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251. EX-Soldier CHRIS SMITH lines up his trophy kills ( dogs) and brags about it on facebook


252. Justice for Trigger - Pitbull was fatally shoot and killed twice in the back with a 12 gage buck shoot in his back “My family would like to see justice for trigger and know why the police did write down my side of the story, recorded my police call?”

...RIP Trogger :-(


- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -




254. Punish Officer Suspected of Abusing Canine - A team of officers were knocking on a door looking for a suspect, when one of the officers allegedly yanked the leash attached to the dog’s neck, whipped him with it and then kicked the dog down. The video has since chalked up 18,000 views on YouTube. The canine has been identified as a three year old Belgian Malinois, however the officer remains unidentified. The only information released is that the officer has been working for ten years, and has been a canine handler for five years.


- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -


255. Hold Officer Accountable for Killing Family Pet, Sylas

…RIP :-(


256. Charge Corporal Josh Coleman with the death of fellow officer Mason


257. TÜRKEI: Wo sind die 300 Hunde, die in TH Usak/Türkei in den LKW geladen, in Civril von Polizisten festgestellt und für die Weiterfahrt freigelassen wurden ? /

TURKEY: Where are the 300 dogs that charged in TH Usak/Turkey in the truck, were found in Civril by police and released for the onward journey?


258. Bruno's Law. To make shooting a dog as a form of at-home euthanasia a felony in NH.


259. Hold Fresno County Deputy Accountable for Shooting Family Pet and Implement Training … RIP Face :-(




261. Justice for Wix! This is the 5th k9 officer to die due to being left in a car this summer. This should not happen ever!


- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -


262. Get Justice for Diesel - I am trying to get justice for my dog who i found murdered on my front porch yesterday by the Clayton County GA officers!

…RIP Diesel :-(


263. Support Arrest of Soldier Accused of Beating Dog - A Fort Bliss soldier living in El Paso, Texas was arrested after being caught on a neighbor’s camera allegedly beating a Pitbull.


- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -


264. Please support Nami Kim against unfair and biased charges by the South Korean Police! Nami Kim, a world-renowned activist fighting the dog meat trade, recently was violently assaulted by the brother of the dog farmer.  In an effort to defend herself from the man who is much taller and larger, she had bitten his hand. But Nami was charged from the police for injuring him, and for a violation of domicile by trespassing in Incheon, South Korea!


265. Training of Officers Nationwide for subduing a pet without lethal force.


266. Beautiful dog Nova brutally beaten to death with a shovel, throat slit – but this animal abuser walks free! This is heinous. My friend's beautiful dog Nova was beaten to death with a shovel - her throat slit, tail cut off and corpse dumped in the tip. Police attended the scene but let the killer walk away. With no punishment for this heinous crime - this man is left free to kill again.

…RIP Nova :-(


267. Justice pour Bonjo abattu par 2 policiers de Philippeville (Belgique) /

Gerechtigkeit für Banjo erschossen von zwei Polizisten in Philippeville (Belgien) /

Justice for Banjo shot by two police officers in Philippeville (Belgium)


- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -


268. Justice 4 Hulk - Hulk an innocent 11 month old pup was unlawfully shot and killed by Lake Macquarie Police, NSW on the 10th October 2015.


269. Fire Officer Doug Howell - In 2010 Lagrange Misouri Police Officer Doug Howell responded to a "dog at large" call. Showing up to the scene he discovered a 1 1/2 year old American Bulldog named Cammi. After apprehending Cammi, Officer Howell shot and killed her claiming she was "vicious" and he "feared for his life". After watching the dash cam video you can clearly see this was not the case. She was friendly, and noticeably scared, which most of us would be if some strange man came at you trying to shove a noose around your neck!!!! :-/


- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -


270. Начать уголовное преследование лиц за самоуправное умерщвление животных /

Starten Sie eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung der der Mitglieder der Bürgerwehr wegen der Tötungen von streunenden Tieren!! /

Launch a criminal proceedings against of all vigilantes members because of the killing of stray animals !!


