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doggy petitions, petition, petisyon, hunde, dogs, aso, philippines, philippinen, pilipinas, petizione, petición, pétition, ходатайство, suse freiberg,


Mein Vater hat mich gelehrt, selbstlos zu lieben

und immer zu den Menschen zu stehen, die ich liebe,

Er lehrte mich zu lieben und zu geben,

ohne eine Gegenleistung zu erwarten.

Zitat: Arefin Ashraful

Quelle/ Source: Pinterest

1. Mayors of Metro Manila, Philippines: Stop the Abuse and Neglect of Dogs and Cats at the City Pounds


2. Stop the Cruel Treatment of Boracay's Homeless Animals


3. TO MAYOR KIT NIETO: Lift the ban of Save Animals of Love and Light - Save ALL org in the Cainta Dog Pound, Philippines and give justice to Cainta Pound Dogs!


4. Stop the “Puchow de Manila Eatery” and “Fine Dining” in Los Angeles, CA from slaughtering dogs for their restaurant


5. Please identify the persons who did this cruel act to the dog and file charges of violation of the Animal Welfare Act with Cavite City government as the complainant. Local government units are expected to implement all laws and punish violators.


6. Arrest Philippines woman for tying up innocent dog and blow torching her to death


- Neu / New 12.9.2015 -


7. Enforce: Republic Act No. 8485 & Rabies Act (9482)


- Neu / New 23.9.2015 -


8. Dog left paralyzed then died after being run over with SUV on purpose in the Philippines! Demand Justice!


- Neu / New 14.10.2015 -


9. Laws to protect animals from abuse in South East Asia, especially in Malaysia, China, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam.


- Neu / New 31.10.2015 -


10. Help save the dogs trapped inside an uninhabited house! This house (Shakespeare Street, Santa Rosa, 4026 Laguna, Philippinen) was taken by the bank from the previous owners and they weren’t allowed to get their stuff inside including the dogs because apparently it was considered a "thing"

…  :-/ Watch these poor dog souls they don’t know what happen to them and why they are so alone :-( Give these poor souls to their owners – is this bank out of mind???!!! My God, imagine that... going to feed your dogs through the gate and try to explain them why you have to leave them again... :-( This makes me really sad for the owners and for the dogs!! All my prayers from Germany!!! I will spread this petition as far as I can!! :-/

Please sign and share:


- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -


11. JUSTICE for poor Presbitero Puppy and violation of R.A. 8485


12. Cárcel al violento que golpeó a un perro y le partió una botella en la cabeza  /

Harte Strafe für einen Mann, der wahrscheinlich seine angeketteten Hund in seinem Garten remordete, indem er ihn

mehrmals mit einer Flasche auf den Kopf schlug - Der arme Hund bricht sofort auf den Boden. Es bleibt bewegungslos liegen, bis seine Beine anfangen sich plötzlich bewegen. Das Video endet dort, und niemand weiß, ob der Hund überlebte oder in diesem Augenblick starb. /

Severe punishment for a man who probably murdered his chained up dog in his garden, by repeatedly hit him with a bottle on his head - The poor dog vomits immediately to the ground. It remains motionless until his legs begin to move suddenly. The video ends there, and no one knows whether the dog survived or died at that moment.


- Neu / New 29.2.2016 -


13. Philippines: Stop Dog Meat Abuse




15. Close pet shops at Tiendesitas!


16. JUSTICE for Pacquiao Dog from Lasang, Davao City Philippines


Rheumatoid Arthritis

:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy

Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...

and I, as a good human being and Animal Advocate,

have such a terrible disease :-(

(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,

that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)



- Neu / New 6.3.2017 -


17. Say NO to Animal Brutality -  "Animal Cruelty is when someone hurts an Animal or doesn't care for it responsibility, not giving a dog or cat food or water. It's against the law to be cruel to, or harm animals, even your own pets. It's also called Animal Abuse, or Neglect." ~Progressive Animal Welfare Society~ (PAWS) We say NO to Animal Brutality!


- Neu / New 27.5.2017 -


18. We want to Protect the Innocent and Defenseless Animals from Abusive People!


19. Save, Rescue and Provide Healthcare to all Dogs and Cats living on the streets


20. Innocent dogs starved to death and shot in the head in Bacolod City, Neg. Occ., Philippines - Bacolod City, Philippines, dog pound center is known as a high kill shelter for dogs killed through shooting the dog's head or by starving dogs to death.

doggy petitions, petition, petisyon, hunde, dogs, aso, philippines, philippinen, pilipinas, petizione, petición, pétition, ходатайство, suse freiberg,

Quelle / Source: www.SayNoToDogMeat.Net


Sagt NEIN zu Hundefleisch

Wir kämpfen, um den Hunde und Katzen Fleischhandel in Afrika und Asien zu stoppen


Folgt uns auf

Twitter und Fcaebook

doggy petitions, petition, petisyon, hunde, dogs, aso, philippines, philippinen, pilipinas, petizione, petición, pétition, ходатайство, suse freiberg,

This is a Call out for help comes

from a dear Care2 Friend of mine:


:-)  !!!   Fund animal shelters in the Philippines   !!!  :-)

The Philippines is no place to be a dog or cat

and we want to protect them!!

Every amount helps.

It lies within your power

to turn this dream into a reality.

Please invest in


global community,

and the welfare of animals

:-)   Please donate only $1   :-)

Quelle/ Source: Google+

Philipienen / Philippines 1

Petitionen für Hunde von den Philipienen /

Petitions for Dogs from the Philippines

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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