The former leader of a Pennsylvania Humane Society shelter recently purchased a $1000 purebred Collie puppy instead of adopting a rescue dog from the very shelter that she directed. Ms. Braunstein, the director, was more than aware of the amount of dogs that are rescued and the fact that these abused or neglected dogs so perilously need a home as soon as possible
…shame on you, Ms. Braunstein :-/
1057. Justice for Abandoned Dog Killed by Car outside Shelter - Not only did she leave him outside in the Maine cold, but she left him without any kind of cage or kennel and also left him untied. She mostly likely saw him run after her car, but she never stop. After chasing his owner, the dog was struck by another vehicle and left dead on the side of the road.
1058. Save Sarge from death row - Sarge will be put to death for protecting his property.
1059. Wrongful shooting of Boxers - The shooter did not get arrested. He didn't get his shotgun taken away. He didn't even get a fine! He fired two rounds in a residential area and all he said was "I didn't know they were your dogs" "I thought they were pit bulls."
...RIP Cope and Penny :-(
1061. Dog Allegedly Stabbed Over 100 Times Deserves Justice - This woman was charged for animal cruelty for the second time when she allegedly stabbed two dogs multiple times in a vicious attack that left one in critical condition and another dead
… :-( RIP
1062. Justice for Naty (a doggie that was tortured)
…RIP Naty :-(
1063. Justice for Amara!!!!
- Neu / New 23.2.2016 -
1064. Punish Man Charged With Running Dog Fighting Ring - Career criminal Roy Chester Bennett was recently charged with 33 counts of animal cruelty by the Delray police. The charges include 11 counts for animal fighting, 11 counts for keeping animals in poor condition, and 11 counts for causing cruel pain. An anonymous tip brought the police to Bennett’s door, by informing them that he had been running a dog fighting ring on his property for weeks.
1065. Spain: Condecoración para el perro policía Pretto, fallecido en acto de servicio - También trabajaremos para que el Instituto Cultural Italiano participe en un reconocimiento social y civil que se merece igualmente, ya que el destinatario del artefacto explosivo eran ellos / Ein Ehrenabzeichen für den Polizeihund, genannt Pretto, gestorben in Ausübung seiner Pflicht - Pretto war ein Polizeihund in der Hundestaffel der Landespolizei in Barcelona ,darauf spezialisiert Sprengstoffe aufzuspüren. / A Badge of Honour for the police dog called Pretto, died in the line of duty - Pretto was a police dog in the canine unit of the National Police in Barcelona, he was specialized to track down explosives .
1066. Iberia Parish Police allowing the beating of dog posted by owner on Facebook - We need to take a stand and push the Iberia Parish district Attorney to bring in outside officers to assist in he investigation as it appears the officers are incompetent to proceed with doing this job. Calls have gone rudely in which officers and dispatch have told callers that it is none of our business and have hung up the call.
1067. Prohibit Owners from Leaving Dogs in the Cold - As the season’s first blizzard stormed through America’s east coast, animal shelters and law enforcement received several complaints from residents about dogs trapped in the snow. In many of these cases, owners willfully left animals outside without adequate shelter.
1069. OSPCA: DO NOT KILL 21 INNOCENT DOGS - Read more: Ontario SPCA plans to euthanize 21 dogs seized from dog fighting operation http://www.examiner.com/article/ontario-spca-plans-to-euthanize-21-dogs-seized-from-dog-fighting-operation Please urgently sign and sharehttps://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/OSPCA_DO_NOT_KILL_21_INNOCENT_DOGS/?ctKflkb
1070. Dog Left to Die Deserves Justice - The dog was abandoned on a neighborhood street with no food. Unfortunately, the person only left the animal with a little bit of water and a couple of worn blankets. Besides likely being traumatized over being left alone for days, the dog has also had to endure extremely cold weather at night.
