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Polizeilicher Missbrauch an Hunden & Erschiessungen

Police Abuse & Shootings on Dogs 6

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -


- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

6 >

351. Bring Brodie, the K9, Home - fighting for Brodie's right to retire !!!!


352. Save Butch the dog - Butch is a 9yr old Staffordshire Bull Terrier - he was seized by Merseyside Police after he was discovered locked in a flat with his deceased owner, Butch had been there without food or water for a number of days.


353. Stop Putting Down Healthy War Hero Dogs Just Because They're "Old"


- Neu / New 17.2.2017 -


354. Punish State Trooper Accused of Trying to Shoot Friendly Dog - A West Virginia state trooper reportedly attempted to shoot a dog in the head before the dog’s owner intervened and was then tackled to the ground.


355. Get Tyson home


356. Change a federal ruling  

... which states a Police Officer can shoot a Dog for so much as Barking or Moving when a house is being raided!


357. Change a law that cops can shoot and kill your dog if it barks at them in your house!

...and now gun happy cops will be shooting people's pets for no reason!


358. Colombia: Modifiquen el nuevo código de Policía /

Ändern Sie das neue Gesetz der Polizei - Der Polizei-Gesetz-Artikel besagt, "Eigentümer oder Halter von Hunden, die als gefährlich eingestuft werden, sollten die Verantwortung für die Schäden und für die Unannehmlichkeiten übernehmen.  Diese Eigentümer oder Halter sind verpflichtet, eine nicht-vertragliche Haftpflicht-Politik für nicht weniger als 34'500.000 zu erwerben, um diejenigen, die mit ihren Haustier betroffen sind, zu kompensieren." Deswegen hat sich die Anzahl der ausgesetzten Hunde dieser Rassen verdoppelt. Die Grausamkeit von heute, ein Pitbull-Hund wurde in Cumaral Meta eingeäschert. Sie müssen den neuen Polizeikode ändern! /

Modify the new Police code - The Police Code article states, 'Owners or Holders of Dogs considered as Dangerous should assume responsibility for the damages and for the inconvenience caused. For this Owners or Holders are required to acquire a Noncontractual civil liability policy not less than 34'500,000 to compensate those who are affected by their pets'. That's why the Abandonment of this type of dog has doubled. Cruelty today, a Pit Bull Dog was cremated today in Cumaral Meta. You MUST modify the new Police Code!


359. Demand Immediate Halt to Legalized Murder of Family Dogs by Police in Battle Creek Michigan


- Neu / New 19.4.2017 -


360. Police dogs aren't property! Write to your MP about Finn's Law - Urge your MP to get behind greater protection for police dogs and other emergency service animals!! (IFAW)


361. New Zealand: Justice for Innocent Trainee Bomb Dog Allegedly Shot and Killed - A 10-month-old bomb detector puppy, named Grizz, was reportedly shot to death by police while training to be an Aviation Security Explosion Detector. The poor dog was killed an hour after the airport had posted to Twitter that they captured him. As the Ambassador of SAFE for Animals, Hans Kriek, asked, “why wasn’t a tranquilizer used instead?” 

  ...:-( RIP Grizz :-(


362. New Zealand: Justice For Grizz


- Neu / New 17.5.2017 -



Für die Rechte der Tiere, meine Hündin starb nachdem sie in Polizeigewahrsam war - Gerechtigkeit für die Hündin, die von einem Auto angefahren und getötet wurde, nachdem die Marbella-Polizei sie auf dem Grundstück in Gewahrsam nahm und vernachlässigte, sie gut festzuhalten. /

For the rights of animals, my female dog died after she was in police custody - Justice for the Dog that was hit and killed by a car after the Marbella Police made an arrest on the property and neglected to detain it.


364. Justice for Dog Thrown in Trash Bag and Left to Die by Police Officer - Prosecute Officer Michael Long, an officer of the Philadelphia Police Department to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Starving his Dog 'Cranberry', wrapping him up in a sheet, throwing hin into a Dumpster to die.


365. Spain: Que la policía investigue los innumerables robos de perros que se están produciendo. /

Lassen Sie die Polizei die unzähligen Hunde Diebstähle, die stattfinden, untersuchen - Finden und bestrafen Sie den Täter, der in Myriad Familienhunde klaut und sie für geheime Hundekämpfe oder als Köderhunde benutzt! /

Let the police investigate the myriad dog thefts that are being produced - Find and punish the perpetrator who steals family dogs in Myriad and uses them for clandestine Dogfighting or as bait dogs!


366. UK: #Justice4Blaze - Blaze is another victim of the BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) in the UK. His only crime is being born a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Tell the Blackpool Police to send Blaze back to his loving family NOW!


367. UK: Save Zeus the Dog! 

  ... Zeus was scared and very protective of his family when he lashed out. Please spare his life and send him back to his loving family!


368. Justice for Kerrie Lenkerd - We are petitioning the Centerton Police Department/County Prosecutor to drop the case against Kerrie Lenkerd. She had previously called to report the 14 year old for sexual assault/Bestiality as well as trespassing. She was told there was not enough proof of the incident.


369. Demand Justice for Dog Found Dead in Police Cruiser - Prosecute the Sebastian Police Officer who left his K9 partner, named Diesel in his cruiser in 90° weather for several hours while he was in the Court House, resulting in the Death of the Dog. Ban him from Owning or working with a another Dog for life! RIP Diesel!

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, police, police abuse, dog shooting, shot to death, pet, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


Gerechtigkeit für Hulk

Am 10. Oktober 2015 wurde der elf Monate alte Hulk

von der Macquarie Polizei NSW Australien

ungerechtfertigter weise erschossen.

Wir fordern eine vollständige Untersuchung seines Todes
...Ruhe in Frieden Hulk :-(


Herr Polizist...

Schauen Sie,

was Sie unserem Familienhund angetan haben ....
JETZT ... schauen Sie, was Sie mit unseren Kindern tun!




...Ruhe in Frieden Moses :-(

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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