- Neu / New 23.10.2015 -


271. Stop dog shootings; Train officers to respond to dogs appropriately


272. Stop Shooting Dogs #JusticeForDutchess

…RIP Dutchess :-(


273. Justice for Merrick. Family Dog run over by Ontario Provincial Police and then shot

…RIP Merrick. :-(


274. Collingwood OPP: Charge Officer Who Ran Over Dog 3 Times with Cruelty to Animals

...Please sign once more for Merrick !!


- Neu / New 30.10.2015 -


275. DEMAND cruelty charges laid against this Collingwood OPP officer witnessed running over a coyote THREE times, before shooting to kill!

… RIP Merrick :-(


276. Fire Officer Accused of Shooting Family Dog in the Head - Duchess curiously walked outside and up to the officer, and in an immediate response of fear, the officer reportedly pulled out his gun and shot the dog three times, right in the head. The dog seized up and fell to the floor, dying immediately. The dog had no ill intent; she was not growling, barking, or approaching to bite. The officer ended the life of this innocent, two-year-old dog simply out of fear

...RIP Duchess :-(


277. Charge and Suspend the Collingwood Officer who brutally killed an innocent dog

… Justice for Merrick!!!


278. Police Commissioner: Officer should be made a Desk Jockey

… Justice for Merrick!!!


279.   21 year old deaf and blind dog killed by officer in Collingwood, Ontario

… Justice for Merrick!!!



…Justice for Duchess


281. Investiguen y sancionen al policía que disparó y mató a Káiser /

Ermitteln und bestrafen sie den Polizisten, der Kaiser, einen dreijährigen Pitbull, erschoss! Kaiser und seine Besitzer machten einen Spaziergang durch einen Park in Bogota dort fühlte sich ein Polizeibeamter durch die Anwesenheit von Kaiser bedroht, zielte und schoss. Seine Version der Geschichte ist, dass er sich verteidigte

…Ruhe in Frieden Kaiser :-( /

Investigate and punish the policeman who shot and killed Kaiser, a year old Pit Bull! Kaiser and his owner were walking through a park in Bogota as a police officer felt threatened by the presence of Kaiser, aimed and shot. His version of the story is that he was defending himself

…RIP Kaiser :-(


- Neu / New 7.11.2015 -


282.  For the dog that was run over three times than shot

… Justice for Merrick!!!


283. My cop neighbor shot and killed my dog. Help bring justice for my precious Goose

 …RIP Goose :-(


- Neu / New 13.11.2015

284. Soldier brags about killing dogs


285. Police run over 3 times a dog and shot him, do not allow this anymore!


286. Stop killing our pets in cold blood.


- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -


287. Qu'il soit totalement interdit de tirer sur un animal domestique quel qu'il soit!! Et quelles que soient les circonstances!! /

Dafür, dass es vollkommen verboten wird Haustiere zu erschiessen!! Egal wieseo und unter welchen Umständen auch immer!! /

For that it is totally prohibited to shoot a pet !! No matter what is and under what circumstances whatsoever !!


- Neu / New 24.11.2015 -


288. Sack W.A police officer who killed a pet dog without justification. JUSTICE FOR BIGGIE!

…RIP Biggie :-(


- Neu / New 5.12.2015 -


289. El ejército mexicanos quiere abandonar cientos de animales. /

Die mexikanische Armee will Hunderte von Tieren zurücklassen!! So passiert in der X-Militärregion in Merida, Yucatan, wo am 3. November 2015 der Divisionskommandeur und Generalstab, Sergio Garcia Aragon, den Auftrag erteilte, alle Tiere der Kompanie loszuwerden; was bedeutet, dass die mehr als 300 Haustiere, die dort mit ihren Familien leben, vertrieben werden sollen. /

The Mexican army wants to leave behind hundreds of animals !! So it happened in the X-Military Region in Merida, Yucatan, where on November 3, 2015 the division commander and the General Staff, Sergio Garcia Aragon, granted the order to get rid of all the animals of the company; which means that the more than 300 pets who live there with their families, are to be distributed.