1071. Justice for Dog with Nose and Ear Cut Off - Rudi the dog was found roaming the streets with a bleeding nose, a clue that the dog had recently been injured. Besides having to deal with pain from a mutilated nose and ear, Rudi is also likely suffering from other ailments, including infections from rotting teeth and a bad leg as indicated by its limping
1072. Spain: Traumada por los maltratos de su dueño no quiere salir de su cuarto. ¡Cárcel al responsable! /
Traumatisiert durch den Missbrauch von seinem Besitzer, sie will nicht ihren Raum nicht verlassen. Gefängnis für den Verantwortlichen! /
Traumatized by the abuse of its owner, she does not want to leave her room. Jail to the person responsible!
Mercadolibre, Beenden sie den Verkauf von Tieren - Tausende von reinrassigen Hunden, Katzen, usw., verbringen ihr Leben in Käfigen auf Bauernhöfen, mit einer einzigen Aufgabe, Fortpflanzung! Das ist ihre Mission und ihr Arbeit, von der Kindheit bis zum Tod, und dabei leben sie, unter schlimmsten Zuständen, in Gefangenschaft! /
MERCADOLIBRE, STOP SELLING ANIMALS - Thousands of purebred dogs, cats, etc., spend their lives in cages on farms, with a single task, reproduction! This is their mission and their work, from childhood to death while they are living under the worst conditions, in captivity!
1074. Spain: Cárcel para el lunático que mató a tiros a un perro porque se comió una de sus gallinas /
Gefängnis für den Verrückten, der einen Hund erschoss, , weil er seine Hühner fraß /
Prison for the madman who shot a dog, because he ate his chickens
1075. Belgium: Pour que le tortionnaire qui a massacré SPOT à coups de couteau soit puni ..plus jamais ça /
Harte Strafe für den Folterer von Spot - er fesselte 'Spot' mit Wäscheleine , klebte seine Schnauze zu und stach ihn im Keller seines Hauses zu Tode!
... Ruhe in Frieden-Spot :-( /
Severe Punishment for the torturer of Spot - he tied 'Spot' up with Clothesline, taped his muzzle shut and stabbed him to death in the basement of his house!
…RIP Spot :-(
1076. Justice for Hanged Dogs - Veronica Reyes, the owner of two female pit bulls, admitted to taking prescription pain killers as well as smoking marijuana that she claimed may have been laced when she says the dogs “told her to kill them.” She later buried the two dogs in the backyard of her rental property.
1077. Drop Charges Against Man Who Tried to Save Dogs from Burning Home - Wendell Joyner was arrested in Brevard County after he allegedly rushed into his burning home to rescue his three dogs. Firefighters tried to restrain him, but he reportedly made repeated attempts to enter his home. He was not successful, but firefighters were able to locate and rescue the frightened animals. Joyner received treatment at the hospital, and then was taken to the Brevard County Jail where he was slapped with two charges: disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
…and repeated animal abusers are walking free… :-/
1079. Do not close your eyes ! Stop speciesism!!
1080. Spain: Veterinario tenía perros y gatos en terribles condiciones escondidos debajo de su casa. /
Ein Tierarzt hatte Hunde und Katzen, unter entsetzlichen Bedingungen, unter seinem Haus versteckt. /
Veterinarian had dogs and cats in appalling conditions hidden under his house.
1081. DeMotte, IN Man Shoots and Buries Neighbors 3 Dogs who Enter his Property
1082. Stop the company K2 having any involvement in placing war dogs - US military veterans returning from active service that were partnered with war dogs are supposed to have the opportunity to adopt them. "Robby's Law" enacted and passed in the year 2000 protects that right.
1083. Help homeless Vet keep his Therapy dogs and get a home.
1084. Take Neglected Dogs Away from Owner - While a blizzard roared through the east cost, animal shelters received numerous reports of dogs freezing in the cold. One such report came from Brooklyn resident Evelyn Tully Costa, who used social media to draw attention to the deplorable state her neighbor, June Wiggins, allegedly kept her dogs in. But after several police visits, fines, and warnings, Wiggins seems unlikely to improve the living conditions of her pets!
…please sign one more time against June Wiggins,
1085. Investigate Abandonment of Sick Puppies - Tampa Bay police have not been brought in to investigate and locate the person who allegedly left eight puppies to die. A Good Samaritan found them in a box on the side of the road, tossed aside like trash
1086. Punish Mob Accused of Savagely Killing 50 Stray Dogs - Over 50 stray dogs were allegedly killed by a five-man mob, say animal rights activists in India. The five men were allegedly hired by management at the Velankanni Church, a popular tourist destination in Tamil Nadu, India, to catch and kill all stray dogs within a one kilometer radius. The dogs were clubbed to death or hanged with nylon ropes before being buried in a mass grave.
1087. Applaud Volunteers and Unnamed Hunter for Rescuing Trapped Dog
1088. Argentina: AVA: apaleada con un palo de madera, la dejaron pudrirse durante DOS AÑOS!!! JUSTICIA!!! /
AVA: Sie wurde mit einem Holzstock verprügelt und ließ sie zwei Jahre lang ohne jede Hilfe !!! GERECHTIGKEIT !!! /
AVA: She was beaten with a wooden post and let her without any help for two years !!! JUSTICE !!!
Gerechtigkeit für einen Polizei-Hund, der in ein Auto gesperrt wurde und an Hitzschlag starb. /
Justice for the Police Dog who was locked in a car and died by heatstroke.
1090. Brazil: Esses monstros devem custear todo o tratamento para recuperação desse cãozinho e ainda detenção para que os mesmos não fiquem soltos em meio a sociedade cometendo atrocidades. /
Diese Monster müssen für jede Behandlung bezahlen, von der sich dieser Hund zu erholen versucht und sogar Haft, damit sie nicht in die mitten unserer Gesellschaft freigelassen werden und weitere Gräueltaten begehen!!
... dieser arme Hund wurde so schwer geschlagen, dass ihm der Kiefer gebrochen wurde und das nur, weil er ein Stück Fleisch vom Barbecue Grill klaute :-( /
These monsters have to pay for any treatment of this dog who is trying to recover and even prison, so they are not released in the middle of our society and commit other atrocities !!
... This poor dog was so severely beaten that his jaw was broken and that only because he stole a piece of meat from the barbecue :-(
1091. Fight for Prince
1092. The Rape of this helpless dog shocks the collective conscience! Arrest needs to be made! We are seeking legal justice for Beatrice the, 1.5 year old pitbull mix brutally raped by a citizen in Vance County, North Carolina.
…bring justice for Bella and her owners!!! :-( Care about what is important - the instigating dog and family :-( My goodness, even a Yorkshire Terrier would try to protect his beloved family!!!
1094. Justice for Czar! Help Save His Life from Wrongfully Being Deemed Dangerous!!
1095. Save these Dogs - Minimal Care Laws for Care of Dogs Needs to be changed in North Carolina - This is in Ashe County - Lansing, NC and the owner of these dogs has been cited but does what is considered "minimal care" in the state of NC to get by. The dogs are living with minimal shelter and one is chained 24/7.
…JUSTICE FOR FOSTER- She was convicted in October 2015 of neglecting and starving dogs to death, receiving just a light sentence. She has a prior history having admitted in a letter written in 1999 to another breeder that dogs in her care died or disappeared :-(
1097. Punish Campus Dog Murderers
1098. Punish Man Who Allegedly Zip-Tied Dog’s Mouth Shut
1099. JUSTICE for Pacquiao Dog from Lasang, Davao City Philippines
2000. Bring Justice to Mia! Mia was shot in cold blood in her own yard by Mr. Raymond! (Jasper County, Indiana) ! Her death was not only unnecessary but it also left her 6, 2 week old puppies to be mother less and are now having to be bottle fed
…RIP Mia :-(
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Quelle / Source: www.soidog.org/
Niemand erkennt
die ganz besondere Genialität deines Gesprächs,
wie ein Hund.

Quelle / Source: www.adoptabullrescue.com
Adoptiere einen Bully!!!
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!