290. Pour que l'on rende la chienne Sheila et ses bébés à son propriétaire ILIAS sdf /

Dafür, dass wir wieder den Hund Sheila und ihre Babys zu ihrem heimatlosen Besitzer Ilias zurück bringen - Ein 23-jähriger Obdachloser ist am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs, weil es nun schon 6 Tage her ist, dass Beamte des Midi-Bereichs (Südfrankreich) kamen und ihm seine Hündin, namens Sheila, und ihre Welpen weg nahmen. "Sie ist alles, was ich noch habe", erklärt der jungen Mann, der von Nachbarn als "Tierliebhaber" beschrieben wird.  /

So that we return the dog Sheila and her babies to her homeless owner Ilias  - A 23-year-old homeless man is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, because it is now six days that officers of the Midi area came take his dog, named Sheila, and her puppies.  "She's all I have left," explains the young man described by neighbors as an "animal lover"


291. Cop Who Slit Innocent Dog's Throat Walks Free

… Justice for Nala!!!! :-/ RIP little girl :-(

Read more: Officer Jeffrey Bolger Allegedly Slits Restrained Dog's Throat

Please sign and share for Nala:


292. Une médaille pour Diesel, le chien policier tué en attaquant les terrorists /

Eine Medaille für Diesel, der Polizeihund, der, durch die Attentate der Terroristen von Paris, getötet wurde

…Ruhe in Frieden Diesel :-( /

A medal for Diesel, the Police Dog who was killed by the assassination attempts of the terrorists from Paris

... Rest in peace Diesel :-(


293. Police Officer who slit a dogs throat without reason should be held accountable

…bring justice to Nala and her sad owner please!!! :-(



Dagegen, dass Hunde in Angriff gehen müssen - Der Einsatz von Hunden als Kanonenfutter oder Köder ist beschämend!! Diesel, ein Polizei-Hund aus Paris, war dem Untergang geweiht als er gezwungen wurde diese Wohnung zu betreten; eine Kamera oder ein Dummy wäre ausreichend! /

Against dogs have to go in assault - The use of dogs as cannon fodder or bait is absolutely shameful!! Diesel, a police dog from Paris was doomed when he was forced to enter the apartment; a camera or a dummy would be sufficient!


- Neu / New 4.1.2016 -


295. Demand RELIABLE evidence for police shootings! Support the adoption of body-worn cameras in response to the growing number of tragic and fatal police shootings in the U.S


296. Schluss mit Erschießungen von Hunden oder sonstigen Tiere durch die Polizei

…Gerechtigkeit für den süßen Rottweiler Pantscho :-( Ruhe in Frieden  /

An end to shootings of dogs or other animals by the police

…Justice for sweet Rottweiler Pantscho:-( RIP


297. Monsieur le procureur de la république de Béthune: Prison ferme pour le meurtre de Titan "Chien staff"

… Repos dans la paix Titan :-(  /  

Herr Staatsanwalt Bethune: Gefängnis für den Mord an dem "Am Staffordshire Terrier Hund." Titan, geboren im Jahr 2008 

…Ruhe in Frieden Titan :-( /

Mr. Prosecutor Bethune: Prison for the murder of the "Am. Staffordshire Terrier Dog" Titan, born in 2008

...RIP Titan :-(


298. Basta ya de utilizar animales en métodos de adiestramiento en fuerzas armadas! /

Genug mit den Ausbildungsmethoden unter Verwendung von Tieren bei den militärischen Streitkräften!! /

Enough with the training methods using animals at military forces !!


299. Investiguen al policía que mató a tiros a un pitbull /

Ermittlungen Gegen den Polizeibeamten aus Aguadilla, der einen Pitbull erschoss /

Investigate the Aguadilla police officer who shot and killed a Pitbull


300. Stop Use of Animals in Combat Trauma Training

Seite / Page 1 > 2 > 3 > 4

- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs,police, police abuse, dog shooting, shot to death, pet,

 Quelle/ Source: Facebook


Detective Brendan Kiefer hat mindestens

14 Hunde seit 2011 ermordet,

darunter Coco.

!! Buffalo ertrinkt in Pitbull Blut !!

"Ich wachte früh auf,

um die Massen zu schlagen"

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs,police, police abuse, dog shooting, shot to death, pet,

 Quelle/ Source:

Polizeilicher Missbrauch an Hunden & Erschiessungen

Police Abuse & Shootings on Dogs 4

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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